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1、计算机专业英语计算机专业英语主讲教师:2 2能力提高篇能力提高篇Multimedia3.Computer Programming Programming2.Office Automation1.Network & E-commerceNetwork & E-commerce4.3 3能力提高篇能力提高篇Interview SkillsInterview Skills7.Mobile Information TechnologyMobile Information Technology6.Global Software OutsourcingGlobal Software Out

2、sourcing5.Learning Scenarios 5 Learning Scenarios 5 Global Software OutsourcingWords & ExpressionsWords & ExpressionsText A: Introduction of Global Software OutsourcingText A: Introduction of Global Software OutsourcingText B: Why do companies outsourceText B: Why do companies outsource?Prac

3、ticePracticeReading MaterialReading Material5 5Words & Expressionsv outsource n.外包v delegation n.委派v delegatev.委派,授权v contractor n.承包商v consultant n.咨询师v vendorn.卖主(法律)v suppliern.供应商v service provider业务提供商v strategyn.战略v strategicadj. 战略上的v maintenancen.维护v litigationn.打官司(法律)v perspectiven.远景v

4、 specificationn.规格,规范v protocoln.协议v interfacen.接口v softwaren.软件v firmwaren.固件v hardware n.硬件6 6Words & Expressionsv subsequentlyadv.随后,后来v implicitlyadv.隐式地v explicitlyadv.显式地v cosmeticn.化妆品v externaladj.外部v internaladj.内部v aspectn.方面v theoreticallyadv.在理论上,从理论上说v localization n.本地化v internatio

5、nalizationn.国际化v commodity n.商品,货物v attractiveadj.有吸引力的v eageradj.渴望的v consumer n.消费者v domainn.领域v discipline n.训练7 7Words & Expressionsvdata processing and mining数据处理与挖掘vmarket research 市场研究vlegal research 法律研究vanalytics n. 分析学,解析学,分析论vstatistical analysis 统计分析vgeographic information system 地理信

6、息系统vsubstantialadj.实质的,基本的,大体上的vindisputableadj.无可争辩的,不容置疑的vavailabilityn.有效,有益,可利用性8 8Words & Expressionsvbehavior n.行为,举止,态度vnumerousadj.很多的,许多的vhence adv. 因此,所以vtime-sensitive时间敏感的vcyclical adj.轮转的,循环的vtime-to-market上市时机vflexible adj.灵活的,可变通的vdomain knowledge领域知识vcompetitive edge竞争优势9 9Text A

7、: Introduction of Global Software Outsourcingpara.1 Global Software Outsourcing is an area where English language is commonly used, and in reality English may be the only common language critical for communications between a foreign source company and a Chinese vendor company . This section provides

8、 you some background information about todays global software outsourcing industry. (Chinese Version)1010Text Apara.2 What is outsourcingOutsourcing refers to the delegation of certain portions of one companys operation from internal to an external entity.(Chinese Version)para.3 If the external enti

9、ties are within the same country, they are generally referred to as contractors, consultants, vendors, suppliers, or service providers . If the external entities are in a different country, this type of outsourcing activities is referred to as off-shoring.(Chinese Version)1111Text Apara.4The focus o

10、f the discussion here is on off-shoring aspect of outsourcing, for which we will use the term outsourcing throughout this chapter for convenience . Also, we will refer to the external entities collectively as vendor companies, while we will call the companies who delegate their work to outside as so

11、urce companies.(Chinese Version)1212Text Apara.5 What can be outsourced?Theoretically almost anything one company does can be outsourced (probably except the companys corporate strategies and finance, and direct relationship with strategic customers).(Chinese Version)para.6 Traditionally, most outso

12、urcing activities have been categorized into two sectors, ADM (Application Development and Maintenance) and BPO (Business Process Outsourcing). There is also a term called ITO (Information Technology Outsourcing) which is a branch of ADM.(Chinese Version)1313Text Apara.7 Application Development and

13、Maintenance (ADM) Examples of application development and maintenance outsourcing include:vNew application development vApplication or service integration vProduct localization vProduct end-of-life support vLegacy application support 1414Text AvLegacy application conversion vDatabase design and main

14、tenance vWebsite and back office web server design and maintenance vMobile communications 3G /4G research, development and design vSoftware quality assurance (Chinese Version)1515Text Apara.8 Business Process Outsourcing(BPO) Examples of business process outsourcing include:vcall-center operations a

15、s well as back-office tasks and voice servicesvcontact management services vdata services (such as data processing and mining, market research, legal research, analytics and statistical analysis ,geographic information system )1616Text Avfinancial services (such as account reconciliation, payroll pr

16、ocessing, documentation, accounting, auditing, insurance claims processing, debt collection and skip-tracing, transaction processing ,fund management, etc.)1717Text Avhealth-care services (such as insurance form processing, medical transcription, radiology interpretation, biotech research, clinical

17、trials, drug patent application management)1818Text Avcreative services(such as graphic design, animation design, advertising material creation, architectural services, video and online game development)1919Text Avother services (such as desktop publishing, document management, hardware development

18、and testing, litigation support, tax preparation, examination grading, logistics support, supply chain management, digitization and mapping, multimedia authoring, movie production support, industrial design, engineering services, human resources, network management)(Chinese Version)2020Text Apara.9T

19、ypes of software outsourcing project vTest only, which may also include the design of the test plan and the test cases.vDevelopment of a certain portion of a package, often including test.vDevelopment of a relativity complete software package ,often including test. However, the delivered software ma

20、y be needed to be integrated into a larger system being developed or maintained by the source company, though the vendor company generally shall also test the subject part before delivery.2121Text Av Development of a well defined software package which can be marketable as a finished product; thus c

21、ertain cosmetic packaging will be included. In this case, test is implicitly implied.vLocalization of an existing software product, which will subsequently be marketed in China. The scope of this type of project, generally including language translation of document and user interfaces, and use tests

22、.vImprovement on an existing software package such as adding new functions and ,features. Test generally also implicitly implied. (Chinese Version)2222Text Avpara.10 From a technical depth perspective, the development work could involve:vCoding only, based on supplied design specifications vDetailed

23、 design and coding vFunctional design, detailed design and codingvArchitectural design, functional design, detailed design and coding(Chinese Version)2323Text Avpara.11 Generally, the source company will withhold the work on requirement” design, high level specification, and architectural design. Of

24、ten, the source company also specifies the types of software /firmware /hardware platform and protocols to be employed for the outsourced project.(Chinese Version)2424Notes of Text A1. Global Software Outsourcing is an area where English language is commonly used, and in reality English may be the o

25、nly common language critical for communications between a foreign source company and a Chinese vendor company.译文:在全球化软件外包这个领域中,英语是必备的沟通语言。实际上,外国发包公司和中国接包公司之间唯一共同使用的语言便是英语。and并列连接了两个分句,从而形成一个并列句。其中第一个分句包含了一个由where引导的定语从句,该定语从句的先行词是area。2525Notes of Text A2.The focus of the discussion here is on off-s

26、horing aspect of outsourcing, for which we will use the term outsourcing throughout this chapter for convenience.译文:我们这里讨论的重点是“离岸外包”服务。为了方便起见,在本书中我们将统一使用“外包”这个术语。这是一个由which引导的定语从句,其中,off-shoring aspect of outsourcing这个短语是该定语从句的先行词。介词for放在which前面,形成的介宾短语构成了完整的分句部分。2626ExercisesExercises1. What is out

27、sourcing? What can be outsourced? 2. Which companies you know are focusing on software outsourcing?(a) (b) (c) (d) 2727ExercisesExercises3. What are localization and internationalization?4. What is the difference between contractor and off-shoring?5. Can you give some examples on the types of softwa

28、re outsourcing project?2828The Answers to Exercisesv1. Outsourcing refers to the delegation of certain portions of one companys operation from internal to an external entity.vTheoretically almost anything one company does can be outsourced.2929The Answers to Exercisesv2. 东软集团股份有限公司、电讯盈科企业方案有限公司、浙大网新

29、科技股份有限公司、上海东南融通科技有限公司、大连华信计算机技术股份有限公司、中软国际有限公司等。3030The Answers to Exercisesv3. Internationalization is the process of designing a software application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes. Localization is the process of adapting internationalized so

30、ftware for a specific region or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text.3131The Answers to ExercisesvContractor is the external entity which is in the same country as the internal entity. Off-shoring is the external entity which is in a different country with the internal

31、entity.3232The Answers to Exercisesv Test only; v Development of a certain portion of a package; v Development of a relativity complete software package; v Development of a well defined software package which can be marketable as a v finished v product; v Localization of an existing software product

32、;v Improvement on an existing software package such as adding new functions and v features. 3333中文译文中文译文v全球化软件外包简介全球化软件外包简介 在全球化软件外包这个领域中,英在全球化软件外包这个领域中,英语是必备的沟通语言。实际上,外语是必备的沟通语言。实际上,外国发包公司和中国接包公司之间唯国发包公司和中国接包公司之间唯一共同使用的语言便是英语。本节一共同使用的语言便是英语。本节提供一些有关今天全球化软件外包提供一些有关今天全球化软件外包产业的背景资料。产业的背景资料。3434中文译文中文



35、和挖掘、市场调研、法律研究、分析和统计分以及地理信息系统);v金融服务(如账户核对、工资单处理、文档处理、会计、审计、保险索赔处理、债务收集和逃债追踪服务、交易处理、资金管理等);3838中文译文中文译文v医疗服务(如保单处理、医疗病历转录、放射性诊断照片的解释、生物技术研究、临床试以及药物专利申请管理);v创意服务(如平面设计、动画设计、广告素材创意、建筑设计服务以及视频和网络游戏的开发);v其他服务(如桌面排版、文档管理、硬件开发和测试、税务筹划、考试评分、后勤支持、供应链管理、数字化和绘图、多媒体制作、电影制作支持、工业设计、工程服务、人力资源以及网络管理)。Text A3939中文译文


37、测试工作。4141从技术深度的角度来看,开发公司可能涉及:v根据发包公司提供的设计规格说明去编码;v详细设计和编码;v功能设计、详细设计和编码;v体系结构设计、功能设计、详细设计和编码。4242中文译文中文译文v通常情况下,发包公司将保留“需求设计”、“高层次规范”、“结构设计”等方面的工作。同时,发包公司可能还会指定使用某类型的软件/固件/硬件平台及协议。4343Text B: Why do companies outsourcevpara.1 para.1 The obvious answer is to save money. When a job is outsourced, in a

38、ddition to the base salary, companies do not have to pay for employees benefit such as health care and pensions, training and certain payroll taxes. The company also saves on office rent, equipment, utilities and other expense. In addition, there are other compelling reasons for outsourcing. (chines

39、e version) 4444Text Bvpara. 2para. 2 Cost SavingCost saving is a key driver for outsourcing. The difference between the wages of an IT worker in U.S. versus that in India is substantial and indisputable, even after adding all the hidden costs. The annual base salary for a programmer in U.S. with a f

40、ew years experience is about $60,000. The base salary for a similar experienced programmer in India is only about $15, 000, and that in china is only about $10, 000. Overall cost saving in outsourcing is in the range of 30 percent to 60 percent after adjusting for various hidden costs. (chinese vers

41、ion) 4545Text Bvpara. 3 para. 3 Competitive Pressure When competitors reduce operational costs via off-shoring, organizations often have no choice but to follow suit1. Failure to do so usually means loss of competitive edge and pressure on operating margins. (chinese version)4646Text Bvpara. 4 para.

42、 4 Availability of Engineers China and India together produce over 6 million college graduates per year. In contrast the United States produces just over one million. Out of this pool of young professionals, over 500,000 students in china and over 200,000 students in India graduate in engineering di

43、sciplines, compared to only about 70,000 students in the U.S. Also, the number of engineering graduates in the U.S. is trending download. (chinese version)4747Text Bvpara. 5para. 5Leverage Domain Expertise and Scale When spuickly and efficiently, lowcost vendors wecialized work needs to be performed

44、 qith flexible capacity and the required domain knowledge often can be founder offshore. As science and engineering enrollments drop in the U.S. but rise in India and China, companies are increasingly likely to find themselves in this kind of situation2. (chinese version)4848Text Bvpara. 6para. 6Com

45、modity Requirement Organizations facing a time-sensitive or cyclical need for contractors often turn to overseas vendors to meet critical time-to-market deadlines. If the work doesnt involve much specialized domain knowledge and involves mostly commodity work, it can easily be outsourced.(chinese ve

46、rsion)4949Text Bvpara. 7para. 7 Market Entry Point The recent rapid economic growth of China and India is a very attractive factor to U.S. and European companies who are now eager to do business in China and India. Yet they are not familiar with the business practices and rules, and the consumer beh

47、aviors and marketing channels in China and India. In addition, there remain numerous governments red tapes to learn. Hence, the U.S. and European companies often consider outsourcing opportunities as an entry point to China and India markets.(chinese version)5050Notes of Text B1. When competitors re

48、duce operational costs via off-shoring, organizations often have no choice but to follow suit.have no choice but意思是别无选择只得when引出时间状语从句当竞争对手通过外包而减低运营成本时,其他公司往往别无选择地只能跟着也外包。5151Notes of Text B2. As science and engineering enrollments drop in the U.S. but rise in India and China, companies are increasin

49、gly likely to find themselves in this kind of situation.as引出状语从句,句中,but起到并列连接作用,连接的是分句中的两个并列谓语,即drop和rise。 在美国在科学与工程方面的大学入学人数不断下降时,印度和中国的相应人数却在上升,美国企业越来越觉得外包是必要的措施。5252中文译文第一段中文译文第一段vText B: 为什么公司要把事务外包出去为什么公司要把事务外包出去?v答案当然是省钱。当公司把工作外包出答案当然是省钱。当公司把工作外包出去以后,除了节省基本工资外,公司也不去以后,除了节省基本工资外,公司也不需要支付雇员的医疗保险






55、以及消费者的行为习惯和销售渠道。此外,以及消费者的行为习惯和销售渠道。此外,也有很多政府机构的办事程序需要了解。也有很多政府机构的办事程序需要了解。因此,美国和欧洲公司往往考虑把外包的因此,美国和欧洲公司往往考虑把外包的机会作为进军中国和印度市场的切入点。机会作为进军中国和印度市场的切入点。5959Exercisesv1. Why can companies save money by outsourcing?v2. Can you find some reasons for the outsourcing to India and China according to the passage

56、?v3. India and China have their own good points and bad points in outsourcing from Europe and U.S. Can you find some advantages and disadvantages respectively?6060The Answers to Exercisesv1. When a job is outsourced, in addition to the base salary, companies do not have to pay for employees benefit

57、such as health care and pensions, training and certain payroll taxes. The company also saves on office rent, equipment, utilities and other expense.6161The Answers to Exercisesv2. (1) The recent rapid economic growth of China and India is a very attractive factor to U.S. and European companies who a

58、re now eager to do business in China and India. (2) China and India together produce over 6 million college graduates per year. In contrast the United States produces just over one million. (3) Cost Saving, for example, The annual base salary for a programmer in U.S. with a few years experience is a

59、bout $60,000. The base salary for a similar experienced programmer in India is only about $15, 000, and that in china is only about $10, 000.6262The Answers to Exercisesv3. OPEN.6363 Practice: Role playvDirections: Read and practice the following dialogue.vManager: Because we have fix up a contract

60、with a U.S. company, we need to make some readjustments to our team. Maybe we would build a new team with higher English skills.vEngineer: And now it seems that I think we should train our engineers.vManager: Er, it is a large budget.vEngineer: No pains no gains. English skill is prerequisite for our outsourcing projects.vManag


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