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1、2012l2013SUPERVISORS ManualHow to Contact EXPLORE Customer Servicesthis manual carefully befoministering EXPLORE. If you havequestions about EXPLOministration, call EXPLORE Customer Servicesat 877.789.2925, 8:30 A.M.5:00 P.M., central time, Monday through Friday.TDD for hearing impaired (must call f

2、rom a TDD): 319.337.1524Visit ACTs website at.© 2012 by ACT, Inc.18384ContentsEXPLORE Policies and Procedures1Standardized Procedures1Test Security1Investigations1Equal Treatment1Fair Testing Practices1ACTs Data Use Policies1Preparing for EXPLOREEXPLORE Test Materials2Test Booklets2Other Test M

3、aterials2EXPLORE Technical Manual2EXPLORE Interpretive Guide forand School Reports2Arrangements for Staffing3Selecting and Training Testing Staff3Room Supervisor Qualifications3Room Supervisor Responsibilities3Proctor Responsibilities4Suggested Training Session Outline4Scheduling Testing Sessions6Ac

4、tivities Before the Test to BeCompleted by the Test Supervisor6Preparing Testing Rooms7Seating Arrangement Examples8Use of Calculators on the Mathematics Test9Calculators Permitted withModification9Prohibited Calculators9Options to Consider Before Administration111-Day or 2-Day Administration11Choos

5、ing a Testing Option11Academic Tests11Pre-ID Labels11Class/Group Headers12Information12Optional Sort CodesBlock I12Supplemental Local ItemsBlock M12Administering the Interest Inventoryin Grades 3612Current School Codes or High School ChoicesBlocks R and S13Makeup Testing13Testing Over Multiple Days

6、or During Separate Sessions15Testing More than One Examineeat a Time15Accommodated Testing Options15Accommodation Codes15Security of Test Materials16Standardized Procedures16Selecting Test Rooms16Accessibility16Materials Available from ACT16Audio CD Information Guide17Use of Audio CD Version17Sign L

7、anguage Interpreter for Spoken Instructions17Sign Language Interpreter for Exact English Signing of Items17er17Materialsd by the TestSupervisor/School18Materials That May Bed by theExaminee(s)18Ordering Accommodated Testing Materials18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18EXPLORE Tes

8、t AdministrationPolicies19Unauthorized Testing Aids19Questions/Guessing19Rest Period19Leaving the Room During Testing19Announcement of Time Remaining19Electronic Devices19Reporting Irregularities in Test Administration19Challenge of Test Items20Mis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Defe

9、ctive Test Booklet or AnswerFolder20Voiding Tests or Answer Folders21Who Becomes Ill21Prohibited Behavior22Administering EXPLORETest Day Procedures23Previously CompletedInformation Sections23Same-Day Completion ofInformation Sections23Avoiding Common Errors When Completing Answer Folder23Checking Ca

10、lculators24iTestings withAccommodations14Recommended Eligibility Requirements for Accommodated Testing14Testing Arrangements14EXPLORE Reports and Data Services . . 51 Reporting Package51Reporting for Multiple Grades53Customized Reporting Services53Discussing EXPLORE Results withs and Parents54Score

11、Report54Suggestions for Improving Skills56Coursework Planner59EXPLORE Procedures Checklist62EXPLORE Supervisors Comment Form63EXPLORE Testing Irregularity Report65References67EXPLORE Customer Services/Regional Office Locationsback coverVerbal Instructions forInformation Sections25Room Supervisor Ins

12、tructions25Option 1: Room Supervisors AllInstructions25Option 2:sInstructionswith Guidance from Room Supervisor . . 28 Option 3: Instructions for Pre-IDLabel Users30Verbal Instructions for the AcademicTests33Post-Test Activities to Be Completed by the Test Supervisor40Checking Answer Folders40Accomm

13、odation Codes40Special Status Codes41Voiding Tests or Answer Folders41Completing Your School Header42Returning Answer Folders for Scoring44Disposition of Other Test Materials46Test ResultsTest Results: What They Tell You47Test Scores47Collegeiness Benchmark Scores . . 48Norms48Information Sections49

14、ii(Test day questions? Call 877.789.2925.)EXPLORE Policies and ProceduresEXPLORE Policies and ProceduresThis guide is designed to provide you, a test supervisor, direction in administering the EXPLORE® test, including specific instructions for conducting the test and optionalverbal instructions

15、 for completion of theinformation portion of EXPLORE.Please study these instructions before the test day.For the EXPLORE test to successfully measure examinees academic skills, it must be uniformly administered. As a test supervisor, you therefore assume important professional responsibilities. As w

16、ith all standardized testing, it is critical that theprocedures you employ at your school are identical to those at other schools. If you have any questions that are not addressed in this manual, please contact EXPLORE Customer Services (8:30 a.m.5:00 p.m. Central time, Monday through Friday, at 877

17、.789.2925).By strictly following EXPLORE policies and procedures you will help ensure a fair and equitable testing environment.Standardized ProceduresThroughout this manual, there areed directions for selecting facilities and staff,protecting test security, and administering tests in a standardized

18、manner.To protect both the examinee and the supervisor from questions of possibleofinterest, the test supervisor should not be a relative or guardian of any examinee. Alltestingnel, including room supervisors and proctors, are required tothematerials provided by ACT. Adherence to these standardized

19、procedures is mandatory.Test SecurityTo ensure the integrity of your examinees EXPLORE results, testingnel mustprotect the security of test materials as described in this manual. EXPLORE materials are copyrighted by ACT and cannot be resold or redistributed for commercial or other use.The EXPLORE ex

20、am must be administered by school or districtnel. Assessmentresponsibilities cannot be subcontracted to another party without ACTs written permission.InvestigationsIn cases ofed or documented irregularities, all testingnel are obligated tocooperate fully with ACT in subsequent investigations and res

21、pond to ACTs requests for information in a timely manner.Equal TreatmentAll staff are required to administer and supervise EXPLORE in a nondiscriminatory manner and in accordance with all applicable laws, including the Americans with Disabilitie.Fair Testing PracticesACT endorses the Code of Fair Te

22、sting Practices in Education and the Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement, guides to the conduct of those involved in education testing. ACT is committed to ensuring that each of its testing programs upholds the guidelines in each Code. A copy of each Code may be obtained

23、of charge from ACT Customer Services (70), P.O. Box 1008, Iowa City, IA 52243-1008, 319.337.1429.ACTs Data Use Policiesscores and other information provided on their answer folder sent to ACT maybe used and shared by Adescribed in its data use policies. These policies can bereviewed at. You may shar

24、e this information withs and parents if they request it.1EXPLORE Test Materials(Test day questions? Call 877.789.2925.)EXPLORE Test MaterialsTest BookletsEXPLORE uses a new test form each year. Be certain that you do not administer test forms remaining from previous years. These forms cannot be scor

25、ed.Each school purchasing EXPLORE is responsible for the security of test booklets and other materials. These materials should be stored in a locked room or cabinet and access must be limited to the test supervisor or school administrator. Test booklets must be givento the room supervisorsally rathe

26、r than left in an unattended testing room. All testbooklets should be stored securely after test administration and returned to their score reports.s withOther Test MaterialsThe following materials ared by ACT when you order the EXPLORE TestMaterials Package.Supervisors Manualgeneral information for

27、 school administrators and counselors about the EXPLORE program and your test administrationWhy Take EXPLORE?pre-test information forInstructions for Completing Your Answer Folderone pers and parentstestingAnswer foldersone pertestingTyvek return envelope(s)pdressed to EXPLORE Scoring Services (and

28、apolymailer return envelope with UPS labels for traceable returns) EXPLORE School Headerstwo per siteClass/Group Headers (only if requested when ordering EXPLORE test materials)EXPLORE school posterstwo large and several small full-color posters for placing on school bulletin boards to announce the

29、test date and other specifics of administrationLets Go to College Posterone per sitelable in Spanish forEXPLORE Technical ManualThe EXPLORE Technical Manual,ing technical specifications, reliability and validitydata for the EXPLORE tests, is available atunder Resources.and School ReportsEXPLORE Inte

30、rpretive Guide forAdditional information regarding the EXPLORE program, EXPLORE and the Collegeand Careeriness System, and career-related information, previously found in thismanual, can now be found in the Interpretive Guide that accompanies your reports.2Why Take EXPLORE? and Using Your EXPLORE Re

31、sults are avai parents whose primary language is Spanish. (Download from under Resources.)(Test day questions? Call 877.789.2925.)Arrangements for StaffingArrangements for StaffingSelecting and Training Testing StaffA room supervisor is needed in each testing room todirections and monitors. If test

32、rooms are likely to have more than 25s, additionalnelmust be assigned to assist the room supervisor. Be sure that allnel who willassist with testing are familiar with the contents of this manual.Before the test day, all testingnel shouldall of the instructions very carefully,particularly those end i

33、n the shaded boxes. ACT recommends that you conduct abriefing session for all testing staff to discuss the testing guidelines and local options that have been selected. An outline is provided on pages 45.Room Supervisor QualificationsThe EXPLORE test supervisor should confirm that the room superviso

34、r(s) meet all of the following criteria. Each room supervisor should be: Proficient in English. Experienced in testing and measurement. A staff member of the institution where the test administration will take place.To protect both examinees and the room supervisor from questions of possibleof inter

35、est, the following conditions should also be met. The room supervisor should: Not be a relative or guardian of an examinee in the supervisors assigned room. Not be a private consultant or individual tutor whose fees are paid by an examinee or examinees family.Room Supervisor ResponsibilitiesSpecific

36、 responsibilities are:and understand thoroughly the policies, procedures, and instructions in this manual.Identify and admit examinees.* Supervise a test room.Direct examinees to seats.* Distribute test materials.*test instructions.Time each test, ensuring that examinees are given the prescribed amo

37、unt of time for each test.Walk around the room during testing to be sure all examinees are working on the correct test and to observe examinee behavior.*Pay strict attention to monitoring examinees during the entire testing session.*Collect andfor all answer folders and test booklets before dismissi

38、ngexaminees.*Complete documentation of any irregularities.*Proctor(s) may assist with these activities.3Arrangements for Staffing(Test day questions? Call 877.789.2925.)Proctor ResponsibilitiesA proctor may be used to assist the room supervisor with an administration to a group of more than ten exam

39、inees in the same room and must be used if a room has 26 or more examinees. Proctors are to be added for each incremental increase of 25 examinees in the case of testing in a large-group setting. The proctor is to assist in the administration of the tests according to the policies and procedures in

40、this manual. The proctor must not be a relative or guardian of any of the examinees in the proctors assigned room.A proctors responsibilities are:and understand this manual.Help admit examinees. Direct examinees to seats. Help distribute test materials.Verify theof the test with the room supervisor.

41、Walk around the room during testing to be sure all examinees are working on the correct test and observe examinee behavior.Report any irregularities to the room supervisor immediately.Accompany examinees to the restroom if more than one leaves during the timed portion of the test.Pay strict attentio

42、n to monitoring examinees during the entire testing session.Help collect andfor all answer folders and test booklets.Suggested Training Session Outline1.Security of Test MaterialsA) Describe how the materials will be distributed to the test rooms and how room supervisors are to count them.B) Emphasi

43、ze that room supervisors are to count test booklets when they receive them from the test supervisor and again before examinees are dismissed.C) Emphasize that staff members should never leave a test room unattended.Activities Before the Test2.A) Determine which set of verbal instructions for complet

44、ing theinformationsections room supervisors are to follow: Option 1 (ing aloud all applicable instructions), Option 2 (ing aloud only selected instructions), or Option 3(ing aloud selected instructions for Pre-ID label users).B) Discuss when the Pre-ID labels will be affixed to the answer folders, s

45、pecialinstructions to be distributed tos, and how the folders are to be distributed.C) Discuss when and wheres will complete theinformation sections ofthe answer folder. This may be done during a school-supervised session, preferablybefore the test day.D) Stress the importance of ensuring that alls

46、fill in the ovals, not just theboxes. This is especially importn the name and address blocks if Pre-ID labelsare not used.E) Discuss the use of sort codes and how these will be delivered toF) Determine how and when supplemental local items will be distributed.s.G) Explain the purpose of the special

47、status and scoring codes and how/why they will be completed after testing by the test supervisor.H) Discuss procedures for collecting answer folders following theinformationsections to facilitate redistribution at the time tests aministered.I) Review a sample roster ofs and explain how it is to be u

48、sed in test rooms.A procedures checklist is provided on page 62 for your convenience in tracking the various administrative activities from pre-test through wrap-up after testing.4(Test day questions? Call 877.789.2925.)Arrangements for Staffing3.Test DayA) Discuss when and where staff members are t

49、o report on the test day.B) Encourage staff members to wear soft-soled shoes. They should avoid crinklyclothing, noisy jewelry, coins in pockets, or other items that may distracts.C) Make it clear that room supervisors are not to wait for examinees who arrive late.D) Stress that no one may be admitt

50、ed to the testing room once the timed tests have begun. Determine how to handle late arrivals.E) Stress that verbal instructions for the tests must beverbatim.F) Stress that answer folders and test booklets should not be distributed prior to admitting examinees.G) Stress that accurateof eachcritical

51、. Room supervisors mustrecord the start, five-minute warning, and stop times in the manuals. Discussthe consequences of a mistimed section.H) Emphasize that staff members must not(other than this manual), correctpapers, or do anything not related to administering the test. They must not eat, drink,

52、or smoke in the test room. Their attention should be focused on thes.I) Emphasize that conversations among staff must be quiet and kept to a minimum.Even whispered conversations can be distracting tos while testing.J) Emphasize that calculators should be checked before testing to ensure they meet AC

53、T standards. Review permitted and prohibited calculators in this manual.K) Note that during the test, staff members should walk quietly around the room,be available to respond tos questions, assist in the case of illness, replacedefective test booklets or answer folders, and check that examinees are

54、 working from the correct section of the test booklet and marking their answers on theproper section of their answer folders.L) Discuss how to handle the short break between Test 2 and Test 3. Review what to do if an examinee does not return after the break. Also discuss procedures for aleaving duri

55、ng the test to go to the restroom.M) Discuss what actions to take if staff members observe prohibited behavior. Reviewplans for dismissings (e.g., where they are to be sent, how to maintainvigilance in the test room, documenting actions taken).N) Discuss what actions to take in the case of a group i

56、rregularity (e.g., a power outage) or an emergency.O) Discuss potential individual irregularities and actions to take.P) Review the Testing Irregularity Report.After the TestA) Emphasize that room supervisors must verify the count of used and unused test booklets, then return test materials and reports to the test supervisor.B) Emphasize that room supervisors or the test supervisor should review answer4.folders to be sures have correctly gridded their identifying anddemographic


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