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1、Warm upWarm up: Write down these words meaning in Chinese : Write down these words meaning in Chinese Pinyin and characters on your notes.Pinyin and characters on your notes.Bell work Translate the following sentences either in Pinyin or Chinese characters I like wearing black T shirt and red pants

2、Today I am wearing red tops and brown shorts My mom does not like wearing blue skirt My dad wears white suit on Monday 6/14/2022Bell work Translate the following sentences either in Pinyin or Chinese characters I like wearing black T shirt and red pants 我喜欢穿黑色的T恤衫和红色的裤子 Today I am wearing red tops a

3、nd brown shorts 我今天穿红色的上衣和咖啡色的短裤 My mom does not like wearing blue skirt 我妈妈不喜欢穿蓝色的裙子 My dad wears white suit on Monday 我爸爸星期一穿白色的西装6/14/2022Warm upWarm up: Write down these words meaning in Chinese : Write down these words meaning in Chinese on your notes.on your notes.鞋子鞋子xizi 西装西装xzhung 上衣上衣shngy

4、 裙子裙子qnzi 裤子裤子kzi Lesson 15: 她的眼睛很大她的眼睛很大 1Im panda master. Lets practice Chinese together!eyes这是我这是我的的ynjinynjin 眼睛眼睛 nose这是我的这是我的bzibzi 鼻子鼻子 mouth这是我的这是我的zubazuba 嘴巴嘴巴ears这是这是rduorduo耳朵耳朵 head我的我的tutu 头头 我的我的lin lin 脸脸facehair这是我的这是我的tufatufa 头发头发 New words today:头头 tu head 脸脸 lin face Game: I spe

5、ak you touchGame: I speak you touch I touch you speak I touch you speakSlap the word Slap the word 拍苍蝇拍苍蝇Bell work Character practicing 头发 耳朵 鼻子 眼睛6/14/2022The function of our Facial features: yn jin, kn 眼眼 睛,睛, 看看 r duo, tn, 耳耳 朵,朵, 听听 b zi, wn 鼻鼻 子,子, 闻闻 zu ba, shu 嘴嘴 巴,巴, 说说watchinghearingsmellin

6、gtalkingTongue twisterYn jin, yn jin, kn kn kn 眼眼 睛,睛, 眼眼 睛,睛, 看看 看看 看看 r duo, r duo, tn tn tn, 耳耳 朵,朵, 耳耳 朵,朵, 听听 听听 听听 ,B zi, b zi, wn wn wn , 鼻鼻 子,鼻子,鼻 子,闻子,闻 闻闻 闻闻 ,Zu ba, zu ba, shu shu shu。 嘴嘴 巴,嘴巴,嘴 巴,说巴,说 说说 说。说。 Match Match 眼睛眼睛 耳朵耳朵脸脸 鼻子鼻子头头 嘴巴嘴巴头发头发6/14/20226/14/20226/14/20226/14/2022Word

7、s reviewSpeak the opposite When you see the Chinese, speak out the English definition. When you see the English word, speak out the Chinese. 眼睛鼻子耳朵嘴巴words2424headhairfacelistenwords2424Friday write those adjectives down on your notebook 大 d big 小 xio small 长 chng long 短 dun short Friday write those

8、adjectives down on your notebook 大 d big 小 xio small 长 chng long 短 dun short左 zu left右 yu right Test correction Use a new paper and copy the big number of the question and the instruction and smaller number of the questions too. Only correct and redo the questions that you did wrong or leave it empt

9、y. Copy the original question before you write the correct answer. If you can not finish the correction in the class, you can come at the recess or the enrichment , otherwise you will be send to home academy next Monday 6/14/2022Listening correction (copy the English and write the pinyin besides the

10、 definition)RedYellow Purple whitePlease speak Leather shoesBlack Green Blue Sweater 6/14/2022Friday Translate (write on a piece of paper and it will be graded) 我喜欢绿色的车。 我今天穿红色的上衣和咖啡色的裤子。 我妈妈不喜欢穿黄色的裙子 这是红色的嘴巴。 这是黑色的头发。 6/14/2022故事 g sh Story http:/ https:/ 左 zu left右 yu right6/14/2022Fun fact https:

11、/ https:/ 2:30-2:45 The smile of Mona Lisa 6/14/2022The fact The painter Pose Composition Background Mystery Who is the woman?6/14/2022中国四大美女 The Four Beauties or Four Great Beauties are four ancient Chinese women, renowned for their beauty. The scarcity of historical records concerning them meant t

12、hat much of what is known of them today has been greatly embellished by legend. They gained their reputation from the influence they exercised over kings and emperors and consequently, the way their actions impacted Chinese history. Three of the Four Beauties brought kingdoms to their knees and thei

13、r lives ended in tragedy.6/14/2022https:/ Translation (use as many characters as you can) Make sure you use the appropriate measure word before clothes-graded This pairs of shoes are too big This skirt is very long Her hair is too long. Her eyes are very big. 6/14/2022How to remember charactershttps

14、:/ 头头发脸耳朵眼睛嘴巴鼻子6/14/2022Chinese pattern: color+的+adjectives(大,小,长,短)+object蓝色的大眼睛黑色的长头发6/14/2022黑色的大眼睛黑色的小眼睛粉红色的大嘴巴 红色的小嘴巴黑色的大头黑色的小头黑色的长头发咖啡色的短头发黄色的大脸灰色的小脸Simons When I say Simons,。You have to follow the direction. If I do not say Simons, you dont follow directions. 坐下 zu xi Sit down 起立 q l Stand up

15、6/14/2022Monday- Bell work 很 hn very objectively, positive 太 ti too subjectively, negative很大 vs. 太大很小 vs. 太小很长 vs. 太长很短 vs. 太短6/14/2022New words today:头头 tu head 脸脸 lin face 6/14/2022Fliegen Klatschen 拍苍蝇拍苍蝇眼睛眼睛 鼻子鼻子 嘴巴嘴巴 耳朵耳朵头头脸脸头发头发很很大大小小长长短短Grammar When describing things in Chinese, you do not ne

16、ed to use the equivalent of the word “ is “, so “ her hair is long” simply is 她的头发长。(literally: her hair long)6/14/2022Sentence:他的眼睛_。 de ynjng hn d .他的眼睛_。 de ynjng hn xio .Something is very big/small or long/short她的嘴巴很大她嘴巴很小她的头很大他的头很小她的头发很长她的头发很短他的鼻子很大他的鼻子很小大大 d小小 xio 他的耳朵很大。他的耳朵很大。他的耳朵很小。Text stu

17、dy Translation: (on your notebook) you are encouraged to write as many characters as possible I have big blue eyes. My nose is very small. He has a big red mouth and short black hair. Her face is very big Translate the sentences I have big blue eyes.我有蓝色的大眼睛我有蓝色的大眼睛 My nose is very small.我的鼻子很小我的鼻子很

18、小 He has a big red mouth and short black hair.他有红色的大嘴和黑色的短头发他有红色的大嘴和黑色的短头发 Her face is very big 她的脸很大她的脸很大Friday write those adjectives down on your notebook 大 d big 小 xio small 长 chng long 短 dun short左 zu left右 yu right Tuesday- Translation (use as many characters as you can) Make sure you use the

19、appropriate measure word before clothes-graded This pairs of shoes are too big 这双鞋太大 This skirt is very long 这条裙子很长 Her hair is too long. 她的头发太长 Her eyes are very big. 她的眼睛很大6/14/2022Self Portrait 自画像 z hu xing ( color, clothes, facial features) 蓝色白色红色绿色黄色黑色粉红色咖啡色6/14/2022黄色的短头发绿色的眼睛蓝色的衬衫 http:/ Vin

20、cent van Gogh, one of the most well-known post-impressionist artists, for whom color was the chief symbol of expression, was born Holland on March 30, 1853.6/14/2022Thursday bell work - Write the pinyin for each of the characters(notebook)红色, 蓝色, 白色, 喜欢, 车, 穿, 什么, 眼睛, 耳朵, 鼻子, 嘴巴, 头发,脸, 大,小, 长, 短, 她6

21、/14/2022Listening - 10 words The teacher will say each word 3 times, write down the English meaning Blue, green , black, red, yellow, tops, shorts, skirts, T-shirt, sweater, shoes, cars, head, hairs, face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, very small, very big, too long, too short 6/14/2022二Matching 10 words

22、 Match the characters with the right definitions 白色,红色,裤子,裙子,西装,耳朵,脸,头,头发,鼻子,嘴巴,大,小,短,长, 喜欢,吃,苹果, 他,她6/14/2022Translate from Chinese to English 他喜欢黄色的车。 你妈妈今天穿什么 我今天穿红色的西装和红色的裤子。 你喜欢什么颜色? 他的鼻子很大。 他的嘴巴太小。 6/14/2022Translate from English to Chinese Her hair is very long His face is too big This pair o

23、f pants are too small I have big blue eyes. He has a big red mouth and short black hair.6/14/2022Quiz Listening - 10 words Matching 10 words Sentence translation from Chinese to English 3 sentences from English to Chinese 2 sentences Essay Writing 6/14/2022Bell work 写 汉 字 write Chinese characters xi

24、 hn z6/14/2022 pencil中文怎么说?Pencil zhngwn zn me shu?How do you say “pencil” inChinese?Bell work : Guess Who is he or she?她or他是谁?( write them down on your notebook)Use the sentence pattern “she or he has(有)(有)color+的的+adjective (大,小,长,短)大,小,长,短)+object” to describe one of your classmates. For example:

25、 她她or他有蓝色的大眼睛。他有蓝色的大眼睛。他有红色的小嘴。他有红色的小嘴。Test correction Use a new sheet of paper to do the test correction Only correct the wrong answers and make sure you write down the question number and copy the original question, so the teacher knows which question you are answering to. The highest score is 75

26、If you cannot finish the test correction by Monday, you will be sent to home academy in the Tuesday. 6/14/2022Tuesday Translate the English to 汉字My dad likes wearing blue suit and yellow pants on TuesdayMy nose is too big I have short brown hair and big green eyes. 6/14/2022Tuesday Translate from Ch

27、inese to English( Write on your notebook) 你妈妈今天穿什么你喜欢什么颜色?他的鼻子很大。 我有蓝色的大眼睛和红色的小嘴巴。 6/14/2022高高 矮矮go i 胖胖 瘦瘦png shu 高矮 胖瘦长长 短短chng dun 长长头发头发 短短头发头发Tongue Twister y d y xio , y zhng y dun , 一大一小,一大一小, 一长一短,一长一短,d d xio xio d d xio xio , chng chng dun dunchng chng dun dun大大小小,大大小小, 长长短短,长长短短, y go y i

28、 y go y i , y png y shuy png y shu一高一矮,一高一矮, 一胖一瘦,一胖一瘦,go go i i go go i i , png png shu shupng png shu shu 高高矮矮, 胖胖瘦瘦。胖胖瘦瘦。更 gng - more 谁更高?shu gng go ?Who is more tall?= who is taller?谁更胖?shu gng png ?Who is more fat? Who is fatter Simon Says 西蒙说 When I say Simons,。You have to follow the direction

29、. If I do not say Simons, you dont follow directions. 坐下 zu xi Sit down 起立 q l Stand up6/14/2022Wednesday n zuo tin xu le shn me ?你 昨 天 学 了 什么?You yesterday learned what ? what did you learn yesterday?w jn tin yo xu我 今天 要 学。 I today will learn.6/14/2022https:/ 我们学的 sentence pattern6/14/2022The Slumd

30、og millionaire https:/ https:/ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (often informally called Millionaire3) is an American television game show based on the same-titled British program and developed for the United States. The show features a quiz competition in which contestants attempt to win a top prize o

31、f U.S. $1,000,000 by answering a series of multiple-choice questions of increasing difficulty (although, for a time, most of the questions were of random difficulty).6/14/2022谁的whose 鼻子nose 更大 biggerWhose nose is bigger?Shu de b zi gng d?句型练习 B Sentences Worksheet B24241眼睛 更小1谁的眼睛更小?Whose eyes are s

32、maller? Shu de ynjng gng xioSentences Worksheet B24242嘴巴 更大2谁的嘴巴更大?Whose mouth is bigger?Shu de zub gng d3中文 更好3谁的中文更好?Whose Chinese is better?Shu de zhngwn gng ho 我的my 头发hair 很 长 very longMy hair is very long. w de tu f hn chng 句型练习 B Sentences Worksheet B24241裤子 很长我的/他的/你的裤子很长。My/His/Your pants is

33、 very long. Kzi hn zhngSentences Worksheet C24242学校 很大我的/他的/你的学校很大。My/His/Your school is very big. Xuxio hn d4眼睛 很黑我的/他的/你的眼睛很黑My/His/Your eyes are very black. Ynjng hn hi 你的your 学校school 大不大big or not你的学校大不大?Is your school big or not?N de xuxio d b d句型练习 D Sentences Worksheet D24241裙子 长我的/他的/你的裙子长不

34、长?Is my/her/your dress is long or not? Qnzi chng b chng句型练习 D Sentences Worksheet D24242中文 好 我的/他的/你的中文好不好?Is my/his/your Chinese good or not? 4头发 短我的/他的/你的头发短不短?Is my/his/your hair short or not? Tu f dun b dun Zhngwn hob ho我 有has 黑色的 black 大眼睛你有黑色的大眼睛吗?句型练习A Sentences Worksheet A24241. 我有咖啡色的长头发.Se

35、ntences Worksheet A24242. 我有红色的大嘴巴。 3. 我妈妈有黄色的短头发。 小, 白大卫, 不,的,小,笔记本白大卫的笔记本小不小?Is Davids notebook small or not?Sentences Worksheet F2424 黑, 的,更,谁,眼睛谁的眼睛更黑?Whose eyes is more black? 她,小,的,很,鼻子她的鼻子很小。Her nose is very smallSentences Worksheet F2424 的,短,你,很,裤子你的裤子很短。Your pants is very short.1 他很小嘴巴。1 他嘴

36、巴很小。His mouth is very small.Sentences Worksheet E24242很长妹妹的头发。2妹妹的头发很长。My litter sisters hair is very long.3 小文的很短裤子。3小文的裤子很短。Xiaowen pants is very short.4 这个不红苹果。4这个苹果不红。 。This apple is not red.Sentences Worksheet E24245耳朵谁的小。5谁的耳朵小? Whose ears are small?6她大的书包不大?6她的书包大不大?Is her bag pack big or not

37、?1. A大、b长、c小、d短2. A好、b白、c黑、d大3、a长、b黑、c短、d白Sentences Worksheet G Listen24244、a鼻子、b眼睛、c嘴巴、d头发5、a耳朵、b眼睛、c鼻子 d嘴巴6、a耳朵 大、b眼睛 大、c耳朵 小、d眼睛 小7、a裤子 长、b裙子 长、c裤子 短、d裙子 短8、a学校 不大、b眼睛 很黑、c薯条 好吃、d头发 很短 Bellwork 写汉字 xi hn z (writing Chinese characters ) Put the Pinyin for each 汉字 FIRST 高 矮 胖 瘦 学习 xu x (formal way

38、to say to learn or to study) 长 短6/14/2022Listening The teacher will say each word 3 times, write down the English meaning please take a look, please listen to your teacher, today, wear, Blue, green , black, red, yellow, tops, shorts, skirts, T-shirt, sweater, shoes, cars, head, hairs, face, ears, ey

39、es, nose, mouth, very small, very big, too long, too short 6/14/2022Write pinyin for each of the 汉字 hn z 大,小, 胖,瘦, 高,矮, 长,短, 眼睛, 耳朵, 鼻子, 嘴巴, 头发6/14/2022Compare with your classmates Survey Who has bigger eyes? _ 的眼睛更大。 Who has bigger mouth? _的嘴巴更大。 Who has longer hair? _的头发更长。 Who is taller? _更高。 6/1

40、4/2022Thursday Bell work - Review (write down the 汉字 on your notebook.) A piece of clothes A pair of shoes A pair of pants A pair of skirts 6/14/2022Project http:/ + Measure Word + Noun 一 张 嘴 y zhng zu 一 个 鼻子 y ge bzi 一 双 眼睛 y shung ynjng 一 只 耳朵 y zh rduo她有_大眼睛。她有一双大眼睛。T yu yshung d ynjng . 他有_大嘴巴。 他 有 一 张 大嘴巴。 t yu y zhng d zu b 。 6/14/2022 他有_ 大鼻子。 他有一个大鼻子。 t yu y g d b z 。 6/14/2022 他有_大耳朵他有一只大耳朵。t yu y zh d r du 6/14/2022Tongue twisterYn jin, yn jin, kn kn kn 眼眼 睛,睛, 眼眼 睛,睛, 看看 看看 看看 r duo, r duo, tn tn tn, 耳耳 朵,朵, 耳耳 朵,朵, 听听 听听 听听 ,B zi, b zi, wn wn wn , 鼻鼻 子,鼻子,鼻 子,闻子,闻 闻闻 闻闻 ,Zu ba, z


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