



1、16. If it is not clear, through role signs of one sort or another , which role is currently theoperational one, the other party may not react in the appropriate way we may , in fact,hear quite another message if the focal person speaks to us ,for example, as a teacher and we hear her as an executive

2、.如果通过这样、 那样的角色标记, 还不清楚哪一个角色目前正在起作用, 那么另一方就 不会做出适当的反应 举个例子,如果焦点人物以教师身份通我们讲话而我们把她当作经理来听,我们实际上听到的可能是另一类信息。17 Particularly interesting are a series of collections which continue to document the evolution of ceremony and of material forms for which the Department already possesses early (if not the earli

3、est ) collection formed after the first contact with European. 特别有趣的是,一系列的收藏品继续要以实证来说明礼节仪式和物质形态的演变过程, 为此目的, 该馆原有的早期(如果还算不上是最早的话) 馆藏展品可与佐证,这些馆藏 展品形成于和欧洲人初次接触之后。18. The belief that rain and murky weather make people more unhappy is borne out by a study in Belgium, which showed that a telephone counsel

4、ing service gets more telephone calls from people with suicidal feelings when it rains. 相信阴沉的雨天会让人们更不开心的观点被比利时的一项研究证实, 这项研究显示: 一 项电话心理咨询服务在雨天接到更多的带有自杀情绪的人打来的电话。19. In 1992, the United Nations Environmental Program and the World Health Organisation concluded that all of a sample of twenty megacities

5、places likely to have more than tenmillion inhabitants in the year 2000- already exceeded the level the WHO deems healthy in at least one major pollutant.1992 年,联合国环境署和世界卫生组织得出结论:抽样调查的 20 个大城市,即在 2000 年常住人口可能超过 1000 万的城市,至少都有一种主要污染物超过了世界卫生组织认 定的健康标准。20. Since mining activities represent only a tempo

6、rary use of the land ,extensive rehabilitation measures are adopted to ensure that land capability after mining meets agreed and appropriate sta ndards which, in some cases, are superior to the Ian ds pre-mining con diti on.由于采矿只是暂时使用土地,因此,大量土地修复措施被采用以保证采矿结束后土地生 产能力达到适当的、 大众满意的标准, 这种标准在一些情况下要高于采矿前土地

7、的自身 条件。21. The Iast 30 years, however, have seen an increasing emphasis on their roIe in projecting theimage of an organization and in uniting the workforce into a homogenous unit-particuIarIy in “customer facing ”industries ,and especiaIIy in financiaI services and retaiIing. 但是,在过去的 30 年里,它们(制服)在表

8、现公司形象和团结员工两方面的作用增强 了,特别在“面向客户”的行业里,尤其是金融服务业和零售业。22. IncreasingIy, the big suppIies are becoming “managing agents “, which means they offer atotaI service to put together the whoIe compIex operation of a company s corporate cIothing package -which incIudes reIiabIe sourcing, managing the inventory ,b

9、udget controI and distribution to either centraI Iocations or to each staff member individuaIIy.大型供应商正逐渐成为 “管理型的代理机构” ,这意味着他们会把有关公司制服的整个复 杂流程打包处理,提供一整套的服务 包括提供可靠信息、管理存货、控制预算、向总部或每个职员配送服装。23. These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organized, conce

10、ptual framework, making it and the component ideas ,some of which are erroneous ,more robust but also accessible to modification. 这些错误想法并非一直孤立, 而是混合在一个复杂却有序的概念体系之中, 从而使这个 概念体系以及构成这个体系的思想 其中一部分是错误的 更加健全,同时也更加容易得到修正。24. These observati ons are gen erally con siste nt with our previous studies of pupil

11、s views aboutthe use and conservation of rainforests , in which girls were shown to be more sympathetic to animals and expressed views which seem to place an intrinsic value on non-human animal life.这些观察数据与我们以往研究的基本一致, 关于对热带雨林的使用和保护问题, 女孩显 得对动物更有同情心, 她们表达的观点显示出对非人类动物生命似乎有一种固有的重视。25. While two fifths

12、 of the students provided the information that the rainforests providedoxygen, in some cases this response also embraced the misconception that rainforest destruction would reduce atmospheric oxygen, making the atmosphere incompatible with human life on earth.尽管五分之二的学生认为热带雨林提供氧气,在某些情况下,这种回答也包含了一种错 误

13、的想法, 那就是, 对热带雨林的破坏会减少空气中的氧气, 使空气不适合地球上的人 类生活。26. In other words, they gave no indication of an appreciation of the either the range of the waysin which the rainforests are important or the complex social , economic and political factors which drive the activities which are destroying the rainforests

14、.换句话说,他们既没有显示出对热带雨林各方面的重要性的理解,也没有显示出对那些 复杂社会、经济和政治因素的理解,这些因素促使人们从事一些破坏热带雨林的活动。27. Baleen species studied at close quarters underwater specially a grey whale calf in captivity for a year , and free-ranging right whales and humpback whales studied and filmedoff Argentina and Hawaii have obviously trac

15、ked objects with vision underwater , and they can apparently see moderately well both in water and in air.在水下受到近距离研究的长须鲸尤其是一只捕获了一年的灰鲸仔以及在离阿根廷和 夏威夷海面上研究和拍摄到的自由放养的露脊鲸和座头鲸明显用水下视力跟踪过 物体,很显然,它们无论在水下还是在空中都具有一定视力。28. Although preliminary experimental evidence suggests that their in-air vision is poor, thea

16、ccuracy with which dolphins leap high to take small fish out of a trainers hand provides anecdotal evidence to the contrary.尽管初步的实验证据显示海豚的空中视力较差,但它们能跳起来准确地从训练师傅手里 取走小鱼,这为相反的结论提供了有趣的证据。29. Some of the more complicated sounds are clearly communicate, although what role they mayplay in the social life and “culture ”of cetaceans has been more the subject of wild speculation than of solid science.有些明显更复杂的声音明显具有交际性,尽管它们在鲸目动物的社会生活和“文化”中 可能会起什么作用,这与其说是一个具体的科学问题,还不如说是一个大胆的推测。30. An increasing exodus from their clinics, coupled with this and a number of other relevantsurveys carried out in Australia,


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