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1、国有商业银行A分行薪酬体系优化研究 摘 要随着我国新兴股份制银行机构以及外资银行在国内各大中城市网点布局步伐的加快,国有商业银行分支机构受到全面冲击。由于国有商业银行普遍面临过重的财务负担,很难在总体薪酬水平上立即缩小与他们之间的差距,同时国有商业银行固有的体制僵化的先天缺乏,影响其市场反响和竞争能力。 市场的流失固然可惜,但是更为可怕的是大量中青年业务骨干和管理人员的流失。国有商业银行尽管在人才总量上占尽优势,但是从人才结构上看,国有商业银行高素质的中青年员工并不充裕,如不能抓紧人力资源管理制度的改革和创新,创造一个吸引人才的良好环境,阻止人才单向流出的现状,势必进一步影响国有商业银行竞争能

2、力的培育,因此,优化薪酬改革,创造一个面向市场,更富竞争能力的薪酬体系,对国有商业银行来说已是迫在眉睫。 薪酬制度是商业银行鼓励机制的重要组成局部,是人力资源管理体系的“发动机。薪酬体系合理与否决定了人力资源管理和开发的水平,同时人力资源管理的根底工作扎实与否,也在很大程度上决定了薪酬体系的发挥作用的程度。因此,优化薪酬体系是提升国有商业银行人力资源管理水平的的系统工程。必须以科学的理论为根底,结合升入细致的人力资源管理各个管理模块的系统优化,才能真正激发薪酬体系的活力与效能。 基于这个认识,本人对薪酬理论,特别是对鼓励理论进行系统的思考和总结,结合相关工作实践经验,综合运用 MBA阶段所学的

3、人力资源管理、战略管理、商业银行经营管理等学科知识,对国有商业银行 A分行商业银行薪酬管理改革进行了分析和论证,目的是为 A分行稳固薪酬管理优化成果,继续深化酬管理改革指明方向,也为与 A行类似的商业银行进行薪酬管理改革提供借鉴。但是,由于本人水平和实践经验有限,加之薪酬制度是各商业银行的核心机密,资料搜集难度很大,文中一定有很多疏忽和错误之处,恳请各位论文评审专家和辩论专家批评指正。本人将在以后的工作和学习中对这些问题作进一步的研究和探讨,以期能对我国商业银行的薪酬管理机制的完善做出自己的奉献。关键词:商业银行薪酬管理优化 1 AbstractWith the acceleration of

4、 bank nodes deployment from china emerging share system commercial banks and foreign capital banks in cities of china, the business of state-owned commercial banks has been affected comprehensively. Because of commonly having heavy financial burden, it is difficult for state-owned commercial banks t

5、o quickly reduce the salary gap between them and banks mentioned above. At the same time, suffering from low efficient mechanism formed in history, state-owned commercial banks have been affected both in marketing and competenceIt is a pity for state-owned commercial banks to lose markets in china;

6、however, losing of many young qualified professionals and managers makes the situation even worse. Although state-owned commercial banks take advantages in qualified personnel, judging from the structure of employees, it is not so adequate as it looks in the reservation of high qualified young profe

7、ssionals. If the environment of human resource system not reformed in the near future to change the professionals one-way losing situation, it will finally affect the breeding of competence in state-owned commercial banks. Therefore, it has become extremely emergent for state-owned commercial banks

8、to optimize salary reformation to create a market oriented and more competitive compensation systemCompensation system is the key part of incentive mechanism in commercial banks; it is the so called “engine of the human resource management system. Whether the compensation system is appropriate or no

9、t levels the management and development of the human resource; moreover, The basis of the management of human resource decides to what extent the system functions. Consequently, Optimizing compensation system is a systematic engineering of improving the human resource management in state-owned comme

10、rcial banks, this systematic engineering shows its viability and efficiency only when it is built on scientific theory and combined with the actually optimizing in various management modules of human resource managementBased on above understanding, I will make a systemic study and conclusion on comp

11、ensation theory, specially, on incentive mechanism theory. Associating with my relative work experience, generally applying for my knowledge from MBA course such as human resource management, strategy management, marketing management in commercial banks, I will perform an analysis and argument on th

12、e compensation system2 of a state-owned commercial bank branch A to strengthen its result of optimizing compensation management and to point a direction for its further reform, furthermore, to hold a mirror to similar state- owned commercial banks. However, Owing to the limitation of my knowledge an

13、d secret background of compensation system in commercial banks, it is tough to collect related documents, there must be mistakes and errors in the thesis, I expect that this subject will raise attention from more scholars and welcome criticism on my thesis. I will make further research on these issu

14、es during my work and study in the future; hopefully, my work can contribute to the improvement of compensation management mechanism of state owned commercial banks in chinaKEW WORDS: Commercial Banks, Compensaton Management Optimization3 目 录1. 绪论?1 1.1 研究背景 ?1 1.1.1 问题的提出?1 1.1.2 研究的目的与意义?2 1.2 研究思

15、路、方法与内容 ?3 1.2.1 研究思路?3 1.2.2 研究方法?4 1.2.3 研究内容?4 1.3 相关研究综述?5 1.4 本文创新与缺乏?7 2. 薪酬体系优化的理论根底?8 2.1 薪酬的理论根底?8 2.1.1 薪酬及其构成?8 2.1.2 薪酬管理与薪酬体系 ?9 2.1.3 薪酬的功能?9 2.1.4 影响薪酬的因素? 11 2.1.5 薪酬体系的主要模式 ? 11 2.1.6 薪酬体系优化的步骤 ?13 2.2 相关鼓励理论?13 2.2.1 内容型鼓励理论?14 2.2.2 过程型鼓励理论?16 2.2.3 行为矫正型鼓励理论 ?19 3. 国外商业银行薪酬体系的实践

16、?21 3.1 日本银业的薪酬制度?21 3.1.1 日本银行业薪酬制度的特点?21 3.1.2 日本银行业薪酬制度的内容?21 3.2 美国银行业的薪酬制度 ?22 3.2.1 美国银行业的薪酬机构?22 3.2.2 美国银行业薪酬制度的特点?23 3.2.3 美国银行业薪酬制度的根本内容?23 3.3 新加坡银行业的薪酬制度 ?23 3.3.1 新加坡银行业薪酬制度的根本特征 ?23 3.3.2 新加坡银行的灵活薪资制度?24I 3.4 西方国家商业银行福利制度?24 3.5 国外商业银行薪酬制度的主要特点?25 4. 国有商业银行 A分行薪酬体系现状分析?27 4.1 A分行介绍?27

17、4.1.1 组织结构情况?27 4.1.2 主要业务介绍?27 4.1.3 科技开展情况?28 4.1.3 经营情况?28 4.2 A分行薪酬体系现状 ?28 4.2.1 A分行薪酬体系沿革 ?28 4.2.2 A分行薪酬体系现状 ?29 4.3 国有商业银行 A分行薪酬体系存在的主要问题?30 5. 国有商业银行 A分行薪酬体系的优化?33 5.1 薪酬体系优化的原那么?33 5.2 薪酬体系优化的总体思路 ?34 5.3 薪酬体系优化的根底工作 ?35 5.3.1 薪酬诊断?35 5.3.2 建立岗位职级体系?36 5.3.3 人岗匹配?41 5.4 薪酬体系优化的具体方案 ?42 5.4

18、.1 薪酬定位?42 5.4.2 确定薪酬制度?43 5.4.3 分类确定工资结构?45 5.4.4 优化岗位工资制度?46 5.4.5 优化绩效考核?48 5.4.6 优化福利保障?49 5.4.7 完善中长期鼓励?50 5.5 薪酬体系的配套措施的优化?51 5.5.1 优化工资总额配置?51 5.5.2 薪酬集中发放?52 5.5.3 本部费用控制?52 结论与展望?53 参考文献?54 致 谢?56II Contents1. Abstract?1 1.1 Research Background?1 1.1.1 Posing of a problem?1 1.1.2 Purpose an

19、d significance of the study ?2 1.2 Research methodology, methods and content?3 1.2.1 Research methodology?3 1.2.2 Research methods?4 1.2.3 Research content?4 1.3 Related Research?5 1.4 Innovation and deficiency of the essay ?7 2. Theory foundation of the compensation systems optimization?8 2.1 Theor

20、y foundation of compensation ?8 2.1.1 Compensation and its components?8 2.1.2 Compensation Management and Compensation System?9 2.1.3 Functions of Compensation ?9 2.1.4 Facts affecting compensation? 11 2.1.5 Main modes of compensation system? 11 2.1.6 Procedure of compensation systems optimization ?

21、13 2.2 Related motivation theory ?13 2.2.1 Content-based motivation theory?14 2.2.2 Process-oriented motivation theory?16 2.2.3 Behavior modification-based motivation theory?19 3. Practice of compensation system in oversea Commercial banks ? 21 3.1 Compensation system of banking in Japan?21 3.1.1 Fe

22、atures of compensation system of banking in Japan?21 3.1.2 Content of compensation system of banking in Japan ?21 3.2 Compensation system of banking in US ?22 3.2.1 Compensation organization of banking in US ?22 3.2.2 Features of compensation system of banking in US ?23 3.2.3 Content of compensation

23、 system of banking in US ?23 3.3 Compensation system of banking in Singapore?23 3.3.1 Features of compensation system of banking in Singapore?23 3.3.2 Flexible salary system in Singapore?24III 3.4 Welfare system of Western state-owned Commercial Banks ?24 3.5 Features of compensation system in weste

24、rn countries?25 4. Analysis of current situation in one branch from state-ownedcommercial bank A? 27 4.1 Introduction of Branch A?27 4.1.1 Situation of organization structure ?27 4.1.2 Introduction of main business?27 4.1.3 Situation of Technology development?28 4.1.3 Business situation?28 4.2 Curre

25、nt situation of Branch As compensation system?28 4.2.1 History of Branch As compensation system ?28 4.2.2 Current situation of Branch As compensation system?29 4.3 Existing main problems of Branch As compensation system?30 5. Optimization of compensation system in Branch A? 33 5.1 Optimization princ

26、iple of compensation system?33 5.2 General optimization methodology of compensation system?34 5.3 Foundational work of compensation system optimization ?35 5.3.1 Diagnosis of salary?35 5.3.2 Constructing rank system?36 5.3.3 Person-job fit management ?41 5.4 Specifics of compensation system optimization?42 5.4.1 Salary Position ?42 5.4.2 Determination of compensation system optimization?43 5.4.


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