1、社会分层与社会流动课程对象:社会学系本科2003级与2004级课时:36学时授课教师:王汉生(wanghs)课程介绍 社会分层可以说是无所不在,无一社会、无一时代能够幸免,它已经成为人类社会的基本特征之一,分层研究也因此成为社会研究的经久不衰的核心领域之一。本课程是一个概论性的课程,课程将重点介绍社会分层与社会流动的基本概念、主要的理论观点、关注的主要问题、解决问题的主要方法,以及在该领域中取得的重大的研究成果等。通过本课程的学习,使学生能够对社会分层与社会流动研究领域的全貌有一个总体的把握。 教学大纲目的要求:社会分层与社会流动是社会学的一个核心领域,它不仅是描述和分析社会结构及其变迁的重要
4、题是:1、一个社会有多少个不同的社会经济层次或阶层 2、如何确定这种划分的; 3、究竟应当以什么指标作为划分阶层的标准(声望、收入、教育); 4、是否存在着固有的分界点,从而可以很容易地划分阶层,或者分布本来就是连续的,以致于我们做的任何划分都是武断的;5、如何检验划分的合理性。本讲从介绍阶层划分的两大理论流派开始,继而重点目前阶层划分的主要方法和主要变量,以及不同研究者在划分阶层时存在的主要分歧。第四讲:分层指标财产、声望和权力是三个重要的分层指标,本讲逐一就这三个分层指标的定义、社会含义、测量方法、运用中的问题,以及三者之间的关系等进行详细的介绍,并用实例予以说明。同时对目前广泛使用的其它
6、动量与社会的其它特征有着重要联系,因此,如果不考虑社会流动,就很难深入了解这些社会特征。本讲重点介绍社会流动的各种类型、社会流动的计算方法、社会流动的三个重要模型(即地位获得模型、社会流动的结构模型及社会流动的线形模型),以及流动测量和研究中的主要问题等。第七讲:分层体系的刻画在上述各讲的基础上,本讲将重点讨论如何刻画一个社会的分层体系。第八讲:当代中国的分层研究简介学术界对改革以来中国社会的分层问题进行了广泛的研究,本讲将就国内学术界的分层研究进行一个简单的梳理,包括研究的演变过程、类型、主要特征、研究主题、研究方法、主要结论和存在的问题等。社会分层与社会流动课程主要参考书 1、边燕杰主编
7、市场转型与社会分层美国社会学者分析中国 三联书店,2002年2月2、C. 赖特. 米尔斯著 白领美国的中产阶级 浙江人民出版社 1987年6月 3、D.吉尔伯特著 美国阶级结构 中国社科出版社 19924、陈婴婴著 职业结构与流动 东方出版社 1995年3月5、渡边雅男著 现代日本的阶层差别及其固定化 中央编译出版社 1998年6、G.伦斯基著 权力与特权:社会分层的理论 浙江人民出版社 1988 7、F.P. 汤普森著 英国工人阶级的形成 译林出版社 2001年1月 8、具海根(韩)著 韩国工人阶级形成德文化与政治社会科学文献出版社2004年1月9、李强著 转型时期的社会结构黑龙江人民出版社
8、,2002年1月。10、陆学艺主编 当代中国社会阶层研究报告社会科学文献出版社 2002年1月11、李路路、孙志祥著 透视不平等:国外社会阶层理论社会科学文献出版社 2002年10月12、李春玲:断裂与碎片:当代中国社会阶层分化实证分析社会科学文献出版社,2005年8月13、雷蒙阿隆:阶级斗争:工业社会新讲 译林出版社,2003年6月14、理查德斯凯恩:阶级 吉林人民出版社,2005年5月15、莱斯利斯克莱尔 跨国资本家阶层江苏人民出版社,2002年11月16、李培林主编:中国新时期阶级阶层报告,辽宁人民出版社,1995年12月17、刘兆佳等主编 发展与不平等:大陆与台湾之社会阶层与流动 香港
9、中文大学亚太研究所 1994年11月18、孙立平著 断裂:20世纪90年代以来的中国社会 社会科学文献出版社,2003年10月19、许欣欣著 当代中国社会结构变迁与流动 社会科学文献出版社 2000年7月20、周晓虹主编 全球中产阶级报告社会科学文献出版社,2005年8月。21、钟秉枢:成绩资本与地位获得关于我国优秀运动员群体社会流动的研究,北京体育大学出版社,1998年7月22、阿尔文古尔德纳 新阶级与知识分子的未来人民文学出版社,2001年11月23、David.B. Grusky Social Stratification : Class, Race, and Gender in Soc
10、iological Perspective Westview Press 1994附录:UCLA分层课程UCLA Sociology 157, Social Stratification Winter 2002 Professor: David D. McFarland Lectures: 11:00 - 12:15 Tuesdays and Thursdays, Pub Pol 1246Preliminaries Topic: Social stratification concerns the unequal distribution of things which are scarce
11、but widely desired, and the process of status attainment or social mobility whereby some persons or groups come to receive more of these scarce things than are received by others. Benefits from this course: (1) The course may be useful for students planning careers in fields such as law, marketing,
12、social work, and teaching, since many of them will be dealing directly or indirectly with people from widely differing socioeconomic circumstances. (2) Stratification is a central topic in sociology, with ramifications for many other things sociologists study, and as such it is especially important
13、for sociology majors. Prerequisites: Introductory sociology (Soc 1 or equiv.) and introductory statistics (Soc M18 = Stat M12, or equiv.). Any student who has not yet completed these lower division requirements should complete them this quarter, before taking this or other upper division sociology c
14、ourses. Do NOT be misled by the registrars notation, Enforced Requisites: None. As defined in the registrars dictionary, that does not mean no prerequisite, only that the prerequisite is not sufficiently simple-minded for URSA to enforce it automatically. URSA is smart enough to understand Stat M12,
15、 and could be programmed to lock out anyone whose UCLA record does not include that particular course. But that would be unfair to someone who took a similar course in another department, or to a transfer student who took a similar course at another college. Alas, URSA is not smart enough to underst
16、and or equivalent. The statistics prerequisite is a real one. Central to social stratification are such quantitative resources as wealth, income, education, and prestige. Stratification studies make use of such statistical tools as contingency tables, correlation coefficients and regression equation
17、s, in order to describe and explain how some get more, and others get less, of those scarce but desired resources. An introductory statistics course is one of the lower division requirements for prospective sociology majors; take it before you take this course. Requirements and GradingTwo midterm ex
18、aminations (35% each), one short paper and an oral presentation thereon (10%), weekly submission of suggested examination questions (10%) and discussion section requirements (10%). There will be no final examination. I am sure most of you will find other things to do at the time the registrar select
19、ed for a final exam if we were to have one, 8 am on Tuesday 19 March. o Two midterm examinations Students are responsible for all the reading material, whether or not it is also covered in lecture or section, and for all the lecture material, whether or not it is also covered in readings or section.
20、 The lectures complement the readings in various ways, ranging from explanations and elaborations to additional material not available in the readings. The examinations will cover both lecture material and reading assignments, giving them approximately equal emphasis, and will include both multiple
21、choice and short answer questions. Links to sample examination questions are provided below, to facilitate reviews. o Short paper and oral presentation The short paper, of approximately five double spaced typed pages, will be a brief biography of someone the student knows well, describing the subjec
22、ts current social status and explaining it in terms of personal characteristics, background characteristics, social contexts, or events by which it has been affected. It is to be written in the light of reading assignments and lecture material, following more detailed guidelines. Furthermore, on the
23、 day those short papers are due, each student is to attend the lecture session and, if called on, give a brief oral summary to the class. o Weekly assignment Each student is to submit one suggested examination question for each of the assigned readings (that is, one question per article; several que
24、stions per week). Each question is to be accompanied by an answer the student considers appropriate, with specific justification (e.g., author and page number, the latter for the specific information rather than the entire article). Questions may be multiple choice, or short-answer. A multiple choic
25、e question should have four plausible alternatives, with one correct answer. A short-answer question might require a calculation, for example, or a list, or a couple of paragraphs. Over the entire quarter, three of the questions submitted are to be short-answer. o Discussion section Students are to
26、read the asssignments before their discussion section meetings, and to be prepared to discuss the content of those readings. Participation in discussion sections is a requirement of the course, not just another means of preparation for the examinations. Course Materials The book of readings may be p
27、urchased at the student store, or borrowed (2 hours) from the college library reserve. David B. Grusky, ed. 2001 Social Stratification, second edition. Boulder: Westview Press. ISBN 0-8133-6654-2. HM-146-G78-2001.Although you may be able to find the First Edition (1994) in a used book store, or in t
28、he library (HM-146-G78-1994), many of the readings assigned this quarter were not in that edition. The supplementary materials to be covered in lectures are marked Suppl: on the outline below. These are posted on the Web site. It is best that you print them out, and that you do so before the relevan
29、t lectures. That way you can make notes directly on a table or graph, rather than on blank paper. Course Outline 1. Tue 8 Jan. Preliminaries. o Lecture: Overview of this course. o Lecture: Overview of Social Stratification. o Optional reading (suggested for students who miss the first lecture of thi
30、s course, or who desire more overview material than provided in that first lecture): Grusky, The Past, Present, and Future of Social Inequality, pages 3-51. (This is a revision of The Contours of Social Stratification, pages 3-35 in the 1st edition.) 2. Thur 10 Jan.Topic 1. Basic Processes of Status
31、 Attainment and Social Mobility. o Reading: Lipset, Bendix, and Zetterberg. Social Mobility in Industrial Society, pages 309-318 (pages 250-259 in 1st edn). o Reading: Table 1 of: Featherman and Hauser, A Refined Model of Occupational Mobility, pages 325-335 (pages 265-275 in 1st edn). (Only this on
32、e table, not the entire article.) o Reading: Gottschalk, Inequality, Income Growth, and Mobility: The Basic Facts, pages 373-377 (2nd edn only). o Lecture: How to read mobility tables-and why. o Suppl: Mobility tables, by race and time o Suppl: Female mobility at childbirth o Suppl: Marital mobility
33、 o Reading: Blau and Duncan, The Process of Stratification, pages 390-403 (pages 317-329 in 1st edn). o Lecture: The basic status attainment model. o Suppl: Status attainment model: correlations and equations and path diagram 3. Tue 15 Jan. Topic 1, cont. 4. Thur 17 Jan. Topic 1, cont. 5. Tue 22 Jan
34、. (Questions on topic 1 due.)Topic 2. Socioeconomic Status and Social Classes. o Reading: Blau and Duncan, Measuring the Status of Occupations, pages 255-259 (pages 204-208 in 1st edn). o Reading: Hodge, The Measurement of Occupational Status, pages 273-281 (pages 221-228 in 1st edn). o Reading: Wri
35、ght, A General Framework for the Analysis of Class Structure, pages 116-128 (pages 98-110 in 1st edn). o Reading: Grusky and J. B. Sorensen, Are There Big Social Classes?, pages 183-194 (2nd edn only). o Additional assignment: Review the mobility tables from week 1, noting the classes used in each t
36、able. o Lecture: Occupations; Measurement and Classification Thereof; Relationship to Income and Other Variables. o Suppl: Most common occupations, by gender o Suppl: Income variation by occupation 6. Thur 24 Jan. Topic 2, cont. 7. Tue 29 Jan. (Questions on topic 2 due.)Topic 3. Elaborations of the
37、Basic Processes. o Reading: Sewell, Haller, and Portes, The Educational and Early Occupational Attainment Process, pages 410-421 (pages 336-346 in 1st edition). o Reading: Parkin, Marxism and Class Theory: A Bourgeois Critique, pages 162-177 (pages 141-154 in 1st edition). o Lecture: Direct and Indi
38、rect Effects and Common Antecedents. o Lecture: Incorporation of Additional Variables. o Suppl: Racial differences in status attainment in 1962: Duncans decomposition of correlations o Reading: Lin, Social Networks and Status Attainment, pages 451-453 (2nd edition only). o Reading: Erikson and Goldt
39、horpe, Trends in Class Mobility: The Post-war European Experience, pages 344-372 (pages 289-316 in 1st edition). o Suppl: Marini on Sex differences in the process of occupational attainment o Suppl: Robinson and Kelley on Social class and income inequality in Great Britain and United States 8. Thur
40、31 Jan. Topic 3, cont. 9. Tue 5 Feb. (Questions on topic 3 due.)Topic 4. Review; Case Study Assignment and Example. o Lecture: Case Study Assignment and Example. o Suppl: Short paper assignment o (Link back to Requirements and Grading) o Suppl: Sample examination questions o (Link back to Requiremen
41、ts and Grading) 10. Thur 7 Feb. Examination. o First Midterm Examination 11. Tue 12 Feb. Topic 5. Tops and Bottoms of Hierarchies. o Reading: Mills, The Power Elite, pages 202-211 (pages 161-170 in 1st edition). o Reading: Useem, The Inner Circle, pages 223-232 (pages 175-183 in 1st edition). o Read
42、ing: Wilson, Jobless Poverty, pages 651-660 (only in 2nd edition). o Reading: Oliver and Shapiro, Black Wealth/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality, pages 636-642 (2nd edn only). o Suppl: Tables on Types of Wealth and Poverty from the same Oliver and Shapiro book. o Lecture: Great We
43、alth in America. o Suppl: Extreme Wealth o Lecture: Unemployment, Homelessness. o Suppl: Homelessness 12. Thur 14 Feb. Topic 5, cont. 13. Tue 19 Feb. (Questions on topic 5 due.)Topic 6. More on Gender and Ethnicity. o Reading: Kilbourne, England, Farkas, Beron, and Weir, Returns to Skill, Compensati
44、ng Differentials, and Gender Bias: Effects of Occupational Characteristics on the Wages of White Women and Men, pages 761-776. (Not in 1st edn.) o Reading: Tam, Why Do Female Occupations Pay Less?, pages 776-780 (2nd edn only). o Reading: Portes and Manning, The Immigrant Enclave, pages 568-579 (pages 509-519 of 1st edition). o Lecture: Similarities and Differences between Gender and Ethnici
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