WCDMA RNC Commission (Rel .RAS06)XYH(诺西RNC开原版英文资料)_第1页
WCDMA RNC Commission (Rel .RAS06)XYH(诺西RNC开原版英文资料)_第2页
WCDMA RNC Commission (Rel .RAS06)XYH(诺西RNC开原版英文资料)_第3页
WCDMA RNC Commission (Rel .RAS06)XYH(诺西RNC开原版英文资料)_第4页
WCDMA RNC Commission (Rel .RAS06)XYH(诺西RNC开原版英文资料)_第5页
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1、CommissioningRefer to following table for IP information needed to make connection between PC and RNCPreconfigured IP settingsIP addressesMaskDefault gatewayOMUNEMUOMSESA24DHCP server pool(for Element Manager) Devices and tools for commissioning:Wristband, Digital Multimeter, M2.5 allen key (内六角扳手),

2、 RS232-cable (RJ45 to 9-pol female) 2 pcs, RS232 interface (9-pol male). Computer with terminal application and NED.Inspecting HardwareInspect the cablingThere are three following types of cable:Intrasubrack cablesIntracabinet cablesIntercabinet cablesIntrasubrack cables and intracabinet cables are

3、installed at the factory. However, Intercabinet cables have to be installed at site according to the Cable list in site documentationInspect the location of plug-in unitsRefer to Equipment Lists in site documentationPositionThe slots are denoted with numbers F01-F19 in order from left to right, plus

4、 number F38 for the half-height slot below slot F19, on the far right.IDC numberNameabbreviated name of the plug-in unitFUfunctional unit name and index number for the plug-in unitInspect the interchangeability versions of subracks and plug-in unitsRefer to RNC HW Revision list in site documentation

5、. The interchangeability version of a plug-in units is written in the sticker right after the C number.Inspect jumper settingsOverviewMost of the plug-in units do not require any alteration of their factory jumper settings. The plug-in units in the following table require specific jumper settings wh

6、ich may have to be modified by the customer:Plug-in unitJumper blockNoteCCPC2-AJ16If unit is used as OMU, default settings have to be modified HYPERLINK :/:43231/NED/NED?action=retrieve&library=ran_rnc_rel_06_3_0_v3_2021_01_27&identifier=dn60000806&edition=122&language=en&coverage=global&encoding=xh

7、tml_1_0&component=data&item=data&pointer=hds l hds HDSCN2Factory settings may have to be modified HYPERLINK :/:43231/NED/NED?action=retrieve&library=ran_rnc_rel_06_3_0_v3_2021_01_27&identifier=dn60000818&edition=132&language=en&coverage=global&encoding=xhtml_1_0&component=data&item=data&pointer=hds9

8、 l hds9 HDS9CN2Factory settings may have to be modified HYPERLINK :/:43231/NED/NED?action=retrieve&library=ran_rnc_rel_06_3_0_v3_2021_01_27&identifier=dn60000821&edition=122&language=en&coverage=global&encoding=xhtml_1_0&component=data&item=data&pointer=mar4313164710 l mar4313164710 HDS-ACN2Factory

9、settings may have to be modified HYPERLINK :/:43231/NED/NED?action=retrieve&library=ran_rnc_rel_06_3_0_v3_2021_01_27&identifier=dn60167337&edition=111&language=en&coverage=global&encoding=xhtml_1_0&component=data&item=data&pointer=may461310263 l may461310263 HDS-BCN2Factory settings may have to be m

10、odified HYPERLINK :/:43231/NED/NED?action=retrieve&library=ran_rnc_rel_06_3_0_v3_2021_01_27&identifier=dn60000872&edition=131&language=en&coverage=global&encoding=xhtml_1_0&component=data&item=data&pointer=mar4315174113 l mar4315174113 MDS-A, MDS-BJumpers and DIP switches Factory settings may have t

11、o be modified HYPERLINK :/:43231/NED/NED?action=retrieve&library=ran_rnc_rel_06_3_0_v3_2021_01_27&identifier=dn60000939&edition=131&language=en&coverage=global&encoding=xhtml_1_0&component=data&item=data&pointer=tbuf l tbuf TBUFW1Factory settings may have to be modifiedPresentation of the settingsTh

12、e standard and alternative jumpers of the plug-in units are presented in tables except if the plug-in unit has factory settings. The standard settings are illustrated in the jumper group location maps. For the standard jumpers, the table indicates the jumper group number, the connection required and

13、 a note about the connection. For the Alternative settings, the meaning of the connection (like the plug-in unit location), the required connection and a note about the connection are listed. Each alternative jumper group is preceded by a title describing it. In the column Jumper position, a hyphen

14、(-) is used between the pins of the jumper pair that are to be connected on the plug-in unit. The pins are symbolized by consecutive numbers. If there is only a hyphen and no numbers in the column, no connection is made. The numbers of the jumper group/s are also given for the Alternative settings.T

15、he column Description indicates the alternative selected with the jumper concerned. The alternatives are listed in the Plug-in Unit Descriptions.If the plug-in unit has a jumper group for setting interchangeability, the setting alternatives are presented in a form that differs from the presentation

16、of the other tables. In the interchangeability table, X = the connection is made, blank = the connection is not made.Selection of settingsSettings are often referred to as jumper settings, or when they can be clearly defined they are divided into two groups:Standard or default settingsAlternative se

17、ttingsThe default settings do not depend on external factors so they are always set in the same way regardless of the equipment position. The Alternative settings depend on external factors, such as the track position, the parameter to be selected, and the operating environment.Inspect the power sup

18、plyMake sure you have measured the input voltages to the Cabinet Power Distributors (CPDxx) and checked the polarities of the supply lines.Measure the input voltages to the cabinet power distribution units. The voltages must be within the range of -40 - -57VDC.Check that the polarities of the supply

19、 lines are correct.Turn on the power switches in the cabinet power distribution units.Monitoring the unit start-upConnect a service terminal to OMU and switch the power onEnter correct username and password.Activate the RCJUUS service terminal extensionZLP:J,RCJ;Monitor the states of the unitsZJI:AL

20、L;Logging into the MMI system for the first timeLog into the MMI system for the first time Set user profileThe default profile (PROFILE) does not have rights for FTP. Create new administarator ID (IAH)ZIAH:;Log outZ;Establish a new MML session with the administrative user IDCreating Telnet or connec

21、tion to print alarmsThe logical file ALARMS is predefined to VPP-99. When opening a connection with a web browser to port 11111 for the first time, the connection is opened to VPP-99. The second connection will be to VPP-98. The thirs is VPP-97. A connection made to port 11111 connects to the free V

22、PP device with the highest index within range 95 to 99.Establsih a Telnet or connection to OMU IP address, port 11111Check the state of VPP-99ZIHI:VPP;Inspecting the Hardware Management SystemThe purpose of this test is to ensure that all Hardware Management System (HMS) nodes respond and have the s

23、ame level of firmware version.HMS overviewThe Hardware Management System (HMS/HMS-A) provides a duplicated serial bus between the master node (located in OMU) and every plug-in unit in the system (See figure Physical connections of HMS/HMS-A). The HMS/HMS-A is used in supporting auto-configuration,

24、collecting fault data from plug-in units and auxiliary equipment, carrying messages in boot phase to PIUs, and setting hardware control signals like restart and state control in plug-in units.The Hardware Management System is robust, for instance, it is independent of system timing, and it is able t

25、o read hardware alarms even from a plug-in unit without power feed in order to allow power alarms and remote power on/off switching function. It forms a hierarchical network and has three hierarchical layers (Figure Logincal structure of of the Hardware Management System):Hardware Management System

26、Master nodes (HMSMs)Hardware Management System Bridge nodes (HMSBs)Hardware Management System Slave nodes (HMSSs)The Hardware Management System Master Nodes (HMSMs), one in each OMU, control the whole subsystem. The TSS3s and TBUFs in the subracks have separate Hardware Management System Bridge node

27、s (HMSBs) that serve as bridges, which connect HMSMs to the lowest level blocks in the hierarchy. Hardware management System Slave Nodes are implemented as dedicated hardware blocks in all plug-in units, these are independent from the other blocks of the plug-in unit (e.g. in terms of the power supp

28、ly). The HMS nodes consist of 8 bit (HMS) or 16 bit (HMS-A) microcontrollers and communicate using the CAN protocol.HMS addresses plug-in units according to their location in the system. The location is defined in terms of three location components:1. According to rack location in the system (e.g. r

29、ack number)2. According to subrack location in a particular rack (e.g. subrack number)3. According to PIU location in the subrack (e.g. PPA)Subrack number and rack number are defined during equipping phase of IPA2800 Platform and they are programmed to backplane serial EEPROM.HMS itself will start i

30、f following conditions are met (assuming hardware is working):Correct SW version in all nodes (Same version in all nodes.)Masternet connecting HMSM and HMSBs correctly cabled and terminated.Subnet connection between HMSB and HMS Slave Nodes OK (Implemented as backplane traces - should always be OK).

31、HMSS and HMSM PIU EEPROMs programmed.Backplane EEPROMs programmed with correct configuration data. EEPROM used by HMSB to get rack & subrack part of HMS address.The version of the HMS software version can be checked by using the HMEXTE service terminal extension. Normally, all slave nodes should use

32、 the same software version.HMS inspection procedureActivate the HMEXTE service terminal extension from service terminal main menu0000-MANZLP:2,HME;List the system configuration:0000-HMEDP;The outcome is a list of HMS nodes in the following format: :. In the example above only the first subrack is sh

33、own. HMS master nodes have the addresses 00:00:00 and 00:00:01. Addresses :3D or :3E are for bridge nodes. The rest of the addresses are for HMS slave nodes. Note:The list of HMS nodes only displays the HMS bridge nodes on the active HMS transmission line. The PPA of the HMS bridge nodes depends on

34、the transmission line: The PPA of the HMS bridge nodes on the transmission line 00 is 3D. The PPA of the HMS bridge nodes on the transmission line 01 is 3E.Compare the list of HMS nodes to plug-in units in the network element.Each plugin unit (including OMU, TSS3 and TBUF) has one slave node.Each pl

35、ug-in unit in the RNC must have a HMS slave node listed in the list of HMS nodes. The only exception is compact OMS, which does not have an HMS node at all.Ensure the compatibility of HMS nodes.Block the following alarms: 1183, 1186, 1291, 2689, 3287, and 3290.ZAFB:TOT;Ensure that all HMS slave node

36、s have the same level of firmware version.Z2CO:,;The HMN SW version shows the firmware version. The following example shows the information of the plug-in unit located in the rack 1, sub rack 1 and plug-in unit address 10.All HMS slave nodes should have the same level of firmware version. Repeat the

37、 command until you have tested every HMS node of the configuration.Disable HMS independent switchover.Z2FB; Note: Disabling HMS independent switchover takes about 20 seconds.Checked the active HMS transmission line.Z2CM; Note: If TSS3 0 & TBUF0 are WO-EX, The expected outcome is Active HMS transmiss

38、ion line = 00.Interrogate the firmware version numbers of the HMS bridge nodes.In this case, the active transmission line is 00. The PPA of the HMS bridge nodes is 3D.Z2CO:,3D;Perform a switchover of the HMS transmission line.In this case, perform a switchover to the transmission line 01.Activate th

39、e RCBUGG service terminal extension.ZLP:U,RCB;Change the TBU 1 to working state.ZUCP:TBU,1,WOEXCheck that the transmission line switchover is successful.Z2CM;When the active transmission line is 01, the expected outcomeis Active HMS transmission line = 01.Interrogate the firmware version numbers of

40、the HMS bridge nodes.In this case, the active transmission line is 01. The PPA of theHMS bridge nodes is 3E.Z2CO:,3E;Enable HMS independent switchover.Z2FC;Check that the status of HMS independent switchover is ENABLED.Z2FF;Interrogate the firmware version numbers of the HMS master nodes.CO:0,0,;Unb

41、lock the following alarms: 1183, 1186, 1291, 2689, 3287,and 3290.ZAFU:;Setting the calendar time and date for RNCPurposeThe external time source which gives a consistent time for all the network elements in the network, can be defined only after the TCP/IP connections are created. When you have defi

42、ned the external time source, in 15 minutes all the clocks in the RNC will have the same time as the external time source has. The external time source is located in the NSN NetAct time server. IPA2800-based network elements check the time and date every 15 minutes, preferably against the OMS time s

43、erver, using NTP messages.StepsDisplay date, time and time zone of the network element (DCD)ZDCD;Set the correct date and time for the network element (DCS)ZDCS:,:ST=;As a result, the internal clock located in the network element gives a time stamp, which is in a correct time, for all the functions

44、that the computer unit does.Interrogate NTP server IP address (DCI)ZDCI;Set IP address for NTP server if needed (DCM)Interrogating equipment databasePurposeIt is recommended to interrogate information on cabinets, subracks, functional units, plug-in units, and connections between plug-in units (port

45、s). The correct hardware configuration description data is displayed in the site-specific documents.StepsCheck the state and integrity of the equipment database and copy database files to diskThe equipment database must be in the normal state to ensure the inquired information is correctCheck EQDATA

46、 state (DBS)ZDBS:EQDATA,0;Save EQDATA database log to disk (DBO)ZDBO:EQDATA,0;Empty EQDATA database disk updating log (DBX)ZDBX:EQDATA,0;Prevent EQDATA updates to disk (DBP)ZDBP:EQDATA,0:DISK;Prevent EQDATA updates to memory (DBP)ZDBP:EQDATA,0:MEM;Check the integrity of EQDATA on disk (DBV)ZDBV:EQDA

47、TA,0:DISK;Resume EQDATA updates to disk (DBR)ZDBR:EQDATA,0:DISK;Resume EQDATA updates to memory (DBR)ZDBR:EQDATA,0:MEM;Dump EQDATA database files to disk (DBC)ZDBC:EQDATA,0;Check EQDATA stateZDBS:EQDATA,0;Interrogate cabinet information (WFI)ZWFI:J:,;Interrogate subrack information (WFI)ZWFI:C:,;Int

48、errogate plug-in unit information (WFI)ZWFI:P:,:,:,:,;Interrogate connection information on plug-in unit ports (WFI)ZWFI:S:,;Interrogate functional unit information (WFI)Interrogate functional units description data.ZWFI:U:,:,:,;Interrogate which plug-in units the functional unit is attached to.ZWFI

49、:P:,;ExamplesInterrogating hardware dataPurposeinterrogate the HW data that is stored in the EEPROMs of hardware components.StepsSelect one of the following three alternativesInterrogate all hardware data. (WFL)ZWFL:P;Note: This alternative is not Recommended, As it takes very long time.Interrogate

50、data from all plug-in units in a cabinet. (WFL)ZWFL: P:;Interrogate data from one subrack in a defined location. (WFL)ZWFL: S:,;ExamplesInterrogating software build informationStepsVerify that the correct software build is on the hard disk andalso loaded for every unit needed (WQO) ZWQO:CR; ZWQO:RUN

51、; ZWQO;Check the versions of the software build (WQB) ZWQB:NAME=:FORM=FAILED; The command compares the versions of the software build against the versions in the master file. The system outputs the erroneousversions. The command also calculates a check sum for each software module and compares it to

52、 the check sum in the moduleheader. Erroneous modules are output.The command does not calculate the checksum for XML (eXtensible Markup Language), TXT (text) and DTD (document type definition) files. There is no total version control, for example, for GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) files. The com

53、mand does not check the versions of files nor calculate the checksums; it only checks that the files exist.Check the version of the flash memory boot package of the unitagainst the SW package (WDI) ZWDI:UT=; If the flash memory boot packages are not compatible, you must update the boot package. ZWDR

54、:UT=,UI=; Take new boot package into use. ZUSU:,;Inspecting I/O systemStepsDisplay the physical I/O devices and check their operating states (IHI)ZIHI:| def,:| def,| def;In normal condition, the disk drives are in the WO-EX working state. Display units change their state to WO-EX after a connection

55、has been established to them. For VPP devices connected to LPD (line printer daemon: service provided by the UNIX operating system, employed in TCP/IP networks as a mechanism for using remote printers ) devices (VPP devices with index under 50), the state changes according to the state of the LPD de

56、vice. The LPD device is in the WO-EX state after the unit startup. LPD devices change their state to WO-EX when functional state of the device changes to NORMAL or FLUSH. The operating state may change only when you execute the INS command to change the functional state. VPP devices with index betwe

57、en 95 and 99 change their state to WO-EX after a connection has been established to them.Change the operating state of a hard disk to TE-EX (IHE)ZIHE:WDU,:TE;Only one hard disk can be in the TE-EX state at a time.Diagnose the hard disk (UDD)ZUDD:,:;When diagnosis is finished, change the hard disk op

58、erating state to WO-EXZIHE:WDU,:WO;Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 on the other hard diskChange the operating state of an optical disk or a USB memory stick to TE-EX (IHE) and diagnose the optical disk or USB memory stick (UDD) (optional)ZUDD:,:;I/O device type is FDU-00 for USB or optical diskDisplay a li

59、st of running and queueing tests, if needed (UDQ)ZUDQ;Display the history of the diagnostic reports, if needed (UDH)ZUDH;Inspecting messaging systemPurposeThis test is carried out to ensure that the computer units can receive and send messages and are in working order, and that the cabling is correc

60、t. The test also checks that there are nofailures in switchover.StepsPrint the working states of units (USI)ZUSI:FULL;Check that all the units of the exchange are on the print list.Open a service terminal connection RS232 or remote debugger session (ZDDS) to the active OMUZDDS:OMU,;To open a remote


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