1、精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-葡萄酒上市策划报告(Wine listed planning report for backsberg wine)一、桂林葡萄酒市场概况(introduction to wine market in Guilin)(一)目前市场 (Current market)目前在桂林市场上销售的葡萄酒品种繁多,其中本土品牌有:长城、张裕、王朝、威龙、通化、华东、白洋河、云南红、冰玫瑰及永福山等。主要在专卖店、大小超市、批发市场及零售店等。其中永福山为山野葡萄酒,价格便宜加上其为桂林本地品牌,很受桂林市民的欢迎。Th
2、erearecurrentlyseveralwinesinGuilinmarket,includingchangcheng,zhangyu,wangchao,weilong,tonghua,huadong,baiyanghe,yunnanhong,iceroseand yongfushang which is produced in the local place,also, is popular in Guilin.Allofthese wine are domestic products.在桂林市场上销售的国外品牌有:芝华士、人头马、伏特加、轩尼诗等,主要是在名酒专卖店和各星级宾馆、酒店销
3、售。Guilin also has some foreign wines such as Chivas, Vodka,Piyaer,Matell,Martini,XO,which are sale in star hotels ,restaurants and shops.(二)桂林市场各葡萄酒品牌的价格(price)1、国产品牌 (Domestic brands )长城葡萄酒市场价格(changcheng wine)规格 (Specifications )(750ml)类型 (Type)价格 (price)(元)年份 (year)解百纳干红 (cabernet )1081998解百纳干红 (
4、cabernet)45金装三年 (Theinstalled threeyears)梅鹿辄干红 (merlot)721997解百纳干红 (cabernet)411999宝石干红 (red wine)281999-精品文档 -精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-长城干红(赤霞珠)36华夏 huaxia red wine1081995长城干红 (red wine)(昌梨)28解百纳干红 (cabernet)35-45(张裕 )红酒市场价格 (changyu wine)规格 (Specifications ) (750ml)种类 (Type)价格
5、 (price) (元)年份 (year)解百纳干红 (cabernet)981994解百纳干红 (cabernet)63.31998百年张裕38张裕 2000(red wine)462000张裕 1995(red wine)511995其他品牌 (the rest brand)规格 (Specifications ) (750ml)品牌 (brand)种类 (type)价格 (price) (元)年份 (year)白洋河白洋河11.6玫瑰佳人15.5白洋河庄园28永福山 (yongfushan)新天永福山 Xintian25-Yong Fu Shan永福山 (yongfushan)原汁 10
6、0%9.8-(yongfushan)2、国外品牌 (foreign brands)( 1)芝华士 (Chivas) (支): 428RMB/two bottles (shop price )( 专卖店 )( 2)人头马 (XO)(): 360 元( shop price )( 专卖店 )-精品文档 -精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-( 3)人头马特级 :420RMB (专卖店)(shop price)( 4)路易十三: 9888 元(专卖店)(shop price)( 5)芝华士特级: 4628 元(专卖店)(shop price)3
7、 、价格分析 (Price analysis)( 1)从上表可看出,国产葡萄酒已经形成从高到低而且比较完整的价格体系,同时以低价策略为主要竞争手段,这源于国产品牌的成本优势以及大众化战略,即以优先占领市场为出发点。From the table,we can see thatthe domestic wines had formed a relativelycomplete revolutionspricesystem, and low-coststrategiesis the main meansof this stems because of the cost advantages and
8、popular domestic brand strategy.It is as a starting point to occupy the markets priority.( 2)进口葡萄酒的价格偏高且价格单一,由于产品的单一从而没有形成完整的价格体系,消费者选择余地比较小,阻碍其对进口葡萄酒的消费。The imported wine pricesis high , and the wines has not formed a completepricesystem and the consumers choice is relativelysmall,which hinderedthe
9、 imported wine consumption.( 3)由于销售渠道、市场开拓成本及利润空间的不同,无论是国产葡萄酒还是进口葡萄酒,在不同的消费市场其价格也不一样,酒店的葡萄酒价格比市场价高。Because of different sales channels, marketing costs and profits of thespace, the domestically produced and the imported wine have differentpricesand consumer markets,more importantly,thepricesof the w
10、ines whichare sold in the hotel is high than market prices.(三)销售渠道及消费趋势(Distribution channels and consumption trends)目前桂林市场上的葡萄酒分为两大销售渠道:一是以销售中低档葡萄酒为主的超市、批发市场及零售店等,绝大部分销售国产品牌;二是以销售中高档葡萄酒为主的专卖店及高级餐饮酒店等,主要销售国产三大品牌长城、张裕和王朝的中高档产品和国外品牌。从这我们可以看出,由于受价格、消费习惯、品牌知名度、口味、产品体系及市场推广等因素的影响,进口葡萄酒的消费市场比较夹窄。但这种情况将随着国
11、家政策及葡萄酒文化的普及而逐步改变:一是葡萄酒关税的进一步下调,2007 年关税由现在的14%下调为零;二是新的消费税管理办法已于2006 年 7 月 1-精品文档 -精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-日实施,办法规定进口葡萄酒的消费税可以中间的消费环节相抵;三是由于企业和媒体的宣传推广,葡萄酒的健康消费理念正逐步被消费者所接受。根据专家预测,从现在到 2010 年,葡萄酒的高中低消费比例由现在的 1:4:5 转变到 5:4:1。这对以销售中高档为主的进口葡萄酒来说,是打开市场的最佳时期。The wines market is divi
12、ded into two sales channels in Guilin : first, domestic wines are mainly sold in the supermarket , the wholesale markets and the retail outlets;Second, the foreign wines and the three domestim wines such as Great Wall brand, zhangyu and wangchao, which as the high-grade products are sold in the star
13、 hotels,restaurantsand shops. From this we can see that as a result of prices, consumption habits, brand recognition, taste, product systems and the impact of factors that make the import wine market has a relatively narrow clip. But this Environment is changing, beause the new policy was implemente
14、d and the wine culture is gradually popular.For example, firstly, the wine tariffs are further downward., from the present 14% to zero by 2007; Secondly, the new consumption tax management approach was implemented on July 1, 2006; the thirst, .acording to the enterprises and the media publicity, win
15、e consumption health concepts are gradually accepted by consumers. According to some experts, that the consumption of the high-grade wine will shift 1:4:5 to 5:4:1 from 2006 to 2010. This is useful to the imported wines and it is the best time to open up the market in Guilin.(四)葡萄酒的购买动机(Wine purchas
16、e motivation)目前中国人还没有形成进口葡萄酒的消费习惯,相对稳定的消费群体是国际商务人员、在华工作或旅游的外籍人士及城市白领,目前进口葡萄酒的竞争主要集中在这三个消费领域。 这些人员又有不同的消费取向: 国际商务人员主要是社交需要,这部分人认同进口葡萄酒的高品质; 在华外籍人士来自葡萄酒消费文化普及的国家,他们把葡萄酒当作生活必需品来消费;城市白领消费进口葡萄酒则是展示身份和时尚追求的需要。除此之外的主要消费是假日购买行为,即在国家传统节假日,消费者对葡萄酒的临时需求,其目的是营造家庭团聚氛围或亲朋好友之间的礼尚往来。At present, Chinese people have
17、not yet taken shape to drink the import wines, the relatively stable consumer groups are international businessmen , foreigners who work or travel in China and white-collar,.the competition for the imported wine consumption is mainly in the three areas. These people have different consumption trends
18、 : the-精品文档 -精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-international businessmen drink the import wines is primarily social needs, they agree with the high-quality wine; foreigners drinking wines is as the necessities to their wine consumption habits; the white-collar dringking wine is the need
19、for the display of their identity and fashion. In addition ,the major consumer behavior is in a holiday, for example, the consumer demand wines in the traditional holidays, the purpose of which is to create a family reunion atmosphere or the interaction between relatives and friends. 二、桂林进口葡萄酒市场的挑战和
20、机会 ( challenges and opportunities)(一)进口葡萄酒面临的挑战(The challenge for the imported wines)1、国产葡萄酒已经完成战略布局。 现阶段,国产葡萄酒已经在全国一二级城市完成部署并占有 90%的市场份额,桂林市场也形成了以国产三大品牌长城、张裕、王朝为主的竞争态势,控制了中低档消费市场。可以说,进口葡萄酒的最大竞争对手是国产葡萄酒。The domestic wines have been completed strategic layout. At the present stage, the domestic wines
21、, including the Great Wall, zhangyu and wangchao, have Occupied the secondary cities in the country and have completed 90%of the market share,itis the same to Guilinmarket.They controlledthe majorconsumer markets.Itcan be said thatthe biggestcompetitorof the importedwine is the domestic wines.2、滞后的葡
22、萄酒消费文化。 葡萄酒的消费其实就是一种文化消费,是对时尚、品质、健康及地位的诉求,但中国的葡萄酒消费文化尚属于起步阶段,离“普及”二字还遥遥无期,虽然高端消费者正在逐步成长和成熟,但还远没有满足需要。Backward wine consumption culture.The Wine consumption is actuallya cultureof consumption forfashion,quality,healthstatusand aspirations,but thewine consumption in China is stillat the elementarystag
23、e , although consumeris gradually grow and mature, but it is far away from matching the needs.3、消费习性的改变。 根据一项权威调查, 中国消费者对进口葡萄酒口味的关注位于价格之后居第二位,最典型的例子是中国消费者喜欢在葡萄酒中添加雪碧,这从侧面说明葡萄酒的口味还不适合中国消费者。虽然都市白领、国际商务人士、政府官员已接受进口葡萄酒的高品质口味,但进口葡萄酒要想进一步打开中国市场,满足大众口味是必须解决的问题,否则只能是曲高和寡。-精品文档 -精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理
24、,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-the change of consumption habits. Chinese consumers concern the tastewhen they buy the imported wines,according to an authoritys survey ,themost typical example is that the Chinese consumers like to add Sprite inwine,which indirectly means the taste of the wines are not suitable for
25、Chinese consumers. ifthe imported wines want to furtheropen China's market ,it is an issue that to meet the other people taste must be addressed, Whilewhite-collar,internationalbusinesspeople,governmentofficialshaveaccepted the taste of the high-quality wines,otherwise only too highbrow.4、营销网络不健
26、全。 由于缺乏足够的网络支持, 进口葡萄酒的销售市场主要是一些高档餐饮、酒店,消费群体则以中高收入者为主,面对大众的销售网络尚没有建立健全。inadequate marketing networks. The imported wine market is mainly in restaurants and star hotels, because of the lack of sufficient supportnetwork.most of the consumers are the high-income persons, in the face of mass marketing ne
27、twork have not yet to be established.(二)影响进口葡萄酒消费的因素(Factors affecting imported wine consumption)1、价格因素。相对国产葡萄酒,进口葡萄酒的价格偏高,但这种情况将随着关税和消费税的下调而改变。Price factors.the imported wine pricesis high than domestic wine prices,but this will decline because the traffics and taxes changes.2、消费习惯。中国的酒文化是以白酒和啤酒文化为
28、统治地位的,消费人群含盖了草根阶层和富裕阶层,葡萄酒特别是进口葡萄酒消费则很少能进入寻常百姓家。进口葡萄酒的口味也是影响其消费的一大因素。Consumption habits.China'swinecultureiswhitespiritand beerculture, the consumers who drinkwhite spiritand beer includingthe Ordinarypeople and the rich class, the import wine consumption is little access tothe everyday home. At
29、 the sametime,theimported wine tasteis a major factoraffecting their consumption.3、品牌因素。在现有的葡萄酒消费群体中,国产品牌由于天时、地利、人和,在品牌推广、销售渠道方面占有绝对优势,已经在消费者心中树立了良好的品牌形-精品文档 -精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-象。如国产三大品牌长城、张裕、王朝。Brand factors. Wine consumption in the existing groups, as a result of domest
30、ic brands,changcheng,zhangyu and wangchao,they have a famous name geography, so they have absolute superiority in the minds of consumers, establishing a good brand image.4、营销力度。进口葡萄酒在进入中国市场大都采取代理制,但无论是多品牌代理制还是单品牌代理制,厂商都缺乏对代理商的市场支持。在品牌推广,销售渠道建立以及葡萄酒文化宣传方面没有给代理商足够的支持,而代理商出于自身的实力以及追求短期利益的考虑,也难以投入大量资金进行
31、市场开拓,但进口葡萄酒市场的培育是一个长期的过程,缺乏长期互赢关系的代理制给双方的合作带来了极大的不稳定。Marketing efforts. Most imported wine in entering the China market foragency, but neither multi-brand or single brand agency, manufacturers lackof market supportforagents.In brand promotion,distributionchannels andestablished wine culture publicit
32、y to the agents without adequate support,and the agents for theirown strengthand the pursuitof short-terminterests,it will be difficult to invest a large amount of money for marketing, butto nurture import wine market is a long process, lack of long-term mutualrelationsagency to win the cooperationo
33、f both partiesbrought about greatinstability.(三)进口葡萄酒的机遇(the imported Wine opportunities)1、2005 年,中国葡萄酒的销售额大约是102 亿,其中进口葡萄酒的销售量增长了46%,这说明虽然目前葡萄酒行业市场容量小,但进口葡萄酒发展速度比较快,并且消费结构将进一步调整,高档葡萄酒消费将成为主流,这对高品质的进口葡萄酒是难得的机遇。2005, the wine sales is about 10.2 billion in China, of which imported winesales grew by 4
34、6%, and this shows thatalthoughwine industrymarket capacityis small,butthe importedwinedevelopedfaster,andthe consumptionstructurewillbe furtheradjustments,and high-gradewine consumption willbecome amainstream,Thisgivehigh-qualityimportedwine a golden-精品文档 -精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应
35、有尽有-opportunity.2、葡萄酒消费税管理办法(试行)已于2006 年 7 月 1 日实施,办法规定进口葡萄酒消费税可用进口环节已纳消费税抵减。另一方面,进口葡萄酒关税已降到14%,并于 2007 年降为零,这有利于进口葡萄酒采取低价策略,进一步降低销售价格,改变进口葡萄酒在中国消费者心中价格偏高的形象。"Wine consumption tax managementpractices" was implemented on July 1, 2006,through the provisions of the import wine consumption tax
36、 is a consumptiontax has been availableon importlinksare offset.On the otherhand, importtariffs have been reduced to 14% , by 2007 it dropped to zero, which isconducive to a low-pricedimportedwine strategyto furtherreduce the salesprice of imported wine in China to change the minds of the consumer p
37、riceHigh image.3、桂林是典型的旅游城市, 2005 年接待入境游客突破 100 万人次,境内游客 1104 万,旅游总收入达 57 亿元人民币。 庞大的旅游市场又以中高收入者为主, 这类人群容易接受西方文化,融合了身份、品位、时尚及情趣的葡萄酒消费文化对他们更具有吸引力,对于 100 万入境游客,他们对进口葡萄酒的消费更是毋庸质疑,所以有针对性的开拓桂林旅游市场也是进口葡萄酒面临的机遇。Guilinisa typicaltouristcity,in2005 thecityreceived1 millioninboundtouristsand 11.04 milliontouri
38、sts,therevenue comes to5.7billionyuan(RMB). Most oftouristsare high-income persons, thesegroups are easilyacceptableWestern culture,the wine consumptionmeanstheidentity,quality,fashion and taste,the wine culture are more attractive to them, for onemillioninbound tourists, Needlesstosay,wineconsumpti
39、on is important.Soto open tourism market in Guilinisalsoa goldenopportunityforthe importedwine.三、 Backsberg 葡萄酒的特点 (Backsberg wine features)(一)悠久的文化。 Backsberg 拥有上百年的历史,结合了传统工艺和现代科技的酿造技术,成就了高品质的葡萄酒。A culture. Backsberghave a long historymore than 100 years, acombinationof traditionalcraftsmanshipand
40、 modern technologybrewing technology,the-精品文档 -精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-achievements to the high-quality wines.(二)良好的国家品牌。南非葡萄酒在中国有很高的知名度,其葡萄酒已逐步得到中国消费者的认可。Good national brands. South African wine has reputation in China, the wineconsumers have gradually recognized the wine.四、 B
41、acksberg 的市场目标 (Backsberg target market)(一) backsberg 的市场定位 (Backsberg market positioning)Backsberg 作为进口葡萄酒,优秀的产品质量赋予其尊贵的内涵,让每位葡萄酒爱好者都能分享其成果是 backsberg 的宗旨,以高贵而价不贵作为我们引导消费的总体思路,所以其市场定位应确立在中高档消费市场,并且以高档为主,以中档为辅的盈利模式。Backsberg as an imported wine, are given its outstanding product withhigh quality.Eac
42、hwine lover can share the resultsis a purposes for Backsberg,the market positionshould be establishedin high-gradeconsumer market,anddominated by high-grade.(二) Backsberg 的市场目标 (Backsberg target market)1、旅游市场,目标消费者为来桂林旅游的外籍人士和高级白领,以三星级以上酒店作为主要销售渠道。Tourism market, the goal for consumers is Tourism ex
43、patriates and seniorwhite-collar, three-star hotel and more is a major sales channel.2、政务宴请市场,目标消费者为政府官员,一般来说,这类消费对价格的敏感度不高,高品质的进口葡萄酒更容易被接受。Chief dinnermarket,the goal is the government officials,in general,theseconsumers are not sensitivewith price, high-qualityimported wine are moreeasily accepted
44、.(三)消售渠道的选择(Eliminate sales channels choice)1、高级餐饮、酒店。这里涉及到两个问题:一是进场费,二是对酒店相关负责人和服务员的激励措施,但因为不同的酒店有不同的管理模式,所以应有针对性的制定不同的方案。Restaurantsand starhotels.Itinvolvestwo issues: Costs forapproaching-精品文档 -精品文档就在这里- 各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-and the policy is related to the hotel and attendants fo
45、r the incentives, but because different hotels have different management models, so there should be targeted for different programmes.2、专卖店。因为专卖店销售的品牌较多,销售人员很难集中关注某一品牌,所以在给予专卖店合适的利润空间的同时,还应制定鼓励销售人员推销 backsberg 的激励方案。Shops. The salesmen are more difficultto focus on a particularbrand Becausesellingin theirshops, so itis very importantto make a incentiveprogrammeto encourage the sales staff to sell Backsberg.3、大型超市。以目前各大型超市的进场条件,超市的盈利能力太弱,这一销售渠道只是作为推广品牌的补充,以销售中档 backsberg 为主,主要目的是达到与国产中档葡萄酒竞争
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