1、Text AII.VocabularyA.1.5.were bulgi ng with aba ndon themselves2.6.B.1.6.faculty file out2. besiege7. judiciousIII. Grammar & StructureA.Unit Onemultitudefastidious3.7.3. stick to8. deci phercravemused4.9.onIn Naturalist fictio n people are ofte n caught with in forces ofnature or society that are w
2、ithin their understandingorFor instanee, the hero of Jack London To Build a4.8.laboriouspoignantcon trol.I.”.Fire iscrushed by the overwhelm force of the Arctic cold. Tim Hask ins, afarmer in Hamlin Garland Under the Lion Paw, ” is sufferedben eath an econo mic force that he is not equipped to fight
3、. I n Red Badge of Courage Henry Flem ing, the young soldier, usually must act under the shadow of larger forces that he can A know or understand; in Theodore Dreiser novels the characters actions are determ ined by con trollable social and p hysical factors.TheNaturalist writ ing uses a facts-only
4、app roach, a style made of detaiobservation of the truth ” of human experiences. Romantic illusi ons, Sen time nts, and idealistic soluti onsA p roblems are allabsent from Naturalistic writing. Poets as well as novelists participatedin this movement: Edwin ArlingtonRobinson,example, showed his chara
5、cters in the harsh light of unroman ticized, often unhappy and un fulfilled.Although Naturalist literature described the world sometimes brutal Realism, it sometimes also aimed at better theforday,withworld through social reform. For example, Frank Norris Hamlin Garland, in portraying the plight of
6、the westernandandin dulge in sooth fusi on by degrees1.beyond2. overwhelming3.4.suffersnot5. uncon trollable6.7.8.detailedtobetteri ngmid-wester n farmer, hoped to bring a des perate situati on to eye of the America n p ublic and so to improve it. This comb in ati on of grim reality and
7、desire for improve is typ ical of America as itthe9.eyes10. impro vementmoved into the twen tieth cen tury.B.1. B2. D3. A4. C5. B6. A7. C8. D9. B10. AIV . TranslationMrs. Sommers found herself the unexpected possessor of fifteen dollars. For days, she was totally occ upied with the questi on of in v
8、estme nt un til she fin ally came up with a judicious plan to spend the mon ey: she inten ded to buy some cloth ing for her childre n. However, on her shopping day, she felt tired and faint, and forgot to have lun ch. When she sat dow n, trying to gather stre ngth and courage, she sudde niy encoun t
9、ered a p air of sooth ing stock in gs, gliste ning and glidi ng serpen t-like through her fin gers. She gave in to the temp tatio n to buy one and got cha nged immediately. After that, she in dulged herself in spending all the money on other luxrious items. When she was sitt ing in the cable car to
10、her home, she had a strong wish that the car would n ever stop, but go on and on with her forever.Text BKey to ExercisesComp rehe nsion & App reciati onA.1.B.2.C.3. A.4. D.5. B.6. A.B.1.天气晴朗时, 旅馆的颜色。总有一位画家带着他的画架呆在那儿。 这些旅馆都面向花园和大海。画家们喜欢棕榈树生长的样子以及.窗外的正下方,一只猫卷曲在一张正滴着水的绿色桌子下。她正尽力使身子缩紧,这样 水就不会滴到身上
11、。女仆为她举着伞,她沿着碎石路走到了他们房间的窗子下。桌子还在那儿,被雨水冲刷 得格外绿,但是猫却不见了。乔治在床上移了移位置。从她开始说话起,他的眼睛就没有离开过她。门口站着女仆。她抱着一只玳瑁色的大猫。这只猫被她紧紧地搂在怀里并来回摇动着。Unit 2Text AII.VocabularyA.1.ann ual2. opponents3.disti nctions4.ferociously5.revered6. overlooked7.extra8.celebrityB.1.con structive2. bat4. status5.severely6
12、. falling apart 7. effective8. discouraged 9. cautious10. wi ped outIII. Grammar & StructureA.Sports have many affin ities with art. For exa mple, figure skati ng, drum corps, skateboarding, artistic gymnastics, dancesport , and T ai chi can be considered artistic spectacle. Similarly, there are oth
13、er activities that have eleme nts of sport and art in its executo n, such as bodybuild ing,free running, martial arts, pro fessi onalwrestl ing,performaneeart, yoga, dressage, and culinary arts.example is bull-fighting, which in Spain reports inPerhaps the best the arts pages ofn ews pap ers.All spo
14、rts involve some physical and mentalpu rsued for lesstha n simply utilitaria n reas ons. For in sta nee, running, when doing as a sport, occurs for reasons beyond simply moving from one place to another. Value is gained from this activity whenactivitiesareitis.5.6.spectaclestheiris reportedth
15、atmoredonecon ducted simply on its own sake. This is similar to the concept aesthetic value, which is see ing someth ing over and above the strictly functional value coming from an objec normal use. For instanee,of7.forobject san aesthetical pleasing car is one which doesn t just get from A to B9 .
16、aestheticallybut which imp resses with its grace, po ise, and charisma. In the same way, a sporting p erforma nee such as jumping does nbeing an effective way avoiding obstacles. It impresses because of the ability, skill, and style that is dem on strated in its p erforma nee.t just impress as10. to
17、 avoid或 of avoidingB.1.2.3. C4. D5. B6.7.8. B9. D10. ATran slati onMichael Jorda n.knownas“ Air Jorda n”is o neathletes of the 20thof the greatestgenius was truly appreciated when he wascentury. As a basketball player,chose n to p lay for the Chicago Bulls. Michael led the Bulls to four World Champi
18、onships in NBA history, and he had bee n n amed the league s MVP for four times. Due to his tale ntfor basketball, Michael won great popularityof sport star in media markets, andfreque ntly app eared in the silver scree n, sport magaz in es, broadcast ing and advertis ing.He had become one of the mo
19、st high p rofile celebrities. However, Michael n ever took his tale nt for gran ted. He dis played an amaz ing cap acity to improve himself through p ractice.Michael Jordan s real legacy is that he showed that true greatness comes from continuoushis athleticpursuit.Text BComp rehe nsion & App reciat
20、i onA.1.B 2. D 3. A4. D5. B6. D 7. CB.1.姚明在2002-2003 NBA 赛季加入了休斯敦火箭队。而在此之前他就以在上海鲨鱼队打 球时盖帽凶狠,篮板球突出以及得分能力强的特点征服了海外球迷。同时他在鲨鱼队打球时所表现出来的令人惊叹的能力也为他在中国国家篮球队获得了一席之地。2.3.姚明在球迷中的号召力为他赢得了足够的选票。他获得了今年NBA全明星赛西部明星队首发中锋的席位。这次他是在击败了强大的奥尼尔后而获得这个令人羡慕的殊荣的。自从以去年选秀状元的身份进入NBA以来,姚明已经打消了许多关于他作为职业篮球运动员的技术能力的猜疑。4.中国篮球队员在训练时要
21、求整体打球,而不是单打独斗。实际上,在最初的几个赛季里 中国篮球联赛并没有球员个人的技术统计数据。5.虽然在这些广告中姚明的台词很少,这是因为他还在努力掌握英语,但他在广告中的魅 力足以使这些广告过目难忘。Writ ingSamp le for Writ ing P ractice1.2.3.A man should be judged not by his words but by his The Spring Festival brings parents refreshi ng leisure.Tom knew that David didndeeds .children care-fr
22、ee happiness and grants their.1.like to go there with him.,warm-hearted and helpful man.Hele n bought a book yesterday and lost itThe young man is hon est, hard-work ing andThose who want to join the chorus should sig nof paper.After study ing Less on Ten, we were give n the mid-term
23、test.In this war, many parents lost their sons, many wives lost their husba nds, and many childre n lost their fathers. Thousa ndsof pro mis ingyoungmen missed their best years for schooli ng.At the age of three, I became motherless .Pro fessor Eric met Betty at a party andwas dee ply imp ressed by
24、her.Professor Smith is a lear nedthis morni ng. reliable .their n ames on this sheetUnit 3Text AII. VocabularyA.1.borrow ings2. exubera nee3.is flexible45.dimi nish ing6. was bound to7.accumulates8B.1.bound to2.expansion3.in cli ned to4. accumulate6.stabilizati on7.p reserve8.reduce9.in gratiatein s
25、trume nt5.10.dominantconq uest dominantIII. Grammar & StructureA.Stan dard usage in cludes those words and exp ressi ons un derstood, used, and acceptable by a majority of the sp eakers of a Ian guage in any situati on regardless of the level of formality. As such, these words and expressions are we
26、ll define and listed in standarddictionaries.Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speaker of a Ianguage and used in in formal sp eech or writ ing, but not con sidered approp riate for more formal situations. Almost all idiomatic expressio
27、ns are colloquial Ian guage. Slang, however, refers to words and exp ressi ons un der by a large nu mber of sp eakers but not acce pted as good, formal usage by the majority. Colloquial exp ressi ons and even sla ng may be found in sta ndard dict ion aries but will be so ide ntified. Both colloquial
28、 usage and sla ng is-more com mon in sp eech tha n in writi ng.Colloquial speech often passes A standard speech. Some slang also passes standardspeech, but other slang expressions enjoymomentarypopularityfollowed by obscurity. In some cases, themajority n ever acce pts certa in sla ng p hrases but n
29、 evertheless reta ins them in their collective memories. Every gen erati on seems to require its own set of words to describing familiar objects and events. It has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary to the creation of a large body of slang exp ress
30、i ons. First, the in troduct ion and acce ptance of new objects and situations in the society; second, a diverse populationwith a largenu mber of subgro ups; third, associatio n among the subgro ups and the majority popu lati on.Fi nally, it is worth to note that the terms“ standard ”and “ slang exi
31、st only as abstract labels for scholars who Ian guage. Only a tiny nu mber of the sp eakers of any Ian guage willaware that they are using colloquial or slang expressions. sp eakers of En glish will, duri ng approp riate situati ons, select and use all three types of exp ressi ons...ac
32、ce pteddefi nedspeakersun derstoodareintodescribefor” noting“ colloquial9.studyA 10. beMostB.1.2. B3. C4.5. A6.7. A8. D9.10. D3.Tran slati onSince the Norma ns conq uered En gla nd, take n p lace in the En glish Ian guage. The Norma ns were 1066. After their conquest of England, Norman French was in
33、stituted assig ni fica ntandeno rmousspeaking a formchanges have of French by the dominantIan guage the Ian guage of the upper classes, of law, of gover nment, and of commerce. Nevertheless, the masses of England continued speaking Anglo-Saxon. By about three hun dred years after the Norma n Conq ue
34、st, An glo-Sax on had re-established itself as the Ianguage of the upper classes, as English . With the passage of time and changes of society, En glish vocabulary, in clud ing borrow in gs, is shar ply expanding. In creas ing use of sp oke n expressions can be found in written American English; and
35、 even the grammatical p atter ns regarded as erron eous in the p ast have bee n acce ptable now. En glish is always cha nging and evolv ing and will ada pt and en dure.Text BComp rehe nsion & App reciati onA.1.2. B3. B4. D 5. B6. AB..在现代的纽约市,一座新塔,联合国大楼光彩夺目,高耸入云。然而,联合国的夙愿 以及全世界各人民的愿望却无法得以实现,这源
36、于我们当代的巴别塔:全世界现在大 约有三千多种语言,这还不包括那些阻碍同一土地上的民族进行交流的各类方言。 采用共同语言的主要障碍之一就是,甚至在可选择的语言上都存有混乱。一些简化语 言竞相争夺这一席之地,它们各自的支持者以政治家的热情奋战抗击。只有一种国际语言开始被人们使用,且成为联合国的工作语言,全世界的孩子都把它 作为第二语言学习的时候, 我们才可能消除目前已有的根据旅行时间来界定的这个 界”与我们向往的以理解与合作来界定的世界之间的障碍。因为,我认定,如果不消除这一障碍,实现国际和谐只是一种奢望。我个人已经把这 个建议付诸于实践了。“世5.尽自己所能,为孩子们实现一个世界一种语言的目标
37、,是所有美国人的责任。Writ ingSamp le for Writ ing P ractice1.She can in flue nee the outcome.2.Noth ing may come of these prep arati ons. We must take a sta nd on this p ress ing issue..8.Imagi ne tryi ng to lear n the rules of chess.The first two p aragra phs create sus pen se.Miss Moody poverty also
38、helped form her character.The storm clouds suggest the dan ger that childre n sometimes ignore.Preside nt Cli nton rema ined unconvinced that the Russia ns inten ded to disarm their9.10.n uclear wea pons.True, but you do not want your essay filled with words that are so unimportant that they can be
39、deleted without any loss of meaning. And readers do not appreciate havi ng to make their way through all of those unn ecessary words.Baseball, one of our oldest and most popu lar outdoor summer sports, has a rhythm that alter nates betwee n p layers just wait ing p assively batter hits a p itched ba
40、ll to p layers in the field.andexplosive action as theUnit 4Text AII.VocabularyA.1.demolish2.bashful3.depIo rable4. stumble5.distill6.dictator7.p lagiarize8. in tractableB.1.ak in to2.seize upon3. racked4. ske ptical of5.accused of6.subscribe to7. year n8. save the day9.warp10.Expl oitsIII. Grammar
41、& StructureA.Greg Mortensonis a formalmountainclimber, best-sellingauthor,huma nitaria n,andp hila nthropi a ni zati on,the Cen tralAsia In stitute (CAI),promotingeducation, specially for girls, in remoteHisnon-p rofitis dedicated toparts of Pakistanand Afgha ni sta n, and accord ing to its we
42、b site, has established more than 140 schools there. Mortensonmore than four millions copies and isThree Cups of Tea , has sold required reading for U.S.serviceme nbi ndingfor Afgha ni sta n.in vestigat ingcomp lai nts from formerstaffers, and charity watchdogs A Mortenson and the running his non-pr
43、ofit organization.And we found thereBut last fall,donors, boardwe beganmembers,way he is are seriousquestions about how much millions of dollars have been spent, whether Mortenson is personal benefiting, and whether some of the most dramatic and inspiring stories in his books are even true. Greg Mor
44、tenson jbooks have made him a publishing phenomenon andsought-after speaker on the lecture circuit, which he has attained cult-like status. And everywhereMortensongoes, he bringsinsp irati onal message built around a story that forms the corn erst one of Three Cups of Tea and his various ventures -
45、how, in 1993,anhetried and failed to reach the summit of K2, the world second 4a41-mountain, to honor his dead sister, how he got lost and sep aratedof..9.10.formeresp eciallymillio nboundaboutperson allywheretallestfromhis partyKorp he.onthe descent andstumbled intoa tinyvillage calle
46、dB.1.2. B3. C. A8. B9.10.IV.Tran slati onreport has left Mortenson Three Cups of Teawhich earned him millions and made him a humanitarian folk hero - in tatters. TheA bombshell 60 Min utesmemoir hero in Hampton Sides went to pi eces and his faith was shattered. After recalli ng his first mome
47、 nt with Mortenson, Hampton an alyzed America nso nging for heroes and poin tedout that heroes are not p erfect at all, and thus we should acce pt their flaws.Text BComp rehe nsion & App reciati onA.1. B.2. C.3. A.4. D.5. B.6. A.B.1.我们知道宗教的好处大致可以体现在四个方面:社会支持,精神支持,目的和意义感,.避免冒险和紧张的行为。虽然这样并不能奇迹般
48、地减轻人们的痛苦, 的同情心,同情心和幸福感紧紧相连。对任何人来说,幸福的感觉都不是永远的,“我确定自己对生活更加满意。”但是这种做法确实有助于人们培养一种很强但是,我现在觉得更平静更平和,”她说。遵循某种信仰框架的无神论者和不可知论者, 的科学精神,可以受益于类似从宗教中获得的某种东西。像所有的基于调查的研究一样,研究信仰和幸福取决于参与者的坦率。一些研究者质疑参与者会不会因为太虔诚而不坦白。这种信仰无论是世俗的人文精神还是纯粹Unit 5II.VocabularyA.1.ide ntical2.surpassed3.in timidate4.ascribe5.drifted6.coin c
49、ide7.disru pt8.overtB.1.Given that2.po ses3.en circle4.docume motio n6.ambiguities7.moun ted8.thought -p rovok ing9.features10.in the case ofText AIII. Grammar & StructureA.More people die of tuberculosis (结核病) disease caused from a sin gle age nt. This has p robably case for quite a while.
50、 During the early stages of the revolution,perhaps one foF every seven deaths inthan ofotheranybeen thein dustrialEurope 1.2.byincrowded cities were-caused by the disease. From the n on, though, western eyes, missing the global picture, saw the trouble going into decline. With occasional breaking of
51、 war, A rates of death and infection in Europe and America dropped steadily through the 19th and 20th centuries. In the 1950s, the introduction an tibiotics weakened the trend in rich coun tries, andofthean tibiotics were allowed to be exported to poor coun tries. Medical researchers declared victor
52、y and withdrow.They were wrong. In the mid-1980s the frequency infections and deaths started to p ick up aga in around the world. Where tuberculosis had vanished, it came back; in many places where theyhad n ever bee n away, it grew worse.The World Health Organizationestimate that 1.7 billionof.7.8.wasthestre ngthe nedwithdrewitestimates9.people (a third of the earth s population) suffer from tuberculosis.Even the infection rate was falling, population growth keep the nu mbe
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