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1、2014届高考英语一轮复习届高考英语一轮复习 Module1 Unit 2 I. Vocabulary1._ (adj. ) 受惊吓的;害怕的受惊吓的;害怕的 _(adj. ) 令人令人恐惧的恐惧的, 令人害怕的令人害怕的_(vt. ) 使惊吓使惊吓, 害怕害怕 frighten sb. _ /out of doing.吓得某人做吓得某人做(不做不做)2. _ (vi. ) 挨饿;饿死挨饿;饿死 (vt. )使挨饿使挨饿 _ (n. ) 饿死,饿死,饥饿饥饿 3. _ (vt. ) 容忍;允许容忍;允许_ (n. ) 容忍;允许容忍;允许_ (adj. )宽容的宽容的, 容忍的容忍的4. _(

2、n. )行为,举止行为,举止_ (vt. &vi. )表现表现5. _ (vt. )辩解,辩白;防御,保护辩解,辩白;防御,保护_/_ (n. ) 防御防御, 答辩答辩, 防务防务_ (adj. )防卫的防卫的, 防御的防御的, 辩辩护的护的frightenedfrighteningfrightenstarvestarvationtoleratetolerancetolerantbehavior (BrE behaviour)behavedefenddefence defensedefensiveinto6. _ (n. ) 解释,说明解释,说明_ (vt. &vi. )解解释

3、,说明释,说明 7. _ (n. ) 争吵,辩论;论点,论据争吵,辩论;论点,论据_ (vt. &vi. )争论,辩论;主张,说服争论,辩论;主张,说服argue with sb. _/_ sth.就某事和某人争吵就某事和某人争吵argue / 赞成赞成/反对反对8. _ (adj. ) 愤怒的,生气的愤怒的,生气的_ (adj. ) 使人使人气恼的;讨厌的气恼的;讨厌的_ (vt. ) 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰, 干干扰扰9.rude adj.粗鲁的,无礼的粗鲁的,无礼的 _ adv.粗鲁地,无粗鲁地,无礼地礼地 _ n粗鲁,无礼粗鲁,无礼annoyedannoyin

4、gwithexplanationexplainargumentargue10.fault n过错,错误过错,错误find fault 找找的缺点的缺点 aboutonforagainstannoyrudelyrudeness Main phrases.1. (声音声音)调大;出现,露面调大;出现,露面 2. 迫不及待地做某事迫不及待地做某事 3. 对对苛刻,对苛刻,对严厉严厉 4. 一团糟一团糟 5. 应该做某事应该做某事6. 既然既然 7. 想做某事想做某事8. 委托某人负责委托某人负责 9. 做出好的决定做出好的决定10.与与相处,在相处,在上进展上进展 11.省略,遗漏省略,遗漏 12.

5、不睡觉,熬夜不睡觉,熬夜 13. 混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和14. 处理,处置处理,处置turn upcant wait to do somethingbe hard on/ be strict with sb in a messbe supposed to do sthnow thatfeel like doing sthleave sb in chargemake good decisionsget along /on withleave outstay upmix updo with课本回顾课本回顾 Mom and Dad were on vacation, 1 _ t

6、heir two sons Daniel and Eric in 2 _ of the family. To the two sons surprise, their parents had arrived back from vacation a day earlier than 3_. Looking around the room which was in a 4_, Mom and Dad got very angry. Before Daniel could explain, Dad shouted at him, saying he couldnt trust him and he

7、 would punish him for his bad 5 _. Daniel couldnt 6 _ it, ran into his bedroom and slammed the door. leavingchargeexpectedmessbehaviortolerateIn their bedroom, Eric sat on his bed looking at Daniel, 7_ had his arms 8 _ and looked upset. Eric felt _was necessary to tell their parents the truth, but D

8、aniel thought it was 10 _not to give him a chance to explain so they didnt 11 _ to know the truth 12_ they had spent all the money taking the dog to the clinic. crossedunfairdeservewhothatit.Main points1be supposed to应该应该;理应;理应活学活用活学活用(1)He was supposed _ the five oclock train.他本该赶上五点钟的那班火车的他本该赶上五点钟

9、的那班火车的(但他没有但他没有)。(2)The train_ arrive at 11 30,but was an hour late.Awas about to Bwas likely toCwas supposed to Dwas certain toto have caught C2The room is in a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.(1)_,he wont have time to go shopping this morning.他有那么多文章要写,今天早上将没有时间去买东西

10、了。他有那么多文章要写,今天早上将没有时间去买东西了。(2)_,its time to buy warm clothes.冬天来了,该买暖和的衣服了。冬天来了,该买暖和的衣服了。(3)The boy went out to play _.作业做完后,小男孩出去玩了。作业做完后,小男孩出去玩了。(4) They went out of the room ,_. 灯开着,他们就走出了房间。灯开着,他们就走出了房间。(5)The man left the meeting_ .这个男人手里拿着书离开了会议。这个男人手里拿着书离开了会议。.With so many essays to writeWith

11、 winter coming onwith his homework finishedwith the lights on Summary: With +宾语宾语+adj/adv/介词短语介词短语非谓语动词非谓语动词doing(动作正在进行或主谓关系(动作正在进行或主谓关系)done(被动或完成)(被动或完成)to do (将来)将来)with a book in his hand4.charge v./n.负责负责,管理,管理在在.的掌管下,由的掌管下,由.负责负责控制,掌管;承担责任控制,掌管;承担责任免费免费为某事收取某人费用为某事收取某人费用指控某人指控某人 (1)我在这个旅馆的一个房

12、间里住了一夜,旅馆要了我我在这个旅馆的一个房间里住了一夜,旅馆要了我100美元。美元。(2)He was _ by the police _ breaking the law.=He was _ by the police _ breaking the law.(3)这家公司因为收取额外费用而受到指控。这家公司因为收取额外费用而受到指控。The company was_ _ _ the customers extra fees.in charge of in/under the charge of/in ones chargetake charge of free of charge/for

13、free charge sb money for sthcharge sb with sth/ accuse sb of sth The hotel charged me100 for a room for one night. chargedwithaccusedofchargedwithcharging5.Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel,who has his arms crossed and looks angry.归纳拓展归纳拓展have sb.do sth.叫某人做某事叫某人做某事have sb./sth.doing sth.使某人做使某

14、人做,使某物正处于,使某物正处于;与;与cant,wont连用,且连用,且主语为第一人称时,表示主语为第一人称时,表示“不容许,不许可不容许,不许可”。have sth.done(1)叫人做某事叫人做某事 (2)遭遇某种遭遇某种(不幸的不幸的)事情事情(3)表示表示“把把做完做完”,主语也可自己参加完成,主语也可自己参加完成have宾语宾语to do (have的意思是的意思是“有有”) 活学活用活学活用 (1)Youd better _.你最好把那颗坏牙拔了。你最好把那颗坏牙拔了。 (2)Good morning. Can I help you? Id like to have this p

15、ackage_,madam. A. be weighed Bto be weighed Cto weigh Dweighed (3)She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _in making the earth a better place to live. Ato have played Bto play Cto be played Dto be playinghave that bad tooth pulled outDB6. deserve vt. (earn something bec

16、ause of how you acted)值得;应得;应受值得;应得;应受deserve well/ill of sb.应该应该受到某人好的受到某人好的/坏的待遇坏的待遇值得值得 deserve sth值得做,应该做值得做,应该做 deserve to do sth值得被做,应该被做值得被做,应该被做 deserve doing /deserve to be done(1)2012北京卷北京卷阅读阅读B I felt that the punishment was not justified, and I believed I deserved a second chance.我觉得惩罚是不

17、公正的,我相信我值得再次拥有机会。我觉得惩罚是不公正的,我相信我值得再次拥有机会。(2)She _ a reward for her efforts.她积极努力,她积极努力, 应得到奖赏。应得到奖赏。deserves (3)She _ because she was the best.因为她是最优秀的,所以她理应获胜。因为她是最优秀的,所以她理应获胜。 (4)He _ to prison if he continues to do it. 如果他再继续这样做的话,应该被送去坐牢。如果他再继续这样做的话,应该被送去坐牢。 (5)You deserve a promotion after all

18、the hard work you have done. (句型转换句型转换) =You deserve _ _ _ after all the hard work you have done. =You deserve _ after all the hard work you have done. 【点津【点津】 deserve doing是用主动形式表示被动意义。有类是用主动形式表示被动意义。有类似用法的还有似用法的还有need, want, require。deserved to windeserves to be sentto be promotedpromoting书面表达(用所给

19、的词汇和短语):书面表达(用所给的词汇和短语):complain deserve tolerate show any respect for be hard on contrary to joint efforts spend time doing )现在,许多年轻人抱怨他们的父母误解他们,不相信他们所说的话现在,许多年轻人抱怨他们的父母误解他们,不相信他们所说的话, 对他们对他们要求苛刻,对此他们无法容忍。与之相反,父母亲有时在他们应该了解真相要求苛刻,对此他们无法容忍。与之相反,父母亲有时在他们应该了解真相前,就冲他们大喊大叫,不给他们解释的机会,并担心青少年不尊重他们。前,就冲他们大喊大

20、叫,不给他们解释的机会,并担心青少年不尊重他们。如何消除他们间的误解?在我看来,首先,我们应该经常花时间去沟通。在如何消除他们间的误解?在我看来,首先,我们应该经常花时间去沟通。在交换彼此意见时,父母和孩子应该平等的对待。只有通过他们的共同努力,交换彼此意见时,父母和孩子应该平等的对待。只有通过他们的共同努力,父母和孩子才能和谐相处。父母和孩子才能和谐相处。现在,许多年轻人抱怨他们的父母误解他们,不相信他们所说的话现在,许多年轻人抱怨他们的父母误解他们,不相信他们所说的话, 对他们要对他们要求苛刻,对此他们无法容忍。求苛刻,对此他们无法容忍。Nowadays, many teenagers a

21、re complaining that their parents can misunderstand them and believe what they said and that parents are hard on them, which they cant tolerate . 与之相反,父母亲有时在他们应该了解真相前,就冲他们大喊大叫,不给他们解与之相反,父母亲有时在他们应该了解真相前,就冲他们大喊大叫,不给他们解释的机会,并担心青少年不尊重他们。释的机会,并担心青少年不尊重他们。Contrary to teenagers, sometimes parents shout at

22、their children before they deserve to know the truth and dont even give them a chance to explain. Moreover, parents are worried that their children dont show any respect for them . 如何消除他们间的误解?在我看来,首先,我们应该经常花时间去沟通。在交换如何消除他们间的误解?在我看来,首先,我们应该经常花时间去沟通。在交换彼此意见时,父母和孩子应该平等的对待。只有通过他们的共同努力,父母和孩彼此意见时,父母和孩子应该平

23、等的对待。只有通过他们的共同努力,父母和孩子才能和谐相处。子才能和谐相处。How is their misunderstanding avoided? In my opinion, to begin with, we should try to spend some time communicating with each other frequently. Then parents and their children should be equal when exchanging their views. Only by their joint efforts can the parents and children live in harmony. Nowa


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