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1、universal (adj.) (Line1, Para1) 1) relating to everyone in the world or everyone in a particular group or society 普遍的普遍的, 全体的全体的 卡拉卡拉OK提供了提供了大众化的大众化的娱乐。娱乐。SARS and bird flu have once caused universal panic.非典和禽流感曾经引起过非典和禽流感曾经引起过普遍的普遍的恐慌。恐慌。 2) true or suitable in every situation 通用的;万能的通用的;万能的a univ

2、ersal instrument 万能仪万能仪a universal meter 通用电表通用电表名词形式:名词形式:universe 宇宙宇宙humor (n.) (Line 4, Para. 2) (capacity to cause or feel) amusement 幽默;诙谐幽默;诙谐请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。中央电视台节目主持人李咏中央电视台节目主持人李咏很有幽默感很有幽默感。CCTVs host Li Yong _.他正在写一本他正在写一本幽默小说幽默小说。He is writing _.a novel full of humorhas a great sense o

3、f humorhumorous (adj.) (Line 21, Para. 5) 幽默的幽默的humorless (adj.) (Line 19, Para. 3) 缺乏幽默感的缺乏幽默感的humorist (n.) (Line 65, Para. 10) 幽默幽默( (作作) )家家, , 有敏锐幽默感的人有敏锐幽默感的人请用请用 humorous, humorless 或或 humorist填空。填空。I think actor Guo Donglin is rather _.humorousWe all view his father as a _.humoristhumorless

4、sense (n.) (Line 16, Para.3) 1) good practical understanding and judgment 见识;判断力;领悟(常与见识;判断力;领悟(常与of连用)连用)他的父亲是一个他的父亲是一个责任感很强责任感很强的人。的人。在儿童时代就培养在儿童时代就培养是非感是非感是相当重要的。是相当重要的。 Cultivating the moral sense in the childhood is quite important. 2) a way in which a person can know about the physical world,

5、for example, through sight or hearing 官能;感官官能;感官 (如视觉,听觉,嗅觉,味觉及触觉)(如视觉,听觉,嗅觉,味觉及触觉)那位特工那位特工(agent)听觉敏锐听觉敏锐。As we know, dogs have a good sense of smell. 如我们所知,狗的如我们所知,狗的嗅觉很灵敏嗅觉很灵敏。sense (v.) (Line 94, Para.12) to have a feeling about something without being told directly 感觉到,觉察到,意识到感觉到,觉察到,意识到 她她发觉发觉

6、自己的建议不受欢迎。自己的建议不受欢迎。奥运冠军郭晶晶能够奥运冠军郭晶晶能够感受到感受到一些记者的问题并不友一些记者的问题并不友好。好。 Olympic champion Guo Jingjing could sense that some reporters questions were not friendly.trigger (Line 18, Para. 3) (v.) to start a chain of events; be the immediate cause of (sth. serious or violent) 触发,引发,为触发,引发,为 (某严重或暴力的事件的)直接

7、原因(某严重或暴力的事件的)直接原因请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Kashmir issue incessantly _ between India and Pakistan. 克什米尔问题不断克什米尔问题不断激起激起印巴之间的印巴之间的武装冲突武装冲突。This incident may _. 这一事件可能会这一事件可能会引起连锁反应引起连锁反应。trigger a chain reactiontriggers (off) armed conflicts (n.) lever for releasing a spring, esp. of a firearm (释放弹簧的释放弹簧的)扳

8、柄;扳柄;(枪的枪的)扳机;引爆器扳机;引爆器请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。James Bond _but failed in the end. 007试图伸手去够引爆器试图伸手去够引爆器,但没有成功。,但没有成功。_ is made from a particular material. 那把手枪的扳机那把手枪的扳机是由一种特殊材料制作的。是由一种特殊材料制作的。The trigger of that gun tried to reach his hand for the trigger focus (n.) (Line 21, Para. 3) point at which inte

9、rests, tendencies, etc., meet 兴趣,趋势等的中心;焦点兴趣,趋势等的中心;焦点请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Many scientists were trying to find _. 很多科学家都在全力寻找很多科学家都在全力寻找震源震源。Yao Mings wonderful performance in NBA enables him to become _. 姚明在姚明在NBA的精彩表现使得他成为的精彩表现使得他成为篮球迷们关篮球迷们关注的焦点注的焦点。the focus of basketball fans the focus of the atte

10、ntionearthquake(vt & vi.) concentrate 集中;使集中于焦点集中;使集中于焦点你应该你应该把精力放在工作上把精力放在工作上。台湾当局应该台湾当局应该更多地关注更多地关注如何改善与祖国大陆的如何改善与祖国大陆的关系。关系。 The Taiwan authority is supposed to focus more attention on how to improve its relationship with the Chinese mainland. mutual (adj.) (Line 25, Para. 4) 1) shared by two peo

11、ple and directed towards each other (used of feeling) 相互的相互的, 彼此的彼此的 (指感情指感情)请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。_ helped the players of the Chinese womens volleyball team achieve the victory in the final. 互相的支持和鼓励互相的支持和鼓励帮助中国女排的队员取得了决赛帮助中国女排的队员取得了决赛的胜利。的胜利。宽恕源于宽恕源于彼此的理解彼此的理解。Forgiveness is due to _.mutual understand

12、ingMutual support and inspiration 2) shared by two or more people 共同的共同的, 共有的共有的共同的努力共同的努力是成功的关键。是成功的关键。她们发现她们对蔡依林的歌她们发现她们对蔡依林的歌有着有着共同的兴趣共同的兴趣。 They found that they had a mutual interest in Jolin Tsais (Cai Yilin) songs.tempt (v.) (Line 28, Para. 4) 1) to try to persuade someone to do something whic

13、h maybe unwise or immoral 引诱引诱, 诱惑诱惑常用结构:常用结构:be tempted to do sth. 某人被诱惑(诱骗)做某事某人被诱惑(诱骗)做某事请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。That old man was _. 那个老人正在那个老人正在劝诱一些年轻人加入那个神秘的组织劝诱一些年轻人加入那个神秘的组织。tempting some teenagers to join that mysterious organizationThat boy _ become a thief. 那个男孩儿那个男孩儿受人诱骗受人诱骗而成了一名小偷。而成了一名小偷。was

14、tempted to 2) try to persuade someone to do something by making it seem attractive 吸引吸引, 引起引起的兴趣的兴趣请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。The fine weather and beautiful scenery _. 不错的天气和美丽的景色不错的天气和美丽的景色吸引着我们到户外去吸引着我们到户外去。tempted us to go outsideThe enterprises and research institutes in Western countries always_with att

15、ractive salary and working conditions. 西方国家的企业和研究机构总是用优厚的薪水和优西方国家的企业和研究机构总是用优厚的薪水和优越的工作条件越的工作条件吸引中国的年轻人才吸引中国的年轻人才。tempt Chinese young talents 名词形式:名词形式:temptation 诱惑物;有诱惑的东西诱惑物;有诱惑的东西请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。present (adj.) /preznt/(Line 36, Para. 5) 1) in a particular place at a particular time 出席的;在场的出席的;

16、在场的开幕式举行的时候你开幕式举行的时候你在场在场吗?吗?Were you present at the opening ceremony?会议有多少人会议有多少人出席出席?请掌握以下常见表达。请掌握以下常见表达。现政府现政府在目前在目前 当前的形势当前的形势现存的社会制度现存的社会制度 2) the time that is happening 现在的;现存的(做定语)现在的;现存的(做定语)v. /prizent/(1) to give something to someone, esp. at an official ceremony 赠给;献给;赠给;献给; 呈递呈递学生们给老师学生们

17、给老师献花。献花。她负责向委员会她负责向委员会提出申请提出申请。 She is responsible for presenting the application to the committee.(2) to be the cause of a problem or difficulty ( present sb with sth ) 引起问题或困难引起问题或困难Falling interests rates present the firm with a new problem. 那位关键队员的突然受伤那位关键队员的突然受伤让主教练感到非常头疼让主教练感到非常头疼。 That key p

18、layers sudden injury presented the head coach with a big headache.(n.) /preznt/ gift 礼物;赠品礼物;赠品technique (Line 43, Para. 7) (n.) (a) skill in doing something practical, artistic, or connected with sport 技巧,方法技巧,方法If you want to learn to paint, I suggest you study Raphaels techniques. She is working

19、with her new piano teacher to improve her technique.technology (n.) the branch of knowledge or activity dealing with scientific and industrial methods and their practical use in industry (科学和工业的技术)(科学和工业的技术)chemical technology化学工艺学化学工艺学 科学和技术科学和技术 载人航天技术载人航天技术 value (n.) (Line 51, Para. 7) 1) regard

20、 highly; have a high opinion of 看重看重 ;重视重视对于健康和财富,你更对于健康和财富,你更看看重重哪一个?哪一个? Which do you value most, wealth or health? (2) to calculate how much money something is worth 估估的价格;评价的价格;评价这条项链这条项链被估价为被估价为8000美元。美元。 If you want to sell your car you ought to have it valued.如果你想卖掉你的汽车,你应该找人为它如果你想卖掉你的汽车,你应该找

21、人为它估个价估个价。 valueless (adj.) without value; worthless 无价值的;无用的无价值的;无用的 valuable (adj.) of great value, worth or use 有很大价值的;贵重的;很有用的有很大价值的;贵重的;很有用的invaluable (adj.) of value too high to be measured 价值高到无法估量的;价值高到无法估量的; 无价的无价的Her words proved _ for me to complete my task successfully.invaluable valuele

22、ssvaluable 请用请用 valueless , valuable或或 invaluable填空。填空。variation (n.) (Line 87, Para. 12) a change in degree, amount, or quantity 变更变更, 变化变化, 变异变异, 变种变种我们必须密切注意速度的我们必须密切注意速度的变化变化。 澳大利亚英语实际上是英国英语的一个澳大利亚英语实际上是英国英语的一个变种变种。The Australian English is actually one of the variations of the British English.v

23、ariety (n.) difference in quantity, type, or character多样化,指一类当中的多样或多多样化,指一类当中的多样或多 种(常用结构种(常用结构a variety of=various各各 种各样的;种种种各样的;种种)We should try to give variety to our performance.在那个展览会上可以看到在那个展览会上可以看到各种各种各样的各样的钻石制品。钻石制品。A variety of diamond products can be seen at the exhibition.variable (n.) so

24、mething that can vary in quantity or size变数变数, 可变物可变物, 变量变量比赛的胜利依赖于包括天气在内的很多比赛的胜利依赖于包括天气在内的很多因素因素。 The victory of the match depends on a number of variables, such as the weather.The result of the match relies on lots of _.variablesvariety variation 请用请用 variation , variety或或 variable填空。填空。clarificat

25、ion (n.) (Line 95, Para. 12) added information to make something easier to understand 澄清;阐明澄清;阐明请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。They asked for _ of the statements of the company. 他们要求得到关于公司声明的他们要求得到关于公司声明的进一步的解释进一步的解释。further clarification That newspaper _ of the incorrect statements about the effect of that medi

26、cine on its front page. 那家报纸在其头版那家报纸在其头版澄清了澄清了对于那种药效的错误的声明。对于那种药效的错误的声明。printed clarifications clarify (v.) make something easier to understand by explaining it more fully 澄清;阐明;使澄清;阐明;使明白明白You are supposed to clarify your stand at the meeting.你必须在会上你必须在会上阐明阐明自己的立场。自己的立场。 persist (vi.) (Line 102, Pa

27、ra. 13) to continue to exist; last 继续存在继续存在雾雾还有几天才能散还有几天才能散,所以提醒司机谨慎驾驶。,所以提醒司机谨慎驾驶。 Fog will persist for several days, so drivers are warned to be careful.(2) (-in) to continue doing something with determination in spite of opposition 坚持;坚持; 执意执意请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。如果你的弟弟如果你的弟弟继续制造麻烦继续制造麻烦,公司就不得不解雇他。,

28、公司就不得不解雇他。If your brother _, the company may have to dismiss him.persists in causing troubleThe US president George. W. Bush _ to Iraq. 美国总统布什美国总统布什坚持派更多军队坚持派更多军队前往伊拉克。前往伊拉克。persisted in sending more troops persistence (n.) persisting or being persistent 坚持;固执;持续;存留坚持;固执;持续;存留His persistence was rew

29、arded when they finally agreed to resume discussions.形容词形式:形容词形式:persistentadj. persisting, continuing, occurring again and again 坚持的;固执的;持续的;一再发生的坚持的;固执的;持续的;一再发生的insist 和和persist这两个动词短语都有这两个动词短语都有“坚持坚持”的意思,它们之间的区的意思,它们之间的区别是:别是: 1)insist“坚决主张坚决主张”或或“要求要求”,指坚持自己的,指坚持自己的 观点不容拒绝或反对;(观点不容拒绝或反对;( 如果后接宾

30、语从句要用如果后接宾语从句要用 虚拟语气虚拟语气) persist 则指不顾别人的劝告、反对则指不顾别人的劝告、反对、 或或 “不不 畏困难继续做某事畏困难继续做某事”和和“继续存在继续存在”的意思。的意思。2)后边搭配的介词不同)后边搭配的介词不同 (insist on; persist in)The cold weather will _ for the rest of the week.persistinsists on insisted 请用请用 insist 或或 persist 填空。填空。persisted in It has been a labor of love.I foo

31、led you again.Some people have a better sense of humor than others just as some people have more musical talent.这出于自己的喜好。这出于自己的喜好。你又上了我的当。你又上了我的当。有些人比别人更有幽默感,就像有些人更有音乐有些人比别人更有幽默感,就像有些人更有音乐天赋一样。天赋一样。It appeals to all ages and all cultures. 它广为不同年龄和不同文化背景的人所喜爱。它广为不同年龄和不同文化背景的人所喜爱。Nearly every comedian

32、 has used the following joke in one form or another.Cross-talk can be heard anywhere from small village stages to the largest Beijing theaters, and to radio and television.几乎每一位滑稽说笑演员都以这样或那样的方式几乎每一位滑稽说笑演员都以这样或那样的方式讲过下面这个笑话。讲过下面这个笑话。无论是在乡村的舞台上,还是在北京最大的剧院里,无论是在乡村的舞台上,还是在北京最大的剧院里,或是在广播、电视上,或是在广播、电视上, 随

33、处都能听到相声。随处都能听到相声。Ding Cong is a master of word play.丁聪是位调皮话大师。丁聪是位调皮话大师。I dont think humor is to be blamed for that.我认为这不是幽默的过我认为这不是幽默的过错。错。Writing ActivitiesHow College Students Spend Their Leisure Time When we take a look at leisure activities of college students, we find the popularity of pastime

34、s varies according to personality, gender, and financial situations. Some students like to spend their leisure time pursuing their hobbies indoors. Others look for outdoor relaxation, even taking part in such adventurous activities as rock climbing or bungee jumping. Writing ActivitiesGenerally speaking, male students are fond of participating in sports, playing computer games, surfing on the Internet, and watching kung-fu movies, while female students lov


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