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1、10.3.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/7COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 206/2012of 6 March 2012implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard toecodesig n requireme nts for air con diti oners and comfort fans(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUR

2、OPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,possible refrigerant leakage as a significant environmental aspect in form of direct gree nhouse gas emissi on s, repre sen ti ng on average 10-20 % of the comb ined direct and in direct gree nhouse gas emissi ons.

3、Having regard to Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the sett ing of ecodesig n requireme nts for en ergy-related products (1), and in particular Article 15(1) thereof,After con sult ing the Ecodesig n Con sultati on For

4、um,(5) Asshow n in the preparatory study and con firmed duri ngthe impact assessme nt, there is a lack of in formati on on the efficie ncy of comfort fans. However, i n order to provide market surveilla nee authorities importa nt information and allow efficient monitoring of the market for the purpo

5、ses of sett ing mini mum en ergy effi - cie ncy requireme nts in the future, product in formatio n requireme nts on comfort fans will en sure that the effi - cie ncy of the applia nee and the measureme nt method used be well visible on the product. Furthermore, sta ndby and off mode requireme nts ar

6、e set for comfort fan s.10.3.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#Whereas:(1) Under Directive 2009/125/EC ecodesign requirements should be set by the Commissio n for en ergy-related products represe nting sig nifica nt volumes of sales and trade, hav ing sig nifica nt en vir onmen tal

7、impact and presenting sig nifica nt pote ntial for improveme nt through desig n in terms of their en viro nmen tal impact, without en tail ing excessive costs.(6) Theannual electricity consumption of products subjectto this Regulation was estimated to have been 30 TWh in the EU in 2005. Unl ess spec

8、ific measures are take n, annual electricity consumption is predicted to be74 TWh in 2020. The preparatory study shows that the electricity consumption of products subject to this Regulati on can be sig nifica ntly reduced.(2) Poin t (a) of Article 16(2) of Directive 2009/125/ECprovides that in acco

9、rda nee with the procedure referred to in Article 19(3) and the criteria set out in Article 15(2), and after consulting the Ecodesign Consultation Forum, the Commissi on shall, as appropriate, in troduce imple - menting measures offering a high potential for costeffective reducti on of gree nhouse g

10、as emissi ons, such as for products in heat ing, ven tilati on and air-c on diti oning systems.(3) The Commissi on has carried out a preparatory study to an alyse the tech ni cal, en vir onmen tal and econo mic aspects of air con diti on ers and comfort fans typically used in households and small co

11、mmercial establishme nts. The study has bee n developed together with stakeholders and interested parties from the EU and third countries, and the results have bee n made publicly available.(4) The mai n en viro nmen tal aspectsof the products covered, identified as significant for the purposes of t

12、his Regu - lati on, are en ergy con sumpti on in use phase and sou nd power level. The preparatory study also ide ntified(7) Thepreparatory study shows that requireme nts regard ingother ecodesign parameters referred to in Annex I, Part 1, to Directive 2009/125/EC are not n ecessary as electricity c

13、onsumption and sou nd power level of air conditioners in the use phase are the most sig nifica nt en viro nmen tal aspects.(8) Asrefrigera nts are addressedu nder Regulati on (EC) No842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on certa in fluori nated gree nhouse gases % no

14、specific requireme nts on refrigera nts are set in this Regulation. However, a bonus is proposed under the ecodesig n requireme nts to steer the market towards the use of refrigera nts with reduced harmful impact on the en viro nment. The bonus will lead to lower mini mum energy efficiency requireme

15、nts for appliances using low- global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants.(9) Air con diti oners can be part of systems in stalled inbuildi ngs. Nati on al legislati on based in ter alia on Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performa nee o

16、f build ings(3) may set new stricterrequireme nts on those air con diti oning systems, using(1) OJ L 285, 31.10.2009, p. 10.2(2) OJ L 161, 14.6.2006, p. 1.(3) OJ L 153, 18.6.2010, p. Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#the calculation and measurement methods defined in this Re

17、gulati on as regards the efficie ncy of the air con diti on er.(10) Stan dby and off-mode fun cti ons can be resp on sible for an importa nt part of the total power con sumpti on of these applia nces. For air con diti on ers, except for double and sin gle duct air con diti on ers, power con sumpti o

18、n of these fun cti ons is part of the mini mum en ergy performa nee requireme nts and of the seas onal efficie ncy measureme nt method. Stan dby and off-mode requireme nts for double and sin gle duct air con diti oners are set on the basis of the Ecodesig n requireme nts of Commission Regulation (EC

19、) No 1275/2008 (1).adopted by the Europea n sta ndardisati on bodies, as listed in Annex I to Directive 98/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 July 1998ame nding Directive 98/34/EC layi ng dow n a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards an

20、d regulations().(16) Inaccordancewith Article 8 of Directive 2009/125/EC,this Regulati on specifies the applicable con formity assessme nt procedures.(11) The comb ined effect of ecodesig nrequireme nts set out in this Regulati on and Commissio n Delegated Regulati on (EU) No 626/2011 of 4 May 2011

21、suppleme nting Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliame nt and of the Council with regard to energy labelling of air con diti oners (2) is expected to result in ann ual electricity sav ings of 11 TWh by 2020, compared to the situation if no measures are take n.(17) In order to facilitate compli

22、ance checks, manufacturers should provide in formati on in the tech ni cal docume n-tati on referred to in Ann exes IV and V to Directive 2009/125/EC in so far as this in formation relates to the requireme nts laid dow n in this Regulati on.(18) Inadditi on to the legally binding requireme ntslaid d

23、ow nin this Regulati on, in dicative ben chmarks for best available tech no logies should be ide ntified to en sure the wide availability and easy accessibility of information on the life-cycle en vir onmen tal performa nce of products subject to this Regulati on.(12) Products subject to this Regula

24、ti on should be made more en ergy efficie nt by appl ying existi ng non-proprietary cost-effective tech no logies that can reduce the comb ined costs of purchas ing and operati ng these products.(19) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accorda nce with the opinion of the Committee es

25、tab - lished by Article 19(1) of Directive 2009/125/EC,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:10.3.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#10.3.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#(13) Theecodesign requirements should not affect func-tionality from the end-user's perspective and s

26、hould not n egatively affect health, safety or the en vir onmen t. In particular, the ben efits of reduc ing electricity consumption during the use phase should more than offset any possible additi onal en viro nmen tal impact duri ng the producti on phase.Article 1Subject matter and scope1. ThisReg

27、ulati on establishes eco-desig n requireme nts forthe placing on the market of electric mains-operated air conditioners with a rated capacity of <12 kW for cooling, or heating if the product has no cooling function, and comfort fans with an electric fan power in put <125W.10.3.2012 Official EN

28、Jour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#10.3.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#(14) Theecodesign requirements should be introducedgradually in order to provide a sufficient timeframe for man ufacturers to re-desig n products subject to this Regu lation. The timing should be such as to av

29、oid negative impacts on the fun cti on alities of equipme nt on the market, and to take into accou nt cost impacts for endusers and man ufacturers, in particular small and medium-sized en terprises, while en suri ng timely achievement of the objectives of this Regulation.2. This Regulati on shall no

30、t apply to:(a) applia nces that use non-electric en ergy sources;(b) air conditioners of which the condenser-sideor evaporatorside, or both, do not use air for heat tra nsfer medium.10.3.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#10.3.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/9(15) M

31、easureme nts of the releva nt product parameters should be performed through reliable, accurate and reproducible measureme nt methods, which take into accou nt the recog ni sed state of the art measureme nt methods in clud ing, where available, harm oni sed sta ndardsArticle 2Defin iti onsFor the pu

32、rposes of this Regulation, the definitions in Article 2 of Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Coun cil shall apply.(3) OJ L 217, 5.8.1998, p. Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#10.3.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#10.3.2012 Official

33、 ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#In addition, the following definitions shall apply:1.' aio nditioner means a device capable of cooling orheati ng, or both, in door air, using a vapour compressi on cycle driven by an electric compressor, including air con diti oners that provide additi onal

34、 fun cti on alities such as dehumidification, air-purification, ventilation or supple-mental air-heating by means of electric resistance heating, as well as applia nces that may use water (either conden sate water that is formed on the evaporator side or exter nally added water) for evaporati on on

35、the conden ser, provided that the device is also able to fun cti on without the use of additional water, using air only;From 1 Ja nuary 2013:(a) air conditioners, except single and double duct air con diti on ers, shall corresp ond to requireme nts as in dicated in Ann ex I, poi nt 2(b) and poi nts

36、3(a), 3(b), 3(c);(b) single ducts and double ducts shall correspond to requireme nts as in dicated in Annex I, points 3(a), 3(b), 3(d);(c) comfort fans shall correspond to requirements as indicated in Ann ex I, poi nts 3(a), 3(b), 3(e).10.3.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#10.3.201

37、2 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 72/#2. double duct air conditioner' meansan air conditioner inwhich, duri ng cooli ng or heat ing, the conden ser (or evap - From 1 Jan uaiy 2014:orator) in take air is in troduced from the outdooren viro nment to the un it by a duct and rejected to th

38、eoutdoor environment by a second duct, and which is(a) air conditioners shall correspond to ecodesignrequirementsplaced wholly in side the space to be con diti on ed, n ear a wall;as in dicated in Annex I, point 2(c);3. single duct air conditioner' means an air condigopgngle duct and double duct

39、 air conditioners shallwhich, duri ng cooli ng or heati ng, the conde nser (or evap -correspo nd to requireme nts as in dicated in Ann ex I, poi ntorator) in take air is in troduced from the space containing the2(d).unit and discharged outside this space;4. ratepacity (P'ed)means the cooling or

40、heating capacity of the vapour compressi on cycle of the unit at sta ndardrati ng con diti ons;5. ' comfcFetn 'means an appliance primarily designed for creating air movement around or on part of a humanbody for pers onal cooli ng comfort, in cludi ng comfort fans that can perform additional

41、 functionalities such as lighting;6. ' fan power in put F) medns (Pe electric power in put of a comfort fan in Watt operating at the declared maximum fan flow rate, measured with the oscillat ing mecha nism active (if/whe n applicable).For the purposes of the Ann exes, additi onal defi niti ons

42、are set out in Annex I.3. Compliancewith ecodesign requirements shall bemeasured and calculated in accorda nce with requireme nts set out in Annex II.Article 4Con formity assessme nt1. The con formity assessme nt procedure referred to in Article 8 of Directive 2009/125/EC shall be the in ternal desi

43、gn control set out in Annex IV to that Directive or the management system set out in Annex V to that Directive.2. For the purposes of conformity assessmentpursuant to Article 8 of Directive 2009/125/EC, the tech ni cal documen - tation file shall contain the results of the calculation set out in Ann

44、ex II to this Regulati on.Article 3Ecodesig n requireme nts and timetable1. Theecodesign requirements for air conditioners andcomfort fans are set out in Annex I.2. Each ecodesign requirement shall apply in accordance with the following timetable:From 1 Ja nuary 2013:sin gle duct and double duct air

45、 con diti oners shall corresp ond to requireme nts as in dicated in Annex I, point 2(a).Article 5Verificati on procedure for market surveilla nce purposesMember States shall apply the verificati on procedure described in Annex III to this Regulati on whe n perform ing the market surveilla nce checks

46、 referred to in Article 3(2) of Directive 2009/125/EC for complia nce with requireme nts set out in Annex I to this Regulati on.Article 6Ben chmarksThe in dicative ben chmarks for best-perform ing air con diti on ers available on the market at the time of entry into force of this Regulati on are set

47、 out in Annex IV.L 72/11匚ENOfficial Journalof the EuropeanUnion10.3.2012Article 7Revisio nThe Commissi on shall review this Regulati on in the light of tech no logical progress and prese nt the result of this review to the Ecodesign Consultation Forum no later than 5 years from the date of the entry

48、 into force of this Regulation. The review shall in particular assess the efficie ncy and sou nd power level requirements, the approach to promote the use of low- global warmi ng pote ntial (GWP) refrigera nts and the scope of the Regulati on for air con diti on ers and possible cha nges in market s

49、hare of types of applia nces, in cludi ng air con diti oners above 12 kW rated output power. The review shall also assess the appropriate ness of the sta ndby and off mode requireme nts.seas onal calculati on and measureme nt method, in clud ing con siderati ons on the developme nt of a possible sea

50、s onal calcu lati on and measureme nt method for all air con diti oners in the scope for cooli ng and heat ing seas ons.Article 8Entry into force and applicati on1. This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Un ion2. It sh

51、all apply from 1 Ja nuary 2013.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Do ne at Brussels, 6 March 2012.For the Commissi onThe Preside ntJos e Manuel BARROSO10.3.2012 Official enJournalof the Europea nUn io nL 72/15ANNEX IEcodesign requirements1.

52、DEFINITIONS APPLICABLE FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE ANNEXES(1) reversible air conditioner means an air conditioner capable of both cooling and heating;(2) standard rating condition's means the combination of indoor (Tin) and outdoor temperatures ( Tj) that describe the operating conditions while esta

53、blishing the sound power level, rated capacity, rated air flow rate, rated energy efficiency ratio ( EERated and/or rated coefficient of performance ( CORated), as set out in Annex II, Table 2;(3) indoor temperature T(n) means the dry bulb indoor air temperature ° C (with the relative humidity

54、indicated bythe corresponding wet bulb temperature;(4) outdoor temperatufeTj。means the dry bulb outdoor air temperature ° C (with the relative humidity indicated bythe corresponding wet bulb temperature);(5) rated energy efficiency ratiEERatec) means the declared capacitor cooling kW divided by

55、 the rated power input for coolingkW of a unit when providing cooling at standard rating conditions(6) rated coefficient of performanceC(OPrated means the declared capacitor heating kW divided by the rated power input for heating kW of a unit when providing heating at standard rating conditions(7) g

56、lobal warming potential G(WP) means the measure of how much 1 kg of the refrigerant applied in the vapour compression cycle is estimated to contribute to global warming, expressed in kg CO 2 equivalents over a 100-year time horizon;GWP values considered will be those set out in Annex I to Regulation

57、 (EC) No 842/2006;for fluorinated refrigerants, the GWP values shall be those published in the Third Assessment Report (TAR), adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change () (2001 IPCC GWP values for a 100-year period);for non-fluorinated gases, the GWP values are those published in the

58、first IPCC assessment ( ) over a 100-year period;GWP values for mixtures of refrigerants shall be based on the formula stated in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 842/2006;for refrigerants not included in the above references, the IPCC UNEP 2010 report on Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps, dated February 2011, or newer, shall be used as a reference;(8) offmodd is a condition in which the air conditioner or comfort fan is connected to the mains power source and is not p


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