已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2019年武汉市七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1Hi, Tim! Can Tony play _ drums?No, he can't He can play _ chess()A/; /Bthe; theCthe; /D/; the2Miss Smith is good music, and she is good children in the music club()Aat, withBfor, atCwith, atDat, for3Scott has an interesting _ But he is

2、 very busy He has much _ to do every day()Awork; workBwork; jobCjob; workDjob; job4This kind of cloth feels _ and sells _()Agood; wellBgood; goodCwell; wellDwell; good5What _ animals do you like?I also like pandas because they're lovely()AelseBthe;otherCotherDothers6No 1Middle School is very fam

3、ous There are _ of students and three _ teachers in this school()Ahundred; hundredBhundreds; hundredsChundred; hundredsDhundreds; hundred7_ is it from your school to your home?About ten _ walk()AHow long; minutes'BHow far; minutes'CHow many; minute'sDHow much; minute's8Amy, a _ girl,

4、 goes to school _ bike every day()Asevenyearold; onBsevenyearold; byCseven years old; inDseven years old; on9_ coffee with me after school today, please I have something important _ y

5、ou()ADrinking; to tellBDrink; tellCTo drink; tellingDDrink; to tell10Don't be late for classThis is very importantOK!We _ be on time()AcanBmustCmayDcould11Do you like tigers?Yes, I like them _()Aa lot ofBa lotClots ofDmany12Look! Jac

6、k and his friends _ on the playground()Ais;playingBare;playingCplayingDplay13Let's go to the movies this Saturday_()AThat's all rightBYou're rightCThat sounds goodDNo, I can't14Tom's family _ big There are 8people His

7、 family _ supper at home now()Ais; is eatingBis; are eatingCare; is eatingDare; are eating15The old man doesn't know _()Awhere is the post officeBhow can he get to the po

8、st officeChow long does it take to get to the post officeDif there is a post office near here三、完形填空(共2小题,每小题5分,满分15分)16In many English homes people eat (1) meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner They have breakfast at any time (2) seven to nine in the morning They (3) tea or coffee or eat bre

9、ad or eggs (4) comes at one o'clock in the afternoon Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon, and (5) is about 7:30 First they have soup, then they have meat(肉) or fish with vegetables After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges But not all English people e

10、at like that Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and these meals are very simple(简单)(1)A twoB threeC fourD five(2)A toB onC fromD between(3)A drinkB drinksC cookD eat(4)A BreakfastB LunchC SupperD Tea(5)A lunchB teaC dinnerD meal17A woman ha

11、s a red car She drives to work every day She usually parks her car in the street (1) her office Yesterday after work, she got into her car and started (2) home Suddenly, she noticed a yellow van(货车) at her back The (3) was a man When she turned left, the yellow van turned left When she turned right,

12、 the yellow van turned right When she stopped at the traffic lights, the yellow van stopped (4) herShe was afraid, so she drove quickly to the (5) She was very surprised when she saw the van (6) behind her At that time, I was standing outside the police station The woman was very (7) to see me She k

13、new that I was a policeman because I was wearing a police uniform She (8) out of her car quickly and ran to me She asked me to (9) the man inside the van, so I walked towards the manThe man didn't run away when he saw me He just smiled and said to the woman, "I want to (10) this purse(钱夹) b

14、ack to you, madam I think you dropped it on the street"(1)A insideB outsideC in frontD next(2)A walkingB ridingC runningD driving(3)A doctorB cookC driverD police(4)A behindB in front ofC overD before(5)A schoolB homeC supermarketD police station(6)A stopB stoppedC stopsD stopping(7)A surprised

15、B happyC afraidD tired(8)A walksB takesC runsD jumps(9)A driveB talkC catchD push(10)A borrowB lendC getD give四、阅读理解(共3小题,每小题10分,满分30分)18SUNNY SCHOOLWe are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 615We want a cook,a library assistant,a sports coach and a language teacherJobAgeLanguageSkillOther terms

16、(其它条件)cook2540Chinesecan cook Chinese and Western(西方) foodhealthylibrary assistant2035Chinese,English85has the knowledge(知识) on all kinds of bookscareful(仔细)sports coach2040Chinese,Englishmajor in(主修) PEhealthy,strongteacher3045Chinese,Englishmajor in English(1)Who can't go to Sunny School? AA f

17、ouryearold childBAn elevenyearold boyCA fifteenyearold girl DAn eightyearold kid(2)Who is not wanted by Sunny School? AA PE teacherBAn English teaherCA library assistant DA math teacher(3)We know may not speak English in Sunny SchoolAthe sportscoach Bthe cook Cthe library assistant Dthe language tea

18、cher(4)The coach must major in AChinese BEnglish Cfood DPE(5)The Sunny School wants a teacher Aaged between 25and 40 Bwho can cook Western foodCwho is careful and strong Dwho can speak English and Chinese19Josh and Amy are like many teenagers these daysThey have jobs to do to help out around the hom

19、eJosh washes cars for his neighbors while Amy helps their neighbor's kids with their homeworkLike many families,both of Josh and Amy's parents work outside the homeEveryone in Josh and Amy's family is busyTheir mom works in an office and often has to stay late for meetingsTheir father ow

20、ns his own small business and stays late to finish his workJosh and Amy go to schoolBoth belong to clubs and sports teamsThey also have lots of friends with whom they want to spend timeJosh and Amy's mom leaves for work at 7:00in the morning and does not get home most days until 6:30pmThe same i

21、s true for their dad,but he leaves home in the morning even earlierJosh and Amy's parents work to be able to provide for their familyThey need money to pay for their home and to pay their billsNext year they want to buy a new carThe family also wants to go on a vacation to CaliforniaJosh and Amy

22、 need clothes,books,and other things for schoolTheir parents are also saving money so Josh and Amy can go to college when they finish high school(1)How many people are there in the family? AOneBTwoCThreeDFour(2)What does the father do? AWork in an officeBRun his own businessCPlan vacations to Califo

23、rniaDDrive kids to school(3)What do the kids do to help their parents? ATake parttime jobsBJoin clubs and sports teamsCSpend time with their friendsDGo to school early(4)Where do the parents spend most of their daytime? AAt homeBAt workplaceCIn their kids'schoolDOn business trips(5)What's th

24、e best title for this passage? ALovely kidsBHardworking parentsCFamily wishesDA busy family20Tyler walks back home with his schoolbag He doesn't look happy His mother asks, "Why are you sad, son?" "I am thinking about my science homework" "What's it?" "In m

25、y science class, Miss Green, our science teacher, tells us about Earth Day(地球日) and our environment(环境) She wants us to think up some ideas to help the earth But what can I do? How can I do it? I am only a student" "Sure, you can't do big things," Tyler's mother says "But

26、 you can do small things You can help clean the leaves on the city streets You can write articles about Earth Day for newspapers and magazines to tell more people about it You can also work as a cleaner on Earth Day""Great! Now I know that small things can also be helpful(有帮助的)"(1)How

27、 is Tyler when he comes back home? A He is sadB He is happyC He is surprisedD He is excited(2)What is Tyler's homework about? A EnglishB ChineseC ScienceD Math(3)Who is Miss Green? A Tyler's motherB Tyler's teacherC Tyler's sisterD Tyler's friend(4)What can Tyler do to help the e

28、arth according to(根据) his mother? A Clean the leaves on the city streetsB Write articles about Earth Day for newspapersC Work as a cleaner on Earth DayD All of the above(5)What is the best title(标题) for the article? A How to Help the EarthB Tyler's Science HomeworkC I am Only a StudentD Do Small

29、 Things to Help the Earth五、词与短语填空(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)21阅读下面5个句子,然后用方框中所给单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构和意义上正确(提示:选项中有一个是多余的)arrive / terrible / think of / think about / friendly / remember(1)The students in our school are to each other We are like a big family(2)The teacher often tells us not to late for class(3)Th

30、e weather in winter is in Wuhan(4) to close the door when you leave home(5)We are not little children now, we should our future(未来) now六、阅读理解填词(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)22"Come here, John!" says the mother, "Give me your school report(成绩单)" John gives it to his mother"Oh, you fail

31、again," says his mother, "You aren't good at your l(1) Why not s(2) hard at school?""I'm s(3) , Mum," says John, "I'll do well in my lessons a(4) you buy me a computer!""Really?" asks the mother "Yes," answers John, "My teacher

32、says that computer m(5) people clever""A(6) right," says the mother, "Let's go to the shop and b(7) one" When they come into the shop, the girl in the shop asks, "Can I help you?""Yes, p(8) ," answers the mother, "I'd like to have a look at y

33、our computers" "There are d(9) kinds of computers," says the girl, "What kind of computer do you like, madam?"John looks at the computers and asks, "Do you have a computer that can do h(10) for me?" The mother looks at him angrily七、书面表达(共1大题,满分20分)23(20分)根据以下信息,用英语

34、写一篇介绍Peter 的短文要点如下:1 Peter 是一名14岁的学生会打排球、弹吉他他想加入音乐俱乐部2 Peter 喜欢动物,认为狗很友好、聪明,熊猫很可爱3 每天早上6:30起床,搭公汽上学,通常要花半小时4 这儿有一张他的照片看,他和弟弟正在用电脑,妈妈在厨房做晚餐,爸爸在看报纸这是幸福的一家人参考答案与试题解析二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1【解答】考查冠词句意"嗨,提姆!托尼会打鼓吗?不,他不会他会下棋"第一个空,play+某种乐器,中间加定冠词the第二个空,play+某种棋类中间不加冠词故选:C2【解答】be good at擅长,be

35、good with sb对某人好,be good for对有好处;根据句意"史密斯小姐擅长音乐,并且她对音乐俱乐部里的孩子们非常好"可知,要填at,with,其它选项语意不通故选:A3【解答】考查同义词work工作,不可数名词job工作,可数名词句意"Scott有一份有趣的工作但是他很忙他每天都有很多工作要做"第一个空,an修饰可数名词单数job第二个空,much修饰不可数名词work故选:C4【解答】feel是连系动词,后跟形容词作表语,sell是实意动词,用副词修饰good形容词,well副词故选:A5【解答】考查同义词else其它的,修饰疑问词或不

36、定代词the other(两个中)另一个other其它的,通常加名词others相当于other+复数名词,泛指"另外几个","其余的"这里修饰名词复数animals动物用other故选:C6【解答】考查hundred的用法前面有具体数时,用单数形式,或者hundreds of数百第一个空要用hundreds of,第二个空前面有three,要用单数形式故选:D7【解答】考查疑问词组及名词所有格第二个空,ten十,可知,用名词复数minutes的所有格minutes'C,D不正确第二个空,how long多久,对一段时间或长度提问how far多

37、远,对距离提问结合语境"步行大约十分钟",可知,应该问从你学校到你家有"多远"用how farA不正确故选:B8【解答】根据句意:Amy,一个七岁的女孩,每天骑自行车去上学考查此处是符合形容词修饰名词girl,sevenyearold七岁的;seven years old七岁,只能作表语by bike骑自行车on后要接冠词,on the/a bike故选:B9【解答】根据句意:今天放学后和我一起去喝咖啡吧我有重要的事情告诉你可知句子为祈使句,用动词原形;第二空考查句型haveto do有要做,不定式作后置定语故选:D10【解答】考查情态动词A能B必须、一

38、定C可能D能(过去式)结合语境"上课不要迟到,这很重要好吧!我们_准时"可知,应该是"一定"故选:B11【解答】根据句意:你喜欢老虎吗?是的,我非常喜欢结合选项,A大量,接名词 B非常,相当于very much C大量,结合名词 D很多,接名词故选:B12【解答】根据句意:看! 杰克和他的朋友们在操场上玩耍可知look!是现在进行时的标志,be+doing,主语是复数形式,用are故选:B13【解答】根据Let's go to the movies this Saturday可知是建议,答语应该是回答建议的句型结合选项,A没关系 B你是对的 C听

39、起来是个好主意; D不,我不能 选项C符合语境故选:C14【解答】根据句意:汤姆的家庭很大有8口人他的家人现在正在家吃晚饭可知第一空的主语是family表示家庭整体,动词用三单式;第二空表示家庭成员,动词用复数故选:B15【解答】考查宾语从句句意"这位老人不知道附近是否有邮局"宾语从句中,从句通常用陈述语序A,B,C都是疑问语序因此用if引导宾语从句,意思是"是否"故选:D三、完形填空(共2小题,每小题5分,满分15分)16【解答】15 CCABC1C 考查数词A2;B3;C4;D5;根据breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner早

40、饭,午饭;C茶,晚饭;共4个,故答案是C2C 考查介词A到;B在上;C从;D两者之间;根据题干,fromto.从到,故答案是C3A 考查动词A喝,原形;B原形;第三人称单数;C烹饪;D吃;根据They (3)tea or coffee or eat bread or eggs主语是复数形式,后面是茶,咖啡,应该是喝 ,故答案是A4B 考查名词A早饭;B午饭;C晚饭;D茶;根据后面at one o'clock in the afternoon下午1点应该是吃午饭,故答案是B5C 考查名词A午饭;B茶;C晚饭;D饭;根据 Afternoon tea is from four to five

41、 in the afternoon, and (5)is about 7:30下午茶是下午四点到五点,大约七点半,后面应该是晚饭7:30开始,故答案是C17【解答】15:BDCAD 610 ABDCD1B 考查介词A在.里;B外面;C错误;D挨着;根据She usually parks her car in the street (1)her office,应该是把车停在办公室外面,故答案是B2D 考查动词A走;B骑;C跑;D开车;根据she got into her car and started (2)home上车,应该是开车回家,故答案是D3C 考查名词A医生;B厨师;C司机;D警察;根

42、据she noticed a yellow van(货车) at her back The (3)was a man,前面说看到一个货车,应该是司机是男人,故答案是C4A 考查介词A在.后面;B在.前面;C在上;D在之前;根据语境,这里the yellow van stopped (4)her,应该是停在后面,故答案是A5D 考查名词A学校;B家;C超市;D警局;根据下文 I was standing outside the police station我站在警察局外面,可知是开车去警局,故答案是D6A 考查动词A原形;B过去式;C第三人称单数形式;D现在分词;根据题干,考查固定短语see s

43、b do sth 表示看到某人做某事了;see sb doing sth 表示看到某人正在做某事,本文是停了车,故答案是A7B 考查形容词A奇怪的;B开心的;C害怕的;D累的;根据后面 She knew that I was a policeman because I was wearing a police uniform 看见警察,应该是非常开心,故答案是B8D 考查动词A走;B拿;C跑;D跳;根据后面out of her car quickly and ran to me跑向我,应该是从车里跳出来,故答案是D9C 考查动词A开车;B谈话;C抓;D推;根据She asked me to (

44、9)the man inside the van,结合前文,应该是抓住那个男人,故答案是C10D 考查动词A借;B借;C得到;D给;根据I want to (10)this purse(钱夹) back to you,这里应该是想把钱包给那个女的,故答案是D四、阅读理解(共3小题,每小题10分,满分30分)18【解答】答案:1A 细节理解题根据第二行句子We are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 615可知一个四岁的孩子不能去阳光学校故选A2D 细节理解题根据第二行句子We want a cook,a library assistant,a sp

45、orts coach(教练) and a language teacher我们想要一个厨师,一个图书馆助理,一个体育教练和一个语言教师可知没提到一个数学老师故选D3B 细节理解题根据表格第二行第三列句子cook,Language:Chinese可知厨师不用说英语故选B4D 细节理解题根据第四行第四列句子sports coach,Skill:major in(主修) PE可知体育教练必须主修体育故选D5D 细节理解题根据第五行第三列句子teacher,Language:Chinese,English可知阳光学校想要一名教师会说英语和中文,故选D19【解答】36答案:D推理判断题根据Everyon

46、e in Josh and Amy's family is busyTheir mom works in an office and often has to stay late for meetingsTheir father owns his own small business and stays late to finish his workJosh and Amy go to school可知加上他们的父母,一共四个人,故选D37答案:B推理判断题根据Their father owns his own small business and stays late to fini

47、sh his work可知他父亲有自己的小生意,故选B38答案:A推理判断题根据They have jobs to do to help out around the homeJosh washes cars for his neighbors while Amy helps their neighbor's kids with their homework可知他们是在做兼职工作帮助家里,故选A39答案:B推理判断题根据Josh and Amy's mom leaves for work at 7:00in the morning and does not get home m

48、ost days until 6:30pmThe same is true for their dad,but he leaves home in the morning even earlier可知他们的父母白天时间在工作,故选B40答案:D标题判断题根据Everyone in Josh and Amy's family is busy可知Josh 和 Amy一家都很忙,本文说的是家里的四个人忙工作,忙学业,说的就是Josh 和 Amy一家的繁忙,故选D20【解答】(1)A细节理解题根据原文Tyler walks back home with his schoolbag He doe

49、sn't look happyTyler 背着书包走路回到了家里,他看起来不高兴,所以是sad,悲伤的故选A(2)C细节理解题根据原文 our science teacher, tells us about Earth Day(地球日) and our environment(环境)我们的科学老师,告诉我们地球日和我们的环境She wants us to think up some ideas to help the earth她想要我们想想一些帮助地球的想法这就是他的作业,所以可知这是科学作业故选C(3)B细节理解题根据原文Miss Green, our science teache

50、r,格林小姐,我们的科学老师,故选B(4)D细节理解题根据原文But you can do small things但是你可以做很多小事情 You can help clean the leaves on the city streets你可以扫我们城市街道的树叶 You can write articles about Earth Day for newspapers and magazines to tell more people about it你可以通过写地球日给报纸或者杂志来把它告诉更多的人You can also work as a cleaner on Earth Day你也可

51、以在地球日作为一个清洁工"可知包括A,B,C所有项,故选D(5)D主旨大意题根据原文"Great! Now I know that small things can also be helpful太棒了!现在我知道一些小事情也可以很有帮助了,指的是帮助地球可以用身边小事情,是本文围绕的中心点故选D五、词与短语填空(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)21【解答】1 friendly 划线部分缺一个形容词,根据题干中We are like a big family可知我们像一个大家庭,是因为学校的学生对彼此都很友好,故填写friendly,表示友好的2 arrive 根据题干可知老师经常告诉我们上课不要迟到,其中tell sb not to do sth表示告诉某人不要做某事,则此处应填写arrive,表示到达3 terrible 划线部分缺一个形容词,根据题干可知武汉冬天的天气很糟糕,故填写terrible,表示糟糕的4 Remember 根据题干可知当你离开家后记得关门,其中remember to do sth表示记得做某事,故填写remember,表示记住5 think about 根据题干可知我们现在不是孩子了,我们应该考虑未来了,情态动词should后应用动词原形,故填写thi


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