1、TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2019)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 150 MIN(25 MINPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lectu、reYou will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONL、Y While listening to the mini-lecture,please completethe gap-filling task on ANSWERSHEET ONE a
2、nd write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each ga、p Make sure what you fill in is both grammatically and semantically accept、able You may use the bla nk sheet for no te-taki铭鉍鸸蒋瀝桧缆。You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task、 嘰軍颗厌舰庞潆。Now, listen to the mini-lecture、 When it is over, you will
3、 be given THREE minutes to check your work、 盤狯绾吓讖癟鲂。SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear TWO intervie、wsAt the end of each interview, five questions will be asked about what was said、 Both the interviews and the questions will be spoken ONCE ON、LYAfter each question there will be a ten-s
4、econd pause During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each questio n on ANSWERSHEET TW嶇攙锦愦尔錫冲。You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices、Now, listen to the first interview 、 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the first i n terv i ew 、厌鎪苁顿墾琼齔。1、 A
5、、 Environmental issues、B、Endangered species、C、Global warming 、D、Conservation、2、 A 、 It is thoroughly proved 、B、it is definitely very serious 、C、It is just a temporary variation 、D、It is changing our ways of living 、3、 A、 Protection of endangered animals* habitats、B、Negative human impact on the envir
6、onment 、C、Frequent abnormal phenomena on the earth、D、The woman' s indifferent attitude to theearth、4、 A 、 Nature should take its course、B、People take things for granted、5、C、D、Humans are damaging the earth、Animals should stay away from zoos 、A 、 Objective 、B、Pessimistic、C、Skeptical、D、Subjective、N
7、ow, liste n to the sec ond in terview、 Questi ons 6 to 10 are based on the sec ond in terview 轉匦絢腳設蹕龔。6、A、Teachers 'resistancechtoange、B、Students 'inadequate ability rteoad、C、Teachers 'misunderstandingf souch literacy 、D、Studentsindifference to the nmewethod、7、A、Abilities to complete cha
8、llenging tasks 、B. Abilities to learn subject matter knowledge 、C. Abilities to perform better in schoolwork 、D. Abilities to perform disciplinary work 、8、A、Recalling specific information 、B、Understanding particular details 、D、C、 Examining sources of information 、Retelling a historical event 、9、扪。A、
9、 Engaging literacy and disciplinary experts in the program、绻籟裆鸺废墙B、Helping teachers understand what disciplinary literacy is、漸禎瀟樁蒼纤繃。C、Teachi ng disci plinary discourse p ractices by literacy teachers、圖捡塵锗鰥鳍锁。D、Designing learning strategies with experts from both sides、諛呙缚鸨饽竖麟。10、A、To argue for a ca
10、se、B、To discuss a dis puteC、To explain a p roblem、D、To p rese nt details、45 MINP ART II READING COMP REHENSIONSECTION A MULT IPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSIn this sect ion there are three p assages followed by fourtee n mult iple choice questionr each mult iple choice question, there are four suggested answe
11、rs marked A, B, C aiChDose the one that you think is the best an swer and mark your an swers on ANSWER SHEET、TWO讒雋镧嚳髅。PASSAGE ONE(1)Whe n it came to con ceali ng his troubles, Tommy Wilhelm was not less cap able tha n die n ext fellow、So at least he thought, and there was a certain amount cfvidenceo
12、 back him up、He had once bee n an acto" no, not quite, an extra and he knew what acting should be、Also, he was smok ing a cigar, and whe n a man is smok ing a cigar, weari ng a hat, he has an adva ntage; it is harder to find out how he feels、 He came from the twen ty-third floor dow n to the lo
13、bby on the mezza nine to collect his mail before breakfast, and he believed he hoped that he looked passably well: doing all right、 It was a matter of sheer hope, because there was not much that he could add to his present effort、 On the fourtee nth floor he looked for his father to en ter the eleva
14、tor; they ofte n met at this hour, on the way to breakfast、 If he worried about his appearanee it was mainiy for his old father、 But there was sioakestop on the fourteenth, and the elevator sank and sank、Then the smooth door opened and the great dark-red uneven carpet that covered the lobby billowed
15、 toward Wilhelm、 In the foregetund thelobby was dark, slee py、 French drapes like sails kept out the sun, but three high, narrow win dows were open, and in the blue air Wilhelm saw a pigeon about to light on the great chain that supported the marquee of the movie house directly undern eath the lobby
16、、 For one mome nt he heard the wi ngs beati ng strongly、间獪碜嚣钐压檜。(2) Most of the guests at the Hotel Gloriana were past the age of retirement、Along Broadway inthe Seventies. Eighties, and Nineties, a great part of New York' s vast population of old men and wlives、 Uni ess the weather is too cold
17、or wet they fill the ben ches about the ti ny railed p arks and alongthe subway gratings from Verdi Square to Columbia University, they crowd the shops and cafeterias, the dime stores, the tearooms, the bakeries, the beauty parlors, the reading rooms and club room、s Among these old people at the Glo
18、riana, Wilhelm felt out of 丟钱癞宮讼纫坠。place、 He was comparatively young, in his middle forties, large and blond, with big shoulders; hisback was heavy and strong, if already a little stooped or thickened 、 After breakfast the old guests satdown on the green leather armchairs and sofas in the lobby and
19、began to gossip and look into th、e papers;they had nothing to do but wait out the day 、 But Wilhelm was used to an active life and liked to go outenergetically in the morning 、 And for several months, because he had no position, he had kept up hismorale by rising early; he was shaved and in the lobb
20、y by eight o'clock 、 He bought the paper and somecigars and drank a Coca-Cola or two before he went in to傧業诋俁哝贬從。breakfast with his father、 After breakfast 一 out, out, out to attend to business、 The getting out had in itself 襉渐峦臍驤誥巒。become the chief business、 But he had realized that he could no
21、t keep this up much longer, and today he was afraid、 He was aware that his routine was about to break up and he sensed that a huge trouble long presaged 预感)but till now formless was due、 Before evening, he'd know、顽蟬蟈谶綠赏旷。(3) Nevertheless he followed his daily course and crossed the lobby、铧澜窭鉻氩蘄罂
22、。(4) Rubin, the man at the newsstand, had poor eyes、 They may not have been actually weak but they were poor in expression, with lacy lids that furled down at the comers 、 He dressed well、 It didn't seem necessary 一 he was behind the counter most of the time but he dressed very well、 He had on a
23、 rich brown suit; the cuffs embarrassed the hairs on his small hands、 He wore a Countess Mara painted necktie、 As Wilhelm approached, Rubin did not see him; he was looking out dreamily at the Hotel Ansonia, which was visible from his comer, several blocks away、 The Ansonia, the neighborhood great Ia
24、ndmark, was built by Stanford White 、 It looks like a baroque palace from Prague or Munich enlarged a hundred times, with towers, domes, huge swells and bubbles of metal gone green from exposure, iron fretwork and festoons、 Black television antennae are densely planted on its round summits 、 Under t
25、he changes of weather it may look like marble or like sea water, black as slate in the fog, white as tufa in sunlight 、 This morning it looked like the image of itself reflected in deep water, white and cumulous above, with cavernous distortions underneath、 Together, the two men gazed at it 畢哒蜕鉀閡龇袞。
26、(5) Then Rubin、said,“Your dad is in to breakfast already, the olcgentleman、"显笺譯鯨蠅會缌。O,h yes? Ahead of me today?”nat's akrneoaclked-out shirt you got on,'' said Ru、bin“Where's it f,romSaks?” “ No, it ' s a Jack FagmChicag ”难鏝餑販厨剥篤。(6) Even when his spirits were low, Wilhelm c
27、ould still wrinkle his forehead in a pleasing way 、 Some of the slow, silent movements of his face were very attractive 、 He went back a step, as if to stand away from himself and get a better look at his shirt、 His glance was comic, a comment upon his untidiness、 He liked to wear good clothes, but
28、once he had put it on each article appeared to go its own way 、 Wilhelm, laughing, panted a little; his teeth were small; his cheeks when he laughed and puffed grew round, and he looked much younger than his years、 In the old days when he was a college freshman and wore a beanie (无檐小帽) on his large
29、blonde head his father used to say th,atbig as he was,he could charm a bird out of a tree、 Wilhelm had great charm still 、駔锔蝇镝详绋檔。(7) “Ilike this dove-gray color, h”e said in his sociable , good-natured way、 “ Itisn 'wtashable、 You 骒剥穩鉻岿鐓苌。have to send it to the cleaner、 It never smells as good
30、as washed、 But it , s a nice shirt、 It cost sixteen, eighteen bucks、*' 萧骢铅琿銀缁獭。11、Wilhelmhoped he looked all right on his way to the lobby because he wan ted to 、撓绵摻贏凛蕲钢。A.leave a good imp ressi onB.give his father a sur priseC.show his acting poten tialD.disguise his low sp irit12、Wilhelm had s
31、omethi ng in com mon with the old guests in that they all _、孌顧鐲险駛辽闥。A.lived a luxurious lifeB.liked to sC.idled their time awayD.liked to get up early13、How did Wilhelm feel when he was crossing the lobby (Para、2)?镞錈创饋据携獭。A.He felt somethi ng ominous was coming、B.He was worried that his father was l
32、ate、C.He was feeli ng at ease among the oldD.He was excited about a po ssible job offer、14、Which part of Rub in s clothes made him look p articularly awkward (Pa4a?瘅贶斷讯颌呛護。A.The n ecktie、B.The cuffs、C.The suit、D.The shirt、15、What can we lear n from the author's description of WchothiBs?嚳妝鉴'慪
33、浇層。A.His shirt made him look better、B.He cared much about his clothes、C.He looked like a comedian in his shirt、D.The clothes he wore n ever quite matched、PASSAGE TWO(1)By the 1840s New York was the leading commercial city of the United States、 It had long since out paced Philadel phia as the largest
34、 city in the coun try, and eve n though Bost on continued to be ven erated as the cultural cap ital of the n ati on, its image had become somewhat Ian guid; it had not kept upwith the implications of the newly industrialized economy, of a diversified ethnic population, or of the rapidly rising middl
35、e class 、 New York was the place where the“neriwc”a wAams ecoming into being,so it is hardly surprising that the modem newspaper had its birth there 、鹈賃鐃譽茎縭頗。(2) The penny paper had found its first success in New York 、 By the mid-1830s Ben Day s Sunwas drawing readers from all walks of life 、 On th
36、e other hand, theSunwas a scanty sheet providing little more than minor diversions; few today would call it a newspaper at all 、 Day himself was an editor of limited vision, and he did not possess the ability or the imagination to climb the slopes to loftier heights 、 If real newspapers were to emer
37、ge from the public's demand for more and better coverage, it would have to come from a youthful generation of editors for whom journalism was a totally absorbing profession, an exacting vocati onal ideal rather tha n a mere offshoot of job p rint盧藶齔峽賭蕪纵。(3) By the 1840s two giants burst into the
38、 field, editors who would revolutionize journalism, would bring the newspaper into the modem age, and show how it could be influential in the national life 、 These two giants, neither of whom has been treated kindly by history, were James Gordon Bennett and Horace Greeley、 Bennett founded his New Yo
39、rk Herald in 1835, less than two years after the appearance of the Sun、Horace Greeley founded his Tribunein 1841、 Bennett and Greeley were the most innovative editors in New York until after the Civil War 、 Their newspapers were the leading American papers of the day, although for completely differe
40、nt reasons、 The two men despised each other, although not in the ways that newspaper editors had despised one another a few years before、 Neither was a political hack bonded to a political party、 Greeley fancied himself a public intellectual 、 He had strong political views, and he wanted to run for
41、office himself, but party factotum he could never be; he bristled with ideals and causes of his own devising 、 Officially he was a Whig (and later a Republican), but he seldom gave comfort to his chosen party、 Bennett, on the other hand, had long since cut his political ties, and although his paper
42、covered local and national politics fully and he went after politicians with hammer and tongs, Bennett was a cynic, a distruster of all settled values、 He did not regard himself as an intellectual, although in fact he was better educated than Greeley、 He thought himself only a hard-boiled newspaperm
43、an、 Greeley was interested in ideas and in what was happening to the country、 Bennett was only interested in his newspaper、 He wanted to find out what the news was, what people wanted to read、 And when he found out he gave it to them、审盡揮貸摜誑岗。(4) As different as Bennett and Greeley were from each oth
44、er they were also curiously alike 、 Both stood outside the circle of polite society, even when they became prosperous, and in Bennett 'casse, wealthy、 Both were incurable eccentrics、 Neither was a gentleman、 Neither conjured up the picture of a successful editor、 Greeley was unkempt, always look
45、ing like an unmade bed、 Even when he was nationally famous in the 1850s he resembled a clerk in a third-rate brokerage house, with slips of paper marked-up proofs perhaps hanging out of his pockets or stuck in his hat 、 He became fat, was always nearsighted, always peering over spectacles、 He spoke
46、in a high-pitched whine Not a few people suggested that he looked exactly like the ill ustrations of Charles Dickens 'Msr 、 Pickwick 、 Greeley provided a humorous description of himself, written under the pretense that it had been the work of his long-time adversary James Fenimore Cooper、 The ed
47、itor was, according to the description, a half-bald, long-legged, slouching individual “so rioncgkainitgthat he walks down both sides of the street at once、” 謂参穌禎慚户囁。(5) The appearanee of Bennett was somewhat different but hardly more reassuring、A shrewd, wiry Scotsma n, who seemed to repel in timac
48、y, Benn ett looked around at the world with a squinty glare of suspicion、 His eyes did not focus right、They seemed to fix themselves on nothing and everything at the same time、 He was as solitary as an oyster, the classic loner、 He seldom made close frie ndshi ps and few people trusted him, although
49、 no body who had deali ngs with him, however brief, doubted his abilities、 He, too, could have come out of a book of Dickensian eccentrics, although p erha ps Eben ezer Scrooge or Thomas Gradgri nd comes to mind rather tha n the kin dly old Mr、Pickwick、Greeley was laughed at but admired; Bennett was
50、 seldom laughed at but never admired; on the other hand, he had a hard pro fessi onal comp ete nee and an encyclop edic kno wledge of his ado pted coun try, an in-depth lear ning un corr up ted by vague idealisms、 All of this p erfectly suited him for the journalism of this confusing age、鱈鏽鹎滩颖筍誕。(6)
51、 Both Greeley and Benn ett had served long, humiliat ing and disa ppoin ti ng appren ticeshi ps in the n ews paper bus in ess They took a long time gett ing to the top, the only reward for the long years of wait ing being that whe n they had their own n ews pap ers, both knew what they wan ted and f
52、irmly set about gett ing it、 Whe n Greeley foun ded the Tribune in 1841 he had the str ong support of the Whig party and had already had a short period of modest success as an editor、 Bennett, older by sixteen years, found solid commercial success first, but he had no one behi nd him exce pt himself
53、 whe n he started up theHerald in 1835 in a dingy cellar room at 20 Wall Street r Fort un ately this tur ned out to be quite eno ugh、个鳗荨驮谲髕纬。16、Which of the following is NOT the author's opinion on BehiDSuia(Para、2)7趸勱赵费忆犷銀。A.Sun had once bee n a popu lar n ews paperB.Sun failed to be a high-qua
54、lity n ews paper、C.Ben Day lacked innovation and imagination、D.Ben Day had strive n for better coverage r17、Which of the following statements is CORRECT about Greeley ' os Bennett politicalstanee (Para 3)7敘噠腾烩飩獫该。A.Greeley and Bennett were both strong supporters of their party、鍋鎦輕頌钽忧阚。B.Greeley,
55、 as a Whig member, believed in his party ideals、'猡处辇業怼樅觅。C.Bennett, as an independent, loathed established values 涟谝寧龈炀耸諞。D.Greeley and Bennett possessed different political values、靂骖尷绋滥側类。秦鑒豹務IT险so|nU9口!/vunpsAaqo Luaqi jo Aublu *j9A9/voq 90屮 u9A3 、sum9屮 01 ”001 Asm *UO!l!SOddO |BAO| jo B9P! 9屮
56、 jo /VB| BuOJIS jo 90U9SqB 9屮 UI *pUB '心!0屮ne miM pilJUOO UI U9UJ 9J9/v 9S0L|丄 lueq; p9UUJ9puoo oq/v seiijoq;ne 9屮 jo leqi sb eiuipp sb 人B|d 01 3|0J b peq spueq 91|丄(£)' 9|0J©屮 inoqe sgnop 屮!/v p9Q!|jjB 9JB 90I1Snf” 0; LUiq Buuq oq/v ueiu 9屮 9J9q/v J9!|9q puo人9q p99pisuoo si 刑 siq
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58、 Siq LUOJJ AbMB pUB L|Snq UB!|B!Sn/ 9屮 0U JBJ OS J966bP oijQUJSQUJ 9屮 BuiBBbjp 心!snf 01 人p9N ui 00屮 si ibl|m 、人bp Aj9A9 p9iod9J 9JB !pueq ubiibjisn/ ssoppai 9屮 Aq pqhiluluoo 9som ublu sqluijo snolueSui 9J0|/| 611。、P9N inoqe 山出 b qblu 人l|M(Q33dH d39VSSVd' diqseoRuejddB OuieiiiLUnii ejoiu e peii 9h ' Aped |BO!i!|od e luojj poddns leRiui 106 9hSieuueg ue屮 jeiijee jeejeo siq pepejs an 'iSJij
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