1、UNIT 1Listening and SpeakingAs technology is getting advanced, many products have been 1) created to make life easier. With the help of modern technology, peoples 2) standard of living has changed and their life is more 3) comfortable. People use these new products not only
2、to 4) enhance their career but also their health, beauty and wealth. For example, mobile phones and smartphones have become important 5) means of communication. Today everyone needs a mobile phone for 6) day-today purposes. Computers play an important role in every field includin
3、g hospitals, hotels, schools, and other 7) institutes. There are also mobile 8) devices like tablets and smartphones that can be used as a portable computer. These help people to get their 9) work and everyday routine done through 10) a click of a button.Text ARead
4、ing Comprehension1.1) (1) sniffed at, smug(2) proud2) (1) the few remaining holes, quite soon(2) disheartened3) (1) impossible to be truly alone, more and more endangered, staring, even(2) critical4) (1) love the wilderness, cant wait for my next trip, walk for miles, drink deeply from a mountain st
5、ream, stretch out under the open sky, gaze up at the stars, use my phone(2) optimistic2.1) F The author admitted that his colleague kind of had a point because he did use GPS. That is to say, to some degree he agreed with his colleague.2) NG It is not mentioned in the text.3) F Waldeinsamkeit
6、160;becomes more and more endangered with every cell tower.4) T Technology can enhance your wilderness experience, for example the Night Sky mobile app, an app concerning birding, or a map app.5) F The phone isnt the problem. The problem is us our inability to step away from email and games and ines
7、sential data, our inability to look up, be it at an alpine lake or at family members.Language in Use4.A.NounVerbAdjectivecompetitioncompetitorcompetitivenesscompetecompetitivecivilizationcivilitycivilizecivilizedcivildeletiondeletedeletableenforcementenforcerenforceenforceenforceableidentificationid
8、entityidentifieridentifyidentifiedidentifiablemigrationmigrantmigratemigrantmigratorypersistencepersistpersistentpopulationpopulatepopulouspopulatedurgeurgencyurgeurgentB.· 1) urge, urgent · 2) delete, deletions · 3) enforced, enforcement· 4) identification, identified&
9、#160;· 5) persistence, persistent · 6) civilization, civilize· 7) populated, populous · 8) migrate, migration5.· 1) draw the line · 2) off the grid · 3) had a point· 4) get away from it all · 5) (Being) free of · 6) serv
10、e up· 7) save for · 8) live with6.· 1) sniffed at · 2) murmuring at · 3) rejoice at · 4) grasp at· 5) Glancing at · 6) marveling at · 7) aim at · 8) barked at7.· 1) packed with · 2) consisting with
11、60;· 3) endowed with· 4) quivering with · 5) combined with · 6) gossiping with· 7) compromise with · 8) paled with8.Reference translation1) 我们走了200多英里却没有踏足任何公路;更爽的是,这期间我们没有回复任何电话、电子邮件、推特或其他日常网络通信。这简直就是人间天堂。2) 但当我们走到小路尽头,站在惠特尼山巅,俯瞰着广阔无垠的西部,随处可见的各种智能手机让我惊愕不
12、已。3) 每个人对何为彻底逃离(科技)都有自己的定义。在某些人看来,我的所谓彻底逃离其实并不彻底。4) 现在的情形已基本如此了。只消上网看看国家电信和信息管理局的全美宽带覆盖图,你就会发现,除了一些高山和人烟稀少的沙漠外,全国基本呈一片连续的蓝色。5) 这些做法也许荒诞可笑,却发人深省。我们生活在一个非凡的年代,在这个年代里,真正的独处很快将难以企及。9.Reference translationBhutan did not introduce TV until 1999, and is the last country that is open to TV and the Internet.
13、 Its mobile phone and Internet penetrations are as low as 30% and 5% respectively, almost out of tune with the modernized world. Now that the majority of its people have no mobile phones and no access to the Internet, they have little odds of being phubbers or night persons. While the other countrie
14、s are striving desperately to develop economy and boost GDP at all costs, what Bhutan pursues is GNH (Gross National Happiness). They are willing to take advantage of modern technology, but would do it at their own pace, according to their own needs and at their own proper time. Although likewise th
15、irsting for economic prosperity, Bhutan refuses to realize it at the price of their cherished tradition and culture.Text BReading Comprehension1.1) (1) objective(2) People show love to their mothers online on Mothers Day.2) (1) subjective(2) The influence of technology is admittedly an important fac
16、tor, but it is also true that the Millennial Generation is more obsessed with individualism than ever.3) (1) subjective(2) Whether the pursuit of originality is the cause or consequence of our generations alienation, the two are clearly linked and central to understanding it.4) (1) objective(2) It i
17、s reported that Millennials are more materialistic and indifferent.Language in Use2.· 1) conscious · 2) profess · 3) dilemma · 4) alienate· 5) prejudice · 6) interaction · 7) obsession · 8) crafted3.· 1) at the cost of &
18、#183; 2) at the mercy of · 3) at the speed of· 4) in partnership with · 5) in accordance with · 6) in connection with· 7) beyond doubt · 8) beyond words · 9) beyond comparison4.Reference translation1) Many people tend to be more concerned w
19、ith how other people react to an issue, rather than how they feel about it themselves.2) Were going to look into the root cause of the failure, and get it resolved once and for all.3) The most challenging thing in foreign language learning might be to think in the same manner as native speakers.4) S
20、he was not beautiful. Nothing about her was extraordinary. Nothing about her made her stand out.5) Many of these interviewers will be your supervisors and colleagues, and they will take turns asking you questions.WritingExercise 11) As a result of human population growth, deforestation and hunting,
21、the number of koalas has declined.2) The work was physically hard; the pay was poor; and most of all, the working conditions were dismal.3) Because of its sense of loyalty, its ability to be trained, and its great companionship, a dog is the perfect pet for me.4) The person who practices tae kwon do
22、 gains discipline, maturity, and a changed self-concept.Exercise 2· 1) b · 2) b · 3) b · 4) aExercise 3For reference1) it appears that computers have made our life and work more convenient2) meals prepared by either chefs or cooks can be equally delicious3) have th
23、eir idiosyncrasies4) its crowdedness and inconvenience sometimesUNIT 2Listening and Speaking1.Although liberal arts colleges were 1) typically institutions created for wealthy white men in the early days of the American higher education system, there are 2) exceptions. For example, Sm
24、ith College founded in 1871 was established in order to provide 3) the highest-quality undergraduate education for women”. The establishment of Smith College was primarily 4)a reaction to early prejudiced beliefs that 5) prohibited women from attending college. Liberal arts
25、colleges today are a small but 6) well-regarded academic force in America which 7) seeksto create better people with a better balance of character through a broad range of study. Due to their 8) unique philosophy and teaching method, liberal arts colleges have over time beco
26、me a unique part of the American education system. There are hundreds of liberal arts colleges available in the country, all of which are 9) dedicated to supporting a curriculum that wishes to create 10) well-rounded students.Text AReading Comprehension1.The students response1. As the
27、 room filled with chattering voices, each one grew louder to compete with the clamor around them.Inference: The students were indifferent to the history class.2. A soft murmur rippled across the room as students turned from side to side and whispered expressio
28、ns of disbelief.Inference: The students doubted about the history teachers words.3. The room grew still now.Inference: The students became serious about the history course.4. No one dropped the course.Inference: The students were convinced to ta
29、ke the course.2.Cons of liberal education:A. Many students would reject the appeal of pursuing liberal education, for they believe that:1) In an increasingly specialized world you must concentrate on a single area and become an expert in that field, forsaking all other
30、subjects.2) “Liberal arts” is like something you pursue if you dont have a real major.3) Liberal arts courses should be got out of the way, and the advisors should help students check off those requirements.4) Schools exist only to get you the right certificate or degree, no
31、t to help you develop as a creative, critically intelligent, compassionate, and concerned human being.B. Many professors and deans also dont understand why students should take all those general education requirements because they know very little about what the whole tradition o
32、f liberal education entails.C. Some influential policy-makers in Washington, D.C. dismiss liberal education as meaningless for they hold that:1) The value of education is to prepare for a job.2) The aim of higher learning is to train someone to do a task that would make
33、 them money.Pros of liberal education:Our most creative and productive subjects found great value in general and liberal education because:1) It enables students to encounter a vast range of ideas and creations, so that they can recognize good ideas when meeting th
34、em.2) It helps students to engage and stimulate their minds, and understand education as a developmental process in which they sought to grow the power of their minds.Language in Use4.· 1) stimulating, stimuli · 2) implicate, implication · 3) compass
35、ion, compassionate· 4) specialize, specialization · 5) reject, rejection · 6) defined, definite· 7) utilizing, utility · 8) influential, influence5.· 1) by accident · 2) by turns · 3) By contrast· 4) by definition · 5) i
36、n case of · 6) in terms of· 7) in consideration of · 8) in honor of6.· 1) groping for · 2) strive for · 3) applauded for · 4) substituted for· 5) compensate for · 6) stand for · 7) weep for · 8) blame for7
37、.· 1) comment on · 2) deciding on · 3) elaborate on · 4) imposed on· 5) concentrate on · 6) acts on · 7) feed on · 8) relied on8.Reference translation1) 接下来的几分钟里,他简要介绍了通识教育的发展历史,告诉学生们“通识”一词来自拉丁语,意为“自由”,这种学校教育在古代只有自由的小孩(而非奴隶)才能享受。2
38、) 现代的通识教育让学生接触许多理工和人文学科,这些学科知识有助于深入探求人生重大问题的答案。3) 他们认为,高等教育如果不以培训学生做事挣钱为核心,就是毫无意义的。4) 如果想弄清我们的调查对象究竟做了什么成就了极富成效与创造力的人生,我们就必须理解为什么他们如此重视在选定专业领域之前所接受的通识教育。5) 他们把教育理解为一种成长历程,在此过程中,他们致力于思维能力的提升,这样一种理解也影响到了他们所尝试的学习方向。9.Reference translationThe imperial examination system in China began to be put into pra
39、ctice in the Sui Dynasty and lasted more than 1,300 years. In ancient China, class consciousness was distinct and people from lower classes had little chance to gain a position in the official court. But once the imperial examination system was introduced, scholars from poor families had opportuniti
40、es to take the government exams, which enabled them to bring honor to their families. Such a talent-selection system had great impact not only on the politics, economy, education, cultural concepts and social customs in Chinese feudal society, but also on the education systems of such neighboring co
41、untries as Japan, Korea and Vietnam. To some extent, Chinas current education system has selectively inherited some advantages from the imperial examination system.Text BReading Comprehension1.1) proPlumbing college clearly has a lot to recommend it. You learn useful and relevant skil
42、ls there. You become eminently employable. And you probably dont find yourself having £30,000 of tuition fees to pay back when you finally complete the course.2) conA humanities student in the 1980s, pursuing a non-vocational course, could still feel confident that
43、 the degree he or she was studying was worthwhile in itself. University was supposed to be about a broadening and deepening of the individual.3) conJob prospects, employability skills and building networks of “contacts”, must be a secondary or even tertiary concern. Study somethi
44、ng that fascinates you, and worry about the future later on.4) conClassicists would be able to tell us that Aristotles concept of “flourishing” as an individual eudaimonia does not imply great material success at all. Living and doing well is what matters. One probably needs to be well ed
45、ucated to achieve this, but not necessarily paid an investment bankers salary (or bonus).Language in Use2.· 1) affordable · 2) conscientious · 3) synthetic · 4) suppress· 5) defiant · 6) condemn · 7) incurred · 8) fascinate3.
46、· 1) as far as is concerned · 2) take on · 3) die down· 4) in due course · 5) may as well · 6) go through· 7) for the sake of · 8) pays off4.Reference translation1) 这位焦虑的家长上世纪80年代读的本科,那时学生生活的某些本质还是不言自明的,尽管英国当时正经历着一次重大的经济转型。2) 我曾亲耳听到时任首
47、相托尼布莱尔(他毕业于牛津大学圣约翰学院)宣称“学得越多,挣得也越多”,说这话时他显然没有挖苦之意。3) 一旦政治上的争执和愤慨(不管是真义愤还是伪装的)平息下来,我们所有人将不得不冷静思考如何帮助我们的孩子应付他们终将面对的债务。4) 与最初用来替代助学金的学生贷款一样,贷款付学费、再慢慢偿还的方式,可能将成为年轻人所能获取的最好最实惠的贷款之一。5) 就在20多年前我们很多人都还得到过父母的经济支持,然而随着这个国家里“夹缝中的中产阶级”日益沦落,极有可能这也要变成稀罕事了。Writing11) Victoria as a favorite tourist city and a comfo
48、rtable place to live2) location and climate, interesting things to do there, lifestyle3) healthy life, clean and pleasant environment, good standard of living, artistic atmosphere and good taste2American Fast Food: Why Is It So Popular in China?I. American fast food is now very popular in China.A. T
49、here are several kinds of popular American fast food restaurants in China.(McDonald, Kentucky, Pizza Hut, etc.)B. These fast food restaurants serve different kinds of food.C. The number of American fast food restaurants in China is increasing dramatically.II. There are several reasons
50、 for the popularity of American fast food in China.A. The service is generally good.1. It is fast.2. The employees of the restaurants are professional and friendly.3. It is convenient for people too busy to prepare a meal.4. The environment is clean and pleasant.B. The food
51、tastes good.1. It tastes different from typical Chinese food and excites Chinese taste buds.2. The taste is the same in chain stores, which provides a sense of security and standard.C. The packaging makes the food look appealing.1. Colorful paper wrappings appear appealing.2. Plastic
52、utensils are clean and convenient.D. Various promotions attract customers.1. Discount and special prices help the sales.2. TV commercials and newspaper advertisements greet regular customers and catch new ones.III. The popularity of American fast food is a result of both the food cult
53、ure and the lifestyle it represents.UNIT 3Listening and Speaking1.Being considered a leader in our society is the 1) ultimate compliment. Leadership has become the universal vitamin C pill. It bestows power, commands respect and 2) fostersachievement. Unlike vitamins, though, leadersh
54、ip skills cant be easily 3) swallowed. They must be carefully cultivated. But which skills do leaders cultivate? Here are some tips:(1) Always give credit. Many leaders note that the most efficient way to get a good performance from others is to treat them like heroes. 4) Giving public cre
55、dit to someone who has earned it is the best leadership technique in the world.(2) 5) Take informed risks. The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise.(3) Keep the faith. Successful leaders often say that if you trust others to do well, they will. If you believe
56、your people will fail, they will probably 6) meet your expectations as well.(4) Get a compass. People dont follow leaders who 7) lack direction.(5) Act the part. Good leaders have learned to sound and look like winners. They also know that 8) appearance and manners count.(6)
57、 Be competent. The best leaders know that their 9) capacity and proficiency are part of their fascination. 10) Competence stimulates people, and will make them look to you for guidance and direction.Text AReading Comprehension1.Ordinary leadersBest leadersLeaders are supposed to be
58、60;perfect and struggle is regarded as a sign of weakness and a source of shame.Struggle is a natural part of leadership and unlocks the potential for the greatest growth.1) They lose their confidence and doubt their abilities.2) They think that
59、;something is wrong with them.1) They learn to embrace struggle as an art to be mastered.2) They develop skills, capabilities, and practices that help them cope with challenge and adversity.New leadersBest leaders1) They have no self-regulatory mechanism, no brakes.2) They r
60、epeat the same mistakes over and over.1) They use failure as a wake-up call. They seek out the counsel of a mentor and/or turn their attention inward for reflection and introspection. Thus they try a different approach when they encounter the same circumstances the next
61、 time.2) They view leadership as an enriching, deeply human experience.Change plays a prominent role in the leadership struggle, and creates a natural set of tensions which throw the leader off balance.2.As one of the most 1) influential leaders of o
62、ur time, Steve Jobs was a leader who had confronted and 2) navigated through a number of struggles, when he had 3) redefined his life purpose and 4) transformed his leadership energies so as to serve this core purpose. What he had achieved is radically changing our thin
63、king about leadership and 5) innovation.Starting with the case of Steve Jobs, the text presents a new idea about leadership, initiating a fundamentally different premise that struggle and leadership are intertwined. Leadership is often a struggle, yet strong 6) taboos keep us from talking openly and honestly about our difficulties
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