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1、Unit 4 Body Language 检测题第一节 单项填空从A、 B、 C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Susan, university student from Europe, teaches me art in herspare time.A. an; /B.a; theC. an; theD. a; /2. Tyron was very angry,but cool-headedenough to rushingintothe boss soffice.A. prevent B. avoidC. protectD.allow3. On this map

2、what does a star ?A. tellB. represent C. sayD. mean4. I first met Mr Smith in America. He at Stanford University then.A. studiedB. had studied C. is studyingD. was studying5. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. , our minds are developedby learning.A. Possibly B. LikelyC. SimilarlyD. Gene

3、rally6. , most teenagers now listen to rock music. However, John likes classicalmusic better.A. In a wordB. In general C. In time D. In total7. He tried to answering any question the journalist asked.A. avoidB. leaveC. defeatD. miss8. we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?

4、A. If onlyB. What if C. As ifD. Even if9. different kinds of pianos, the factory is sure they can satisfy people sneeds.A. To produceB. Being produced C. Produced D. Having producedan unknown number.10. The letter “ X” can be usedA. to expressing B. to expressC. expressing D. expression11. The Big6

5、Model is one to teaching information literacy skills.A. attitude B. appearanceC. approach D. altitude12. , the teacher asked whether anyone wished to ask a question.A. Finishing his lectureB. To finish the lectureC. Having finished his lecture D. Finished the lecture13. It ' s a very interesting

6、 book.And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.'s all right.A. I;m glad you like it. B. ThatC. Don' t mention it. D. I hope you like it.14. 一 When was it that you got home last night?-Itaround nine o' clock when Idrove back home, foritwas very dark.A. must have been B. had

7、to beC. was to beD. must be15. People are encouraged to speak openly, butcareless words areto hurtothers ' feelings.A. possibleB. probableC. likelyD. sure第二节完形填空A、B C和D)中,选出最阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项( 佳选项。An elderly carpenter (木匠)was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans

8、to 16 the house-building business to live a more leisurely lifewith his wife and 17 his extended family. He would18 the paycheck each week, 19 he wanted to retire. They could get by (survive).The contractor ( 订约人)was 20 to see his good worker go & asked if hecould build just one more house as a

9、21 . The carpenter said yes, but over time it was easy to see that his 22 was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used 23 materials. It was an 24 way to end a dedicated career.When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to 25 the house.Then he handed the 26 to the carp

10、enter and said, "This is your house. my gift to you.The carpenter was 27 !What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so 28 .So it is with us. We build 29 , a day at atime, often putting 30 ourbest into the building. Then, with a shock, we 31 we h

11、ave to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently.But, you cannot 32 . You are the carpenter, and every day you hammera nail,place a board, orerect a wall. Someoneonce said, "Lifeis a do-it-yourselfproject."Your 33 , and the choices you make to

12、day,help build the "house"you will livein tomorrow. 34 ,build 35 !16. A. leaveB. leadC. avoidD. gain17. A. dependB. cheerC. enjoyD. satisfy18. A. depend onB. receiveC. benefit from D. miss19. A. soB. butC. whenD. even if20. A. sorryB. gladC. disappointed D. cheerful21. A. serviceB. persona

13、l favourC. workD. good end22. A. curiosityB. energyC. heartD. patience23. A. less goodB. bestC. solidD. valuable24. A. rudeB. wiseC. wonderfulD. unfortunate25. A. sellB. buyC. inspectD. admire26. A. houseB. front-door keyC. giftD. award27. A. shockedB. satisfiedC. sillyD. tired28. A. secretlyB. rapi

14、dlyC. willinglyD. differently29. A. our housesB. our livesC. our building D. our work30. A. less thanB. more thanC. no more than D. no less than31. A. promiseB. decideC. realizeD. consider32. A. throw awayB. apologizeC. go aheadD. go back33. A. characterB. attitudeC. forceD. honesty34. A. ThereforeB

15、. HoweverC. ObviouslyD. Instead35. A. simplyB. personallyC. graduallyD. wisely第三部分:阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、日C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWeconvey ( 传达 ) information through the position and movement of the body. We often use gestures or body movements to stress what we are saying. For example, when I lecture ( 演讲

16、), I often use my hands to emphasize (强调 ) points or point tosomething on the blackboard. Somepeople use them more than others. The victory ( 胜 利 ) sign, the OK sign, the goodbye wave and the blowing of a kiss are all popular gestures in America. It is important to recognize, however, that most gest

17、ures are not universally recognized. For example, although the OK gesture means acceptance in America, it has other meanings in other cultures. In France it means worthlessness. And in Greece, it is considered obscene (淫秽 ).There are some sex differences in nonverbal behavior. In American culture, m

18、en tend to sit or stand with legs apart and hands outward, while women tend to keeplegs together and hands at their sides. Women are also betterthan men atunderstanding nonverbal gestures.A nonverbal behaviour is to have the tongue just slightly protruding (突出 )from the mouth. A study showed that pe

19、ople were less willing to approach others who had their tongues showing. Perhaps this is why people often tend to avoid individuals with bad nonverbal behaviours. Whenwe make decisions about other people, we learn to recognize nonverbal cues ( 提示 ) and interpret ( 理解 ) them along with verbal informa

20、tion.36. From the passage we can know that .A. body language in America is more popular than in other countriesB. the deferent cultures share the same body languagesC. the same gestures in deferent cultures may have the deferent meaningsD. body language is more important than words37. Which of the f

21、ollowing statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Women s body language is easier to understand.B. Women have a better understanding of body language than men.C. In American culture, men care more about their gestures than women.D. In American culture, men and women always employ the deferent

22、gestures.38. It may be concluded from this passage that.A. body language can completely replace wordsB. different cultures share different nonverbal behavioursC. body language sounds louder than verbal informationD. body language can be helpful for us to communicate with each otherBMost good intervi

23、ewers will make an effort to establish and keep eye contact.Make sure that you do not find yourself looking down or away. If you wear glasses, be sure to buy the non-glare lenses. Do not stare.Rapidly nodding your head can leave the impression that you are impatient andtoo eager to add something to

24、the conversation - if only the interviewerwould letyou. Slower nodding, on the other hand, emphasizes interest, shows that you are validating(确认)the comments of your interviewer, and encourages him to continue.Tilting(倾斜)the head slightly, whencombined with eye contact and a natural smile,shows frie

25、ndliness and approachability (可接近的).Your smile is one of the most powerful positive body signals. Everybody looksbetter when they smile. Offer an unforced, confident smile.Avoid at all costs thetechnique that some applicants use: grinning idiotically (白痴般地裂 口笑 )for thelength of the interview, no mat

26、ter what. This will only communicate that you are insincere (虚假的).It ' s worth remembering that the mouth provides a seemingly limitless supplyof opportunities to convey weakness. This may be done by touching the mouth frequently; "faking" a cough whenconfused with a difficult question

27、; and /or gnawing (咬)on one ' s lips absentmindedly ( 茫然地 ).Employing any of these "insincerity signs" when you are asked about say, why you lost your last job, will confirm (确认)or instill (慢慢灌输)suspicions about your honesty.39. The mouth may make your weakness known by according to th

28、e passage.A. pretending to be coughingB. having an unforced smileC. blowing a kissD. showing your teeth40. The main purpose of this text is to .A. tell you how to communicate with others effectively.B. show you how to make yourself more understandableC. remind you of respecting the interviewer.D. gi

29、ve you some advice on facial signals for job interviews41. What does the underlined word “ suspicion ” in the last paragraph mean?A. understandingB. uncertaintyC. expressionD.agreement42. Which facial signal can cause you to lose an opportunity of being employed?A. Gnawing on one s lips.B. A natural

30、 smile.C. A natural smile.D. Touching the mouth occasionally.CAbout five states in Nigeria will experiencea total eclipse ( 日蚀 ) of the sunon March 29, 2006, according to a forecast by the Ministry of Science and Technology this week.An eclipse occurs in one of two ways: when the moon passes between

31、 the earth and the sun so that all or part of the sun cannot be seen for a time, or when the earth passes between the moon and the sun so that you cannot see all or part of the moon for a time. The first case is a solar eclipse or eclipse of the sun, which occurs as the earth enters the shadow of th

32、e moon. The second describes a lunar eclipse or eclipse of the moon, which happens when the moon enters the shadow of the earth.More than 60 percent of Nigerians are uneducated, and eclipses in some parts of the country in the past have caused commotions in which people have been killed and property

33、 destroyed. Some Nigerians believe an eclipse is punishment from the gods for evil doing.The March 29th eclipse would be the fifth in Nigeria s history, and it isexpected to last for 30 minutes 9:15AM to 9:45AM, according to the officialprediction. Nigeria witnessed eclipses in 1898, 1947, 1959, and

34、 2001.The shadows in an eclipse have a central dark part called umbra, and a less darks light is cut off,external section called penumbra. In the umbra, all the sun and this is called total eclipse; while in the penumbra, only a part of the lightfrom the sun is cut off from the moon, and it is calle

35、d partial eclipse.Five Nigerian states Oyo, Kwara, Niger, Zamfara, and Katsina are expected to have total eclipse, while other parts of the country will experience partial eclipse.43. This passage is mainly written to .A. predict a eclipse of the sun in NigeriaB. compare a eclipse of the sun with a

36、eclipse of the moonC. provide information on a coming eclipse of the sun in NigeriaD. show that people in Nigeria receive little education44. If this passage is taken from a newspaper, which section is the passage probably from?A. Entertainment.B. Economy. C. Education.D. Science.45. The best title

37、for this passage is .A. What Is an EclipseB. How Foolish People in Nigeria AreC. Nigeria Expects Solar EclipseD. Solar Eclipse Happens on March 29, 2006第四部分:写作第一节 主观阅读阅读下面短文,根据文章内容回答下列问题。There are a lot of differences between Americans and Chinese in romance. Themain differences are in physical acti

38、ons and oral expression. In physical actions, Americans are more open. They hug each other when they meet together and give kisses to each other when they want to express their love. They share their emotions directly.Unlike Americans, Chinese are shy about showing their feelings physically. Theyalw

39、ays keep their emotions under control. The only romantic hint is to hold hands with each other in their own room. They take working hard and being responsible as配偶).ways to show their romantic feelings to their spouses (In oral expression, Americans say sweet words to each other any time, such as&qu

40、ot;I love you", "Honey", etc. They send cards to show the feelingsof apology and beingsorry, greetings and appreciation. Americans are open-minded. In contrast, Chinese rarely say "I like you" to each other.Even if they do something wrong, they don' tapologize to their s

41、pouses. They think that there is nothing to be sorry for between a couple. They believe that buying gifts for each other is a waste of money. They think that to do their best and support the family in the wealthy condition showstheir love to the spouse. That is much better than saying sweet words. I

42、n conclusion, Americans are open and direct, but Chinese are shy. There is really a lot ofdifference in romantic expression between the American and Chinese. How do Americans show romance in a physical way?47. What can we conclude from Americans ' romantic expressions?48. What do Americans and C

43、hinese do to show congratulations to someone?49. What do Chinese do to show their romantic feeling to their spouses?50. Why do Chinese think it unnecessary to apologize to one' s wife or husband?第二节书面表达假设你班将举行一次英语晚会,主题为“中学生应该如何使用家长给的零花钱请你根据提示写一篇发言稿。使用方式好处存入银行养成节约的习惯购买书籍获取知识其他培养兴趣(音乐、体育、集邮等)注意:1.

44、词数100左右;2.参考词汇:零花钱pocket money 节约thrift选做题:阅读下面短文,在各横线上写出空白处所缺的单词(每空一词),使补足后的短文意思通顺、结构完整。And with this prize that I have 51 as a Prize of Peace, I am going to tryto make the home 52 many people who 53 no home. Because I believe that 54 begins at home, and if we can create a 55 for the poor I think t

45、hat more 56 more love will spread. When I pick up a person from the street, hungry, I give 57 a plate of rice, a piece of bread to have him satisfied. I have removed that hunger.But a 58 who is shut out, who feels unwanted, unloved, terrified, the person who has been thrown out from society that pov

46、erty is so full of hurt and so unbearable And so let us always meet each 59 with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do 60 . 检测题参考答案、重点解析1-5 DBBDC 6-10 BABDB 11-15 CCAAC 16-20 ACDBA 21-25 BCADC 26-30 BADBA 31-35 CDBAD 36-40 CBDAA

47、 41-45 BDCDC46. They show love to their lovers by hugging and kissing.47. From their ways of showing romance, we may conclude that Americans are more open and direct than the Chinese while the Chinese are a bit shy and indirect.48. They will show it in different ways. Americans will send cards to ea

48、ch other,while the Chinese won t do the same. They think it a waste of money to do that.49. They think the best way is to work harder and be responsible for their family, which they think is to show their romantic feelings to their spouse.50. Because they think they are a couple and there is nothing

49、 wrong between them.书面表达One possible version:Dear friends, I m very glad to have the chance to speak to so many classmateshere at present. Today I d like to talk about how middle school students shoulddeal with their pocket money properly. As is known to all, we can easily get pocket money from our

50、parents if we want to. But it is no good for us spending it at will.In my opinion, we may spend some on books and magazines, from which we can get alot of knowledge and pleasure. If we love music, sports or stamp collecting, we can develop the interests in them by using some of our pocket money. On

51、the other hand, if possible, we d better put some in the bank, which will help us form the habitof thrift. Don t you think so? I really hope you will give me your opinions aboutit. Thank you.选做题 :51. received / got 52. for 53. have 54. love 55. home56. and 57. him 58. person59. other60. something重点解

52、析1. D 。 university 读音是以辅音音素开头,所以用a; art 在这里指“美术,艺术”,是泛指,所以前面不加the 。2. B 。 prevent 常用 prevent sb (from) doing sth 结构,表示“防止;预防”; avoid 意为“避免” , 后面跟名词或动词-ing 形式作宾语;protect 意为 “保护” ; allow 意为 “允许” 。 根据句意, “虽然 Tyron 很生气,但是他头脑很冷静”,就不会做不恰当的事情,也不会“冲进领导的办公室”,所以用avoid 最合适。3. B。根据句意,“在这张地图上,这颗红星中国的首都。"红星与

53、首都在此只能是代表的关系,所以不能用A (告诉)、C (代替)或者 D (意味着),所以选B, represent意为“代表”。4. D 。本句选用过去进行时,指那时动作正在发生。5. C 。 usually 意为“通常”curiously 意为“好奇地;奇怪地”similarly 意为“类似地” ; particularly 意为“独特地;显著地”。根据句意, “通过锻炼来强健身体”与“通过学习来提高智力”之间具有一种类比的关系,所以用 similarly 最合适。6. B 。 in a word 意为“总之;一句话;总而言之”; in general 意为“大体上;一般地”;in all

54、意为“总共”; in total 意为“总共”。通过句意可以看出, “大多数青少年喜欢听摇滚乐”是一种一般的普通的情况,所以选B。7. A。 significant 意为“有意义的;重大的;重要的”; major 意为“主要的;重要的;大的” ; considerate 意为“考虑周到的”; greater 意为“更大的”。根据句意,这里指“一个比较重大的改变”,用 more 来修饰,不能用major ,因为 major 本身已经具有“比较”的含义; greater 只能用 much 来修饰;considerate 不合题意,所以选significant 。8. B。what if这里指“如果

55、将会怎样”,表示对一种假设的提问;if only指"要是 就好了” ; as if 意为“好像”; even if 意为“即使”。根据句意,这里应选A。9. D。根据后半句说,“工厂确认足以满足人们的需要”,那么前提应该是“生产各种各样的 钢琴”应该已经成为事实,所以用现在完成时,动词 -ing 形式作状语。10. B 。 encourage 意为“鼓励”; express 意为“表达”; explain 意为“解释”; exchange意为“交流”。句意为:学会很好地表达自己,是现代教育的一个很重要的内容。11. C。 attitude to /towards 指 "对的

56、态度“ ;appearance 指 "出现";approach 指“方法; 途径” , 后常接 to ; altitude 指 “海拔; 高度” 。根据句意,这里指一种“教学方法” ,所以用approach 。注: Big6 Model 的全称是Big6 Model of InformationProblem-Solving ,指 Big6 信息问题解决模式,属于“问题解决”式的研究学习。12. C 。 keep in touch with 意为“保持联络”; within reach of 意为“离得很近;在范围内” ; out of touch with 意为“失去联系

57、;不再了解情况”; out of reach of 意为“够不着”。句中指曾祖父对现代潮流不闻不问,所以选C。13. Ao交际用语。由情景可知,B将一本书借给了 A, A觉得这本书很有趣,故 B说“我很高兴你喜欢”,A接着说:“谢谢你借给了我这么长的时间”。That' s all right回答感谢和道歉;Don t mention it( 别人道谢时回答)不客气;I hope you like it 指期望对方喜欢,而事实是对方的确很喜欢,所以选A。14. A 。 must have done 表示对过去情况有把握的推测。15. C 。常用 sb / sth be likely to do 或 it s likely + 从句,表示“可能”; certain表示“确定的”; probable 后常跟 that 从句表示“很有可能”; be sure to do sth指“一定;务必去做某事”。16. Ao第一句说“老木匠准备退休了”,由此可以得知,他要


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