




1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 淮 阴 工 学 院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学 院:专 业:姓 名:学 号:外文出处:Electronic Scales附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语: 年月日签名: 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文 电子秤 电子秤是称重技术中的一种新型仪表,广泛应用于各种场合。电子秤与机械秤比较有体积小、重量轻、结构简单、价格低、实用价值强、维护方便等特点,可在各种环境工作,重量信号可远传,易于实现重量显示数字化,易于与计算机联网,实现生产过程自动化,提高劳动生产率。标签秤在超市中的应用已经是耳闻目睹的了。一张小小的标签包含着:品
2、名、价格、重量等,一一列表在这小小的电子标签上。标签机的使用大大加快了销售速度,也方便了顾客。顶尖条码标签秤有着许多卓越的特点,以太网功能使管理更加方便。电子秤的分类(衡器可以分为机械式和电子式)1 工作原理:电子式的工作原理以电子元件(称重传感器,AD转换电路,单片机电路,显示电路,键盘电路,通讯接口电路,稳压电源电路等电路组成。 2 使用功能:电子衡器采用现代传感器技术、电子技术和计算机技术一体化的电子称量装置,才能满足并解决现实生活中提出的"快速、准确、连续、自动"称量要求,同时有效地消除人为误差,使之更符合法制计量管理和工业生产过程控制的应用要求。 3 健康秤是衡器
3、使用功能中的一个分类(分为机械式和电子式),物美价廉,它可以帮助人们有效的监视自己的体重变化,新产品还可以检测自己的脂肪含量,而且还有一些人性化的附属功能。可能不属于计量器具。 4 电子衡器是国家强制检定的计量器具,他的合格产品是有检定分度值e和细分值D的标准,是受国家计量法保护的产品。在电子衡器分类中有一种叫“人体秤”的产品,它可以在计量部门进行检定,称重很精确。电子秤的原理方框图解读:第一部分 电子秤的原理方框图: 程式 K/B(按键) Fx 传感器 OP放大 A/D转换 CPU 显示驱动 显示屏 记忆体 工作流程说明: 当物体放在秤盘上时,压力施给传感器,该传感器发生形变,从而使阻抗发生
4、变化,同时使用激励电压发生变化,输出一个变化的模拟信号。该信号经放大电路放大输出到模数转换器。转换成便于处理的数字信号输出到CPU运算控制。CPU根据键盘命令以及程序将这种结果输出到显示器,直至显示这种结果。 第二部分 秤的分类: 1.按原理分:电子秤机械秤 机电结合秤 2.按功能分:计数秤 计价秤 计重秤 3.按用途分:工业秤商业秤 特种秤。第三部分 秤的种类: 1.桌面秤 指全称量在30Kg以下的电子秤 2.台秤 指全称量在30-300Kg以内的电子秤 3.地磅 指全称量在300Kg以上的电子秤 4.精密天平。第四部分 按精确度分类: I级: 特种天平 精密度1/10万 II级: 高精度天
5、平 1/1万精密度1/10万 III级: 中精度天平 1/1000精密度1/1万 IV级: 普通秤 1/100精密度1/1000。第五部分 专业术语: 1.最大称量: 一台电子秤不计皮重,所能称量的最大的载荷;2.最小称量:一台电子秤在低于该值时会出现的一个相对误差;3.安全载荷: 120%正常称量范围; 4.额定载荷: 正常称量范围; 5.允许误差: 等级检定时允许的最大偏差; 6.感量: 一台电子秤所能显示的最小刻度,通常用“d”来表示; 7.解析量: 一台具有计数功能的电子秤,所能分辩的最小刻度; 8.解析度: 一台具有计数功能的电子秤,内部具有分辩能力的一个参数;9.预热时间:一台秤达
6、到各项指标所用的时间;10.精度: 感量与全称量的比值;11.电子秤使用环境温度为: -10摄氏度 到 40摄氏度 12.台秤的台面规格:25cm X 30cm 30cm X 40cm 40cm X 50cm 42cm X 52cm 45cm X 60cm 。第六部分 电子秤的特点: 1.实现远距离操作;2实现自动化控制;3.数字显示直观、减小人为误差;4.准确度高、分辩率强;5.称量范围广; 6.特有功能:扣重、预扣重、归零、累计、警示等;7.维护简单;8.体积小; 9.安装、校正简单; 10.特种行业,可接打印机或电脑驱动;11.智能化电子秤,反应快,效率高。第七部分 电子秤检查过程: 1
7、.首先整体检查:有无磨损和损坏; 2.能否开机:开机后是否从0到9依次显示、数字是否模糊、能否归零;3.有无背光;4.用砝码测试能否称重;5.充电器是否完好,能否使用;6.配件是否齐全。第八部分 传感器类型: 1.电阻式:价格适中、精度高、使用广泛; 2.电容式:体积小、精度低;3.磁浮式:特高精度、造价高;4.油压式:现市场上已淘汰; 显示器种类: 1.LCD(液晶显示):免插电、省电、附带背光;2.LED:免插电、耗电、很亮; 3.灯管:插电、耗电、很高;K/B(按键)类型: 1.薄膜按键:触点式; 2.机械按键:由许多单独按键组合在一起;传感器的特性: 1.额定载荷;2.输出灵敏度; 3
8、.非线性;4.滞后;5.重复性;6.蠕变;7.零点输出影响;8.额定输出温度影响;9.零点输入;10.输入阻抗;11.输出阻抗;12.绝缘阻抗;13.容许激励电压 (5-18V)。第九部分 传感器损坏后现象: 1.称量不准;2.显示不归零;3.显示的数字乱跳 判断传感器的+E、-E、+S、-S 1.先用电阻档测4条线两两这间的电阻值,共有6组。如为400-450欧则为+E、-E;如果为350欧,则为+S、-S;为290欧,则为R桥臂; 2.在+E、-E端接上+_1.5V电压,传感器正确施加一个压力,如输出+_S增大,则红表笔为+S,反之-S。第十部分 高精度计数秤特点:1.Kg/Ibo单位转换
9、功能;2.零点显示范围、调整功能(GLH系列没有) 3.取样速度调节功能;4.有10组单重记忆功能; 5.可同时进行重量、数量、累计功能(GLH只有数量累计) 6.可设定重量、数量上限警示功能;7.自动零点追踪、温度线性校正;8.扣重及预扣重功能;9.待机功能; 10.有零点显示范围和零点跟踪范围; 11.有电池电压管制限制功能。电子秤是称重技术中的一种新型仪表,广泛应用于各种场合。电子秤与机械秤比较有体积小、重量轻、结构简单、价格低、实用价值强、维护方便等特点,可在各种环境工作,重量信号可远传,易于实现重量显示数字化,易于与计算机联网,实现生产过程自动化,提高劳动生产率。电子秤还具有自动零点
11、的电信号,经放大后送入A/D变换成脉冲数重量,经过单片机控制下将模拟电压信号转换成数字量。这个数字量经单片机程序转换成与实际重量一致的数字值送显示窗显示。单片机同时对键盘及开关矩阵进行监测。根据输入的参数值,程序作出相应的处理。电源电路提供各部分的工作电压。微处理器采用如8050、HDF、8031等CPU。主板通用性很强,不同量程和分度值的秤,仅需调整主板上的跳线和拨码开关就可实现,唯一不同的是配用的传感器的额定承载能力。传感器是一种物理装置或生物器官,能够探测、感受外界的信号、物理条件(如光、热、湿度)或化学组成(如烟雾),并将探知的信息传递给其他装置或器官。 传感器的定义:国家标准GB76
12、65-87对传感器下的定义是:“能感受规定的被测量并按照一定的规律转换成可用信号的器件或装置,通常由敏感元件和转换元件组成”。传感器是一种检测装置,能感受到被测量的信息,并能将检测感受到的信息,按一定规律变换成为电信号或其他所需形式的信息输出,以满足信息的传输、处理、存储、显示、记录和控制等要求。它是实现自动检测和自动控制的首要环节。传感器的作用:人们为了从外界获取信息,必须借助于感觉器官。而单靠人们自身的感觉器官,在研究自然现象和规律以及生产活动中它们的功能就远远不够了。为适应这种情况,就需要传感器。因此可以说,传感器是人类五官的延长,又称之为电五官。 新技术革命的到来,世界开始进入信息时代
13、。在利用信息的过程中,首先要解决的就是要获取准确可靠的信息,而传感器是获取自然和生产领域中信息的主要途径与手段。 在现代工业生产尤其是自动化生产过程中,要用各种传感器来监视和控制生产过程中的各个参数,使设备工作在正常状态或最佳状态,并使产品达到最好的质量。因此可以说,没有众多的优良的传感器,现代化生产也就失去了基础。 在基础学科研究中,传感器更具有突出的地位。现代科学技术的发展,进入了许多新领域:例如在宏观上要观察上千光年的茫茫宇宙,微观上要观察小到 cm的粒子世界,纵向上要观察长达数十万年的天体演化,短到 s的瞬间反应。此外,还出现了对深化物质认识、开拓新能源、新材料等具有重要作用的各种极端
14、技术研究,如超高温、超低温、超高压、超高真空、超强磁场、超弱磁砀等等。显然,要获取大量人类感官无法直接获取的信息,没有相适应的传感器是不可能的。许多基础科学研究的障碍,首先就在于对象信息的获取存在困难,而一些新机理和高灵敏度的检测传感器的出现,往往会导致该领域内的突破。一些传感器的发展,往往是一些边缘学科开发的先驱。 传感器早已渗透到诸如工业生产、宇宙开发、海洋探测、环境保护、资源调查、医学诊断、生物工程、甚至文物保护等等极其之泛的领域。可以毫不夸张地说,从茫茫的太空,到浩瀚的海洋,以至各种复杂的工程系统,几乎每一个现代化项目,都离不开各种各样的传感器。 由此可见,传感器技术在发展经济、推动社
15、会进步方面的重要作用,是十分明显的。世界各国都十分重视这一领域的发展。相信不久的将来,传感器技术将会出现一个飞跃,达到与其重要地位相称的新水平。 传感器的分类:可以用不同的观点对传感器进行分类:它们的转换原理(传感器工作的基本物理或化学效应);它们的用途;它们的输出信号类型以及制作它们的材料和工艺等。 根据传感器工作原理,可分为物理传感器和化学传感器二大类 :传感器工作原理的分类物理传感器应用的是物理效应,诸如压电效应,磁致伸缩现象,离化、极化、热电、光电、磁电等效应。被测信号量的微小变化都将转换成电信号。 化学传感器包括那些以化学吸附、电化学反应等现象为因果关系的传感器,被测信号量的微小变化
16、也将转换成电信号。 有些传感器既不能划分到物理类,也不能划分为化学类。大多数传感器是以物理原理为基础运作的。化学传感器技术问题较多,例如可靠性问题,规模生产的可能性,价格问题等,解决了这类难题,化学传感器的应用将会有巨大增长。 传感器动态特性:所谓动态特性,是指传感器在输入变化时,它的输出的特性。在实际工作中,传感器的动态特性常用它对某些标准输入信号的响应来表示。这是因为传感器对标准输入信号的响应容易用实验方法求得,并且它对标准输入信号的响应与它对任意输入信号的响应之间存在一定的关系,往往知道了前者就能推定后者。最常用的标准输入信号有阶跃信号和正弦信号两种,所以传感器的动态特性也常用阶跃响应和
17、频率响应来表示。 附件2:外文原文 Electronic Scales Electronic scales are weighing technology in a new type of instrument is widely used in various occasions. Electronic scales and mechanical scales have more small size, light weight, simple structure, low price and practical value of strong, convenient maintenance
18、 and so on can be in a variety of environmental work, the weight of the signal can be Remote, the weight of display is easy to implement digital, easy-to-computer network, production automation, higher labor productivity. Scale labels in the supermarket is in the application of face value. A small l
19、abel contains: name, price, weight, etc. 11 list in this small electronic label. Greatly accelerated the use of label machine sales pace, but also convenient for customers. Top barcode labels have many remarkable features of scale, Ethernet feature makes the management more convenient. Electronic Sc
20、ale Classification (scales can be divided into mechanical and electronic type)1 How it works: electronic works in electronic components (weighing sensor, AD conversion circuit, microcontroller circuits, display circuit, keyboard circuitry, communications interface circuits, regulated power supply ci
21、rcuit circuit. 2 using the function: electronic weighing the use of modern sensor technology, electronics and computer technology integration, electronic weighing devices, in order to meet and solve real life's "fast, accurate, continuous, automatic" weighing requirements, while effect
22、ively eliminating human error, to make it more in line with the management of legal metrology and industrial production process control applications. 3. Three health scales are weighing the use of features in a category (divided into mechanical and electronic), inexpensive, it can help people to eff
23、ectively monitor their own body weight changes, new products also can detect their fat content, but also Some human-oriented subsidiary functions. May not be part of measuring equipment. 4 Electronic Scale is a measurement of the state compulsory test apparatus, and his qualified products are test i
24、ndexing the value of D values of e and subdivision standards, is subject to the protection of the national metrology products. In the electronic weighing there is a category called "human scale" products, which can test in the measurement sector, weighing very precise. Block diagram interp
25、retation of the principle of electronic balance The first part of the electronic scale principle block diagram: Program K / B (button) Fx Sensors OP Zoom A / D converter CPU display driver display memory Workflow Note: When an object on the pan when the pressure facilities to the sensor that occurre
26、d deformation, so that resistance to change, while the use of excitation voltage changes, the output of a change in analog signal. This signal amplification by the amplifier output to the ADC. Converted to facilitate the processing of the digital signal output to the CPU operator control. CPU under
27、the keyboard commands and program output to display this result. Until the show such a result. The second part of the scale of the classification: 1. According to principles of points: E-scale mechanical scale mechanical and electrical integration scales 2. According to the functions sub: Counting S
28、cales Weighing Scale Pricing Scale 3. Purpose: Industrial Commercial Scales Special Scales Balance The third part of the scale types: 1. The full name of the desktop Scale refers to the volume of less than 30Kg electronic scale 2. The full name of platform scale refers to the volume within the 30-30
29、0Kg Electronic Scale 3. Loadometer full name refers to the volume of more than 300Kg Electronic Scale 4. Precision Balance 4th Part of the accuracy of classification: I Class: Special scales precision 1 / 10 Wan II level: high-precision scale 1 / 10000 precision of "1 / 100,000 III: the accurac
30、y of scale 1 / 1000 precision of "1 / 10000 Class IV: Common Scale 1 / 100 precision of" 1 / 1000.Part V of professional terminology: 1. Maximum weighing: an electron balance, excluding tare weight, the maximum load can weigh; 2. Minimum weigh: a electronic scales below the value that woul
31、d have occurred when a relatively error; 3. safe load: 120% of the normal weighing range; 4. Rated load: normal weighing range; 5. permissible error: class test when the maximum deviation; 6. a sense of quantity: a single electronic scales can show the smallest scale; usually "d" to repres
32、ent; 7. analytic capacity: a function with a count of the electronic scales, can distinguish the smallest scale; 8. Resolution: a counting function with an electronic scale, the internal capacity of a Resolution of a parameter; 9. Warm-up time: a scale used to achieve the targets of the time; 10. Ac
33、curacy: The full name of a sense of volume and volume ratios; 11. electronic scale use of environmental temperature: -10 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius 12. platform scale The table size: 25 cm X 30 cm 30 cm X 40cm 40 cm X 50 cm 42 cm X 52 cm 45 cm X 60 cm Part VI electronic scale features: 1.
34、 To achieve long-distance operations; 2. To achieve automatic control; 3. Figures show that an intuitive, reduce human error; 4. High accuracy and resolution strong; 5. Weighing range is wide; 6 . unique features: buckle weight, withholding weight, zero, accumulated, warning, etc.; 7. maintenance si
35、mple; 8. size is small; 9. installation, calibration simple; 10. special industry, can be accessed by the printer or computer-driven; 11. Intelligent electronic scale, quick reaction, high efficiency; Part VII of the electronic scale inspection process: 1. First, the overall examination: whether the
36、 wear and tear; 2. Whether the boot: the boot sequence is from 0 to 9 in turn shows that figures are vague, can zero; 3. Whether the backlight ; 4. with the weight tests in weighing; 5. chargers is intact, can use; 6. parts are complete; Part VIII sensor type: 1. Resistive: affordable, high accuracy
37、, widely used; 2. Capacitive: small size, low precision; 3. Maglev-style: special high-precision, high cost; 4. Hydraulic formula: the current the market has been eliminated; Display Type: 1.LCD (liquid crystal display): free electricity, energy-saving, with backlight; 2.LED: free electricity, power
38、 consumption, very bright; 3. Lamp: electricity, power consumption , high; K / B (button) type: 1. film button: contact type; 2. mechanical buttons: made up of many individual combinations of keys together; sensor characteristics: 1. rated load; 2. output sensitivity; 3. non-linear; 4. hysteresis; 5
39、. repeatable; 6. creep; 7. 12:00 output effects; 8. rated output temperature; 9. 12:00 input; 10. input impedance; 11. output impedance; 12. Insulation Resistance ; 13. to allow excitation voltage; (5-18V) Part IX sensor damaged phenomenon: 1. Weighing not allowed; 2. Shows no return to zero; 3. Sho
40、ws the number of bounce to judge the sensor + E,-E, + S,-S 1. The first to use resistance profile measurement 4-line 22 This resistance value, a total of 6 groups. The case of 400-450, compared with Europe + E,-E; if it is 350 in Europe, compared to + S,-S; for the 290 in Europe, compared to R-arm;
41、2. + E,-E terminated on the + 1.5V voltage Sensor correctly to exert a pressure, such as the output + _S increase, then the red table pens as + S, the contrary-S; 10th part of the high-precision counting scale features: 1.Kg/Ib unit conversion functions; 2. 12:00 display range adjustment function (G
42、LH series does not) 3. Sampling speed adjustment function; 4. There are 10 groups memory function singlet; 5. may be at the same time the weight, quantity, the cumulative function (GLH only the number of cumulative) 6. can set the weight, the maximum amount of warning function; 7. automatic zero tra
43、cking, temperature linear correction; 8. deduction of withholding heavy weight and function; 9. Standby function; 10. there is zero shows zero tracking range and scope; 11. there is the battery voltage control to limit the function; Electronic scales are weighing technology in a new type of instrume
44、nt is widely used in various occasions. Electronic scales and mechanical scales have more small size, light weight, simple structure, low price and practical value of strong, convenient maintenance and so on can be in a variety of environmental work, the weight of the signal can be Remote, the weigh
45、t of display is easy to implement digital, easy-to-computer networking, process automation of production and improve labor productivity. Electronic Scale also has an automatic zero tracking, overload display of self-extinguishing characteristics. Mechanical scales, floor scale / land in the value (c
46、ar value), weigh-bridges and other fitted force-sensitive sensors and microcomputer-controlled intelligent weighing instruments become intelligent digital electrical and mechanical balance (or the mechanical and electrical dual-use scales), to improve the mechanical balance of the measurement accura
47、cy, with low cost, high reliability, simple installation and so on, without prejudice to the original mechanical scales to any transmission bearing structure. There are peeled, set to zero, the cumulative number of times, the cumulative weight (cumulative amount of valuation-based), auto-zeroing, au
48、to-tracking and other functions. Weighing data can be directly printed or transmitted via computer networks, industrial processes can improve the level of scale and product quality, trade clearing with the scale can improve the credibility of incalculable social and economic benefits. Electronic Sca
49、le is basically a sensor, amplifier circuit, A / D conversion circuit, microcontroller control of display parts, switch matrix circuit, the keyboard circuit and power circuit. Weight sensor signals are converted to a corresponding electrical signal, after amplified into the A / D converted into puls
50、es weight, through the SCM under the control of the analog voltage signals into digital. The digital conversion by the SCM program in line with the actual weight of the value of sending the number of display windows. MCU at the same time the keyboard and switch matrix for monitoring. According to th
51、e input parameter values, the program handled accordingly. Power circuit to provide the various parts of the operating voltage. Microprocessors such as 8050, HDF, 8031, etc. CPU. Highly versatile motherboard, different values of range and sub-degree scales, just adjust the jumpers on the motherboard
52、 and the DIP switch can be achieved, the only difference is that the sensor used with a rated carrying capacitySensor is a physical device or biological organ that can detect and feel the outside of the signal, physical condition (such as light, heat, humidity) or chemical composition (such as smoke
53、), and Discovery of information to other devices or organs. Definition of sensorNational standard GB7665-87 sensor is defined as: "can feel the requirements are measured and converted in accordance with the laws of certain signal device or devices available, usually composed of sensitive compon
54、ents and conversion devices." Sensor is a detection device, can feel the information being measured, and can detect sense of information, according to certain laws of transformation into electrical signals, or other forms of information required for output to meet the information transmission,
55、processing, storage, display, recording and control requirements. It is the automatic detection and control of the primary link.The role of sensorPeople in order to obtain information from the outside world must help of sense organs. And rely on people's own sense organs, the study of natural ph
56、enomena and laws, and production activities in their functions on far enough. To meet this situation, we need sensors. It can be said sensor is an extension of human senses, also known as electronic features.The arrival of the new technological revolution, the world entered the information age. In t
57、he course of the use of information, we must first resolve is to obtain accurate and reliable information, and sensors is to obtain information in the field of natural and production of the main ways and means.In modern industrial production, especially automated production process, the use of vario
58、us sensors to monitor and control the various parameters of the production process, so that devices work best in the normal state or condition, and to achieve the best quality products. Therefore we can say, without a large number of good sensors, modern production base will be lost.In the basic sci
59、ence research, a more prominent position sensor. The development of modern science and technology into many new areas: for example, thousands of light years to observe the macro level of the vast universe, to observe microscopically small particles cm the world, vertical, to observe the evolution over hundreds of year
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