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1、儿科英文名解Classification of Neonate(新生儿分类) Full term infant(足月儿):Neonate whose gestational age(GA) is between 37 weeks and 42 weeksPreterm infant(早产儿):Neonate whose GA is less than 37 weeksPost-term infant(过期儿):Neonate whose GA is more than 42 weeksLow birth weight neonate(LBW)(低出生体重儿):Neonate whose BW

2、is less than 2500g Very low birth weight neonate(VLBW)(极低出生体重儿): Neonate whose BW is less than 1500gNormal birth weight neonate(正常体重儿): Neonate whose BW is between 2500g and 4000gMacrosomia neonate(巨大儿): Neonate whose BW is over 4000gSmall for gestational age(SGA)(小于胎龄儿):Infants whose BW are under P

3、10 of the same GA infantsBWAppropriate gestational age(AGA)(适于体重儿): Infants whose BW are ranging from P10 to P90 of the same GA infantsBWLarge gestational age(LGA)(大于胎龄儿): Infants whose BW are above P90 of the same GA infantsBWEarly newbore(早期新生儿):Neoborn less than 1 weekLate newbore(晚期新生儿):Neoborn

4、aging from 2 weeks to 4 weeks 2.Neutral temperature(中性温度):An appropriate environmental temperature which can keep a neoborns normal temperature and can keep the least oygen cousuming,the least metabolism rate ,the least energy evaporated, so is called neutral temperature . 3. Apnea(呼吸暂停): when asphy

5、xia of fetal or neoborn occurs, the respirate inhabitated and reflexal heart rate decreased because of lack of oxygen ,so is called apnea. 4. Physiological body weight decline(生理性体重下降): Intate deficiency, fatal stool paused and water losed after birth can make physical body weight decline (3%-9%), a

6、nd it reaches its lowest point in3 or 4 day and returns to its birth weight in 7 to 10 days . 5. Physiological anemia(生理性贫血) : When neonate of 23 months, RBC drops to 110g/L, neonate occurs mild anemia .It will take 3 months to recover . 6. Physiological diarrhea(生理性腹泻) : Physiological diarrhea usua

7、lly occurs in infants little than 6 months .They appear puffy and often have eczema .Soon after delivery , they may have diarrhea, whose times are increasing .However, there is no other symptoms and the infants have good appetites. Physical diarrhea does not affect the growth. Recent researches foun

8、d that the diarrhea is a particular type of intolerance of lactose. The stool may recover normality after appending the complements. 7. Project Immunity(计划免疫) : According to characteristics of childrens immunity and the conditions of communicable diseases ,people had drawn up a kind of immunity prog

9、rams, namely project immunity. People inoculate some organico-product in order to progress the level of immunity , control and eliminate the communicable diseases. 8.Serious Pneumonia(重症肺炎):Serious Pneumonia is a kind of pneumonia. Respiratory system together with other systems are invaded,meanwhile

10、,the general toxic symptom is also apparent. 9.The Division of Respiratory tract(上下呼吸道分界): The respiratory tract is divided into 2 parts,the upper respiratory and the lower respiratory, by the ring-formed gristle. 10.Discrepant Cyanosis(差异性紫绀): Discrepant Cyanosis occurs in PDA. Because of PDA, the

11、blood moves from the aorta to the pulmonary artery. If this abnormality lasted so long that the pressure of pulmonary is higher than the aorta, there will lead to right-to-left shunts and appear cyanosis in the second half of the body. 11.Colostrum(初乳): Colostrum is the first milk produced by the da

12、m which contains antibodies (immunoglobulins) which provide crias with immunity (passive immunity). There is no transfer of immunoglobulins across the placenta and neonatal crias are not capable of producing their own antibodies. They must rely on their passive immunity for the first few weeks of li

13、fe. This makes colostrum essential to the health of any cria. A cria who does not receive enough. 12. Eisenmenger syndrome(Eisenmenger 综合征): Eisenmenger syndrome occurs in patients with large congenital cardiac or surgically created extracardiac left-to-right shunts. These shunts initially cause inc

14、reased pulmonary blood flow. Subsequently, usually before puberty, pulmonary vascular disease causes pulmonary hypertension, ultimately resulting in reversed or bidirectional shunt flow with variable degrees of cyanosis. 13.Additional nursing(补授法): When the breast milk is not enough, the baby within

15、 6 months can be feed partly with breast milk and partly with other nutritions each time. 14.Substitutional nursing(代授法): When the breast milk is enough but the mother cant feed the baby in time, the baby can be feed with other nutritions like milk for some times. 15.Malnutrition(营养不良): It is a dise

16、ase caused by lacking of energy and protein. It often happens to the baby within 3 years old with symptoms of weight-losing, fat-losing, edema and functional disorders. 16. Obesity(肥胖症): Obesity is defined as an excessively high amount of body fat or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass. 17.

17、 Koplik spots(麻疹黏膜斑): ulcerations on buccal mucosa around Stensen duct; spotty enanthema in oral cavity, may precede rash 18. Harrison's groove(郝氏沟): The distal end of the ribs are weak and may be depressed by the negative intrathoracic pressure developed during respiration with a resultant semi

18、coronal impression being found at the costal attachment of the diaphragm, leading to the formation of Harrison's groove. 19. Rachitic rosary(佝偻病串珠): a radiographic appearance of the costochondral junctions of the middle ribs in rickets. This appearance results from the presence of bulky growth p

19、lates at the bone or cartilage junctions. 20. Chvostek's sign(Chvostek's 征): Chvostek's sign is contraction of the muscles of the eye, mouth or nose, elicited by tapping along the course of the facial nerve. The examiner taps gently over the facial nerve in front of the ear. This is a si

20、gn of a latent tetany. 21. Trousseau sign(Trousseau 征): It is carpal spasm after 5 minutes of inflation of a pressure cuff between the patients systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.This measure assesses nerve irritability and is more specific for tetany of vitamin D deficiency. 22.Severe asthma(

21、重症哮喘) including acute serious asthma attack , lasting status of asthma and deterioration of intractable asthma. 23. Persistant asthma(哮喘持续状态): It is a condition of severe acute attack of asthma which can not be released by proper drug in 24 hours. 24. Tuberculous infection(结核感染): It is an infection

22、of tubercle bacillus. In this condition, the patients test of tuberculin and the test of serum PPD-IgM or IgG antibody are positive. But the tubercle focus can not be found in patients body. 25. Endogenous infection(内源性感染): When the patient eat too much or the components of the food are not balanced

23、 ,the process of the digestion will be slowed down. And the food which can not be fully digested will stay in the upper part of the small intestine. Then the PH of the intestinal carvity will decreased. It leads to a result that the bacteria from the lower part of the intestine will move up and mult

24、ip;y . The food then will be ferment and rot by those bacteria. 26 Aschoff body(风湿小体) :It is aone of the tiny lumps in heart muscle that are typical of rheumatic heart disease and consist of swollen collagen ,cells and fibrils. 27 Primary complex:(原发综合征) It is a combination of primary focus of infec

25、tion in the lung parenchyma and caseous involvement of the regional lymph nodes ,usually hilar nodes. 28 Corticoid sensitivity(激素敏感) referring to proteinuria became negative ,edema disappeared within 8 weeks after corticoid therapy., 29 Partial corticoid sensitivity(激素部分敏感) : Edema disappeared withi

26、n 8 weeks after corticoid therapy but proteinuria is still + +. 30 Corticoid dependent(激素依赖) : Sensitive to corticoid relieved rapidly after treatment but relapse occurs when the dose reduced or stopped within 2 weeks ,again relieved when resuming full doses or restart treatment and this repeated 2

27、to 3 times. 31 Corticoid resistant(激素耐药) : Referring to the protein in the urine is still over + when the treatment has been for full 8 weeks. 32 Relapse(复发) and repetition(反复) : Proteinuria has been become negative and the hormone treatment has stopped for morethan 4 weeds ,again the protein in the

28、 urine is over + is called relapse ;If the above symptoms during treatment is defined as repetition. Frequent relapse(频复发) and frequent repetition(频反复) : Refers to relapse or repetition occurs not less than twice within 6 months. 33 Extra-medulla hemopoiesis(髓外造血) :In order to adapt to the anemia ca

29、used by infection or hemolysis and so on. After birth especially at infant stage , the live is enlarged for regaining the hemopoietic state. In fetal state this may accompanied by splenolymphomegaly ,nucleated red cells and premature neutrophils can be found in peripheral blood . This specific react

30、ion of infants hemopoietic organs is called extra-medullar hemopoiesis. 34.Physiological hemolysis(生理性溶血): Fetal is in the environment of low PO2, so the quantity of RBC is large. After birth, PO2 rises. The quantity of RBC is relatively surplus, so many of them are vulnerable to be destroyed. The l

31、ife of neonatal RBC is short, too. 35 Anemia(贫血) : The numbers of erythrocytes or the concentration of hemoglobin per volume in the tipping circulation is under normal. According to the data from WHO, the lower limit of hemoglobin in 6 months to 6-year old children is 110g/L.6 to 14 years old is 120

32、g/L,the hemoglobin increases 4 percent as altitude raises every 1000 meters; lower than these numbers is called anemia .36 Tripod sign(十字架征) : Positive sign is when child sits up ,he has to push the bed behind himself with whose hands to keep his position. 37.Physiological jaundice(生理性黄疸): Because o

33、f the feature of neonatal bilirubin metabolism ,approximately 50%-60% mature baby and more than 80% premature baby will emerge jaundice within 2 or 3 days after birth and reach the peak at the fourth or the fifty day . If the body is in good heath, jaundice will vanish within 2 weeks in mature baby

34、and prolong to 3 or 4 weeks in premature baby. 38.Pathological jaundice(病理性黄疸): 1) The jaundice emerges during the 1st 24hours on the new born. 2) The bilirubin in the serum is higher than from 205.2 to 256.5 umol/L or raise 85 umol/L per day. 3) The jaundice of term delivery lasts more than 2 weeks

35、. The jaundice of premature lasts more than 4 weeks. 4) The jaundice relapses. 5) The conjunctive bilirubin is more than 24 umol/L. 39.Pharyngo-conjunctival fever(咽结合膜热): Its a disease which is caused by virus and is on epidemic in spring and summer, with the feature of fever, pharyngitis and conjun

36、ctivitis. High fever, pharynache, tingle in eyes and pharyngeal congestion. Conjunctivitis emerged in one or two sides and lymph nodes of cervix and behind the ear are common and sometimes accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms . Its process is one to two weeks . 40 Herpangina(疱疹性咽峡炎): It is cause

37、d by Coxackie group A virus and often seen in summer and spring. It can spread in children collective organization. It is characterized by fever, pharyngitis, tingling in eyes, pharyngeal congestion ,herpes with flush around about 2 to 4 mm in diameter can be found on pharyngepalatal arch uvula , so

38、ft palate ,ulceration formed after splitting ,the course is about 1 weeks .简述婴儿期的保健原则及重点:提倡母乳喂养,合理添加辅食,指导断奶;定期做健康检查和体格测量;预防疾病,防止意外,促进生长发育;完成基础计划免疫;促感知觉的发展,加强体格锻炼。1.喂养 2. 清洁卫生 3 消毒隔离 4 预防接种简述母乳喂养的优点:一、营养丰富,出乳含丰富的SIgA;二、钙磷比适当,钙吸收好;三、经济方便;四、加快乳母产后子宫复原;五、增进母子感情。简述营养不良的分型及并发症:(1)消瘦型:能量缺乏为主。(2)浮肿型:蛋白质缺乏为主

39、(3)消瘦浮肿型。并发症(complication) :1. 营养性小细胞性贫血:营养不良最常见的并发症。2. 各种维生素缺乏:最常见的维生素A缺乏,另外还有维生素D、C、E缺乏等。3. 感染:如上呼吸道感染、泌尿系统感染等。(举例说明)4. 自发性低血糖。简述维生素缺乏性佝偻病病因:日照不足、维生素D摄入不足、生长过速、疾病因素、药物影响简述维生素缺乏性佝偻病激期的骨骼改变:出现PTH功能亢进,钙、磷代谢失常的典型骨骼改变,6月内,指尖稍用力压迫枕骨或顶骨后部可有压乒乓球样感觉,78月变成“方盒样”头型及方头,“佝偻病串联”,“手 足镯”,1岁左右,“鸡胸样畸形”严重佝偻病小儿胸廓的下缘形成

40、一水平凹陷,即肋膈沟或郝氏沟。简述单纯性肥胖症的病因及肥胖症分度:摄入过多、活动过少、遗传和环境因素、出生体重、性别因素。根据身高标准体重,超过同意升高人群的20%29%为轻度肥胖,3049%为中度肥胖,50%以上为中度肥胖。婴儿添加辅食的原则:由少到多、由稀到稠、由细到粗、由一种到多种、天气炎热和婴儿患病时,应暂缓添加新品种简述早产儿的外观特点:外观特点 早产儿越早产则皮肤越薄嫩、组织含水量多、有凹陷性压痕、色红、皮下脂肪少、肌肉少、指甲短软,同时躯干部的胎毛越长、头部毛发则越少且短,头较大,囟门宽,耳壳平软与颅骨相贴,胸廓软,乳晕呈点状,边缘不突起,乳腺小或不能摸到。腹较胀,阴囊发育差。男

41、性早产儿的睾丸常在外腹股沟中,在发育过程中渐降至阴囊内。女性越早产者则其小阴唇越分开而突出。手足底皱痕少。简述生理性黄疸和病理性黄疸的区别:新生儿病理性黄疸A 生后24小时内出现黄疸B 血清胆红素>205mol/L(12mg/dl)C 足月儿黄疸持续>2周,早产儿黄疸持续>4周D 黄疸退而复现E血清结合胆红素大于34mol/L(2mg/dl) 新生儿生理性黄疸A 生后25天出现黄疸B 一般情况良好C 足月儿14天内消退D 早产儿4周内消退简述新生儿晚期代谢性酸中毒的原因及表现:晚期代酸的产生主要是内源性酸产生与肾脏泌酸之间的不平衡性,也即酸产生的正平衡有关,这种不平衡性可源于

42、内源性蛋白质合成酸异常升高,肾泌酸异常减低或两者兼而有之。1.病史 人工喂养,有摄入较高酪蛋白的病史,特别是早产儿。2.体重不增 虽摄入热卡已达150kcal/kg,蛋白质已达5g/kg,病儿体重却增长缓慢或不增,尤以低出生体重儿较明显。3.反应低下 精神萎靡,哭闹少,食欲低下,皮肤苍白,口周发青,肌张力稍低下;极低出生体重儿可表现有嗜睡,呼吸暂停。4.呼吸深长 除个别严重酸中毒外,一般呼吸深长均不明显。简述新生儿肺透明膜病的发病机制、诊断要点:肺泡萎陷 缺氧酸中毒 肺小A痉挛 肺A压力增高 卵圆孔、动脉导管开放 右向左分流 肺组织缺氧加重 肺毛细血管通透性增高 纤维蛋白渗出 肺透明膜形成 气

43、体交换受限。表现为出生后6小时内呼吸窘迫、呼气呻吟。X线表现为毛玻璃样改变、支气管充气征、白肺、肺容量减少。简述新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的发病机制及治疗原则:1、脑血流改变 2次血液重新分布以代偿缺血缺氧。有选择性易损性:若窒息缺氧为急性完全性,代偿无效,脑损伤发生在代谢最旺盛部位:丘脑及脑干核2、脑组织生化代谢改变 生化代谢改变:低血糖、代酸、可能的与发病相关的途径:能量代谢障碍、氧自由基、兴奋性氨基酸、钙超负荷等。3、神经病理学改变 足月儿:皮质梗死、深部灰质核坏死。早产儿:脑室周围出血、脑室内出血、白质病变。治疗原则:及早治疗,综合治疗,序贯治疗,足够疗程新生儿窒息ABCDE复苏:复苏方案

44、A(air way)尽量吸尽呼吸道粘液 B(breathing)建立呼吸道。增加通气C(circulation)维持正常循环,保证足够心搏出量 D(drug)药物治疗 E(evaluation) 评价。前三项为重要,其中A是根本,通气是关键 。川崎病的诊断标准:不明发热5天以上,伴下列5项临床表现中4项者,排除其他疾病后,即可诊断为川崎病:1 周围肢体的变化:急性期掌跖红斑,手足硬性水肿;恢复期指趾端膜状脱皮2 多形性红斑 3 眼结合膜充血,非化脓性 4 唇充血破裂 口腔黏膜弥漫充血,舌乳头呈草莓舌 5 颈部非化脓性淋巴结肿大(直径大约1.5cm)简述高渗性脱水的特征:伴有细胞外液减少的高钠血




48、激素可减少炎症渗出,解除支气管痉挛,改善血管通透性和微循环,减轻颅内压。适用于中毒症状明显;严重憋喘,胸膜有渗出伴脑水肿、中毒性脑病、感染性休克、呼吸衰竭时。婴幼儿哮喘的诊断依据:A喘息发作3次B 肺部出现哮鸣音,呼气相延长C 喘息症状突然发作D具有特应性体质,如过敏性湿疹、过敏性鼻炎等E 一、二级亲属中有哮喘病史咳嗽F排除其他引起喘息发作的疾病变异性哮喘的诊断依据:A 咳嗽持续或反复发作>1个月B 临床无感染征象,或经较长期抗生素治疗无效C 支气管扩张剂可使咳嗽发作缓解D 有个人或家族过敏史E气道呈高反应性,支气管激发试验阳性D排除其他引起慢性咳嗽的疾病哮喘持续状态的处理:A 吸O 2

49、 B 补液纠正酸中毒C 糖皮质激素类静脉滴注D 支气管扩张剂法乐四联症的畸形组成如何:右室流出道梗阻;室间隔缺损;主动脉骑跨;右心室肥厚。简述室间隔缺损的血流动力学改变:起初肺血流量的增多,可通过肺循环阻力的自身调节使肺动脉压改变不明显,长期的肺血流量的增加,肺小动脉发生痉挛,肺小动脉长期痉挛,管腔内膜增厚,中层肌肉肥厚,管壁纤维长,管腔狭窄,使肺循环阻力日益增高,产生严重的肺动脉高压。肺动脉高压发展到一定程度,左向右分流量逐步减少,出现双向分流,最后形成右向左分流为主,使体循环的血氧含量降低,临床上出现紫绀,即Eisenmenger综合征,此时,左心室的负荷减轻,而右心室的负荷进一步加重。简


51、然发生该处肌部痉挛,引起一过性肺动脉梗阻,使脑缺氧加重发作。年长儿常速头痛、头昏。病毒性心肌炎临床诊断依据:1心功能不全、心源性休克或心脑综合征 2 心脏扩大(X线或超声心动图具有表现之一)3心电图改变:R波为主的两个或两个以上导联ST-T改变持续四天以上 4CK-MB升高或心肌肌钙蛋白阳性二、病原学诊断依据:确诊指标:分离到病毒用病毒核酸探针查到病毒核酸特异性病毒抗体阳性参考依据:粪便、血液分离到病毒,血中特异性IgM抗体阳性。病毒性心肌炎的治疗:1 休息 2 药物治疗:抗病毒治疗、改善心肌营养、大剂量丙种球蛋白、糖皮质激素、抗心衰治疗、心律紊乱治疗左向右分流型先天性心脏病的共同特征: 一般

52、情况下无青紫,当哭闹、患肺炎或心功能不全时右心压力>左心即出现青紫;肺循环量易患肺炎,X线见肺门血管影增粗; 体循环量生长发育迟缓;心前区有粗糙的收缩期杂音,于胸骨左缘最响。急性肾炎严重病例的临床表现:高血压脑病、严重循环充血和急性肾功能衰竭。肾病综合征的诊断标准:特点:大量蛋白尿;低白蛋白血症;高脂血症;明显水肿。为必备条件。单纯性肾病与肾炎性肾病的区别。单纯性肾病:1、大量蛋白尿,持续时间 > 2周 2、低蛋白血症 3、高脂血症 4、不同程度水肿。肾炎型肾病 上述特征加以下四项之一者:尿RBC多次>10/HPF,并证实为肾小球源性血尿者;反复出现或持续高血压 (排出激素所

53、致)学龄儿童>130/90mmHg 学龄前儿童>120/80mmHg;持续性氮质血症 BUN > 107mmolL (排出血容量不足所致);血补体C3反复简述小儿生理性贫血的原因:小儿出生后建立了肺呼吸,血氧饱和度由胎儿时期的45%升至95%,血氧饱和度成倍的增加使红细胞生成素明显减少,骨髓造血功能下降,这是最主要的原因; 胎儿红细胞的寿命比出生后制造的红细胞寿命短生后胎儿红细胞逐渐破坏; 生后3个月是体重增长最快的阶段,血容量增加很多,红细胞被稀释。简述营养性缺铁性贫血的血象特点:血红蛋白降低比红细胞减少明显,呈小细胞低色素性贫血。血涂片可见红细胞大小不等,以小细胞为多,中

54、央淡染区扩大。网织红细胞数正常或轻度减少。简述小儿缺铁性贫血的诊断依据:一般表现(皮肤粘膜逐渐苍白,易疲乏,头晕耳鸣);二、髓外造血表现(肝脾轻度肿大); 35简简述小儿结核病具活动性的指标:结核菌素试验强阳性反应;3岁、尤其是1岁婴儿未接种卡介苗而结核菌素试验阳性者;有发热及其他结核中毒症状者;排出物中找到结核菌;胸部X线检查显示活动性原发型肺结核改变者; 血沉加快而无其他原因解释者;纤维支气管镜检查有明显支气管结核病变者。简述病毒性脑炎的临床特点:临床上主要表现为脑实质损害的症状和颅内高压征,如发热、头痛、呕吐、抽搐,严重者出现昏迷。但由于病毒侵犯的部位和范围不同,病情可轻重不一,形式亦多



57、mg/dL)或每天上升>85umol/L(5mg/dL)3.黄疸持续时间足月儿>2周,早产儿>4周4.黄疸退而复现或加重5.血清结合胆红素闻>34umol/L(2mg/ dL)具备上述任何一条均可诊断定性.鸡胸:佝偻病时,由于肋骨向胸部内陷,致使胸骨向外突出形成鸡胸。漏斗胸:何偻病时,由于肋骨跟部内陷,致使胸骨向内凹陷,可形成漏斗胸。胎粪栓综合征:由于浓缩稠厚的胎粪积聚在直肠内,形成胶胨样胎粪栓,不能将其排出。少尿:新生儿生后48小时正常尿量一般每小时为1-3ml/kg,每小时1.0ml/kg为少尿。无尿:新生儿生后48小时正常尿量一般每小时为1-3ml/kg,每小时0

58、.5ml/kg为无尿。肾病综合征:是由于肾小球滤过膜的通透性增高,导致大量血浆白蛋白自尿中丢失而引起一种临床症状,以大量蛋白尿低白蛋白血症、高脂肪血症和不同程度水肿为特征。惊厥:是全身或局部骨骼肌突然发生不自主收缩,常伴意识障碍。计划免疫: 有计划地对小儿进行各种预防接种,以提高人群免疫水平,达到控制和消灭传染病的目的。围生期: 指出生前、后的一个特定时期,我国将围生期定义为自妊娠28周至出生后7天。新生儿肺透明膜病:多发生于早产儿是由于缺乏肺表面活性物质所引起。 新生儿窒息:是指婴儿出生时天呼吸或呼吸抑制者,若出生时无窒息,而每分钟后出呼吸抑制者也称为窒息。 胎粪吸入综合征:是指胎儿在宫内或娩出过程中被胎粪污染的羊水,发生气道阻塞,肺内尿症和一系列全身症状,多见于足月儿和过期产儿。新生儿败血症:是指病原菌侵入婴儿血循环,在其中生长、繁殖、产生素素,由此造成全身各系统的严重病变,并需排除引起这种异常病理生理状态的非感染因素。肺门舞蹈:肺血增多的先心病,X线检查可发现肺蛋炎充血,肺动脉段突出,肺门血管影增粗。因此,肺门搏动强烈,称肺门舞蹈病。肋骨串珠:佝偻病时肋骨与肋软骨交界处,由于骨样组织增生,可触及或看到增球状隆起,多见于第4肋以下,第710最显著,上下排列成患珠样,称为肋骨串珠。 三凹征:


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