已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、山东省泰安市21年中考英语真题试题本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷1至8页。第卷至11页,共12分。考试时间120分钟。注意事项: 1.答题前,请考生仔细阅读答题卡上的注意事项,并务必按照相关要求作答。2.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷(选择题 共分)第一部分 听力(共小题:每小题1分,满分20分)(一)听句子,选择适当的应答语,每个句子读两遍。1. A. Thats a good ia. B. ou elcome. C. m tieof piz.2. ora month. B. I mnh C. Twce a month.3 . Iarei you. B Ve

2、r kid, I hink. C. Three lso eek.4. A. It doesn mtter. B ts mie. C.It wnbe.5. A.s, plase. . N all C. With plesre.(二)听五段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍,你将有2秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。6. Wha lesson wll theman he Mar wih?A. Physics . Histoy. C eogphy.7.Wht ar theypobably doing? unnng .Riding biks. . laime. Weredoes thiconveraion

3、robbly taplae?.I a msum. a okshop. In ashol. How mh soul he ma p f he bus threekils ftatoe?A.5 yuan B. 6 yun. . 9yan.1. en will thy to eovies? AOnesd. B.n Wdnesday. . O Thursdy.(三)听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍,听每段对话前你将有1秒钟的时间阅读对应的个小题。听第一段对话,回答111小题。11. her dd Joe play fotbal?A. In th sprhl. . In the ak C. n

4、 the soolfied.12.Je would lik his moter to ash his _.A. s d shts B. Tshr nd shots C.soksand -shirt. hen s Js xt footbll matc?A Marc12th. B. Marc 15h. C.Mrh 8t.听第二段对话,回答14-1小题。. How muc os Emms phtraphy course ot?A. 45 ounds. B. 6pous. C. 80 pounds15. Why de mma lik th photogaphy coue?. Because hs le

5、arningabu faupotogaphr.B.Becasshsusig an xensivecamea.Becaus se tig betterpotograp.16. Emma touhi wa easy to te photogrph of_ A. flwers B. anls C. eple(四)听短文,回答下面四个问题,选择正确答案,短文读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间阅读下面4个小题。7 owdd tewrte fee when hswteold man at the begining?A.Ha. Sorry. .Bored.18Wt s the weather lk whnhe w

6、iterheledt ol an? Swy B. Widy. CRany.19. Wadid the itergive the ol man?A. Some moe. BAfewclhes. C. Abag of cans ad ottles.2 Whhof he folowingis rih?A. Th ol man thankedhewir fo ishelp a ast. The ol ma sold hecnsan botte to b a ke C. Te writr wa nhappy ecause the old man ddntsme t him.第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,

7、满分25分)第一节 语法和词汇(共5小题:每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21 D yu ow _ girl wilngcurly hr? -Ye, eis Mary. She pys_ tnnis vry wellA.a, B. he, / C. the,he D. ,he【答案】22. I isfive years sincew bgn to enoya _ ping holida eac ea.Aen-day B en ay days D.tn ays【答案】A23 What do youthink of

8、Wisnsspaing?-o n des_ in our shooA.g well C. beter D. be【答案】C2Im aie gry, um!-erere o pple pies on the able, you my tak _Ai .his . that D. ne【答案】2. tis acepe by eveyone that knowledg s t most vuale_ f human big.A. stndad tasure C.inventon . nsuction【答案】B6. Ifalw _ orslf wit ots,yu y hve tnsofprur.-I

9、 are, w shuld eliee in oulv. copae B. cmlain C. onne . onsde【答案】2. Itain _ andasted for lon tme etrday.-T ad! vesom stree ee flof water.A. hrdly tongl C. terib havily【答案】D28 Wi the dvlopent of siene andenoo, robot cooks_ in our failis n thefutu.A. apar . peaed C. ill appear D. is appeaing【答案】2. -_ex

10、itin the seech bou “lt aRoad” as!-Of course!Itwa a rely gre inspirtionto te wldA. w B What C. Hw a D Wtan【答案】A30. I ddn eee I uld o t_I got ohtopoounTa. A. ules B ntil . ater Das【答案】B31 As na row trongnd stogr, Chinse _ in or nd me school ot of r cunty. eaches B.isht .hatught D. wa taught【答案】32,yd!

11、I hae _ fie pouds.-Dot worry. Isnormal f a rwingenagegirl.ut p B. putof . pt on D. ut own 【答案】C33.Yesteday, Mr. Green wnt t his omtwn and vstedthd hoe_ h ws bon in. wich B where C. at D. t【答案】3e lightin Bils ofie i tiln. I odr _.-Mabea miihtain.A.fil he to wkng B.why wrkss ardC. ho gl work D.when he

12、 wll st okng【答案】35. Woldyou mnd ging tthe pat us this Suda?-_. I havent been utdoors thee ays. cat witA. Sory, I t Bu, Idove t C. Cetaiy n D. y pleasure【答案】C第二节 完形填空(共1小题:每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的、B、D四个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A long time go, te ived a wise man named un-n in pt. yug

13、acme tovisit himnd askd, “Teach, why do you dss i 36 a wy? owadaysits necessry t dres nely(整洁地), isnt i?Or wwill peop knwyoure really a 7 an wise man?”u-un smiled, to a nrom hisfner sai, “ou friend, lanswryor qestio, 8 fist oone thi for me.Tke thi rin t emarket. Can ou sell it foroehip f go?”hen you

14、g ma looked t un-Nns dirtyring, hethougt to39 , “owwillI sll it tth pric?”H 40 the ri to te egeabe,meatan fih raer ad othersith maket. Bu 41 ws ilng to py chip ofgold.H etunead toldthio Zun-NunZun-naid,“Now go tothe gld shopand show the ng to th ow. Dongve a 42 , just see how muchh ill p.”One ou 43

15、,hyug an was ac “Teachr,peole i the market rallydid kow he value o hs rig. h goldsp owne 44 me,000 chips o gol.”Zun-Nu mild. “Thts theaser to yousto, my fen. oenecat be valuedonly fro h 5 . Th ng wa ft fom th mpror,”he said6 A so B. sh this D. th37. . cil Bstag C. cn D. stui38. untl B wver C. though

16、 . ut39. A. hi B i C. hmsef . itself40 A gave B. shwe C.sol . pvidd41. A. nood B.eiher C. anyone .eeryne4.A. n . dea C. prie D.rason43A.fer B.beore C.ago D. ater44. cs . oferd spet .lent45.A. wors . thughs . nowledg D.dress【答案】6.B.A 38.D 9. 4.B 41. 42.C 3 . 4.第三部分阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分0分)A a ery rih an

17、andhis scollecte auabe painigsby fmous artss like Piso, anGoghand Monet.Lter, theson lft o joinheary. Afterfw weeks, teoldmn rcivea ete sain his oad dwhltaknganterlder to ahsa. The ld an cme eryloely an ad.ne a, a soldir visteth old man and gv im apintigit wasptait(肖像)of i on. The paiing of his son

18、became the od mans motvabl item.He old hieighbor t was te greatestgifthehadeve receied.Th flowing sprig,heolman died.Al ft od mapainings wl b sat a aucon(拍卖会). hecio egan h t pantg ofte oldmn sn.“Who will oe hepriceat 10?”eucine aked. Mments pas adno one spke or rsd eir hands. mene aid, “Who carabot

19、 tataintng? Lets get n o te godns” Mr vcs followed i ageemen. “No, utsell this one frst,” reed th aucioneer. “Nw, who ill takethe portait f then?”Fnly, a godriend oftheold mn sok,“n dolars!” “Wl anyo ohie?” cledthe auctoner Afte moe silencehe aid: “Going one going twicSl!” The auctioneer t nounced h

20、a thwhoe cion w r. “According to te ftrswil, hover taksh sons portrai ets the whe collection.”he uctieerid.ecause ofhe athersloe,woevetook teso t iall.46. ow d th old mansson di?A. He ie o a seris heartisee.B.He ed le takingnothesodier to a hspitaCAcarithim whenhe wethome.D. He was killed ya docor47

21、Wat was he fir paintig o b sod at the ctin? A. epainigs byfamou arsts.B giftgive ytheold mansnighbors.C. The porait the od ms son.Th most epnsive colection of theo mn48. hich of thefolwigisTRUE acording tothe assage?A. t he begnning the uction, eeryon realizedteimprtnce o the paintng of thesn.B.hepa

22、ii of the old mas so a as opla sthe ot paintin.C he old ns will was tovawa he wholeolecio to caity. . he old man good fried got te whoe coleon foytendrs9.Wats the bettite ofhe pasag?ALe is Sharin. B An Eensve Pntin. Hot Aucion DCrin About h Person Yu ve【答案】4.47.C48.4.ABhe Big WhNw ride opes MayAt Ad

23、venture Parkealthe cityfm iTckets on slaprk etranceAdus: $.0nr 16,$250FuureodTh aazin nw coergameOn saFrm exwek inoputr shpsndsurmaktFo -4layersOnly $3!Jeep Rdesn the desrt2p. tll 6 .m.$17.50p peronChildrn museor12r oldall: 1CmetitionYoung sne o the YearYrk ealMy 29Wn a giar!Siners mtb 1Wanttoko mor

24、e? Cll orext 9846nVoiceeew magzneforeenages$2nteting stri a pges ffshion and musicOns every eeko o . coTwBokshis monhForstStb AlanBanksAdBst Bike Ride by Km Jamsre eore 10h AprilforSealpice for both books-$250. If ou at t now more informtion ou te sigg competition, yo can _A. gto www. teenvoccom B.

25、goto w.ookalot.omC. a themat31703 D. all or ext 985651.To wants tpla computr gamswit his frien, hat hl he buy?A. Ten Voice. B.Futur World. .Best Bike id . Foret Steet.52. Wihof the floiiNOtre?A.est ke Ride is wittenb Kim Jas.B. Thenewagzie fo teaes i onsaleevery weekCElevenyear-old Dvidislloed to dr

26、eae the dst Tuesday. Pauland ina re oing to theig heel h eir4-yeald son,eysoudpay $9 fo thtcket.【答案】50.D51.B5.CCMnya ago, a Freh natalist, Cmt de ufon, wroe som bos aoutnural hitory The bos wer a reasucces even hou socritcs(批评家)did nt ikethem.Thmas Jfersn dd notlike ha omte deBuffo hdsaid aboutte na

27、tural wones(奇观)f the w Wd t mdtoJefferson that Comte de uffon ad soken of ral onde i Ameiaas if(好像)tey were unimpoat.Thi trobled homsferon.He wso a natualit, sella a farmer, an inventor,hisoia, awriter and olitician(政治家). He ad seen henatura wonderf Europ Tohi, tey wre no oe iportant thn oe o th New

28、rld. 188,Thom Jefferso wroeabout s hom tate, Virgna. Whe witing, e thugto its atal beauty andtenf thord of Cme e BuffonAt hat momn,Jron cae aew wordbttle. H said, “Cte dBffonbeiees thtnaue belttle erproducions onhs sie f th Atlantic(大西洋).”o ebster, t Amerian word expert, lied this word. He put t in

29、the Englisnguae ditionain 1806, “Beittleo maeall, nmportant.”Amicans had aray accpted Jefrsons wo n started t use t In 177,te Independent Chronic(独立纪事报)us he wod escribe aplitian theaper suppre.“Its n honorabeman,”t per wote, “so let te opositio try to blittle hm ma te ase.”I 187, faous Ami wrd xper

30、t ecided that the tie hd come to illhi wor. He ad,“Blittle sholdnt bcEnglis. An more crical wie ofAmica,ikthose Britain, feel noneed oi”Thisexer faile to llhe wod oday, blitleis ued wherehe Englihlanguage i sokn.homas JefersonwNOT a _A.natlist B. historian .liticin D. usicin5 W cannfer(推断)ha Jeffers

31、n create the wd “belitte” ot of hs _. anger B. excitmnt C. kindness resonsbiit5 Watcan e kow ao the word“elittle” f the assag?A t has alredy disappd m te Englshlanguae. t had bee usdbefore wa ut inth nglislanuag ictia.C.It is used to scribeatural wners owD. An American polician decided to kil ths wo

32、rd in8756. Wats the psage mai ao?A. whe word “eltle”cam ing B The arguet about ntual wonrs. C Everywod hs a longsoybin. D. Noah Wbtersprted Jferosda.【答案】53.54.A55.6.ADYu dontnee to gt inaime-avlngahne tosee ow tcholgy ill chageo ies, sch aseway hp. Seerl ne tecnlogiehat a t chnge yo buyng habit ara

33、appar. Let eewhat n stoe fr yr futu shpi.Try i on, virtualy(虚拟地)ant tohoponlin for nei of gasses? Yo dont need to uswhicairlooeston yuse t eByFshn iPone app t a aif glse yre hking out n pictue f yor ce.But whatabut buyig omting biger? Thansto Micrsoft Knect ction trackin(跟踪)came, yo can ver clothe n

34、 yousreen ody. You an evenhoose te bacgoud fyur virtual fiting roomo imp yuhpn exprience.Get aprfect, custom it. vryone bod isshaped difrently To ge a pefect it, yuometishae tget yorcotheschaged. But byusing 3D sanningtechnology, al the lothes you uy ilfitourbody pefectly. ome compnisn(扫描)your by n

35、igh-cto getth real szes,sothey camake spalcloths jus for yo.ghte shoppig carts(推车)andcheckoutcounter(收银台) Hih-tec oingrtcoud common in mallsn uperets in e future.Micosft inectenale rtsare undtes.Thecart can folw yualongth aises(通道),conolld only byyour ovemenndyou voicen the UniteStaes, severl sperrk

36、et u cetnse lle “ScnIt”that gives buyr th redo tosca prods o their ownwhile thy shop.If ontant wait in ne bfor the kut contrs,we canus Toshibs ew objcReonitionScane.Themahine idenifes(辨认)a rdc asso as is placin frntofa arutby its apeand color, venf it has o bar cod.57. Accodin o Paagra2,theeBay Fasi

37、on ihone appca_A onyme pictures o ur aces .helpussel more clotes leC. crate uavirualdresing rom D cooesuiabe lases or5. Which of the folwing ca help getthe corectshapo or boy?A.bect Recogniion Scannr. B. The Bay Fashion iPhon ap.C. 3D scanning tenogy D. Microsoft Kinc-enbled carts. 5. What cane fro

38、tis passge?A. ekout ounterswil disapea fr upermarkes in future. High-tech sopin crtswill e widey un mal anuemarketsC. “an ” canotbeusb byer thmslves.D. Tenew technloi e onl ra ht armpossbl to cme t.60. his passage inly lksao _ nw tim-travelling macine . te inluece ofewtechnologyC. some inentons chng

39、e bits D. he was fr futureshopn【答案】7.D58.C5B60.D第卷 (非选择题 共分)第四部分 书面表达(共三节)第一节词汇运用(共两题,满分15分)(一)单词拼写(共小题:每小题1分,满分5分)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式完整地写在答题卡相应的位置上。6. The lat us has arady goe.Im araid wehaven _but otak a taxi.62. Wo! Youve gt many skits.-ut _ of te ae fhion no63. As atranslato, u_thrue meaning

40、that eople wat to expres is vy imrta. Th traditionahins ctrewillb _(有帮助的)fo or fuure w can learnore.65. WChat oulart gwsqickly bea itsconvnent f epleo_(交流)ith eh he. 【答案】61.coi / chace62nne63undersanding64helpu fu65.couniae(二)综合填空(共小题:每小题1分,满分10分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。(每词限用一次)pae, sr, mtan

41、t, end, ecuse, influenc, usfu,acros, ra, ikA road is rdge between to plaes. T Si Rod as ben a ridge t ad Wes for mre thn 2,000ears. Te SilkRoad has be (6)_ ilde into th SO Wrd Hriage st(世界文化遗产名录)at he3t seion oth WolHeriagCmitee i Doha.Butdid you kn:theSkRod i nota sige oute(路线)!I is a sreso (7)_ a clturaamissio(传递)roes began uin tes


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