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1、Unit 1 Women of achievement1. devote 1)devote oneself /sth. to (doing) sth. 献身于献身于;致力于;致力于He devotes himself to finishing the task.She devotes all her time to her family. 2) devoted (adj.) 深爱的,全心全意的,忠实的深爱的,全心全意的,忠实的 a devoted friend She is devoted to her family. 她深爱她的家庭。她深爱她的家庭。2.connection n.连接连接;关

2、系关系 Have connection with/toI have no connection with that matter. In connection withHe asked me many questions in connection with life in China.connect vt.连接,联系连接,联系 connect with/to/and The road connects Han Zhou and Beijing be connected withI am not connected with his company.3. behave 1) vi. 行为行为;

3、举止举止他对顾客的态度不好。他对顾客的态度不好。He _ to the customers.2) vt. & vi. 举止适当或有礼举止适当或有礼You should learn to behave.behaved badly3) vi. (指事物指事物)有某种作用有某种作用My camera has been behaving well since it was repaired.【拓展拓展】behaviour n. 举止举止; 行为行为behave oneself 守规矩守规矩behave well / badly 行为好行为好/不好不好be on ones good behavior 举

4、止规矩举止规矩根据汉语提示完成英语句子根据汉语提示完成英语句子。1) 你今天在晚会上守规矩了吗你今天在晚会上守规矩了吗?Did you _ at the party today? 2) 这孩子在校行为良好这孩子在校行为良好。The child _ at school. behave yourself behaved well 4.Move off 离开;起程;出发When we got there they had moved off.归纳拓展:归纳拓展: Move in/ into 搬进新居搬进新居 Move around / about 四处走动、四处旅行四处走动、四处旅行 Move aw

5、ay 搬走搬走 Move on (to) sth. 开始做开始做(别的事别的事);换话题换话题 Move out 迁出迁出5. worthwhile worthwhile: (adj.) 值得值得(花精力、时间、金花精力、时间、金钱做钱做) 的的a worthwhile experiment It is worthwhile to do / doing sth. worth: 值得的值得的这辆自行车值这辆自行车值50英镑英镑_.这个博物馆(非常)值得参观。这个博物馆(非常)值得参观。The museum_.The bicycle is worth 50.is (well) worth visi

6、ting(. be (well) worth + n. / doing sth. worthy: 值得的值得的be worthy to be done be worthy of + being done / n. The experiments is worthy to be done. eg. He is worthy of our praise.The experiment is well worth the time and money.The experiment is well worth doing.6.Jane spent many years observing and rec

7、ording their daily activities. (1) spend sth on sthHe spent all his savings on a new house. (2) spend sth (in) doing sthHe spent his whole life looking after the poor.7 observe vi. & vt. 观察注意到观察注意到 observe + n./pron./sb. doing/do sth/that从句从句 The scientist has observed the stars all his life.I obser

8、ved a stranger go/going into the office.I observed that several students were asleep in class. vt. 遵守遵守, 顺从顺从我们必须遵守交通规则。我们必须遵守交通规则。We must _. vt. 举行举行(仪式等仪式等), 庆祝庆祝(节日等节日等)你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗?你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗?Do you _ in yourcountry?observe the traffic rulesobserve Christmas DayWe have never observed him to do

9、 such a foolish thing.observe用作被动语态时用作被动语态时, 作主语补足作主语补足语的不定式须带语的不定式须带to。 She was observed to enter the bank.【拓展【拓展】1) 同根词同根词: observation n. 观察观察; 监视监视 observer n. 观察者观察者; 遵守者遵守者2) 常见搭配:常见搭配:observe sb do sth 注意到某人做了某事注意到某人做了某事(表示动作全过程表示动作全过程)observe sb doing sth 注意到某人正在做注意到某人正在做某事某事 (表示动作正在进行表示动作正在

10、进行)under observation 在观察中在观察中; 在监视下在监视下 8. argue vt. & vi. 讨论讨论; 辩论辩论; 争论争论 argue (vi.) +with sb. about/over sth. 同某人辩论某事同某人辩论某事 They are arguing with their classmates about the solution to the problem. 他们正在和同学争论这个问题的解决他们正在和同学争论这个问题的解决 方法方法。argue for/against 为反对为反对而辩论而辩论The workers argued for the ri

11、ght to strike.工人们为争取罢工的权力而辩论。工人们为争取罢工的权力而辩论。Some people argue against free trade.一些人为反对自由贸易辩论。一些人为反对自由贸易辩论。argue (vt.) +n./clause(从句从句)/sb. to beWe argued that we should be paid more.argue sb into / out of doing sth 说服某人做说服某人做 (不做不做)某事某事in argument about sth 为某事而争论为某事而争论9. Only after her mother came

12、 to help herfor the first few months was she allowed tobegin her project. Only +状语状语(从句从句), 放在句首时放在句首时, 主句要主句要用部分倒装用部分倒装, 即把助动词即把助动词do、does 或或did/动词动词/系动词系动词be 提到主语前面。提到主语前面。Only in this way can we learn English better.Only then did we get to know each other better. 但当但当only在句首修饰句子的主语时在句首修饰句子的主语时, 不

13、用倒装不用倒装语序。语序。Only you understand me. 只有你了解我。只有你了解我。Only Mary and Tom failed in the exam.I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ the importance of studies. A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realizeD10 the rest of: 它之后可以接不可数名词或可数它之后可以接不可数名词或可数 名词名词, 但要注意含义但

14、要注意含义, 以便决定后面动词的以便决定后面动词的 单复数形式。单复数形式。e.g. The rest of the money was given to his son.The rest of the apple was thrown away.The rest of the apples were sent to the nursing home.11 respect “尊重尊重; 尊敬尊敬”。e.g. I do not respect him because he often tells lies. 【拓展拓展】Respect 还可用作名词还可用作名词, 表示表示“尊敬尊敬; 敬重敬重”

15、。e.g. They have a great respect for his ability. 常见短语常见短语: show respect for 对对表示尊敬表示尊敬have respect for 尊敬尊敬; 重视重视give ones respects to 向向问候问候根据汉语提示根据汉语提示, 完成完成下列句子下列句子。1) All the students _ (尊敬尊敬) their history teacher.have respect for 12. lead a life 表示表示“过着过着的生活的生活” e.g. My parents are retired and now lead a quiet life. 我的父母都退休了我的父母都退休了, 现在过着安静的生活。现在过着安静的生活。lead to 导致导致lead the way 带路带路If we want to lead a peaceful life, we cannot help but object to war. 如果我们要过和平的生活如果我们要过和平的生活, 一定要一定要反对战争。反对战争。We hope to lead a happy life. 我们希望拥有幸福的生活。我们希望拥有幸福的生活。13


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