1、英语词汇构词法(Word-formation)英语构词通常包括六种方法:转化法、派生法、合成法、混合法、截短法和首尾字母结合法。1. 常见前缀A. 表示否定意义的前缀:a. dis-, in-, im-, ir-, ne-, n-, un- 表示“纯否定”,如: dishonest, impossible, irregular, neither, never, unable b. mis- 表示“错误”,如: mistake, mislead c. de-, dis-, un- 表示“相反动作”,如: defend(保卫,辩护), disconnect (断开), uncover B. 表示空
2、间位置、方向关系的前缀:a. a- 表示“在之上;向”,如: aboard, aside b. inter-,intel- 表示“在间;相互”,如: international, interaction(相互作用,干扰) c. out- 表示“在上面;在外部”,如: outline (外形), outside, outwardd. trans- 表示“跨越”,如: translate, transforme. under- 表示“在下面”,如: underline, underground, underwaterf. up- 表示“向上;向上面;在上”,如upward, uphold(抬高,支
3、持,赞同), uphill (上坡)C. 表示时间、序列关系的前缀:a. fore- 表示“在前面;先前;前面”,如: forward(前进,在船头,今后,出现), forecast,b. mid- 表示“中;中间”,如: midnight, midsummer c. re- 表示“再一次”,如: retell, rewrite, remarry D. 表示比较程度差别关系的前缀:a. extra- 表示“超越;额外”,如: extraordinary(特别的,使人惊奇的)b. over- 表示“超过;太”,如: overdress, oversleep c. super-, sur- 表示“
4、超过”,如: superpower, surpass (超越)d. vice- 表示“副;次”,如: vicepresident, vicechairmanE. 表示“整个;完全”的前缀:a. al- 表示“完整;完全”如: alone, almostb. over- 表示“完全”,如: overall, overflow (充满)F. 表示数量关系的前缀:kilo- 表示“千”,如: kilometer, kilogrammeG. 表示特殊意义的前缀:micro- 表示“微”,如: microscopeH. 表示术语的前缀:a. bio- 表示“生命;生物”,如: biography (传记
5、), biology b. tele- 表示“远距离”,如: television, telephone 2. 常见的后缀( 1 )名词后缀A. 具有某种职业或动作的人:a. -an, -ian 表示“地方的人;精通的人”,如: American, historianb. -ant, -ent 表示“者”,如: merchant (商人), agent(代理人), servant(仆人), student c. -ary 表示“从事的人”,如: secretary d. -eer 表示“从事于的人”,如: engineer, volunteer e. -er 表示“从事某种职业的人;某地方的人
6、”,如banker, observer(观察家,遵守者)f. -ese 表示“国人,地方的人”,如: Japaneseg. -ess 表示女性人称名词,如: actress, hostess, manageress h. -ist 表示“从事研究者;信仰主义者”,如: pianist, dentist, artist, chemist i. -logist 表示“学家;研究者”,如: biologistj. -or 表示“者”,如: author, doctor, operator k. -yer 表示“从事职业者”,如: lawyer B. 构成具有抽象含义的名词:a. -age 表示“状态
7、、行为、身份及其结果、总称”,如:courage, marriageb. -ance, -ence 表示“性质;状况;行为;过程;总量;程度”,如: importance, difference c. -dom 表示“等级,领域,状态”,如: freedom, kingdom, wisdom.d. -hood 表示“资格;身份;年纪;状态”,如: childhood, manhood, fatherhood e. -ice 表示“行为;性质;状态”,如: notice, justice, servicef. -ing ,表示“动作的过程或结果”,如: building, writing, le
8、arningg. -ion, - sion, -tion,表示“行为的过程、结果、状况”,如action, conclusion, destruction(破坏).h. -ity 表示“性质;状态,程度”,如: reality, abilityi. -ment 表示“状态、过程、手段及其结果”,如: movement, judgmentj. -ness 表示“性质;状态;程度”,如: goodness, kindness, friendlinessk. -or, -our 表示“动作;性质;状态”,如: favor, errorl. -ship 表示“情况;性质;技巧、技能及身份,职业”,如:
9、 hardship, friendshipm. -th 表示“动作;性质;过程;状态”,如: wealth, truthC. 带有场所,地方的含义:a. -age 表示“住所;地点”,如: village, cottageb. -ory 表示“工作场所;住处”,如: factory, laboratoryD. 带有学术,科技含义:-ology 表示“学;论”,如: biology, technology E. 表示人和事物的总和,集合含义:-hood ,如: neighbourhood( 2 )形容词后缀a. -able, -ible, -al, -ant, -ent, -ing, -ish,
10、 -ive, -ory 表示“带有的属性、倾向;和相关”。如: movable, natural, important, excellent, moving, foolish, active, satisfactoryb. -ish, -like, -ly, -some 表示“相象;类似”的含义。如: boyish, manlike, fatherly, handsomec. -ful, -ous, -ent 表示“充分的”。如: beautiful, dangerous, violent(剧烈的,热烈的) d. -en 表示“由某种物质形成,制成或生产”,如: wooden, golden
11、e. -ern, -ward 表示“方向”,如: eastern, western, downward, forward f. -teen, -ty, -th 表示“数量关系”,如: thirteen, fifty, fourth, fiftieth g. -an, -ese, -ish 表示“国籍;语种;宗教”,如: European, Chinese, Englishh. -er, -ish, -est, -most 表示“比较;程度”,如: greater , highest, foremost(最初的,主要的)i. 其他的含义:-less 表示“否定”,如: stainless(不会脏
12、的,纯洁的), wireless(无限的)( 3 )动词后缀a. -ize, ise 表示“做成;变成;化”,如: modernize(使现代化的), organizeb. -en 表示“使成为;引起;使有”,如: quicken, softenc. -fy 表示“使化;使成”,如: beautify, purify (净化), simplify (简化)( 4 )副词后缀a. -ly ,如: possibly, quickly, simply b. -ward, -wards, 如: inwards (向内), upward 练习题1.That man was_enough not to t
13、ell the manager that he would not do the job.A.care B.careful C.careless D.carelessness2.The soldier died for saving the child,so his_ is heavier than Mount Tai.A.die B.dead C.died D.death3. The doctors advice_him from drinking and smoking.A.encouraged B.couragedC.encouragement D.discouraged4.He is
14、an expert at chemistry.We all call him a _.A.chemistryB.chemical C.chemist D.physician5. We stood there_at the_sight.A.frightened;frightful B.frightening;frightfulC.fright;frightening D.frightful;fright6.Stephenson became the_railway engineer in the world.A.lead B.leader C.leading D.leadership7. Dan
15、 caught two_birds in the wood last week and they are still_in the cage.A.alive;live B.live;liveC.live;alive D.alive;alive8.To everyones _,the girl finished the job quite well.A.satisfied B.satisfactory C.satisfying D.satisfaction9.What are you doing here?Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage abo
16、ut _in English.You can write_passage in English?A.600 words;a 600-wordsB.600-word;a 600-wordsC.600 words;a 600-wordD.600 words;a 600-words10.No one should enter the spot without the_of the police.A.permit B.permission C.permitting D.permittence11. Ann felt so_that she could hardly open her eyes.A.sl
17、eepy B.asleepC.sleep D.sleeping12.Letting that animal escape was no accident;you did it _.A.intend B.intention C.intentionally D.intentional13.The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a_smile.A.practice B.practiseC.practical D.practiced14.The_ordered him to pay a $100 fine.A.judger B.judgmentC.ju
18、dge D.judgement15.My TV is out of order.Can you tell me what is the_news about Iraq War?A.lately B.latestC.later D.latter16.The Great Wall is more than 6000liin _.A.longer B.lengthC.long D.longing17.To my _,I passed the exam easily.A.joy B.joyfulC.joyless D.joyness18.Canada is mainly an_country.A.En
19、glish-speaking B.speak-English C.spoken-English D.English-spoken19.How_ he is! He is always acting_.He is really a _.A.foolish;foolishly;foolB.fool;foolish;foolC.foolish;fool;foolD.foolishly;foolish;fool20.The necklace that she lost is very expensive.Its of great _.A.valuable B.valueC.valueless D.un
20、valuable21.There were_fish in the river in South America.A.in danger B.dangerC.dangerous D.dangerless22.The letter“b”in the word“doubt”is_.A.sound B.silentC.silence D.sounded23.The child looked at me_.A.stranger B.strangelyC.strange D.strangeless24.The black people were against slavery and fought fo
21、r their_bravely.A.free B.freelyC.freedom D.frees25.What you said sounded_ but in fact it was untrue.A.reasonable B.reasonfulC.reasonless D.unreason26. The doctor said that the old mans condition was_and that they had tried their best.A.hope B.hopedC.hopeful D.hopeless27.The children live in a village _.They come here almost every day.A.nearby B.nearC.nearly D.near by28.Mr Black is an _in the army,not an_in the government.You can not easily find him in his_.A.official;officer;
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