1、Tiananmen Square 天安门广场 1Tiananmen Square is one of the largest Tiananmen Square is one of the largest city squares in the world. It is situated in city squares in the world. It is situated in the heart of Beijing. Tiananmen was builtthe heart of Beijing. Tiananmen was builtin 1417 and was the entran
2、ce gate to the in 1417 and was the entrance gate to the Forbidden City. Now the square stretches Forbidden City. Now the square stretches 880 meters from north to south and 500 880 meters from north to south and 500 meters from east to west. The total area is meters from east to west. The total area
3、 is 440,000 square meters. Thats about the 440,000 square meters. Thats about the size of 60 soccer fields, spacious enough size of 60 soccer fields, spacious enough to accommodate half a million people. to accommodate half a million people. 天安门广场是世界上最大的广场之一。他坐天安门广场是世界上最大的广场之一。他坐落在北京市中心。天安门广场建于落在北京市
4、中心。天安门广场建于141141年,年,位于紫禁城的入口处。现在,天安门广场南位于紫禁城的入口处。现在,天安门广场南北长北长880880米,东西宽米,东西宽500500米,总面积达米,总面积达4444万平万平方米。相当于方米。相当于6060个足球场的大小,足可以容个足球场的大小,足可以容纳纳100100万人。万人。 Monument of the Peoples Heroes人民英雄纪念碑2Monument to the Peoples Heroes in Tiananmen Square inMonument to the Peoples Heroes in Tiananmen Square
5、 inBeijing center. September 30, 1949, the first plenary session Beijing center. September 30, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, Toof the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, Tocommemorate the Chinese peoples revolution in the Peo
6、ples commemorate the Chinese peoples revolution in the Peoples Liberation War and the heroic sacrifices of the people, the Liberation War and the heroic sacrifices of the people, the establishment of the Monument to the Peoples Heroes in establishment of the Monument to the Peoples Heroes in the cap
7、ital city of Beijing. Monument to the Peoples Heroes the capital city of Beijing. Monument to the Peoples Heroes Square was the construction area of 3,000 square meters.Square was the construction area of 3,000 square meters.Monument breakdown quickly, and the pedestal Xumizuo Monument breakdown qui
8、ckly, and the pedestal Xumizuo three parts, a total of 37.94 meters high. A two-tier platform,three parts, a total of 37.94 meters high. A two-tier platform,surrounded white marble railings were level. Block was surrounded white marble railings were level. Block was the upper box. Taiwan is serving
9、two Xumizuo size. Its morethe upper box. Taiwan is serving two Xumizuo size. Its morethan 17,000 pieces of granite and white marble monument than 17,000 pieces of granite and white marble monument with brick, solemn silence magnificent. with brick, solemn silence magnificent. 人民英雄纪念碑位于北京天安门广场中心。人民英雄
10、纪念碑位于北京天安门广场中心。 19491949年年9 9月月3030日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议决日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议决定,为了纪念在人民解放战争和人民革命中牺牲的人定,为了纪念在人民解放战争和人民革命中牺牲的人民英雄,在首都北京建立人民英雄纪念碑。人民英雄民英雄,在首都北京建立人民英雄纪念碑。人民英雄纪念碑呈方形,建筑面积为纪念碑呈方形,建筑面积为30003000平方米。台座分两层,平方米。台座分两层,四周环绕汉白玉栏杆,均有台阶。上层座呈方形。台四周环绕汉白玉栏杆,均有台阶。上层座呈方形。台座上是大小两层须弥座。整座纪念碑用座上是大小两层须弥座。整座纪念碑用1
11、700017000多块花多块花岗石和汉白玉砌成,肃穆庄严,雄伟壮观。岗石和汉白玉砌成,肃穆庄严,雄伟壮观。 毛主席纪念堂3Chairman Maos Memorial HallThe Chairman Mao Memorial Hall stands The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall stands on the former sits of Tiananmen Squareon the former sits of Tiananmen Squarebetween the Monument to the Peoples between the Monument to
12、the Peoples Heroes and Zhengyangmen Gate. The Heroes and Zhengyangmen Gate. The memorial hall is shaped like a square with memorial hall is shaped like a square with coverage of 20,000 square meters and a coverage of 20,000 square meters and a height of 33.6 meters. Currently there are height of 33.
13、6 meters. Currently there are 10 halls open to the public. 10 halls open to the public. 毛主席纪念堂位于天安门广场前毛主席纪念堂位于天安门广场前端,在人民英雄纪念碑和正阳门端,在人民英雄纪念碑和正阳门之间。纪念堂整体为正方形,建之间。纪念堂整体为正方形,建筑面积筑面积2 2万平方米,高万平方米,高33.633.6米。现米。现有有1010个厅室对外开放。个厅室对外开放。China National Museum 中国国家博物馆4National Museum of China in Tiananmen Squ
14、are in central Beijing east, East Chang An Avenue south, and the Great Hall of the relative said the layout is in the original Museum of Chinese History and the original basis of the Chinese Revolution Museum was founded by, isan ancient Chinese system display comprehensive cultural history museum.中
15、国国家博物馆位于北京市中心天安门广场东侧,东长安街南侧,与人民大会堂相对称布局,是在原中国历史博物馆和原中国革命博物馆的基础上组建而成,是一座系统展示中华民族悠久文化历史的综合性博物馆。 Great Wall of the People 人民大会堂 5Great Hall of the west of Tiananmen Squarein central Beijing, West Changan Avenue south. Great Hall of the Chinese National Peoples Congress meeting place, the National Peopl
16、es Congress and the NPC Standing Committees offices.人民大会堂位于北京市中心天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂是中国全国人民代表大会开会的地方,是全国人民代表大会和全国人大常委会的办公场所。 the Forbidden City 故宫博物院紫禁城6The Palace Museum, known as theThe Palace Museum, known as theForbidden City in the West, located Forbidden City in the West, located in the centre
17、 of Beijing, covering an in the centre of Beijing, covering an area of 72 hectares, was the imperialarea of 72 hectares, was the imperialpalaces of the Ming and Qing palaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Nowdynasties. Now,it is the best it is the best preserved palace all over the world preserved
18、palace all over the world and opened to people as a palace and opened to people as a palace museum. museum. 故宫,在西方被称为紫禁城,故宫,在西方被称为紫禁城,它坐落于北京市中心,面积它坐落于北京市中心,面积达达7272公顷,是明清两代的宫公顷,是明清两代的宫殿。现在,它是世界上保存殿。现在,它是世界上保存最好的一座宫殿,并且作为最好的一座宫殿,并且作为博物馆是向人们开放。博物馆是向人们开放。Olympic Forest Park 国家奥林匹克森林公园 7National Stadium
19、 Beijing is the main assembly hall National Stadium Beijing is the main assembly hall of the 29th Olympic sports Games. It is located on of the 29th Olympic sports Games. It is located on inside Peking Olympic park,inside Peking Olympic park, the north of the stalk the north of the stalk line in cit
20、y in Peking carry of east side. Constructline in city in Peking carry of east side. Constructarea 258,000 kilometer, accumulate 204,000 kilometerarea 258,000 kilometer, accumulate 204,000 kilometerwith the ground. In 2008 Olympic game period,with the ground. In 2008 Olympic game period,undertake gam
21、e activities, such as opening ceremony, undertake game activities, such as opening ceremony, closing ceremony, track and field events and man closing ceremony, track and field events and man soccer cup finals, etc., can accept audience 10 soccer cup finals, etc., can accept audience 10 myriad people
22、smyriad peoples。鸟巢是第鸟巢是第2929届奥运会体育比赛的主要会议届奥运会体育比赛的主要会议厅,位于奥林匹克公园内,北京中轴线厅,位于奥林匹克公园内,北京中轴线的东部。建筑面积的东部。建筑面积25.825.8万平方米,整体面万平方米,整体面积达积达 20.420.4万平方米。在万平方米。在20082008年奥运会期年奥运会期间,作为例如开幕式,闭幕式和田径和男间,作为例如开幕式,闭幕式和田径和男子足球杯决赛子足球杯决赛.等活动的场所,可容纳等活动的场所,可容纳1010万观众。万观众。Wangfujing Street 王府井步行街 8Wangfujing street is o
23、ne of Wangfujing street is one of Beijings most famous shopping Beijings most famous shopping streets. Much of the road is a streets. Much of the road is a pedestrian area with several pedestrian area with several shops, malls and shopping shops, malls and shopping complexes. complexes. 王府井大街街是北京最王府
24、井大街街是北京最著名的商业街之一。大著名的商业街之一。大部分街道是步行区,周部分街道是步行区,周围伴随着几家商店,购围伴随着几家商店,购物商场和购物中心。物商场和购物中心。Peking University北京大学 9Peking University was established in 1898.It is regarded as one of the best and the most selective universities in China. Peking University is the first formally established university, and t
25、he first national university of China. Peking University is a comprehensive and National key university. It stands near the Yuan Ming Gardens and the Summer Palace.北京大学建立于1898年,它在中国被认为是最好的,最有选择的大学之一。北京大学中国最早正式成立的国立大学。北京大学是一个综合性大学,同时也是国家重点大学。它屹立在圆明园和颐和园附近。Tsinghua University 清华大学10Tsinghua University
26、 sometime written as Qinghua University, is a university in Beijing, China. It was established in 1911,originally under the name Tsinghua Xuetang. The school was renamed the Tsinghua School in 1912. As of 2003, Tsinghua University had 12 colleges and 48 departments, 41 research institutes, 35 resear
27、ch centers, and 167 laboratories, including 15 national key laboratories. 清华大学也称为清华大学,是中国北京的一所大学。它成立于1911年,最初叫做“清华学堂”。于1912年更名为清华大学。截止到2003年,清华大学已经有12个学院和48个部门,共有41研究会、35研究中心,167。的实验室,包括十五国家重点实验室。Gardens of Perfect Clarity圆明园11Gardens of Perfect Clarity originally calledGardens of Perfect Clarity or
28、iginally calledthe Imperial Gardens was a complex of palacesthe Imperial Gardens was a complex of palacesand gardens in Beijing. It is located 8and gardens in Beijing. It is located 8 kilometres northwest of the walls of the kilometres northwest of the walls of the Imperial City, built in the 18th a
29、nd early Imperial City, built in the 18th and early 19th century, where the emperors of the Qing 19th century, where the emperors of the Qing Dynasty resided and handled government Dynasty resided and handled government affairs.affairs.圆明园原本是皇家园圆明园原本是皇家园林。它位于皇城城墙林。它位于皇城城墙西北的西北的8公里处,建于公里处,建于18世纪和世纪和1
30、9世纪初。世纪初。是清朝皇帝的居住和是清朝皇帝的居住和处理政务的地方。处理政务的地方。 the Great Wall长城12The Great Wall was built during the The Great Wall was built during the Spring and Autumn PeriodSpring and Autumn Period. It runs acrossIt runs acrossNorth China like a huge dragon, It windsNorth China like a huge dragon, It windsits way
31、from west to east, across its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at lastit reaches the sea. Its the till at lastit reaches the sea. Its the longest wall on the earth, also one of longest wall on the earth, also one of
32、the wonders in the world. The Great Wall the wonders in the world. The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years.has a history of more than 2000 years. 长城,它开始修建于春秋时期。 它像一条巨龙横亘华北地区,它穿过沙漠越过高山,跨过山谷,由西到东蜿蜒曲折,最后到达大海。它是地球上最长的墙,也是世界奇迹之子。 长城有2000多年的历史。Science Museum 科技馆13Museum of Science and Technol
33、ogy Education in the form of a major exhibition of education, through science, knowledge, and interest combined exhibition, reflecting theapplication of scientific principles and technology. Museum of Science and Technology to encourage the public hands-on exploration and practice, not only to popul
34、arize scientific knowledge, but also on fostering scientific thinking, scientific method and scientific spirit. 中国科学技术馆的主要教育形式为展览教育,通过科学性、知识性、趣味性相结合的展览,反映科学原理及技术应用。中国科学技术馆鼓励公众动手探索实践,不仅普及科学知识,而且注重培养观众的科学思想、科学方法和科学精神。 Happy Valley 欢乐谷14Chaoyang District, Beijing Happy Valley is located in the southeas
35、tcorner of East Fourth Ring QuartetBridge, an area of 100 square meters. Among them, the park an area of about540,000 square meters, respectively,from the fjords forest, Atlantis, LostMaya,Melody Hong Kong, Shangri-La and Ant Kingdom of the six theme areas,on the July 9, 2006 grand opening.北京欢乐谷位于朝阳
36、区东四环四方桥东南角,占地 100 万平方米。其中,公园一期占地约 54 万平方米,分别由峡湾森林、亚特兰蒂斯、失落玛雅、爱琴港、香格里拉和蚂蚁王国等六个主题区组成,于 2006 年 7月9日 盛大开幕。 Beijing Museum of Natural History 北京自然博物馆 15Beijing Museum of Natural History is located inthe capital of South City flyover axis region, backed by the World Heritage Temple of Heaven Park, the fac
37、e of modern bridges theater, has a special cultural environment. Her predecessor was established in April 1951 the Preparatory Office of the Central Museum of Natural History,Beijing 1962, officially named the Museum of Natural History.北京自然博物馆位于首都南城中轴线上的天桥地区,背靠世界文化遗产天坛公园,面对现代化的天桥剧场, 具有特殊的文化环境。她的前身是成立于1951年4月的中央自然博物馆筹备处,1962年正式命名为北京自然博物馆。 中国军事博物馆16the Chinese Military MuseumChinese Military Museum in Beijings Tiananmen Squar
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