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1、初中英语时态总结动词的时态英语共有16种时态,根据近几年曝光的四、六级考卷分析,时态测试重点主要有:完成时态一现在完成时、过去完 成时、将来完成时;进行时态一现在进行时、过去进行时、将来进行时、完成进行时;一般时态。一、一般时态1、一般现在时(1)一般现在时表示没有时限的持久存在的动作或状态或现阶段反复发生的动作或状态,常和副词usually, often, always sometimes, regularly, near, occasional ly, every year, every week等连用。例如:1)The moon moves round the earth.2)Mr. S

2、mith travels to work by bus every day.(2)在由 after, unti I, before, once, when, even if, in case, as long as, as soon as, the moment 以及 if, unless等引导的时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,通常用一般现在时代替将来时。例如:1)1 wi11 tel I him the news as soon as I see him.2)1 wi11 not go to countryside if it rains tomorrow.(3)某些表示起始的动词,可用一般现

3、在时表示按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,这类动词有:be, go, come, start, depart, arrive, begin, leave 等。例如:1)The plane I eaves at three sharp.2)The new teachers arrive tomorrow.(4)在由why, what, where, whoever, who, that, as等引导的从句中,也常用一般现在时代替将来时。例如:DFree tickets wi11 be given to whoever comes first.2)You 11 probably be in the

4、same train as I am tomorrow.清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:htt。:/清华大学英语教授研究组提供2 .一般过去时(1)表示过去某一特定时间所发生的、可完成的动作或状态,常与表示确切过去时间的词、短语或从句连用。例如:We went to the pictures last night and saw a very interesting film.(2)表示过去习惯性动作。例如:1)He always went to class last.2)I used to do my homework in the Iibrary.(注意与be use

5、d to doing短语的区别)3 .一般将来时1)表示将来打算进行或期待发生的动作或状态。例如:I shalI graduate next year.2)几种替代形式:1)be going to +v在口语中广泛使用,表示准备做或将发生的事情。例如:I* m going to buy a house when we ve saved enough money.2)be to +v表示计划安排要做的事,具有“必要”的强制性意义。例如:I am to play tennis this afternoon.3)be about to +v表示即将发生的事情。例如:He was about to s

6、tart.4)be due to +v表示预先确定了的事,必定发生的事。例如:The train is due to depart in ten minutes.5)be on the point/verge of +v - ing强调即将发生的某种事态。例如:The baby was on the point of crying when her mother finally came home.清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:清华大学英语教授研究组提供二、进行时态1 .现在进行时(1)表示现在正在进行的动作,常与 now, right now, at the

7、 mother, for the time being, for the present 等连 用。例如:Don t disturb her. She is reading a newspaper now.(2)表示现阶段经常发生的动作,常与always, continual ly, forever, constant I y等连用。例如:My father is forever criticizing me.(3)表示根据计划或安排在最近要进行的事情。具有这种语法功能的动词仅限于过渡性动词。即表示从一个状态或位 置转移到另一个状态或位置上去的动词。常用的有:go, come, I eave,

8、 start, arrive,etun等。例如:They are Ieaving for Hong Kong next month.(4)有些动词不能用进行时,这是一类表示“感觉,感情,存在,从属”等的动词。如:see, hear, smell, taste, feel, not ice, look, appear,(表示感觉的词);hate, love, fear, I ike, want, wish, prefer, refuse, forgive(表 示感情的动词);be, exist, remain, stay, obtain(表示存在状态的动词);have, possess, own

9、, contain, be I ong, consist of, form(表示占有与从属的动词);understand, know, be I i eve, think, doubt, forget,emeuibe(表示思考 理解的动词)。但是如果它们词义改变,便也可用进行时态。例如:1)Tom looks pale. What s wrong with him?(look在此为联系动词,意为“显得,看上去”)2)Tom is Iooking for his books.(look在此为实义动词,意为“寻找”)2 .过去进行时过去进行时表示一个过去的动作发生时或发生后,另一个过去的动作正在进

10、行,或表示过去反复的习惯,常与always, continual ly, constant I y 等动词连用。例如:1)We were discussing the matter when the headmaster entered.2)Whenever I visited him, he was always writing at the desk.3 .将来进行时将来进行时主要表示将来某一时刻正在进行的动作,或表示要在将来某一时刻开始,并继续下去的动作。常用来表 示礼貌的询问、请求等。例如:DThis time next day they wi11 be sitting in the

11、cinema.2)What wi11 you be doing at six tomorrow evening?4.完成进行时(现在、过去、将来)完成进行时是(现在、过去、将来)完成时的强调形式,将放在完成时态部分讲述。三、完成时态完成时态通常表示已完成或从事的动作。它可分为:1 .现在完成时(1)现在完成时用来表示对目前状况仍有影响的,刚刚完成的动作(常与yet, already, just连用),或者过去某一时刻发生的,持续到现在的情况(常与for, since连用)。例如:1)1 have just f inished my homework.2)Mary has been i11 fo

12、r three days.(2)常与现在完成时连用的时间状语有:since, for, during, over等引导出的短语;副词already, yet, just, ever, now, before, often, lately, recent ly ;状语词组 this week (morning, month, year), so far, up to now, many times, up to the present 等。例如:1)1 haven t been there for five years.2)So far, she hasn* t enjoyed the summ

13、er vacation.3)There have been a lot of changes since 1978.(3)完成时态可用在下列结构中:This (That, It) is (was) the first (second)time + 定语从句;This (That, It) is (was) the only (last) + n +定语从句;This (That, It) is (was) +形容词最高级+ n +定语从句。如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词通常用现在完成时;如果主句谓语动词是一般过去时,从句谓语动词通常用过去完成时。例如:(DThis is one

14、 of the rarest questions that have ever been raised at such a meeting.(2)There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.2 .过去完成时(1)表示过去某时间前已经发生的动作或情况,这个过去的时间可以用by, before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句 来表示;或者表示一个动作在另一个过去动作之前已经完成。例如:1)We had just had our breakfast when T

15、om came in.2)By the end of last year they had turned out 5, 000 bicycles.(2)动词 expect, hope, mean, intend, plan, suppose, wish, want, desire 等用过去完成时,表示过去的希望、 预期、意图或愿望等没有实现。例如:I had meant to take a good ho Ii day this year, but I wasn t able to get away.另外两种表示“过去想做而未做的事”的表达方式是:1)was / were + to have

16、done sth,例如:We were to have come yesterday, but we couldn* t.2)intended (expected, hope, meant, planned, supposed, wished, wanted, desired) + to have done sth,例如:I meant to have told you about it, but I forgot to do so.(3)过去完成时常用于以下固定句型:Dhardly, scarcely, barely + 过去完成时 + when + 过去时。例如:Hardly had I

17、got on the bus when it started to move.2)no sooner +过去完成时+ than +过去时。例如:No sooner had I gone out than he came to see me.3)by (the end of ) +过去时间,主句中谓语动词用过去完成时。例如:The experiment had been finished by 4 o clock yesterday afternoon.3 .将来完成时将来完成时表示在将来某一时刻将完成或在另一个未来的动作发生之前已经完成的动作;也可以用来表示一种猜测。 常与将来完成时连用的时间

18、状语有:by (the time / the end of ) +表示将来时间的短语和句子;before (the end of ) +表示将来时间的词语或句子;when, after等加上表示将来动作的句子等。例如:1)By this time tomorrow you wi11 have arrived in Shanghai.2)I sha11 have f inished this composition before 9 o clock.3)When we get on the raiI way station, the train wi11 probably have left.4

19、 .完成进行时完成进行时是完成时的强调形式,有现在完成进行时,过去完成进行时,将来完成进行时。(1)现在完成进行时表示过去某一时刻之前开始的动作或状态一直延续到过去某一时刻。例如:I have been looking for my lost book for three days, but I still haven, t found it.(2)过去完成进行时表示过去某一时刻之前开始的动作或状态一直延续到过去某一时刻。例如:It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused IandsI

20、i des in many pI aces.(3)将来完成进行时表示在将来某一时刻之前开始的一个动作或状态一直延续到将来某一时刻。例如:By the ti(ne you arrive tonight, she wi 11 have been typing for hours.清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http/清华大学英语教授研究组提供四:时态一致时态一致是英语四、六级考试的一个重要内容。通常应由主句谓语的时态决定从句的谓语时态。一般原则是:1、当主句谓语使用现在时或将来时,从句的谓语根据具体情况使用任何时态He says that he Iives in Wuha

21、n.We hope that there wi11 be many peopIe at your party today.Did you hear that Bi 11 finally sold the house?” “Yes, but I don t know who bought it.There s a lot of excitement on the street.“There certainly is. Do you suppose the astronauts have returned?2、当主句谓语使用过去时的时候,从句的谓语必须使用过去范围的时态He said he was

22、 writing a noveI.The teacher wanted to know when we would finish the experiment.He said his father had been an engineer.3、当从句是表示没有时间概念的真理时,从句的谓语应使用一般现在时。例如:The teacher told them since Iight travels faster than sound, Iightning appears to go before thunder.注:在此种情况下,即使主句谓语用了过去式的各种时态,从句谓语也应用一般现在时。4、从句谓

23、语只能用虚拟语气的情况利用时态一致原则确定从句动词时态时,还应注意,若主语动词是表示命令、请求、要求、建议、劝告等的动词,从 句谓语只能用虚拟语气,不能遵循时态一致原则。例如:We insisted that we do it ourselves.动词的语态语态也是动词的一种形式,英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,而被动语 态表示主语是动作的承受者。1)We use electricity to run machines.(主动语态)2)Electricity is used to run machines.(被动语态)1 .不能用于被动语态的动词和短语(1)

24、在英语中,不及物动词不能用于被动语态,但有些不及物动词(包括短语)容易引起误用。如:appear, belong, be Iong, die, escape, falI, happen, last, remain, succeed, occur, come true, take place, consist of0(2)某些表示状态或特征的及物动词,如:become, contain, cost, fit, have, resemble, suit也没有被动语态。2 .被动语态的时态形式常用的被动语态有表1所列的几种时态形式。表1时?SPAN lang=EN-US 一般时进行时完成时现在 am

25、 asked am being askedis asked is being askedare asked are being asked过去was be asked was being askedwere be asked were being asked将来 sha 11 be asked shal I have been askedwi11 be asked wi11 have been asked过去 shou I d be asked shou I d have been asked将来 would be asked would have been asked3 .短语动词的被动语态

26、短语动词转换为被动语态时,通常被看作是一个动词,后面的介词或副词不能拆开或省略。例如:1)So far no correct conclusion has arrived at.2)AII the rubbish shouId be got rid of.4. Hget + -ed分词”的被动语态“get +-ed分词”结构强调动作的结果,而非动作本身,常用来表示突发性的,出乎意料的偶然事件。例如: The boy got hurt on his way home from work.另外,“get + -ed分词”还可用于谈论为自己做的事,是主动的行为而不是被动的行为。例如: get dre

27、ssed(穿衣服)get divorced(离婚)get engaged(订婚)get con fused (迷惑不解)get lost(迷路)get washed(洗脸)get married(结婚)5 .能带两个宾语和复合宾语的动词改为被动语态(1)能带两个宾语的动词改为被动语态时,一次只能由一个宾语作主语,另一个宾语被保留下来。例如:1)We showed the visitors our new products.(主动语态)2)The visitors were shown our new products.(被动语态)3)0ur new products were shown to

28、 the visitors.(被动语态)(2)能带复合宾语的动词改为被动语态时,原来的宾语补足语变为主语补足语。例如:1)The teacher appointed him League secretary.(主动语态)2)He was appointed League secretary.(被动语态)6 .被动语态与系表结构的区别(1 )The novel was we 11 written.(系表结构)(2)The novel was written by Diskens.(被动语态)7 .少数动词的主动语态有时有被动的意思例 1 : The book is sei Iing remark

29、ably well.例 2 : The song sounds very beautiful.能这样用的动词还有ead(读起来),clean(擦起来),wash(洗起来),write(写起来)。例 3 : My watch needs cleaning. (= My watch needs to be cleaned).能像 need这样用的动词还有:want, require, deserve, do, owe, bind 等。例 4 : The meat is cooking.例 5 : The book written by the professor is printing.清华大学英

30、语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:httD:清华大学英语教授研究组提供打印整理版.中考英语重要考点_词组复习总结清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:清华大学英语教授研究组提供英语复习总结一、重要语法得分点。1 .表“另一个”。another没有范围。另一个、再一个the other两者当中的另一个the others有指定范围的剩余的others无指定范围的剩余的2 , so和such的区另I。1) sohow 感叹句:e.q.The bov is soclever. - How clever the boy is!such-what 感叹句:e.q.He is s

31、uch a clever boy. -What a clever boy he is!2) so + adj. + n.such + n.(可数或不可数都可以)+ adj.3) so形容adj.such形容n.3 .问长相、人品。How does he look?问该人长相What does he look like?问该人长相What is he like?问该人怎样What does he like?问该人喜欢什么4 . while的具体用法和注意事项。1)在.期间内:领导时间状语从句(复合句),用持续性动词e.g. I have been away from Sianghai while

32、 he was in Beijing.2)面用于并列句,可作对比、强调“同时”,前后时态一 致e.g. I was doing my homework while he was playing computer.5 . used的用法过去常做:used to(不定式)do习惯于做某事:be used to(prep.)doinq被用来:be used to(不定式)do/ for doing6 .表zjx时期in onesfifties在某人50几岁时in the 1980s 在 80 年代7 .表示被动:be(根据时态而变)+done *只有及物动词有 被动式。e.g.The questio

33、n was raised by him.8 .表最后in the end除了表最后还可表示对未来的预计at last多指经过主观努力finally表次序最后,不含感情色彩较客观eventually侧重于动作或行为的结果,也表最后9 .表示“也”句末:.as well./ .,too.句中:also/either/as well as(和样为/连词,一起)10 .特殊动词1)加 to doagree/ fail/ hope/ wish/ manage/ plan/ promise/ refuse /seem/ want/ decide/ offer to do sth.2)加 doingenjo

34、y/finish/ admit/ deny/ consider/ practice/ qo/ suggest/ mind doing sth.3)加to do和doing含义不同的try to do努力做臬事:try doing试着做某事:forget/ remember.。do忘记/记得去做某事;forget/ remember. doing忘记/记得做过某事;stop to do停下来去做(另一件事);stop doing停|卜做(眼前的事);qo on to do停下并继续去做另一件事:qo on doing不help to do帮助做某事;cannot help doing忍不住做某事

35、11 .反意疑问句What !/ How!祈使句用 Will you? e.g.Go home now,will you?* 特例:Lets用 Sial I we.?12 .表“是否”用whether和if的宾语从句:表达效果相同有or not的时候只能用whether,不能用if。e.g. I wondered whether (or not) he would go (or not).13 .从句中的谓语(如量词,动词时态等)1)谓语与B一致Neither A nor BBther Aor BNot only A but also BNot A but B2)谓语与A一致A as well

36、 as BA (together)with B3)谓语用复数.(both) A and B14 .本身带有否定意义的词hardly、seldom, rarely, never, few、little15 .的固定搭配1)用 to:the answer/ key/ reply to this questionthe entrance to the buildingthe notes to the textthe solution to the problem2)用 for : the ticket for the film16 .不加the有特殊含义的go to school/ hospital

37、/ prison 上学、去医院、坐牢17 . some+time 的组合some time 一段时间some times 几次sometimes 偶尔sometime表示某一点时间18 .不可数名词加形容词用作“可数”a long history, a nice supper/ breakfast / lunch, a great successa good time, a happy life, a great joy, a5-hour sleep19 . adj.加ly意义抽象化的wide-宽广地widely-广泛地high-高地highly-高度地deep-深入地deeply-深度地cl

38、ose-亲密地closely-接近地20 .不带to的不定式let / make/ have/ hear/ see + sb. + do21 .表达“我的观点”:我以为/认为/相信Lt hi rk/ suppose/ bel i eve.1)需否定前移 e.g. He isnt a student. - I dont think he is a student.2)主语为第一人称时,反意疑问句跟从句一致e.g.l dont think he is a good boy,is he?22 .特殊疑问句中的不定式除了由Why领导的特殊疑问句要用Why(not)do?其余的都用 to do: e.g

39、.what to do : where t。ao 23.宾补后的prep.当宾语补足语是不定式(to do)结构时.若d。不可以与 句子中的宾语连用时,必须加介词。e.g. What I need is a pen to write with.宾补是to write,宾语是pen,不能讲write a pen,因 此要加介词with.24 . It代替不定式短语作形式主语时的prep.It is + adj. + of/for + sb. to do sth.当上句中的adj.可用来形容sb.时,介词用of;其余用 for25 . none的具体用法1) none of表示某范围中一个也没有2

40、) None 对 How many/ much 的回答26 .到达的几种用法get(vi.) toarrive(vi.) in(大的地方)/at(小的地方)reach(vt.)*单独使用“到达用 arrive: e.g. I was on the way when he arrived.27 .表“除了”1)同类:except 除了. e.a.We all went to the cinema except him.besides 除上匕之夕卜, 还. e.g.What subject do you learn besides English?2)不同类:except for 除了.二夕卜 e

41、.a.The article is perfect except for a spelling mistake.but除了.(名词或代词、不定式)e.g.He eats nothing but fruit.28 .表“参加”join 加入组织并成为一员 ioin(sb.) +in + sth./doing sth.attend中席enter for报名参加take part in参与、参加29 .宾语从句要点1)宾语从句前后时态一致,且从句为陈述句语序e. g. I wondered why he was I at e.*某些特殊句型不需要变语序(换言之本身就是陈述句 语序)e.g.Can y

42、ou tell me whats the matter/wrong with you?2)从句跟真理时,从句时态不变。e.g.Mom told me that there is 365 days in a year.3) Could翻译为“能够”的时候,表语气诚恳,不一定是过 去式。Could you tell me whether he is here or not?30.重点的动词(时态)变形二、语法重点整理:1. Here、there等前面不加介词:be/ take + here/ there2. by.-到为止bv+过去的一点时间-用过去完成式e.g.He had read three

43、 books by the end of the summer holiday.by now -用现在完成式 e.Q. He has read three books by now.3 .独一无二的职业作表语、同位语、补语省略“the”Bush is president of the U乱.-作表语lie-lay-lain 躺下lay-laid-laid 放lie-lied-lied 说谎 hang-hung-hung 挂hang-hanged-hanged 吊起Bush,president of America,is.-作同位语Americans elected Bush to be pre

44、sident.-作补语4 . as.as. e.g.He is as clever as I.not so/as.as e.g.He isn,t as/ so clever as I.5 .时间、距离、金钱不管多少都用作单数6 . far 二 farther(距离沅)/further(程度)二 farthest7 .形容词最局级加“the,副词最昌级可不加8 .过去分词作定语表被动e.g.The boy who is called现在分词作定语表主动e.g.The waitress lying the table.9 .基数词+单n. + adi.只能作定语.不可作表语e.g.The two-

45、year-old girl is called Jane.10 . need doinq = need to be done 某事有待(需要)完 成。11 . the police、the people始终用作复数class、family强调个体时用作单数:强调整体时用作复数12 .征求意见“你认为.怎样?What do you think of .? How do you like .?13 .最高级 + 序数词 + 不定式 e.g.thefirst one to arrive三、重要词组按动词分:1. take :take in 吸收 take part in 参加 take place

46、发生14. so as (not) to 不能用于句首 (to、in order to 可以)15. like解释好像时作prep.,因此不能跟句子16. 以f结尾的名词多数改v+es,如knives、loaves*特例:roofs、proofs17. I +find/think + it句中be动词可省略e.g.I find/think it (is) difficult to learn English.18. quite/very + 原级*不能与 enough 连用 e.g.quite big enough for me 10.19. tooto结构中.当主句主语作从句中宾语时,介词必

47、 须省略e.g.The bag istoo heavy to carry.take out 拿走 take off 脱下2. go:go off响起 go out熄灭 go over复习go wrong出错 go on继续 go up走上前去3. Look:look up查寻;抬头看look for寻找 look out注意;留神 look at看着4. Put :put off延期 put up举起;挂起 put out扑灭put on 穿 put down 放下5. Give:give in 屈服 give out 分发 give off 散发 give up放弃6. Set :set u

48、p 建立 set out/ off 出发按介词分:10. Out :7. Get:get up 起来 get off 下车 get on 上车 get along/on(with)进展;相处 get in进入;收集 get to到达 get back返回8. Turn:turn into 变成 turn off 关掉 turn down 调低 turn on打开9. Think:think of 想至Uthink about 考虑 think over 仔细考虑come out出版turn out被证明是start out开花give out分发 make out辨认出 take out取出

49、set out 出发 work out 做出pick out 挑选出 put out 扑灭 sell out 售完 let out放出look out注意;留神 point out指出11. Down :turn down 调低 write down 写下 cut down 砍下 pull down 推倒12. Off:show off 炫耀 go off 响起 put off 延期 give off 散发 take off 脱下 set off 出发 get off 下 车 turn off关掉 fall off跌落 keep off阻挡13. Qi :keen on热衷于 rely on依

50、靠 depend on依靠cal I on拜访get on上车 hold on等一等 later on过后;后来 live on靠.维生operate on给.动手术14. In:check in办理登机fill in填(表格) hand in上交join in参加get in进入;收集15. With:deal with 处理 meet with 遭遇 do with 处理;处 置16. Up:go up走上前去 grow up长大 put up举起;挂起 give up放弃get up 起床 hold up 举起 set up 建立 take up 开始从事wake up叫醒人教版八年级英

51、语上册第一单元复习资料(1)八年级上册: Unit 1 How often do you exercise?, H- 4.-I -P+- 考点扫?ffl:-)习惯用语:watch TV看电视go to the movies 去看电影on weekends 在周末hardly ever 几乎不how often多久一次once a week 一周一次twice a month 一月两次do homework做家庭作业the result of.的结果as for至于,对于junk food垃圾食品be good/ bad for 对.有益/害eating habits饮食习惯try to do

52、sth.尽力做某事try doing sth.尝试做某事lots of =a lot of 许多of course/ Sure 当然come home from school从学校来至嚎look after=take care of 照看;照顾a healthy lifestyle 一种健康的生活方式be the same as.和.相同be different from.和.不同want to do sth.想要做某事want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事make a big difference 有很大不同keep healthy = stay healthykeep in

53、good health =keep fit 保持健康surf the Internet 上网get good grades取得好成绩-)重点句型:I.What does she do on weekends?她在周末常干什么?2.9ie often goes to the movies.她经常去看电影。3.1 watch TV every day.我每天都看电视。4.Vfe often surf the Internet.我们经常上网。5.1 read English books about twice a week.我大约一周两 次看英语书。6.1 shop once a month.我每月

54、购物一次。7.She says its good for my health.她说这对我的健康有 利。8.How often do you eat junk food?你多久一次吃垃圾食 品?9.1 look after my health.我照看我的健康。1O.My eating habits are pretty good.我的饮食习惯相当 好。三)交际用语:What do you usually do on weekends? I usually playsoccer.What do they do on weekends? They often go to themovies.What

55、 does he do on weekends? He somet i mes wat ches TVHow often do you shop? I shop once a month.How often does Cheng watch TV? He watches TV twice a week.四)主题写作:提供出一些信息,让你写一篇关于你或者别人的生活习惯及 其影响.词语点击:1 .exercise: Zeks9saiz1)作可数名词用,“练习,习题,体操,功课,操练”等, 常用复数。Im doing my exercises.我在做练习/功课。Doing morning exercises is helpful to our health.做早操对我们的健康是有益的。2)作不可数名词用,“锻炼,运动”。bu are weak because of the lack of exercise.你身体弱 是因为缺少锻炼。lake more exercise,and you will be healthy.多多锻炼, 你会健康的。3)作


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