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1、合同和协议的翻译合同和协议的翻译l合同的主要结构l合同的语言特点l合同的翻译Team:来志鸿 叶丹 朱波合同的主要结构l约首 (Preamble)l正文 (Body)l约尾 (Witness Clause/Final Clauses)约首约首l订约日期 Date of signingl订约双方 Signing Partiesl双方合法依据 Each Partys Authorityl订约地点 Place of Signingl订约缘由 Recitals of “Whereas”clausel定义条款 Definition Clausel基本条款 Basic Contractl一般条款 Gene

2、ral Terms and Conditionsl合同有效期限 Duration of Contractl合同的终止 Termination of Contractl不可抗力 Force Majeurel合同的让与 Assignment of Contractl仲裁 Arbitrationl适用的法律 Governing Lawl诉讼管辖 Jurisdictionl通知手续 Noticel合同的修改 Amendment of Contractl其他条款 Others正文正文约尾约尾l合同的份数、使用的文字和效力lCopies of Contract, Languages Used and Th

3、eir Effectivenessl签名 Signaturel签章 Seal合同的语言特点l使用正式的、法律用语 Party A to send technicians to assist B to install the equipment 甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方在安装设备 In processing transactions, the manufactures never have title either to the materials or the finished products. 在加工贸易中,生产方对原材料和产成品都没有所有权l大量使用古英语和外来词 pacta sun

4、t servanda 条约必须被遵守原则 ipso facto 依事实本身l语言的并列 词语并列结构 under or in accordance with (合同)项下或按照(合同) signed and delivered 签署并寄出 by the government or by any government 由该政府或任何政府 成对同义词结构 Interpret construct solicit accept 練練 習習 補補 充充 hereto 英文释义英文释义: to this 用法用法:在表示上文已提及的在表示上文已提及的“本合同的本合同的本文件的本文件的”时,使用该词。时,使

5、用该词。 中文译词中文译词: 至此,在此上。至此,在此上。 the Parties hereto Appendix 4 hereto 语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。 All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the Parties hereto. 对于因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,对于因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,本合同本合同双方应友好协商解决双方应友好协商解

6、决 英文释义英文释义: by means of , by reason of this中文译词中文译词: 特此特此,因此因此,兹兹用法用法:常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语 在条款中需要强调时也可用在条款中需要强调时也可用语法:一般置于主语后语法:一般置于主语后,紧邻主语紧邻主语.We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct特此特此证明,据我们所知,上述声明内容真实,正确无误,证明,据我们所

7、知,上述声明内容真实,正确无误, 練練 習習 補補 充充lhere, there, where 等副词加上等副词加上in, on, to, by, of, after等介词或介词组合构成的复合词等介词或介词组合构成的复合词的使用尤为常见。的使用尤为常见。 hereby heretotherebytheretowherebywhereto特此,兹特此,兹本文件本文件从而从而XX中的中的凭此协议凭此协议对于那个对于那个合同翻译注意词语合同翻译注意词语lshipping advice 与 shipping instructions shipping advice 是“装运通知”,是由出口商(卖主)发

8、给进口商(买主)的。然而 shipping instructions 则是“装运须知”,是进口商(买主)发给出口商(卖主)的。另外要注意区分 vendor卖主与 vendee买主,consignor发货人与consignee收货人。 lchange A to B 与 change A into B 英译“把 A 改为 B”用“change A to B”,英译“把 A 折合成/兑换成 B”用“change A into B”,两者不可混淆。 lin 与 after 当英译“多少天之后”的时间时,往往是指“多少天之后”的确切的一天,所以必须用介词 in,而不能用 after,因为介词 after

9、 指的是“多少天之后”的不确切的任何一天。 lex 与 per 源自拉丁语的介词 ex 与 per 有各自不同的含义。英译由某轮船“运来”的货物时用 ex,由某轮船“运走”的货物用 Per,而由某轮船“承运”用 by。 labide by 与 comply with abide by 与 comply with 都有“遵守”的意思但是当主语是“人”时,英译“遵守”须用 abide by。当主语是非人称时,则用 comply with 英译“遵守”。 練練 習習 補補 充充by and between by and between 由由 for and in consideration offo

10、r and in consideration of考虑到,鉴于考虑到,鉴于for and on behalf of for and on behalf of 为了,代表为了,代表 save and exceptsave and except除了除了in full force and effect in full force and effect 生效生效 furnish and providefurnish and provide提供提供make and enter into make and enter into 达成达成 release and dischargerelease and d

11、ischarge弃权,让渡弃权,让渡fulfill or perform fulfill or perform 履行履行 procure and ensureprocure and ensure保证和确保保证和确保force and effect force and effect 效力效力 right and interestright and interest权益权益power and authority power and authority 权利权利 covenants and agreementscovenants and agreements契约契约terms and conditi

12、ons terms and conditions 条款条款 goods and chattelsgoods and chattels个人动产,有形动产个人动产,有形动产customs fees and duties customs fees and duties 关税关税 losses and damageslosses and damages丢失及损毁丢失及损毁complaints and claims complaints and claims 投诉及索赔投诉及索赔 null and voidnull and void失效,无效失效,无效sole and exclusive sole an

13、d exclusive 唯一且排他的唯一且排他的 final and conclusivefinal and conclusive最终及具决定性的最终及具决定性的transferable or assignable transferable or assignable 可转让的可转让的 用语方面用语方面l力求严谨,明白无误 The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an integral part of this Contract.下列文件应被认为、读作、解释为本合同的组成部分;l多

14、用主动语态,少用被动语态Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (适宜)甲方委托乙方为在新加坡的独家销售代理商l多用现在时,少用将来时,尽管很多条款规定的是合同签订以后的事项 Licensee may terminate this Contract 90 days after a written notice thereof is sent to Licensor upon the happening of one of the following events:当有下列事件之一发生,

15、被许可人提前90天向许可人发送书面通知后,可以终止合同:l直接表达方式用得多,间接表达方式用的较少This Article does not apply to bondholders who have not been paid in full. (用得少)本条款不适用于尚未全部偿付的债券持有者。This Article applies only to bondholders who have been paid in full. (用得多)本条款只适用于已全部偿付的债券持有者。l尽量使用一个动词,避免使用“动词+名词+介词”的同意短语Party A shall make an appoint

16、ment of its representative within 30 days after signing the Contract.甲方应于签约后30天内指派其授权代表。宜用appoint代替 make an appointment of. Party A will give consideration to Party Bs proposal of exclusive agency.甲方愿意考虑乙方独家代理的建议。宜用consider代替give consideration to.合同案例合同案例All disputes arising from the performance of

17、this Contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the Parties hereto. Should, through negotiations, no settlement be reached, the case in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing and the arbitration

18、 rules of this Commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Parties hereto. The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission. the performance of this Contract:履行本合同through amicable negotiations:友好协商th


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