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1、 小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: 美联英语提供:你才不是一个没有故事的女同学A high school classmate told me online to get married, and send me their wedding photos. A pair of new people in the red bottom photo is like golden couple, very close. I stared at the shiny forehead, suddenly curious, the groom know that once on the fore

2、head is hair is hair?You are not a girl classmate without story, sakura is my high school roommate. At that time, we were very good, the mobile phone was not popular, my bed was close to the fixed telephone, she often lay in my bed with IC card to telephone, the small face, baring the hair full fore

3、head. The first time I saw it, I jumped. " what's your forehead?" ? " she took the receiver off and hissed," no evolution! " originally she has exuberant hair, the forehead is hair, the hairline is faint, lift up to strange frighten, usually leave neat bangs, easy does n

4、ot let anyone see forehead.Even if it doesn't evolve, she's still a beautiful woman. In fact, she is not really meaningful beauty, our male compatriots have met her people, said generally, not as beautiful as I said. Yes, strictly count, she is not beautiful, small eyes, single eyelids, the

5、collapse of the bridge of the nose, especially a ragged tooth, is not really beautiful. However, she is still rated as class flower by many people, which is probably related to her growing up in Shenzhen. she lived in Shenzhen when she was a child and family, because the household registration probl

6、em could not be returned to senior high school in Shenzhen. The nature of her temperament is more elegant and more elegant, and her skin is excellent, white delicate, and attractive.I like her very much, she is lively and enthusiastic, the sound is sweet and clear, we are very good, almost inseparab

7、le. With her on the road, often the boy looked at her, I joked with her: " with you, I also enjoy the return. ". " we went to the supermarket to go shopping, and even my owner saved a fraction of her because she liked her. Because I like, I treat her very well, she gets up early to go

8、 to the cafeteria to help her buy breakfast. Of course, she was nice to me too, scolded her nice to her, bullied my boys, helped me wash clothes, and told me the story of her junior boyfriend.I know that many boys like him, but very few people follow her tomorrow, because most of the boys who are cl

9、ose to her know that she has a junior high school classmate of her boyfriend. They were on and off for several years, the whole high school, she was on my bed and on the phone. He is in Shenzhen, she knows him in Shenzhen middle school. In her description, he is a thin, tall boy, temperament melanch

10、oly, but intelligent and interesting. Every piece of wet and green adolescence, there is a there is no soul and a rebellious restless love. Sakura said, junior high school their love, once alarmed the teacher to call the parents. Once, the head teacher heard that a girl jumped to die for love, is ur

11、gent, but not confirmed the true and false, she called her parents to school, because she is the only girl in the class open love. Of course not her, she said that she is self - love, the big things will not do self - hurt. But after the class teacher stirred, parents know that, although she thinks

12、love is given, but it is hard to worry about parents. The problem of love, the parent-child problem, in the rebellious adolescence, become the girl in the heart of the knife and knife wounds, she is the most unhappy time, once a person in the graveyard transformation school after a night, has also s

13、ent the boyfriend to throw the thing into the sea.The girl in love has a kind of exclusive to the opposite sex, so after her few people, she and most of the boys are a kind of boyfriend relationship. High one semester there is a class divided, divided into a timid introverted boy, like the ying ying

14、. Because of the timid introversion, he did not dare to have any action, but I do not know why, he likes the small shoe thing or is seen by many boys, probably because the young simple people are easy to express the true feelings. The annoying boys saw him write the workbooks full of his name, laugh

15、 at them, and tell them. That is a very timid and introverted boy, and can not bear eyes, and face their own mood is probably panic, words also dare not tell ying ying, in other people's derision gradually retreat, unique, more lonely. For the better part of the semester, laughing at the sound.

16、Young girl, loved by boys, easy to self - self sustaining, sakura has never been such vanity. The good prim, every time I hear others laugh at him, it is very sad. She wants to help him, want to be good to him, make friends with him, dispel other people's ridicule to him, but do not want him and

17、 them to misunderstand. There was a night study, we went to the English teacher to chat, she asked the English teacher what method can help him. She was such a kind and beautiful, the teacher also liked, the teacher joked about her: " no wonder we can't find the object, the original people

18、are all booked at your age!" ! Later, she secretly gave him an English reference book, accompanied by a note saying that he had a boyfriend in the field, but thanked him for his love, willing to make friends with him, he could come to ask her English. Well, she's good at English. he's n

19、ot good at English. People still laugh at him occasionally, but he is obviously not so embarrassed, she looks very happy.Once ying - ying boyfriend broke up with her, said I don't want to affect her study, I saw her big big tears rolling down, say the agreement of life can not calculate. Beside

20、me, I thought she could not forget him all her life. Now look at the wedding photo of golden couple, harmonious, and this golden boy is not the boyfriend who has let her shed tears. Young love fire light, but also like Li Jian in the middle school time, sing: " what love is, I don't know, w

21、ho can understand forever, who can understand themselves. ” Colleagues past my computer, see ying ying wedding photo, shouting: " this woman is lovely!" ! Like children! " colleagues tend to say that the sakura face looks simple and simple, not like some people have full stories on th

22、eir faces. I stared at the wedding photo to think, you are not a girl without a story. Your story is warm, not only because of the love of youth, but also because of the silent kindness.Once she was playing with a friend on the magazine, she didn't believe her name was prim. she answered happily

23、 and loudly at the end of the phone: " I am ying ying, I am called ying ying ." has not been seen for many years, and now wants to get up, still is her clear voice: " I am called ying ying ah "某高中同学在网上告诉我小樱领证结婚了,还给我发来他们的结婚照。红底照片上的一对新人好似金童玉女,十分合衬。我盯着小樱光洁的额头看,突然好奇,新郎知道小樱曾经额头上都是毛发吗?

24、你才不是一个没有故事的女同学 小樱是我的高中舍友。那时我们很要好,手机还不普及,我的床位靠近固定电话机,她经常躺在我的床上用IC 卡打电话,巴掌大的小脸,露出满额头的毛发。我第一次看到时吓了一跳,“你的额头怎么都是毛?”她拿开话筒,嘘声说:“没进化好!”原来她毛发旺盛,额头都是毛发,发际线模糊,撩起来怪吓人,平时留着齐刘海,轻易不让人看到额头。就算没进化好,她依然是一个美女。其实她算不上真正意义的美,我们家的男同 胞全见过她的人,都说一般,没有我说的那么美。是,严格算起来,她根本不美,小眼睛, 单眼皮, 塌鼻梁, 尤其一口参差不齐的烂牙, 实在算不上美女。 但她依然被很多人评为班花, 这大概和

25、她在深圳长大有关, 她小时候和家人在深圳生活上学, 因为户籍问题不能在深圳异 地高考才回到老家上高中。 见过世面的她气质上较之课余还要下田干活的农村女孩自然更出 尘优雅一些,而且她的皮肤极好,雪白细腻,招人喜爱。 我很喜欢她,她性格活泼热情,声音甜美清脆,我们很要好,几乎形影不离。和 她走在路上,常有男生看她,我跟她开玩笑:“和你在一起,我也享受了回头率。”我们去 超市买东西,连我的东西老板也因为喜欢她而省去零头。因为喜欢,我待她很好,大早起床 去食堂帮她买早餐。当然她也对我不错,怒骂对她不错但欺负过我的男生,帮我洗衣服,和 我讲她初中男友的故事。 我知道有很多男生喜欢他,但很少人明儿地追她,

26、因为和她走得近的男生大都知 道她有个初中同学的男朋友。 他们分分合合好几年, 整个高中, 她都在我的床上和他通电话。 他在深圳, 她在深圳上初中认识了他。 在她的描述里, 他是一个清瘦挺拔的男生, 气质忧郁, 但聪敏有趣。每一段潮湿惨绿的青春期,都有一颗无处盛放的灵魂和一份叛逆不安的爱情。 小樱说,初中时他们的恋爱,曾经惊动得老师把家长都叫来。一次,班主任听说有女生跳楼 殉情, 急不可待, 还没有确认真假就把她家长喊来学校, 因为她是班里唯一公开恋爱的女生。 当然不是她,她说她是自爱的人,再大的事也不会做自伤的事。但经班主任一搅,父母全知 道,她虽然认为恋爱天经地义但让父母操心还是很难受。恋爱的问题,亲子的问题,在叛逆 的青春期里,成为少女心中一刀又一刀的伤痕,她最不开心的时候,曾一个人在坟地改造的 学校后山呆一整夜,也曾将男朋友送的东西扔到大海里。 恋爱中的女生自有一种对异性的排他,所以追她的人不多,她和大部分男生是一 种哥们儿关系。高一下学期有个班级被拆分,分来一个胆小内向的男


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