1、FARO Arm vs CIMCORE & Romer ArmFAROScanArm SystemCIMICORE/ROMERScanArm SystemSystem FARO Arm, FARO Laser Line Probe, and FARO CAM2 Measure software are FARO products, to enjoy the total technology. A built iner supply allows the Arms to be set up without an externaler source and therefore increa
2、ses the portability of the Arm. 激光扫描头与测量臂及测量软件三者同为 FARO公司产品,技术完全共享,系统稳定性好,无兼容及匹配问题。 CIMCORE or ROMER Arm, use other companys laser line probe, such as PERCEPTRON. Can not enjoy the fully technology, to keep the system stability. CIMCORE、ROMER测量臂和PERCEPTRON激光扫描系统,设备为二家不同公司的产品,在产品系统上技术不能完全共享,系统稳定性不高。当
3、设备出现故障容易出现责任承担问题。Counterbala ncingernal counterbalancing for stress-free usage provides comfortable stress-free usage. Farosernal counterbalancing is FARO patented exclusive featuret Cimcore or Romer cannot use. 内置式平衡机构(这一项目已获得专利),性能稳定,用力均匀,应用自如,非常便于操作(单手即可测量及操作软件),无测量死角。 External counterbalancing,
4、2 different length Arm tubes, will cause some blind area for measurement, and heftier and un-ergonomic. 外置平衡和锁定装置,臂长短不一,导致测量盲区和死角过多,大大影响测量范围,还容易引起精度不稳,操作不够自如。Measure Range To take the 10ft Arm for 3m measure range for example. FARO 10ft Arm, equal length of the 2 tubes, can reaoren 3m measure range
5、with probe. Ergonomic design, no measure blind area. 假设3.0M范围的测量臂,装上标配测头能达到 3.0M以上,接上非接触激光扫描头将更加扩大测量范围。先进结构设计,无测量死角,100保证了测量范围。 To take the 10ft Arm for 3m measure range for example. As the 2 different lengrm tubes, ites difficult or imsible to measure near the base. The actual measure range is abou
6、t 2.7m. 假设3.0M范围的测量臂,因其前后两节臂身长短不一,导致无法测到靠近基座部位,只能测量的范围只有70%80%,即实际测量范围只达到 2.7M左右,而无法保证测量范围。TemperatureCompensation FARO exclusive temperature compensation (6 temperature sensor), to make sure the accuracy in different situation.Faros temperature compensation is FARO patented exclusive feature t Cimc
7、ore or Romer cannot use. 内置温度补偿系统(6个温度传感器),保证精度在现场条件下的稳定性。也是我公司的一个独有的专利。 No temperature compensation. Cannot check the temperature different in different situation, then cannot make sure the accuracy. 没有温度补偿,不能保证精度在各种环境下一致性,精度变化大。Probe Calibration Provide different calibration way for option. Just l
8、ike CMM, probe calibration software is combinedeasure software; customer can do calibration accordingly, to guarantee theThe different calibration way also allow customer using their needed probes, even their own made probes. 提供多种校正方式,可供用户选择。如台式三坐标,测头校正软件与测量软件合为一体,客户可随时校准测头,保证测量精度一致 性;并允许标定用户测头。还可支持
9、多种测头。 e separate probe calibration software to measure software. Not convenient when need probe calibration. Also their calibration way is a little complicated.Cannot guarantee the accuracy for customer own made probes. 测头校正软件与测量软件分离。不能随时校准测头,不能有效保证测量精度,并且校准很麻烦。用户测头不能保证精度。Market Share FARO is leadin
10、g the portable measurement Armhe world. FARO Arm has stable quality. The market share is above 80%he world; and moren 800 users and above 1,000 sets in China. 便携式三坐标测量臂的领航者,产品性能很稳定,全世界(含占有率80%以上, FARO拥有800多家用户1000多台设备。 Market share is about 15%he world. In Fuzhou City, there are 10 sets FARO Arms, b
11、ut only 1 CIMICORE Arm till now. 全世界(含中国)仅占有15%,就在福州地区一共有10套FARO的设备,而Hexagon只有1套。Accuracy FARO save the original accuracy datahe measurement, safely record the data, and will keep the measurement stability and reliability. FARO激光扫描系统的设备原始精度数据保存在设备内部,精度不会丢失,精度可靠性好。长久的精度稳定性和可靠性。 CIMICORE, ROMER Arm, P
12、ERCEPTRON scan system, save their original data in computer. Cannot protect the data once computer fails. Iiled, need to return for factory, bannot guarantee the data accuracy. Hexagon测量臂、PERCEPTRON激光扫描系统的设备精度是保存在电脑内部,一但电脑出现问题,容易出现精度丢失,需回原厂校准,精度无法保证。Calibration Can measure country standard gauge blo
13、ck to check FARO Arm accuracy. The accuracy of the FARO Arm is better overall. 通过测量量块来检验FARO的设备,精度可靠性高。 Use calibration cone bar for calibration, no country standard gauge block. This is not the calibration standard in CMM. 设备验收不测量国家量块,精度无法保证,只用锥棒验收,不符合三坐标校正标准。FARO Armhandled much betterespelly measuring pos below theheight of the base.CIMICORE ArmThe
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