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1、高考英语非谓语动词练习测试1.With his mother _ him,he is getting on well with his work.(湖南邵东一中高三第三次月考)A Help   Bto help  Chelping  Dhelped2Jane went off to the party with her husband,_ a happy evening of wine,food and song.Aexpected           &

2、#160;                                           BexpectingCto expect   

3、0;                                                   De

4、xpects3The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing _ should have attracted the local government's attention.Asolving                            

5、60;                             BsolveCto solve                   

6、;                                      Dsolved4He claimed _ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday

7、.(湖南望城二中高三第二次月考)Abeing badly treated Btreating badly Cto be treated badly Dto have been treated badly5Who could have imagined such a sweettempered girl as Alice _ such a thing?Adoing  Bto do  Cdoes  Ddo答案Aimagine后跟动名词的复合结构。6At the _ news,all the women present burst out

8、_.Adisappointed;crying                                    Bunexpected;cryingCunexpecting;to tears    

9、0;                              Ddisappointing;tears7Rather than _ for help from someone else,however difficult the task is,I prefer to complete it by myse

10、lf.Ato ask                                                 &

11、#160;         BaskingCask                                        

12、                       Dto have asked8The World Trade Organization finally opened its door to China on November 10,_ our Chinese 15year wait.(安徽黄山市高中毕业班第一次质量检测)Ato end    


14、0;    BendedCending                                             &

15、#160;             Dends9That's the best way we should think of _ the dying soldier.Ahelping                        &

16、#160;                                 BsavingCoperating              &

17、#160;                                       Dto save10What happened to you on your way back to the hotel last

18、night?I lost my way in complete darkness and,_ things worse,it began to pour.Amaking                                    

19、                      Bto makeChaving made                         

20、60;                        Dmade11The examination results _ in the speech of our headmaster delighted all of us.Arefer to          

21、0;                                              Breferring toCwas referred

22、to                                             Dreferred to12You should have tha

23、nked her before you left.I meant _,but when I was leaving,I couldn't find her anywhere.(天津河西区高三年级质量调查)Ato do her                              

24、0;                        Bto haveCdoing                         

25、                                   Ddoing so13Who is the man that wants to see me?A man _ himself Mr.Stonebreaker.Acalling Bc

26、alled Ccalls Dis called14When _ if she would request a rise,the actress noted that money was not important.Aasked                              &#

27、160;                            Bbeing askedChaving asked                  

28、                              Dasking 15Is Bob still performing?I'm afraid not.He is said _ the stage already as he has become an official.Ato hav

29、e left                                                  

30、;  Bto leaveCto have been left                                            Dto be

31、 left16Faced with a bill for $10,000,_.(浙江温州市高三第一次适应性测试)AJohn has taken an extra jobBthe boss has given John an extra jobCan extra job has been takenDan extra job has been given to John17_ in charge of the shopping center has upset him for quite some time.ALeft      


33、60;     BBeing leftCHaving left                                         

34、60;          DTo leave18He sent me the email,_ to get some further information for his research.Ahoped Bhoping Cto hope Dhope19As I will be away for at least a year,I'd appreciate _ from you now and then _ me how everyone is getting alo


36、    Bto hear;tellChearing;telling                                           

37、;  Dto hear;to tell20With everything she needed _,she went out of the shop,with her hands full of shopping bags.Abought   Bto buy Cbuying   Dbuy21We don't have enough dictionaries.What would you like to suggest?How about four of us _ one?Ashare Bto share C

38、sharing Dshared22To improve the quality of our products,we asked for suggestions_had used the products.(重庆)Awhoever                              

39、                         BwhoCwhichever                       

40、60;                             Dwhich23Was yesterday's conference successful?Not really.The number of _ was much smaller than we had expected.Apeople who a

41、ttend                                        Bpeople attendedCpeople attending    

42、60;                                       Dpeople attend24What made little Tony so unhappy and cry in his room

43、?_ to go hiking with his brother.AHaving not been allowedBNot having allowedCHaving not allowedDNot having been allowed25After the Shengzhou VI capsule touched down,two astronauts succeeded in traveling around the earth,thus again _ China is a global space power.(贵州安顺高三摸底考试)Aproved    


45、;    Bto proveCto have proved                                          

46、0;   Dproving 26The students are forbidden,unless they have special passes,_ after 11 pm.Ato stay out                              

47、0;                      Bstayed outCstaying out                        

48、0;                           Dstay out27At that time,he spent as much time as he could _ the ancient statues which would be sunk in the river.Apaint    


50、60;      Bto paint Cpainting                                         &

51、#160;               Dpainted28I'd like to learn more about Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea.Better try _ the CCTV website,and you are likely _ the information in no time.Ato visit;to get         &#

52、160;                                    Bto visit;gettingCvisiting;to get         

53、60;                                    Dvisiting;getting29During the test we were supposed to stay in our seats,keep our eyes

54、 on our work,_ to anyone.Aand not speak                                           

55、60;   Binstead of speakingCrather than speak                                         

56、 Dbut could not talk30The teacher _ at the desk _ the exam papers.(上海奉贤区高三上学期1月调研测试)Asat;to be correctingBsat down;to correctCsat;correctedDwas sitting down;correcting答案解析:1 C这是with的复合结构,his mother与help是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以排除D,如选B则有将来的意味,显然不合语境,选C表示“他妈一直在帮他”,符合句意。2 Bexpecting是伴随状语。3 D实质上是.seeing the traffic

57、problem solved。4 Dclaim后可接不定式而不接动名词作宾语,即可排除A、B。“被虐待”的动作先于“声称”,故需用不定式的完成式。5 Aimagine后跟动名词的复合结构。6 Bburst outdoingburst into名词,可排除C、D。若选A,则需将disappointed改为disappointing才对。unexpected意为“意想不到的”。7 Cprefer to do.rather than do.是固定搭配。8 C现在分词作结果状语。9 D不定式作定语。10 Bto make things worse是固定说法,作插入语。11 Dreferred to.作

58、后置定语修饰the examination results。12 B这是I meant to have thanked her的省略。13 A现在分词短语calling himself Mr.Stonebreaker作后置定语修饰A man,相当于定语从句who calls himself Mr.Stonebreaker。14 A这是When she was asked的省略。15 A该空后有宾语,所以不用被动语态,可排除C、D。由already一词可知该用不定式的完成式,故选A。16 A由作状语的Faced with a bill for $10,000可知,句子的主语必须是“人”,即可排除

59、C、D,根据语境判断选A。17 B动名词的被动式作主语。18 B现在分词作伴随状语。19 Cappreciate一般跟动名词而不跟不定式作宾语。20 A这是“with宾语宾补”结构,用过去分词表示被动和完成。21 Cabout为介词,后面用动名词复合结构。22 A句意:为了提高我们的产品质量,我们向任何使用过我们产品的人征求意见 。asked的宾语已经后置,即whoever had used the products,其中whoever可以分解为anyone who。23 Cattending作定语修饰people,A项中的attend用过去时才正确。24 D动名词的否定形式作主语。注:not

60、需置于非谓语动词的最前面。25 D现在分词表结果。注:power意为“强国”。25 D现在分词表结果。注:power意为“强国”。26 Abe forbidden to do sth.结构被unless从句分隔了。27 Ccould后省略了spend,这是spend some time (in) doing sth.句型。28 Ctry doing sth.是“试着做某事”,be likely to do sth.为固定搭配。29 A这是三个不定式(stay,keep,not speak)并列,最后一个不定式前需用and。若选B,应在keep前加and才行。30 B第一空:sat down表“

61、坐下来”的动作;第二空:不定式表目的。非谓语动词测试(二)每小题0.5分,共30小题;满分15分得分:_1.How can I improve my English?You should find more opportunities to hear English _ as much as you can.(2011·湖南省示范性中学高三联考试题)Aspeaking BspeakCto speak Dspoken答案D这是hear sth.done结构,过去分词spoken做宾补。2Taiwanborn film maker Anglee won the bes

62、t director Oscar at the 28th Academy Awards,_ the highest honor in American movie fields.(湖北鄂州市高三上学期期末检测)Ato have considered                              &

63、#160;         BconsideringCto consider                                     

64、               Dconsidered答案D过去分词短语作定语表被动。3After the flood,no house in the village _.Aleft standing                      

65、0;                            Bwas left to standCwas remained standing                

66、;                  Dremained standing答案Dremain作“依然是,仍然保持”解是系动词,没被动语态,故排除C。A、B应改为was left standing正确。4Many children have formed the habit of reading but _ efficient notes meanwhile.Anot take     &


68、Bnot to takeCnot to taking                                             

69、0;    Dnot taking答案Dtaking与reading为平行结构。5The famous magazine Asian Time recently put Li Yuchun,the winner of Super Girls,on its cover,_ that what Li possesses is to challenge Chinese traditional beauty.(湖南师大附中高三第五次月考)Asaid          


71、60; Bto sayCsaying                                               

72、            Dto have said答案C现在分词表伴随。6With an examination _,the students felt relaxed and enjoyed themselves a whole night.Ato take Btaking Ctaken Dwas taken答案C过去分词表被动和完成。句意:考试完了后,学生们感觉轻松了,玩了一整夜。7He stood up and looked forward to _

73、 what was happening over there and found there was a cinema around _ he could see a film being shown.(长沙市一中高三第六次月考)Aseeing;which                            

74、0;                 Bsee;whereCsee;which                               

75、                    Dseeing;that答案Blook forward意为“朝前看”,不定式to see表目的,around是副词,where引导定语从句修饰a cinema。8All things _ into consideration,the planned trip will have to be called off.Ataken    


77、60;     BtakingCto take                                           

78、;               Dbeing taken答案A这是独立主格结构,All things与take之间存在着被动关系。9_ to use in April,2010,the road has solved the longstanding problem of traffic jams of this area.APut          


80、60;  BPuttingCHaving put                                             &

81、#160;      DBeing put答案A过去分词短语作状语,相当于After it was put to use in April,2010。10The man _ of shooting 6 school children was caught by Beijing police,the Xinhua News Agency reported on Friday.(山东滨州市惠民县高三期末考试)Abeing suspected         &

82、#160;                                  BsuspectingCsuspected            

83、60;                                        Dto be suspected答案C过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于定语从句who was suspected。11What

84、 made me sad was that I went to see her the day before yesterday only _ her dead on her bed.Ato find   Bfinding Cfound Dfind答案Aonly to find不定式表出乎意料的结果。意为:我前天去看她,竟然发现她死在自己床上,让我很悲伤。12As the film star began to appear,the children watched _.Afascinating BfascinatedCbeing fascina

85、ted   Dhaving fascinated答案B过去分词作状语,说明主语的状态。13_ from the moon,our earth with water _ seventy percent of its surface,appears as a blue ball.ASeen;covered                       &

86、#160;                     BSeeing;coveringCSeen;covering                        

87、                    DSeeing;covered答案C第一空:过去分词作状语表被动。第二空:现在分词作定语表主动。14My daughter often makes a schedule to get herself _ of what she is to do in the day.Aremind       &#

88、160;                                                  B

89、to remindCreminded                                               

90、       Dreminding答案C该空与herself存在动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。15The building _ over there last year was for us laidoff workers.We appreciate what the government has done for us.(河北衡水市深州高级中学高三1月月考)Abuilt              

91、0;                                               Bto be builtChaving b

92、een built                                           Dbeing built答案A过去分词表被动和完成。注:过去分词的完成式一般不作定语,

93、所以C不正确。16Sir,do you have anything _ this afternoon? If there is nothing to do,I wonder if I can ask for a leave.Atyping                               

94、                            BtypedCto type                    

95、60;                                     Dto be typed答案Dto be typed作定语表示动作的发出者是打字员。17_ it or leave it it's up to you.

96、(浙江长征中学高三上学期第三次阶段性检测)AHaving                                             &#

97、160;            BTakeCHaving had                                    &#

98、160;              DTo take答案B这是祈使句,Take与leave是平行结构均用动词原形。18The most of his time he _ was what he spared from his playing time.Amade to learning               &#

99、160;                            Btook in learningCtook to learning                

100、60;                            Dmade to learn答案D这是make the most of his time to learn结构。19_ by his grandparents,Jimmy wasn't used to living with his parents.ATo b

101、ring up BTo be brought upCBrought up DBringing up答案C过去分词表被动和完成作原因状语。20The noise of desks _ could be heard in the street.(山东淄博市高三上学期期末考试)Aopened and closed Bto be opened and closedCbeing opened and closedDhaving been opened and closed答案C这是动名词的复合结构作介词of的宾语。21Who did you see _ in the mid

102、dle of the front row making that much noise?Aseated Bsit Cseat Dseating答案A正常语序为:see who seated,seated作宾补。B项改为sitting才正确。22Limited natural resources should be made full use of _ the _ need of energy.Ameeting;increasing           &#

103、160;                          Bto meet;increasedCmeeting;increased                   

104、                    Dto meet;increasing答案D这是make full use of sth.to do sth.搭配,现在分词increasing作定语表示“正在增加”。23While cleaning the snow on the road,_.(山东潍坊七中高三上学期期末考试)Aa wallet was found on the groundBa wallet a

105、ppeared on the groundCI found a wallet lying on the groundDI found a wallet laid on the ground答案C由cleaning the snow.可知句子的主语应该是“人”,可以排除A、B。24Mrs.Smith found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and _ very worried.Alooks            &#

106、160;                                               BlookingCto look


108、60;       Dis looking答案Bher husband与look是逻辑上的主谓关系。25It is encouraging to see millions on the earth who had nothing but a record of misery and hunger _ the chance to improve their life.(山东平邑高考补习学校1月阶段性检测)Ahas Bhave Cto have Dwho have答案B动词原形have作感官动词see的宾补,

109、millions由定语从句who had.hunger修饰。26The driver _ for the accident had not been driving carefully.Ablamed                                 &#

110、160;                       Bbeing blamedCto be blamed                       

111、;                          Dblaming答案A过去分词表被动作后置定语,相当于who was blamed.。27Do speak loudly while _ yourself understood well.Alistening to make Blistened to makeCbeing listen

112、ed to to make Dlistening to be made答案C句意:别人在听你讲时,为了使自己被更好地理解,一定要大声点。C是while you are being listened to to.的省略。28A lot of coal miners died on the job last year,_ the local government to shut nearly 500 small mines in Shanxi Province alone.(辽宁东北育才学校高三第二次模拟)Aforcing      &#

113、160;                                                 &#

114、160; Bto forceCforced                                               &#

115、160;           Dhas forced答案A现在分词短语作结果状语。29What do you think made the beautiful lady upset?_ her new MP5 player.(福建古田县第一中学高三上学期质量检查)ALost                                                              BLosingCBecause of losing &#


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