1、第一章 A brief history of Ian guage teachi ng第二章 The nature of approaches and methods前两章很简单,详见前面中文导读第三章 The oral approach and situati on al la nguage teach ingThe oral approach (situational language teaching) is a grammar-based method in which principles of grammatical and lexical gradation are used an
2、d new teaching points are presented and practiced through meaningful situation-based activities.一、Background1. Two of the leaders wereHarold palmer and A.S.Hornby.2. Vocabulary control3. Grammar control二、The Oral Approach and Situational Language TeachingThe mai n characteristics of the approach wer
3、e as follows:1. Lan guage teach in gbegins with the spoken languageM aterial is taught orally.2. The target language is the Ian guage of the classroom.3. New Ian guage points are in troduced and practicedituationally.4. Vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that an essential general
4、 service vocabulary is covered.5. Items of grammar are graded by their complexity.6. Reading and writing are introduced once asufficient lexical and grammatical basis is established.三、Approach1、Theory of languageQ a type of British“ structuralism ”.初ne distinctive feature: structures must be linked
5、to situatioris which they could be usedQ Lan guage was viewed as purposeful activity related to goals and situations in the real world.2、Theory of learninga type of behaviorist habit-learning theotiyree processes in lear ning a Ian guage)(1) . Lan guage lear ning as habit formati on(2) .A n in ducti
6、ve approach is used to the teachi ng of grammar(3) .The same processed are thought to occur both in child Ian guage lear ning and in sec ond Ian guage lear ning.四、Design1、Objectives:(1) . Practical comma nd of the four basic skills of Ian guage(2) . Accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is rega
7、rded as crucial.(3) . Automatic con trol of basic structures and sentence patter ns is fun dame ntal.(4) . Writ ing derives from speech.2、The syllabus(1) A structural syllabus a list of the basic structures and sentence patter ns(2) Situati on: the manner of prese nting and practici ng sentence patt
8、er ns3、Types of learning and teaching activities(1) SLT employs a situational approach to prese nting new sentence patter ns anda drill-based manner to practic ing the new sentence patter ns(2) Situati on: the use of concrete objects, pictures and realia, which together with actions and gestures(3)
9、Practice tech niq ues:guided repetition, substitution activities, pair practice4、Learner roles(1) Liste n, repeat and resp onds to questi ons and comma nds(2) Have no con trol over the content of lear ning5、Teacher rolesThreefold: a model、a skillful manipulator、on the lookout for errorsThe teacher i
10、s esse ntial to the success of the method.6、The role of instructional materials(1) Textbook: contains orga ni zed less ons(2) Visual aids: con sists of wall charts, flashcards, pictures, stick figures The teacher is expected to be the master of his textbook.五、ProcedureAim: to move from con trolled t
11、o freer practice of structures and from oral use of sentence patterns to their automatic use in speech, reading and writing.The teaching of a structure: four partsPronun ciati onRevisi on ( to prepare for new work if n ecessary)Prese ntati on of new structure or vocabularyOral practice (drilli ng)Re
12、ad ing of material on the new structure, or writte n exercisesThe sequence of activitigs:Liste ning practiceChoral imitati onIn dividual imitatio nIsolatio nBuildi ng up to a new modelElicitatio nSubstitution drillingQuesti on-an swer drilli ngCorrectio n第四章 The Audiolingual MethodIt is a method of
13、foreign or second language teaching which (a) emphasizesthe teaching of speaking and listening before reading and writing (b) uses dialogues and drills. (c) discourages use of the mother tongue in the classroom (d) often makes use of contrastive analysis. The audiolingual method was prominent in the
14、 1950s and 1960s, especially in the United States, and has been widely used in many other parts of the world.一、BackgroundThe comb in ati on of structural lin guistic theory, con trastive an alysis, aural-oral procedures, and behaviorist psychology led to the Audioli ngual Method.情境法与听说法的异同There are
15、many similarities betwee n situati on al la nguage teachi ng and audioli ngualism.1. The order in which Ian guage skills are in troduced2. Focus on accuracy through drill and practice in the basic structures3. Secte nee patter ns of the target Ian guageHowever, situati on al la nguage teachi ng was
16、a developme nt of the earlier Direct Method and does not have the strong ties to linguistic and behavioral psychology that characterize audiolingualism. The similarities of the two methods reflect similar views about the nature of Ian guage and of Ian guage lear ning, through these views were in fac
17、t developme nt from quite differe nt traditi ons.二、Approach1、Theory of languageStructural linguistics (1950s): a react ion to traditi onal grammar The primary medium of Ian guage isoral: speech is language.2、Theory of learningBehavioralpsychology: stimulus-response chainsLear ning prin ciples:1. For
18、eign Ianguage learning is basically a process of mechanical habit formation.2. Language skills are learned more effectively if the items to be learned in the target Ian guage are prese nted in sporke n form before they are see n in writte n form.3. Analogy provides a better foundation for Ianguage l
19、earning than analysis. Hence the approach to the teach ing of grammar is esse ntially in ductive rather tha n deductive.4. The meaning of word can be learned in a lin guistic and cultural con text and not in isolati on.三、Design1、ObjectivesShort-range objectives Listening comprehension、 accurate pron
20、unciation, reading comprehension and product ion of correct sentences in writi ng.Long-range objectives To develop in the students the same types of abilities that native speakers have2、The syllabusA linguistic syllabuspho no logy, morphology, and syn tax of the Ian guageA lexical syllabus of basic
21、vocabularyLanguageskills: liste ning, speak in g, read ing, writi ng3、Types of learning and teaching activitiesDialoguesDrills -Various kinds of drills : repetition, inflection, replacement 4、Learner rolesOrganisms that can be directed by skilled training tech niq ues to produce correct resp on ses
22、a reactive role, have little con trol5、Teachers rolQsCen tral and activeModels the target Ian guageCon trols the directi on and pace of lear ningMo ni tors and corrects the lear ners' performa nee6、The role of instructional materialsTextbookTape recorders and audiovisual equipme nt四、Procedure1、T
23、he process of teach ing invo Ives exte nsive oral in struct ion2、The procedures the teacher should adopt ( Brook)3、In a typical audioli ngual less on the follow ing procedures will be observed:a. Recognition;b. Imitation and repetitionc. Patterns drill:d. Follow-up activities五、The decline of Audioli
24、ngualism1、Criticism on two fronts: the theoretical foundations(both in Ianguage and Ianguage learning and the practical results fell short of expectation.2、the theoretical attack: Noam Chomsky' s theory of transformational grammar第五章 Total Physical ResponseTotal Physical Response is a language l
25、earning method based on the coordination of speech and action. This method of learning was developed by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose State University, California.一、Background1、the “ trace theory ” of memory in psychology2、developmental psychology : child first Ianguage acquisit
26、ion3、humanistic psychology: the role of affective factors4、Comprehension Approach5、a tradition: the use of physical actions to teach a foreign Ianguage at an introductory level二、Approach1、Theory of languagestructuralist or grammar-based views of Ianguagedetailed cog nitive map (abstract ions and non
27、 abstract ion <Bio-program> the cen tral role of comprehe nsion in Ian guage lear ning Ian guage can be intern alized as wholes or chunks2、Theory of learningReminiscent of the views of behavioral psychology: a stimulus-response viewLearning hypotheses ( to facilitate or inhibit foreign Ianguag
28、e learning )According to Asher, the Ianguage learning theories are similar to those of other behavioral psychologists. The prin cipals that help elaborate his idea are:1. Second Ian guage lear ning is parallel to first Ian guage lear ning and should reflect the same n aturalistic processes.2. Liste
29、ning should develop before speak ing.3. Once liste ning comprehe nsion has bee n developed, speech develops n aturally and effortlessly out of it.4. Adults should use right-bra in motor activities, while the left hemisphere watches and lear ns.三、Design1、Objectives The gen eral objectives: to teachor
30、al proficie ncy at a begi nning level Specific in structio nal objectives are not elaborated.2、The syllabus:Be in ferred from an an alysis of the exercise types employed in TPR classes Asentence-based syllabusA fixed nu mber of items be in troduced at a timeAttention to both the global meaning of Ia
31、nguage and the finer details of its orga ni zati on3、Types of learning and teaching activitiesImperative drills are the major classroom activity.Role plays: center on everyday situationSlide prese ntati onsReading and writing activities4、Learner rolesA primary role : listener and performerHave littl
32、e in flue nce over the contentMon itor and evaluate their own progress5、Teacher rolesActive and direct roleWell prepared and well orga ni zedTeachers follow the example of pare nts givi ng feedbackCautions: illusion of simplicity; having too narrow a tolerance for errors6、The role of instructional m
33、aterialsNo basic text, materials and realia play an in creas ing role in later lear ning stages. Student kits that focus on specific situations (supporting materials)四、ProcedureAsher' s account of a course:ReviewNew comma ndsRole reversalRead ing and writ ingCon clusi on:Total Physical Resp onse
34、 has enjo yed some popularity because of its support by thosewho emphasize the role of comprehe nsion in sec ond Ian guage acquisiti on.It represe nts a useful tech niq ues ands compatible with other approaches to teaching.4.Traits1. It uses psychomotor systems to teach.2. It support kinesthetic lea
35、rning style, which is good for those who need to be active in the class.3. Command forms used to convey information.4. It works well with mixed-ability classes.5. It is very memorable, and it really helps students to remember phrases or words.6. It is a lot of fun, students enjoy it and it can be a
36、real stirrer in the class.7. It is very effective with teenagers and young learners.第六章 The Silent WayIt is a method of foreign-language teaching developed by Gattegno which makes use of gesture, mime, visual aids, wall charts, and in particular Cuisiniere rods (wooden sticks of different lengths an
37、d colors) that the teacher uses to help the students to talk. The method takes its name from the relative silence of the teacher using these techniques.一、BackgroundThe premise of the Sile nt WayThe lear ning hypothesesLearning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates, (discovery learning)L
38、ear ning is facilitated by accompa nying physical objects.Lear ning is facilitated by problem solvi ng.二、Approach1、Theory of languageGatteg no views Ian guage as a substitute for experie nee.By the " spirit" of the Ian guage Gatteg no is referri ng to the way each Ian guage is Composed of
39、phono logical and suprasegme ntalA structural approachVocabulary as a cen tral dime nsion2、Theory of learningSurre nderArtificial approachThe self of the learnerLear ning to lear n三、Design1、ObjectivesThe gen eral objectives: to give beg inning level stude nts oral and aural facilityAn immediate obje
40、ctives: to provide the lear ner with a basic practical kno wledge of the grammar of the Ian guageTeach lear ners how to lear n a Ian guage2、The syllabusa basically structural syllabus vocabulary3、Types of learning and teaching activitiessimple lin guistic tasksresp on ses to comma nds, questi ons an
41、d visual cues4、Learner rolesLear ners are expected to develop in depe nden ce, aut onomy and resp on sibility.Lear ners exert a strong in flue nee over each other' s lear ning.Play ing vary ing roles5、Teacher rolesTeacher sile nee is the most dema nding aspect of the Sile nt Way.To teach, to tes
42、t, to get out of the wayCreate an en vir onmentTeacher likes the complete dramatist.6、The role of instructional materialsThe pronun ciati on chartsThe colored cuise naire rodsThe vocabulary or word chartsOther materials四、ProcedureA sta ndard formatPractice of the sounds (us ing the pronun ciati on c
43、harts)Practice of sentence patter ns, structure, and vocabulary (us ing the rods and charts) A sample less onFidel chartConclusion:The actual practices of the Sile nt Way are much less revoluti onary tha n might be expected. The inno vati ons derive from the manner in which classroom activities are
44、orga ni zed, the in direct role the teacher is required to assume in direct ing and mon itori ng learner performa nee, the resp on sibility placed upon lear ners, and the materials used.第七章 Community Language Learning 社团语言学习法It is a method of second and foreign language teaching developed by Charles
45、 Curran. CLL is an application of counseling learning( 咨询学习法)to second and foreign language teaching and learning. It uses techniques developed in group counseling to help people with psychological and emotional problems. The method makes use of group learning in small or large groups. These groups
46、are the“ Community” . The method places emphasis on the learners' personal feelings andtheir reactions to language learning. Learners say things which they want to talk about, in their native language. The teacher (known as “ Counselor ”)esanslat the learners ' sentences into the foreign lan
47、guage, and the learner then repeats this to other members of the group.、Background1、 Rogerian counselinCharles A. Curren2、Humanistic techniques: the whole person3、Language alternation二、Approach1、Theory of languageTraditi onal structuralist positi onLan guage as social processThe in teract ional view
48、 of Ian guage: in teracti on betwee n equals, in teracti on betwee n un equals in teracti on betwee n lear ners and kno wers, in teracti on betwee n lear ners.2、Theory of learningCon tracted with traditi onal views (a putative lear ning view, the behavioral view) The whole-pers on lear ning (five st
49、ages)Consen sual validati onS(secure)A(atte ntio n and aggressio n)R(rete ntio n and reflectio n)D(discrimi natio n) the pers onal commitme nts三、Design1、ObjectivesExplicit lin guistic or com muni cative objectives are not defi ned.Teacher tran sfers kno wledge and proficie ncy to the lear ner. Goal:
50、 attai ning near-n ative like mastery of the target Ian guage Specific objectives are not addressed.2、The syllabusNo conven ti on al la nguage syllabusTopic-based courseTeacher' s responsibility teacher transfers knowledge and proficiency to the learnerGoal: atte nting near-n ative like mastery
51、of the target Ian guage.3、Types of learning and teaching activitiesComb ines inno vative lear ning tasks and activities with conven ti onal on es.Translation, Group Work, Recording, Transcription, Analysis, Reflection and observation, Listening, Free conversation4、Learner rolesmembers of a com mun i
52、ty become coun selors to other lear ners Five stages5、Teacher rolesCoun selorSpecific teacher roles are keyed to the five developme nt stages. provid ing a safe en vir onmentNote two “ asides ” in the discussion of learning security.6、The role of instructional materialsA textbook is not con sidered
53、a n ecessary comp onent. Materials may be developed by the teacher as the course develops. the use of teach ing mach ines四、Procedure1、classical CLL and pers onal in terpretati ons of it2、the descripti on of some typical activities in CLL classed3、a protocol of what a first day' s CLL class cover
54、edCon clusi on:Com mun ity Lan guage Lear ning is the most resp on sive of the methods we have reviewed in terms of its sen sitivity to learner com muni cati on in ten t. It places unu sual dema nds on Ian guage teachers. Critics of Commun ity Lan guage Lear ning questi on many aspects of CLL. Suppo
55、rters of CLL emphasize the positive ben efits of a method that cen tered on the learner and stresses the humanistic side of Ianguage learning.自己想法:学校英语角活动Questi on for discussi on:社团学习法把语言学习过程比作是咨询过程,你们觉得这个比喻合适吗?为什么?第八章 SuggostopediaSuggestopedia/Lozanov Method 暗示法 /罗扎诺夫法)It is a method of foreign-l
56、anguage teaching developed by the Bulgarian Lozanov. It makes use of dialogues, situations and translation to present and practise language, and in particular, makes use of music, visual images, and relaxation exercises to make learning more comfortable and effective.一、Background1、Suggestology2、the
57、most conspicuous characteristics of Suggestopedia3、Soviet psychology4、mental states5、the centrality of music and musical rhythm to learning二、Approach1、Theory of languagelexis is cen tralwhole meanin gful texta Ianguage to be its vocabulary and the grammar rules for organizing vocabulary2、Theory of learninga desuggestive-suggestive sensesix prin cipal theoretical comp onen ts:authority, infan tilizatio n, double-pla nedn ess, inton ati on, rhythm, con cert pseudo-passive ness the type of musicthe rate of presentation of material to be learned within the rhythmic pattern
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