1、会计学1新视野大学新视野大学(dxu)英语视听说教程英语视听说教程2第三第三版版BOOK3UNIT3第一页,共65页。Unit 3 Love your neighborOpening upListening to the worldSpeaking for communicationFurther practice in listeningWrapping upLearning objectivesFun time第1页/共64页第二页,共65页。talk about planning a community 4Learning objectivestalk about neighbors a
2、nd communities 1distinguish fact from opinion in listening 2learn how to tell a story3know the rules about language use in public speaking 5第2页/共64页第三页,共65页。Opening up 1Discuss what you like / dislike about where you live. things you likea food market; a bookstore; close to the metro; a good hospita
3、l / medical care center things that are nice but not essentiala good local supermarket; a sports center;a theater / cinema; a bar things you dislikelacking of parking space; various types of noise; pollution; high crime rate第3页/共64页第四页,共65页。Opening up2 Think about your neighborhood. What would make
4、it: safer?Lectures should be given to tell people how to prevent fire, theft and other dangers. Besides, the police should make sure the streets are safe not only from crime but also from traffic accidents. more beautiful? I think we should plant more trees and flowers in the community. In addition,
5、 we should discipline our own behavior and should not litter garbage everywhere or draw on the buildings. 第4页/共64页第五页,共65页。Opening upmore interesting? More entertainment activities should be held to draw the interest of people. Meanwhile, dont forget the children. We should also provide them with fa
6、cilities to give them fun and joy. better for your health? I think we should build a community gym providing a variety of affordable exercise options. Besides, activities should be conducted to help people quit smoking or excessive drinking.more of a community? Id really like to see a good shopping
7、mall, where people can meet, get to know each other and entertain themselves. 第5页/共64页第六页,共65页。SharingListeningViewingListening to the world第6页/共64页第七页,共65页。Listening to the world1 Watch a podcast for its general idea.The people in the podcast mainly talk about how well they know their neighbors and
8、 what makes a good neighbor and a bad neighbor. They also talk about the best or worst neighbor theyve ever had. 2Watch Part 1 and fill in the blanks.1)block2)a few of 3) similar4) quite a lot 5) well 第7页/共64页第八页,共65页。Listening to the world3Then watch Part 2 and match the statements 1-4 to the peopl
9、e A-D. 1234第8页/共64页第九页,共65页。Listening to the world4Watch Part 3 and choose answers given by each person. ABCDE1 feeds your cat 2 is considerate 3 isnt noisy 4 doesnt cause you grief 5 looks out for you 第9页/共64页第十页,共65页。Listening to the worldABCDE6 keeps up their property 7 you can leave your key wit
10、h him / her 8 isnt intrusive 9 waters your plants 10 doesnt leave trash around 4Watch Part 3 and choose answers given by each person. 第10页/共64页第十一页,共65页。Listening to the world1) exist as well 3) respecting privacy 5) needs help7) property6Watch Part 5 of the podcast and choose the true statements. 2
11、 The worst neighbor she ever had was very noisy all the time.3 His neighbor next door was arrested and taken away one night. 2) loud music4) participating6) considerate 8) friendly 5Watch Part 4 and fill in the blanks.第11页/共64页第十二页,共65页。Listening to the world7Discuss the questions.1 Do you know your
12、 neighbors? How well do you know them?Yes, I know my neighbors very well. We have been friends for many years and often invite each other for family dinners. Actually, I dont know my neighbors very well. Its difficult for people living in apartments to know their next-door neighbors nowadays. We may
13、 nod at each other or say hi when meeting in the building but never have a long conversation. I even dont know what they do or where they work. 第12页/共64页第十三页,共65页。Listening to the world2 What do you think makes a good / bad neighbor? A good neighbor is someone you can trust, depend on and share your
14、 happiness and grief, just like one of your family members. / A bad and inconsiderate neighbor makes much noise late at night, throws rubbish anywhere in the doorway, and never cares about what others feel. 7Discuss the questions.第13页/共64页第十四页,共65页。SharingListeningViewingListening to the world第14页/共
15、64页第十五页,共65页。Listening to the world1Look at the picture and answer the questions. BEFORE you listen1 News site 2 Travel site 3 Social networking site 4 Dating site 5 Rating site 6 Corporate website 7 Blog 8 Wiki 9 Search engine 10 Photo / Video sharing site 第15页/共64页第十六页,共65页。Listening to the world2
16、Discuss the questions:BEFORE you listenWhich of these websites do you use regularly? Which do you use occasionally? Which do you never use? The websites I use regularly include search engines, news sites, blogs, Wiki and social networking sites. I use these websites almost every day to get informati
17、on I need and share things about myself. As to the types of websites such as photo sharing websites and travel sites, I only visit them occasionally. The websites I never use include rating sites, dating sites, and corporate websites. 第16页/共64页第十七页,共65页。Listening to the worldBEFORE you listenAdditio
18、nal NotesBombay (now known as Mumbai)The capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra and the commercial and entertainment capital of India. It is one of the most populous cities in the world. 第17页/共64页第十八页,共65页。Listening to the worldListening skillsAdditional TipsDistinguishing fact from opinion Firs
19、tly, determine if the information can be proved. At the beginning, ask questions like Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?. If you can get answers from the information you hear, it probably contains facts. Then, determine if the statements can be checked and verified to be true.I saw a science-fict
20、ion movie last night about aliens invading the earth. (fact) The truth of the matter is that frozen foods are just as good-tasting as fresh foods are. (opinion) 第18页/共64页第十九页,共65页。Listening to the worldAdditional NotesDistinguishing fact from opinion Secondly, pay attention to the signal words indic
21、ating opinions. Some expressions can change a statement from a fact to an opinion. Such expressions as I think that ., I believe that ., and In my judgment . are clear signals that the speaker is about to give an opinion. Yesterdays high temperature reached 98 degrees Fahrenheit. (fact)In my judgmen
22、t, yesterdays high temperature reached 98 degrees Fahrenheit. (opinion) Jackie walked to the store yesterday. (fact)I believe that Jackie walked to the store yesterday. (opinion) 第19页/共64页第二十页,共65页。Listening to the worldAdditional NotesDistinguishing fact from opinion Thirdly, identify “loaded” word
23、s. Loaded words are words that contain an emotional appeal, such as exciting, beautiful, boring, and extremely. These descriptive words signal an opinion because they indicate the speakers personal point of view. Abraham Lincoln was the16th president of the United States. (fact) Abraham Lincoln was
24、the greatest president of the United States. (opinion) It is raining outside. (fact)It is raining extremely hard outside. (opinion)第20页/共64页第二十一页,共65页。Listening to the world3Listen and answer the questions.WHILE you listen1 What did Speaker 1, Lynn, do a year ago? She and her husband started an arti
25、sts colony on the Internet. 2 What does she say about the community? She says that its a very creative kind of community and she and her husband love it. 3 Why does Speaker 2, Rick, say his online community is “a very 21st-century community”? Because its a community of bloggers and no one knows one
26、another personally. 第21页/共64页第二十二页,共65页。Listening to the world3Listen and answer the questions.WHILE you listen4 What does he say about “the best blogs”? They have “a following”, who are loyal readers. 5 What two things does Speaker 3, Abbie, do on her favorite website? She puts up pictures of her a
27、nd her family and she writes messages. 6 How often does she use it? At least once every day. 第22页/共64页第二十三页,共65页。Listening to the world4 Decide whether the statements below are facts or opinions. WHILE you listen 1 And we show our paintings, and its brought some business for us. 2 Its a very creativ
28、e kind of community. 3 Its a very 21st-century community, which means no one knows one another personally. 4 But the best blogs have a following, who are very loyal readers. 5 I put up pictures of me and my family and I write messages. 6 And then you see pictures of your friends friends, and it grow
29、s and grows so you meet new people. FOFOOF第23页/共64页第二十四页,共65页。Listening to the world5 Discuss the questions. After you listen1 What do you think are the similarities and differences between an online community and a real community? I think there are similarities as well as differences between an onl
30、ine community and a real community. On the one hand, an online community is just similar to a real community in sharing and discussing. On the other hand, there are also many clear differences. For Example, 第24页/共64页第二十五页,共65页。Listening to the world5 Discuss the questions. After you listen2 What are
31、 the benefits of online communities? Online communities provide another chance for people to communicate with each other. They do things without going out, and this saves time, money, energy and natural resources. Furthermore, through online communities, people can sometimes do what they cant do in
32、real communities. For example, a guy who may be shy and quiet in the eyes of his friends and families may become open and talkative in online communities.第25页/共64页第二十六页,共65页。Listening to the world5 Discuss the questions. After you listen3 What are the possible dangers or problems if people spend a l
33、ot of time in online communities? If people spend a lot of time in online communities, they will be greatly affected physically, mentally and emotionally. They may become inactive, slow in memorizing things, as well as addicted to the Internet and confuse the online communities with the real ones, t
34、hus having difficulties in communicating with other people around them.第26页/共64页第二十七页,共65页。SharingListeningViewingListening to the world第27页/共64页第二十八页,共65页。Listening to the world1 Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. 1 What do you think life is like for people on an island like this?Men g
35、o out fishing and women take care of children and old people. BEFORE you view第28页/共64页第二十九页,共65页。Listening to the world1 Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. BEFORE you view2 Do you think their lives are changing in todays modern world? I think so. Everywhere in the world is changing in t
36、he process of so-called “globalization”. I dont think so. Although the world is becoming a “global village”, there are still some remote rural areas on the earth where people keep their own pace and their own old traditions, staying away from the so- called “civilization”.第29页/共64页第三十页,共65页。Listenin
37、g to the world2 What does Bruce Parry learn from visiting the tribe? He learns about the tribes traditions and how they survive. Additional NotesTribe Also known as Going Tribal in the US, its a documentary television series in which, Bruce Parry experiences first-hand the day-to-day lives of tribal
38、 peoples and explores various native cultures around the world.BEFORE you view第30页/共64页第三十一页,共65页。Listening to the worldAdditional NotesBruce Parrya former British Royal Marineinstructor and an award-winning documentarian. In2004, Parry started filming the documentary series Tribe, in which he visit
39、s various tribes around the world and lives by their customs for one month in order to better understand their culture.BEFORE you view第31页/共64页第三十二页,共65页。Listening to the worldAdditional NotesAnutaa small and extremely isolated Polynesian community in the eastern Solomon Islands. Due to its remote g
40、eographical location, Anutas environment, traditions and culture have been well preserved.BEFORE you view第32页/共64页第三十三页,共65页。Listening to the world3 Then watch the video clip and number the scenes in the correct order of time.WHILE you view1- e Bruce arrives on the island.2- a Bruce meets the childr
41、en.3- f Bruce shakes hands with each person.4- b Bruce meets the community leaders.5- d Bruce helps to rebuild a wall in the water. 6- c Bruce catches a fish.第33页/共64页第三十四页,共65页。Listening to the world4 Then watch the video clip again and choose the best answer to each question.WHILE you view1-A To e
42、xperience it personally.2-A Shake everyones hand.3-B He can stay at Anuta.4-C Everyone in the community helps to catch fish.第34页/共64页第三十五页,共65页。Listening to the world5 Discuss the questions. AFTER you view1 Would you like to visit this please? Why or why not?I like traveling a lot, and I prefer goin
43、g to places like Anuta. Though underdeveloped and isolated, it has not been damaged by industrialization and civilization.I dont want to visit such underdeveloped and uncivilized places. People there may be rude and impolite. And the food may also be raw and not attractive. Moreover, there are no mo
44、dern facilities.第35页/共64页第三十六页,共65页。Listening to the world5 Discuss the questions. AFTER you view2 What can the modern world learn from places like Anuta?Anutan society emphasizes the value of collaboration. Places like Anuta show us how human beings should coexist with nature and protect their envi
45、ronment, traditions and customs. These are what the modern world can learn from places like Anuta. 第36页/共64页第三十七页,共65页。Listening to the world5 Discuss the questions. AFTER you view3 What will happen to the local community of Anuta if more and more tourists visit there? I think a lot of changes will
46、occur if more and more tourists flock there. On the one hand, the tour industry would bring local people higher income and more opportunities foremployment. On the other hand, it will cause increasing damage to their environment and bring about changes in the values and lifestyles of local community
47、. 第37页/共64页第三十八页,共65页。Listening to the worldAFTER you viewAdditional NotesSolomon Islandsa group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean. It was inhabited primarily by Melanesian peoples since at least 2000 B.C. Today the northern Solomon Islands are part of Papua New Guinea. The southern islands are
48、an independent country.第38页/共64页第三十九页,共65页。1 32 4 Speaking for communication1 Listen and number the pictures in the correct order of time.第39页/共64页第四十页,共65页。Speaking for communication2Listen again and choose the true statements.1 The woman took some medicine before going out.3 The woman had a dream
49、about her mother. 5 The woman had taken the out-of-date pills.3 Listen again and choose the ones you hear.1 Anyway, 2 And then 4 Before long, 6 All of a sudden, 8 The next thing I knew, 9 Oh! you are kidding! 11 Oh! How embarrassing! 第40页/共64页第四十一页,共65页。Speaking for communicationAdditional Notesswel
50、l up: to become larger than normal, used especially about parts of the body 肿,肿胀(尤指身体部位) His face swelled up with toothache. 他的脸因牙痛而肿了起来。 My ankles tend to swell up when I travel by air. 我坐飞机旅行时脚踝常会肿起来。第41页/共64页第四十二页,共65页。Speaking for communication4 Role-play the situations.Reference answersSituatio
51、n: Missed a flightA: This trip to Beijing was really a tragedy. Everything was in a mess. B: So what happened? Tell me. A: I booked a flight and reserved a hotel in Beijing. In the beginning, things seemed to go well. B: And then? A: You know, the flight was at 7:00 in the morning. So, I got up very
52、 early that day. After I took a taxi and told the driver to go to the airport, I took a nap in the back seat of the taxi. The next thing I knew, I was in the wrong airport.B: Really? You must be kidding! 第42页/共64页第四十三页,共65页。Speaking for communication4 Role-play the situations.A: I thought I had told
53、 the driver very clearly. He just took it for granted that I would have my flight in Pudong Airport. The driver apologized to me, and promised to send me to Hongqiao Airport as quickly as he could. However, the worst moment came when the taxi broke down halfway to the airport. B: Ah! No way! A: It t
54、ook me about 15 minutes to find another taxi. But nothing would help, and finally I just missed my flight. B: Oh dear. What a shame! 第43页/共64页第四十四页,共65页。Additional NotesTelling a story some tips to use in telling an impressive story:Start with a catchy beginning to draw listeners in. It is advisable
55、 for the storyteller to begin with tension and immediacy. Use hand gestures to emphasize the story. To make the storytelling more exciting and attractive, hand gestures should be incorporated when the story calls for it. Use facial expressions. Pay attention to the mood of the story as well. Let the
56、 mood flow into your expressions. Speaking for communicationSpeaking skills第44页/共64页第四十五页,共65页。Speaking for communicationSpeaking skillsAdditional NotesAllow your voice to be expressive. Give the characters different voices. Your tone should be adjusted according to the mood. If your audience is you
57、ng children, speak slowly and lovely. Use humor. If you can use humorous language in your story to make the listeners laugh, you are more likely to keep their interest. Involve the audience. Asking rhetorical questions is a perfect way to do so. For example, “Youd want a place to rest if you had bee
58、n walking all day, right? So did the little girl.” 第45页/共64页第四十六页,共65页。Speaking for communication1 Listen and choose the true statement.2 Sharon would like to choose one expert from every field.4 Sharon would like to draw up some ground rules.Get ideas2 Listen again and choose the ones you hear.1 Id
59、 probably choose 4 Theyd need to be able to 6 Ideally, thered be 第46页/共64页第四十七页,共65页。Speaking for communication3 Read the following paragraph from a news report. What is going to happen? Why? The people in the Maldives will have to move to a new place to live in, because the place they are living no
60、w will be under water in the future due to global warming. Discuss and organize ideas第47页/共64页第四十八页,共65页。Speaking for communication4 If you were the President of the Maldives, what would you do if you had to start a new community? Use the questions below as guidelines and you may refer to the expres
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