1、2017 航海英语复习三Key word 10: Radar and ARPA (60)A335. Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail _.A. in dense fog B. in boisterous weather C. in the ope n sea D. in rivers【知识点】雷达的使用【解析】主要作用:雾航B380. Radar makes the most accurate determ in ati on of the _.A. direct ion of a target B. dista nee
2、 to a target C. size of a target D. shape of a target【知识点】雷达的使用【解析】雷达测距最准确。相关题目A382. Without doubt the radar is a highly importa nt n avigatio n aid. But duty officer shall aware that _when usingit.A. Its range reading is more accurate than its bearing readingB. A low-lying coastline with a long, fl
3、at beach will show up properly on the radar.C. Radar is only aimed at collisi on avoida nee.D. the use of radar is n ecessary only whe n visibility is restricted、D527. Radar is not only to obta in_ , but also to measure their dista nee away from you.A. bright ness of objectsB. color of targetsC. sha
4、pe of targetsD. beari ng of objectsD361. Which statement concerning the operation of radar in fog is TUREA. radar ran ges are less accurate in fogB. n avigati on buoys will always show up on radarC. a sandy beach will show up clearer on radar tha n a rocky cliffD. small woode n boats may not show up
5、 on radarB327. The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to turn power switch first, the n to_ positi on.A. off / standby B.standby / off C.standby / close D.【知识点】雷达的使用【解析】雷达关机步骤。B606、As the radar antenna scans through_ a rotation , it can be show where the targetis relative to your posi
6、ti on .A. 60 degree B. 360 degree C. 180 degree D. 90 degree【知识点】雷达的使用【解析】雷达天线。A345. The radar control that reduces weak echoes out to a limited distance from the ship isthe _A. sen sitivity time con trol ( sea-clutter con trol) B. receiver gain con trolC. brilliancecontrolD.fast time constant (【知识点
7、】雷达的使用(控钮)【解析】近距离的杂波相关题目D346. The radar con trol that shorte ns all echoes on the display and reduces clutter caused by rain or snow is the_ .to _positi onclose / standbydifferentiator)A. sen sitivity time con trol (sea clutter con trol)B. receiver gain con trolC. brillia ncecon trolD. fast time con
8、stant(differe ntiator)D372.is on the panel of radar.INVERTERA391. What is the purpose of VRM controlA. To measure dista nee accuratelyB. To measure beari ng accuratelyC. To measure range and beari ngD. To adjust radar mon itor【知识点】雷达的使用【解析】活动距标圈。D557. SWEEP INT on radar panel is the abbreviation of_
9、A. sweep introduction B.sweep interest C.sweep intention D.sweep intensity【知识点】雷达的使用【解析】扫描亮度A605、When will you have to adjust gainA. every time you cha nge ran ges B. each watch C. every day D. every week【知识点】雷达的使用【解析】增益:每次改变量程后需重新调整。D352. Whenhitting a solid object such as a ship or an airplane, th
10、e radar waves are reflected backtheycame.A. i n the wayB. the way C. by the way D. through the path【知识点】雷达的工作原理【解析】雷达波路径B360. Which gen eral stateme nt concerning radar is FALSEA. rais ing the antenna height i ncreases the radar rangeB. the ability of radar to detect objects is un affected by weathe
11、r con diti onsC. radar beari ng are less accurate tha n radar rangeD. radar should be checked regularly during clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly【知识点】雷达的工作原理【解析】雷达探测物标的能力会受到天气的影响。A348. The radio waves used for radar are very short,only_ longA. a few centimetersB.a few fathoms C.a
12、few meters D.a few feet【知识点】雷达技术指标(波长)【解析】航海雷达主要是3cm和10cmC336. The 10-cm radar as compared to a 3-cm radar of similar specificati ons will_ .A. be more suitable for river and harbor navigationB. provide better range performanee on low lying targets during good weather and calm seasC. have a wider ho
13、riz on tal beam widthD. have more sea retur n duri ng rough sea con diti ons【知识点】雷达技术指标(波长)【解析】1)最大作用距离:正常天气下,3cmt达的大;雨雪天,10cm雷达的大。2)距离分辨力和测距精度:波长短,脉冲前沿短,脉冲宽度短一一3cm好。3)方位分辨力和测方位精度:波长越短,波束宽度越窄一一3cm好。4)抗杂波能力:10cm好。相关题目D337. The 3-cm radar as compared to a 10-cm radar with similar specificati ons will_
14、 .A. give better range performance in rain, hail, etc.B. display small targets in a mass of dense sea clutter at a greater rangeC. have less sea retur n in choppy rough seasD. display a more maplike prese ntati on for in shore n avigati onA364. Coral atolls, or a chain of islands at right angles to
15、the radar beam, may show as a long line rather tha n as individual targets due to_.A. the effects of beam width B. limitatio ns on range resoluti onC. the pulse len gth of the radar D. the multiple-target resoluti on factor【知识点】雷达技术指标(天线波束宽度)【解析】天线水平波束宽度对方位分辨力的影响。A 237. You are using radar in which
16、your own ship is shown at the center, and the heading flash always points to 00. If bearings are measured in relation to the flash,_ bearing areproduced.A. relative B. true C. compass D. a circle appearing on the scope surrounding the light【知识点】雷达显示方式【解析】首向上显示方式B331. You have bee n observi ng your r
17、adar scree n and no tice that a con tact on the scree n hasremained in the sameposition,relative to you, for several minutes. Your vessel is making10 knots through the water. Which stateme nt is TRUEA. The con tact is dead in the waterB. The con tact is on the same course and speed as your vesselC.
18、The con tact is on a reciprocal course at the same speed as your vesselD. The radar is show ing false echoes and is probably defective【知识点】雷达显示方式【解析】相对运动相关题目C374. A radar con tact will rema in stati on ary on a relative moti on radar display only whe n itis_ .A. on the same course as your vesselB. a
19、t the same speed as your vesselC. on the same course and speed as your vesselD. on a reciprocal course at the same speed as your vesselD363. You are un derway at 5 knots and see on your radar a con tact 10 miles directly aster nof you. 12 minu tes latter, the con tact is 8 miles directly astern of y
20、ou. What is theestimated speed of the con tactA. dead in the water B. 1 kn ot C. 10 knots D. 15 knots【知识点】雷达显示方式【解析】相对运动:d=(V2-V1)tC353. Whenusing a radar in a unstabilizedmode, fixes are determined most easily from _.A. center bearings B. tangent bearings C. ranges D. objects that are close aboard【
21、知识点】雷达显示方式【解析】不稳定显示方式一一首向上,航向变,方位变。B375. A radar display in which North is always at the top of the screen is a(n)_.A. un stabilized display B. stabilized display C. compositi on display D. relativedisplay【知识点】雷达显示方式【解析】北向上一一稳定显示方式。相关题目C376. A radar display which is orie nted.(标定方向)so that n orth is
22、 always at the top ofthe scree n, is called a(n)_A. relative display B. composite displayC. stabilized display D. un stabilizeddisplayC392. What course should be fed into a stabilized radar pictureA. Compass course B. Gyro course C. True course D. Course made good【知识点】雷达显示方式【解析】稳定显示方式:使用航向为真航向。A529.
23、 Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following will NOT appear tomove across the PPI scopeA. Echoes from a buoyB. Own ships markerC. Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speedD. Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed【知识点】真运动【解析】真运动模式A339. When the s
24、ystem determ ines that a collisio n situati on exists, the target caus ing thealarm con diti on are ide ntified on PPI by a bright T adjace nt thereto.A. pla n positi on in dicatorB. pla ne positi on in dicatorC. policy proof of in terestD. policy proof of in terest【知识点】雷达显示【解析】平面位置显示器相关题目B377. A ra
25、dar range to a small, charted object such as a light will provide a line of position in which formA. Straight line B. Arc C. Parabola D. Hyperbola【知识点】雷达测距【解析】距离位置线C330. A navigator fixing a vessels position by radar_.A. should n ever use radar beari ngsB. should only use radar bearings when the ran
26、ge exceeds the distance to the horizonC. can use radar information from one object to fix the positionD. must use in formatio n from targets forward of beam【知识点】雷达定位【解析】雷达定位方法。相关题目B342. The com mon way to obta in your ships position isA. keep ing a close watch and lookoutB. tak ing a radar range and
27、 beari ngC. observi ng a radartarget and liste ning tosig nalsD. keep ing a well clear cauti onC356. When using the radar for navigating_A. The best fix is obtained by using a tangent bearing and a range.B. And using two radar ran ges for a fix, the objects of the ran ges should be closed toreciproc
28、al beari ngs.C. And using ran ges, the most rapidly cha nging range should be measured last.D. And cross ing a radar range of one object with the visual beari ng of a sec ond object,the two objects should be 80to 110apart.【知识点】雷达定位【解析】测距定位时,距离变化快的后测。A341. In radar plott ing is the abbreviati on of_
29、.A. closest point to approachB. close point to approachC. cross ing point to approachD. fog or steady rain【知识点】雷达标绘【解析】CPAC340. The closest point of approach ( CPA ) of a con tact on a relative moti on radar may be determ ined.A. immediately whe n the con tact is no ted on radarB. only if the radar
30、scope is watched con sta ntlyC. after the con tact has bee n marked at least twiceD. by an occasi onal gla nee at the radar【知识点】雷达标绘【解析】CPA勺标绘方法:固定的时间间隔确定两个以上位置,连线即得相对运动线。相关题目A394. How does curre nt and drift effect the relative moti on, relative vector prese ntati onA. No effectB. Produci ng small
31、errors in calculated aspectC. Produci ng large errors in calculated aspect D. Produce errors in calculated CPA /TCPAB395. Does current and drift effect the CPA / TCPA calculations on a true motion displayA. Yes B. No C. Only a little bit D. Yes, very seriouslyB381. An in direct radar echo is caused
32、by a reflect ion of the main lobe of the radar beam offthe observers vessel. Which of the follow ing is not a characteristic of in direct echoesA. Their beari ng is almost con sta nt, even whe n the true beari ng of the con tact cha ngesappreciablyB. They always appear on a beari ng of 90 degrees fr
33、om the true beari ng of the con tactC. The in direct echoes usually appear in shadow sectorsD. When plotted, their moveme nts are usually abno rmal【知识点】假回波【解析】间接反射假回波:雷达波经烟囱、大桅等间接反射到目标,目标回波经原路线回到天线形 成。特点:在阴影区内,一般方位不变。A549. You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard. You have 3 ra
34、dar targets beari ng 090relativeat ran ges of mile,1 mile,and miles.In this case,the unwan tedechoes are called_.A. multiple echoes B. spok ing C. in direct echoes D. side-lobe echoes【知识点】假回波【解析】多次反射假回波:等间距,强度逐渐减弱。A359. Which con diti on in dicates that your radar n eeds maintenanceA. Serrated range
35、 rings B. In direct echoes C. Multiple echoes D. Bli nd sector【知识点】雷达故障【解析】固定距标圈呈现锯齿状时,雷达需要维修。B543. Radar beac ons are tran smittersdesig ned to produc e a _ on the scree ns of ships radarsets.A. incorrect image B. distinctive image C. pictorial image D. pictographic imageA. detecti onB. being detec
36、ted C. the detective D. the detected【知识点】雷达信标【解析】雷达信标在雷达屏幕上产生独特的图像。D 236. You are即proach ing a light fitted with a RACON. The light may be ide ntified on theradar by_.A. a dashed line running from the cen ter of the scope to the lightB. an audible sig nal whe n the sweep crosses the lightC. a circle
37、 appeari ng on the scope surrounding the lightD. a coded signal appearing on the same bearing at a greater range than the light【知识点】雷达信标【解析】雷达信标在雷达上的图像。相关题目A362. You are sca nning the radar scree n for a buoy fitted with Racon. How should this sig nalappear on the PPI displayA. start ing with a dash
38、 and exte nding rapidly outward from the targetB. as a broke n line from cen ter of PPI to the targetC. starti ng with a dot and exte nding rapidly in ward from the targetD. start ing with a dash and exte nding to the right of the targetA332. It may be found that, in certa in circumsta nces,Rader Be
39、ac on can cause unwan tedin terfere nee particularly_ .A. at close range end on situati on C. at head on situati on D. at cross ing situati on【知识点】雷达信标【解析】近距离可能导致干扰杂波。相关题目A554. It may be found that, in certa in circumsta nces, Rader Beac on emissi ons can cause_with the no rmal radar display, partic
40、ularly at close ran ge.A. unwan ted in terfere nee B. un expected figures C. abno rmal data D. unwan ted in formati on D384. Whatdoes a Racon help withA. Measuri ng the dista nee B. Measuri ng the relative speedC. Ide ntify ing a vesselD. Ide ntify ing a seamarkC387. What is a coded raconA. A rac on
41、 which automatically activate itselfB. A rac on only work ing at ni ghtC. A rac on which display a morse code on the radar scree nD. A future rac on expected to be operatio nal after Y2000A385. How is an un coded Racon displayed on the PPIA. As a line B. As a dot C. As small circle D. As a large cir
42、cleA386. What type of radar can activate a RaconA. X-ba nd radar B. S-ba nd radar C. C-ba nd radar D. No radar canD540. In order to in sure that the racon sig nal is visible on your 3 cm radar, the_.A. 10 cm radar should be placed on sta ndby or turned offB. gain con trol should be tur ned to maximu
43、mC. radar should be stabilized, head upD. rain clutter con trol should be off but, if n ecessary, may be on lowB344. The fitti ngof an efficie nt radar reflector is likely to con siderablyin crease the shipsprobability of_ .【知识点】雷达反射器【解析】提高被探测到的可能性。 相关题目D388. What is the purpose of the radar reflect
44、orA. Maki ng objects less visibleB. Making echoes weaker on the radarC. Making large echoes smallerD. Making small objects better visibleB393. What is the correct speed in put to an ARPA used for traffic surveilla neeA. Ground speed B. Speed through water C. Speed from GPS D. Speed from Doppler【知识点】
45、ARPAE作原理【解析】交通监管用的ARP应输入对水速度。D338. The ARPA may swap targets whe n automatically track ing if two targets_A. are tracked on reciprocal beari ngsB. are tracked at the same rangeC. are tracked on the same beari ngD. pass close together【知识点】ARPA1动跟踪存在的问题【解析】自动跟踪时,如果两个目标相邻太近,ARPA可能会发生目标调换(误跟踪)。两个或两个以上目标
46、落入同一个波门而引起跟踪错误的现象B350. What is T RUE of the history display of a targets past positions on a ARPAA. It provides a graphic display to emphasize which vessel is on a collisi on course.B. In the true prese ntati on, it provides a quick visual check to determ ine if a vessel has cha nged course.C. The d
47、isplay is one of the primary in puts and must be in use whe n using the trialman euvercapability.D. It provides a graphic display of a target vessels relative course, speed, and CPA.【知识点】ARPA勺尾迹【解析】尾迹主要是能快速发现来船的是否存在机动。C351. What will cause the ARPA to emit a visual alarm, audible alarm, or bothA. An
48、 acquired target en teri ng into a guard zoneB. A tracked target lost for one radar sca nC. A tracked target entering your preset CPA-TCPA limitsD. A target being in itially detected with in a guard zone【知识点】ARPA报警【解析】跟踪的目标的参数小于预设的CPA-TCP时会发生报警。B354. When using an ARPA, what should you con sider in
49、order to evaluate(评估,评价)theinformation displayedA. The target vessels gen erated course and speed are based solely on radar in puts.B. Navigatio nal con stra ints(限制,约束)may require a target vessel to cha nge course.C. The trial maneuver feature will automatically determine a course that will clear a
50、ll target.D You cannot determ ine if a small target has bee n lost due to sea retur n.【知识点】ARPA勺使用【解析】航海的限制要求可能要求目标船改向。B358. Which ARPAdata should you use in order to determine if a close quarters situationwilldevelop with a target vesselA. Set and drift of the curre ntB. Relative track in formatio
51、nC. Predicted time of CPAD. In itial range of acquisiti on【知识点】ARPA勺使用【解析】判断是否会形成紧迫局面的ARP参数是相对运动线的信息。A538. Your ARPAhas bee n track ing a target and has gen erated the targets course and speed.The radar did notreceive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather.What should you expect un d
52、er thesecircumsta ncesA. The ARPA will gen erate data as if the target was still being tracked by radarB. The ARPA will give an audible and/or visual lost target alarmC. The ARPAwill gen erate data based on sea retur n echoes from the vicinity where the target was lostD. The ARPA has lost all memory
53、 of the target and must recompute the target data【知识点】ARPA勺使用【解析】连续三次未扫描到会发生目标丢失。D544. Your ARPAhas automatic speed in puts from the log. Due to curre nts, the log is in dicat ing a faster speed than the speed over the ground. What should you expect un der these circumsta ncesA. The gen erated CPA w
54、ill be less than the actual CPA.B. The gen erated TCPA will be later than the actual TCPA.C. The range of in itial target acquisiti on will be less tha n no rmalD. The targets true course vector will be in error【知识点】ARPA勺使用【解析】ARPA勺输入速度错误,将会导致目标船的矢量计算错误。Key word 11:GPS (9)C493. The GPS satellite orb
55、its the earth in approximately_.hours hours hours hours【知识点】GPS!星【解析】轨道运行周期约12小时准确的时间为下面:C618、The orbital period is one-half a sidereal day, _ .A. 12 hours B. 8 hours C. 11 hours and 58 min utes D. 12 hours and 2 mi nu tesD494. Regard ing the use of GPS, which one of the followi ngs is in correctA.
56、GPS is the most accurate global system todayB. Its use is still under the . Department of Defences controlC. DGPS is more accurate than GPSD. GPS can provide a real-time positi on un der any con diti on【知识点】GPS【解析】real-time positi on实时船位C485. Which stateme nt about satellite navigation is TRUEA. Whi
57、le a fix can be gen erated by sig nals received from two satellites, three satellitesare n ecessary for reliable accuracy.(三星二维定位、四星三维定位)B. The satellites are in equatorial orbits around the earthabout 60of Iongitude apart(平均分布于6个轨道,轨道的升交点赤经各相差60度)C. The satellitenavigationsystem determines a fix by
58、 measuring the Doppler shift of theradio sig nals from the satelliteD. The ships receiver cannot begin processing data until the antenna locks onto thesatellite and starts continuous tracking【知识点】GPS【解析】关于GPS勺描述正确的是:采用测量卫星的无线电信号多普勒频移来定位。C499. If_is shut down for an extended time, optimum position fi
59、xing will take up to2 hours after power is reapplied.A. radar B. DF C. Satellite Navigator D. Automatic Omega Navigator【知识点】GP龄启动【解析】GP茨时间关机,重新开机后最佳定位时间在2小时后。C553. Most GPS receivers use the Doppler shift of the carrier phase to compute ._A. latitude B. Ion gitude C. speed D. time【知识点】GPS【解析】多数GP黴收机
60、使用载波相位的多普勒频移技术来计算速度。C569. Which stateme nt con cerni ng GPS is TRUEA. It cannot be used in all parts of the world. B. There are 12 functioning GPSsatellites at prese nt.C. It may be suspe nded without warning.D. Two positi on lines are used to give a 2Dfix.【知识点】GPS勺使用【解析】GP柯以随时中止提供服务。A497. What is t
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