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1、 Chapter 5 MeetingsBy IVEN integral part 主要部分 approximately 大约 executive 行政管理人员 costly 代价高的 productively 有成果的 CEO 首席行政官 chief executive officer auditorium 礼堂 ease 轻松 style 时尚 protocol 规范 convenient 方便 essential 必要的 attend 出席 facility 设备 refreshment 点心、饮料 audiovisual equipment 音像设备 overhead projector

2、 投影仪 flip chart 挂图 agenda 会议议程Meetings vary 的意思是“变化”,但是vary from A to B to C 的意思不是“从A变到B再变到C”,而是指“不同”,表示在某一事物中有一系列不同的类别。 E.g These clothes vary in size from small to medium. 这些衣服有小号的,有中号的。Invitations/RSVP luncheon 午宴,正式午餐会 in time 及时 double-check 仔细检查 distribute 分散 embarrassing 令人尴尬的 confused 困惑,糊涂

3、organized 做事有条理的 cover 涉及 access the event 进入活动现场 attendee 出席者 ahead of time 提前 RSVP 请回复 respond 回答,作出回应Facilitating a Meeting imperative 必要的 procedure 程序 make for 有助于 outcome 成果 consensus 多数人的意见 vote 投票表决 prevent 防止 dominate 控制;支配 derail 出轨,偏离正轨Facilitating a Meeting facility n. 设施,设备 facilitate v.

4、 使容易,有助于,促进Facilitating a Meeting Identifying / those expected to speak / on a topic / enables everyone / to be prepared, / which / makes for a productive meeting. identify 明确,是指明确讲话人的身份,让与会者知道都有谁要在会上发言。 expected to speak.是一个过去分词短语,修饰those “那些人”,直译是“那些被期待要讲话的人”。Facilitating a MeetingIdentifying / th

5、ose expected to speak / on a topic / enables everyone / to be prepared, / which / makes for a productive meeting.which makes for.这个定语从句修饰的是前面的整个主语,其中make for 意思是“有助于,导致”,意思是说让大家事先知道会上有谁要发言、要谈什么问题,这有助于开一个有成果的会议(a productive meeting)。Facilitating a Meeting Identifying / those expected to speak / on a

6、topic / enables everyone / to be prepared, / which / makes for a productive meeting. 明确要就某个题目发言的人,可以让所有与会者有所准备,以使会议更有成效。Rewarding Punctuality on time 按时,准时 latecomer 迟到者 thereby 从而 promptly 迅速的 worthwhile 值得的 savvy 精明的 utilize 运用Rewarding Punctuality rewardn.奖赏;V.酬谢、奖赏rewarding adj. 值得的、有益的、报答的punct

7、uality n. 严守时间;正确;规矩punctuality rate 准点率hold up 耽搁、举起、阻挡Running a Meeting run 经营;运转 stress 强调;在意 compliment 称赞 participant参与者 agree on 就达成一致 stick to 坚持 stay on the topic不要跑题 on track 在轨道上 side bar 侧栏 long-winded 啰嗦的 opponent 对手,反对者 subconsciously 潜意识 estimate 估计 wage 工资 per hour 每小时 handle 处理Runnin

8、g a Meeting Using a side bar is also a way to verbally edit people who have a tendency to be long-winded and to dominnate meetings with their personal agenda items.Running a Meeting verbally edit people 字面意思是“口头上编辑(那些人)”。如果一篇文章冗长,编辑人员会把一些不必要的内容裁剪掉,那是笔头的编辑工作。这样就等于用口头的方式,把对方要说的长篇大论编辑成短篇了。Running a Mee

9、ting Using a side bar is also a way to verbally edit people who have a tendency to be long-winded and to dominnate meetings with their personal agenda items. long-winded 说话啰嗦的 使用侧栏旁注还可以控制一下那些说话啰嗦而且喜欢拿自己的一些议题独占会议时间的人。Sending a Thank-You appropriate to the occasion 适合于该场合的 semi-social event 半社交的活动 overdo 把做得过分 go overboard 过分,过火 clue 提示,线索 ensure 保证,确保 generic 通用的Sending a Thank-You Sending too many thank-you notes might label you as someone who is going overboard to please. 发太多的感谢信会让人感觉你是一个刻意要讨好对方的人。REVIEW executive ensure participant generic wage imperative productiv


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