1、1. ceremony (n.) 仪式,典礼 The awards ceremony was packed with rich and famous people.颁奖典礼中挤满了有钱及知名人士。2. organism (n.) 生物,有机体Any living thing is an organism.任何有生命的东西都是有机体。3. nest egg储蓄By retirement, they had saved up quite a nest egg.到退休时,他们已经存了一大笔钱了。4. plant (n.) 植物 Most plants need dirt, water and sun
2、light to live.大部分的植物需要仰赖土壤,水和阳光生存。5. animal (n.) 动物What is the biggest animal you have seen?您所看过最大的动物是什么?6. college fund念大学的基金I've been adding to his college fund for years now.我已经为他的大学基金贡献多年了。7. living (a.) 有生命的;活的 Coral is actually a living animal, living on top of dead animals.珊瑚事实上是一种有生命的动物,
3、生长在死去动物身上。8. mammal (n.) 哺乳动物Did you know that whales are mammals?您知道鲸鱼是哺乳动物吗?9. nuclear family核心家庭My cousin is not part of my nuclear family.我的堂表兄弟姊妹并不是核心家庭的一部分。10. insect (n.) 昆虫Mosquitoes are my least favorite insect.蚊子是我最不喜欢的昆虫。11. fowl (n.) 鸟禽类Ducks are a type of water fowl.鸭子是一种水上禽鸟。12. seeing
4、 each other约会We've been seeing each other for about 3 months.我们已经约会大约三个月了。13. complimentary (a.) 【美】赠送的 The flight attendant gave me a complimentary drink after we took off.飞机起飞后,服务人员给我们附赠的饮料。14. currency (n.) 货币Every country has its own currency.每个国家都有自己的货币。15. behave yourself规矩点Please behave y
5、ourself before the guests.在宾客面前请你检点一些。16. reusable (a.) 可重复使用的 Reusable items last longer than disposable ones and help the environment.可重复使用的物品比抛弃式耐用,而且对环境比较好。17. impact (n.) 影响Tourists can have a big impact on the places they visit.观光客对他们所参观的地方可造成很大的影响。18. behind the scenes幕后 He is the man behind
6、the scenes.他是幕后人物。19. contraband (n.) 违禁品 If you bring contraband into a country, you may go to jail.如果你把违禁品带进一个国家,可能要坐牢。20. quarantine (n.) 隔离If you bring your pet to another country, you may have to put it in quarantine for a while.如果你把宠物带到另一个国家,它可能要被隔离一段时间。21. between ourselves私下的话,不可外传This matte
7、r is between ourselves.这事你我知道就好。22. provision (n.) 储备粮食 We brought plenty of provisions for the trip.我们为这趟旅行带了足够的粮食。23. cuisine (n.) 美食;佳肴French cuisine is famous around the world.法国美食举世闻名。24. beyond the seas在国外,在海外He had a good time when he was beyond the seas.他在国外时曾过得很快活25. chow (n.) 【口】食物,食品 We h
8、ad some good chow in that little restaurant.我们在那家小曙U吃了一些不错的食物。26. delicacy (n.) 美食;佳肴This is a local delicacy and you can't find it anywhere else.这是当地的美食,而且您无法在其它地方找到它。27. butt in插手;介入;插嘴Don't butt in! 不要管闲事!28. raw (a.) 生的,未煮过的In Italy, they serve raw beef.在意大利,他们提供生牛肉。29. grill (n.) 烤架;烧烤的
9、肉类食物This steak is fresh off the grill!这块新鲜的牛排是刚烧烤好的!30. by and large大体上,总的看来I cannot totally take your point, but by and large I think yours is reasonable.我不能完全同意你的观点,但大体上你的观点是有道理的。31. boil (vt.) 烹煮Dumplings are often eaten boiled.水饺经常被烹煮来吃。32 . stew (vt.) (用文火)煮,炖,焖Can you stew up some meat and veg
10、etables?您能炖煮一些肉和蔬菜吗?33. call the shots 做决断 Who do you think you are calling the shots? 在这指发号施令,你以为你是谁啊?34. steam (vt.) 蒸,煮She prefers to steam her dumplings.她比较喜欢蒸的水饺。35. aromatic (a.) 芳香的Fresh bread is quite aromatic.新鲜的面包很香。36. steam (vt.) 蒸,煮She prefers to steam her dumplings.她比较喜欢蒸的水饺。37. aromat
11、ic (a.) 芳香的Fresh bread is quite aromatic.新鲜的面包很香。38. clown around胡闹 That boy is seldom serious about anything. Hes always clowning around.这个男孩对任何事情都不认真,他总是胡闹。39. flaky (n.) 薄片的;成层状的The croissants were fresh and flaky.牛角面包很新鲜又薄而易剥。40. rich (a.) 味道浓厚That chocolate cake is too rich for me.那个巧克力蛋糕对我来说太浓
12、了。41. cook up构思;策划I have to cook up an excuse for being late for class.我必须为上课迟到编个借口。 42. tender (a.) 嫩的;软的The steaks were tender and juicy.那块牛排鲜嫩多汁。43. sour (a.) 味道浓厚Let's order sweet and sour pork.让我们点一份糖醋排骨。crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲44. spicy (a.) 辣的The tofu was too spicy for him.那块豆腐对他来说太辣了。45.
13、 stinky (a.) 臭的I can't believe you've never had stinky tofu!我不敢相信你从未吃过臭豆腐46. cry over spilled milk做无用的后悔It is no use crying over spilled milk.覆水难收。 47. rotten (a.) 发臭的Stinky tofu smells rotten, but it tastes great.臭豆腐闻起来是臭的,但吃起来却很好吃。48. fresh (a.) 新鲜的Your fish must be fresh if you want to ea
14、t it raw.你的鱼必须是新鲜的,如果你要生吃的话。49. down and out穷困潦倒;孤苦无助People should lend him a helping hand; Hes really down and out.人们应该助他一臂之力,他已经穷困潦倒了。 50. past (n.) 过去,昔日He lives in the past and he doesn't even have a computer!他还活在过去,竟然没有计算机!51. present (n.) 现在,目前Only by living in the present can you be free
15、of worries.只有活在当下才能无忧虑。52. eat like a bird胃口小,吃的少 Jenny is very slim because she eats like a bird.詹妮十分苗条,因为她吃的少。 53. future (n.) 未来,将来She didn't see any future in their relationship.她对她们的未来没抱希望。54. duration (n.) 持续时间A basketball game has a duration of 48 minutes.一场篮球有48分钟的比赛时间。55. for good永远Smok
16、e less everyday, then you might be able to quit smoking for good.每天少吸烟一点, 你就可能会永远戒掉烟。Dont shed crocodile tears over his misfortune, I know you hate him.不要假惺惺的为他的厄运假慈悲了,我知道你恨他。 56. outlook (n.) 前景The company's outlook was not good.公司的前景不怎么看好。57. potential (n.) 潜力I think this young man has a lot o
17、f potential.我觉得这个年轻人的潜力不错。58. get fired炒鱿鱼The anchorman of the BBC networks evening news got fired.听说BBC电视网的晚间新闻主播被炒了鱿鱼。 59. fortune (n.) 命运Before we were married, we had to have our fortunes told.我们在结婚前已经算过命了。60. fate (n.) 命运;天命,天数You can not escape your fate.你无法逃脱你的命运。61. hang in the balance未见分晓;悬
18、而未决I guess my future hangs in the balance.我想我的未来悬而未决啊。 62. goal (n.) 目标After you set your goals, you must work continuously toward them.设定目标后要持续的往目标努力。63. plan (n.) 计划She has a 10-step plan for her future.她对她的未有设定了十个步骤的计划。64. high and dry被抛弃的,处于痛苦之中的George took all the money away and left his compan
19、ions high and dry, with nothing to buy the tickets.乔治带走了所有的钱,把他的同事抛弃了,连买车票的钱也没有。 65. projection (n.) 规划The company's projection of their income was unrealistic.公司对营利的规划不切实际。66. schedule (n.) 行程We are already behind schedule and we haven't even started yet.我们的行程已经晚了,甚至还没开始呢!67. high and low到处
20、 I looked high and low for my pen,but I couldnt find it anywhere.我到处找我的钢笔,但我怎么也找不到它。68. intend (vt.) 打算My parents intend for me to go to university in England.我的父母打算让我到英国读大学。dream 69. (n.) 梦想Without dreams, we have no future.没有梦想就没有未来。70. hit upon突然想到 He hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist.他突然想
21、出了一个挫败他对手的计划。 71. wish (vt.) 想要;希望,渴望I wish I had a girlfriend.我想要有个女朋友。72. aspire (vi.) 热望,向往;怀有大志There are many waitresses that aspire to be actresses.有许多的女服务生向往成为女演员。73. in a bind窘迫;陷入困境Im really in a bind.我左右为难。 74. aspiration (n.) 热望,志向,抱负My aspirations push me to work harder every day.我的抱负让我每天
22、要努力工作。75, priority (n.) 优先考虑的事Safety is our first priority.安全是我们的优先考虑。76. in luck幸运 You are in luck.你很走运。 77. biological (a.) 生物的Her biological clock was ticking and she really wanted to have a baby.她的生物时钟在起变化,所以她想要有个小孩。78. resolution (n.) 决心;决定Have you made any New Year's resolutions yet?你许下新年愿
23、望了吗?/你定好新年计划了么?79. ins and outs 错综复杂事物的因果 After careful investigation, he got to know the ins and outs of the accident.经过仔细的调查,他终于弄清了事件的前因后果。 80. GPS=Global Positioning System 全球定位系统Did you know you can use the global positioning system to find a difficult address?.你知道你可以用全球定位系统来找一个难找的地址吗?81. LAN=lo
24、cal area network 局域网All our office computers are on a local area network.我们公司里所有的计算机都在局域网上。82. It's in God's hands 听天由命It's in God's hands and we have prepared for the worst.听天由命吧,我们已经做最坏的准备了。 83. abdomen (n.) 腹;下腹;腹部The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.那位孕妇有增大的下腹。84. bereave (
25、vt.) 使失去(希望、生命等)The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.当救援的飞机没有看到他们时,那些迷路的徒步者丧失了希望。85. let sleeping dogs lie莫惹是非;别多管闲事;别惹麻烦Don't tell the teacher what you have done. Let sleeping dogs lie.不要告诉老师你做了什么。莫惹是非。86. bereave (vt.) 使孤寂;使凄凉The children were bereaved by
26、the death of their parents.那些失去双亲的孩子是可怜和孤独的。87. consecrate (vt.) 奉为神圣;尊崇This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.这个战场被视为圣地以纪念死于该处的战士。88. lose one's temper发脾气;动怒Don't lose your temper in front of the class.别在班上发脾气。89. evoke 唤起(记忆等);引起A good joke does not nec
27、essarily evoke a hearty laugh.好笑话并不一定逗人大笑。90. groove (n.) 沟;槽;凹线Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.车轮在泥泞的路上留下凹痕。91. make ends meet 使收支平衡 I have to take two part-time jobs at the same time to make ends mee.为了收支平衡,我不得不同时作两份兼职。92. jolt (vt.) 使摇动;使颠簸The old car jolted its passengers badly as it we
28、nt over the rough road.那辆旧车走过崎岖的道路时,很厉害地颠簸着它的乘客。93. obsolete (a.) 过时的,老式的Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.用鞠躬来欢迎女士如今已是过时的习俗。94. make use of 使用;利用He will make use of all the odds and ends.他会利用所有这一切零碎东西。 95. prowl (vi.) (野兽等)四处觅食;暗中来回寻觅Many wild animals prowl at night looking for somet
29、hing to eat.许多野兽在夜间巡行觅食。96. scoop (vt.) 挖出;挖成The children scooped holes in the sand.孩子们挖了沙坑。97. monkey business胡闹耍骗人的把戏;捣鬼He told the boys to quit their monkey business, or he would call a teacher.他告诉那些男孩子不要再胡闹,不然他就叫老师。98. (n.) 情形,状况,状态Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.外交家关心世界局
30、势。99. sue (vt.) 控告The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.那位农夫因他的牛被火车压死而控告火车站。100. on and off间断地 It rained on and off all day long.今天断断续续地下着小雨。 101. bandit (n.) 强盗,土匪The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed, either alone of in a group.在典
31、型的西部片中,土匪单独或成群结队骑着马且全副武装。102. commemorate (vt.) 庆祝;纪念Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.圣诞节是庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。103. outand about 户外活动 104. bandit (n.) 强盗,土匪The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed, either alone of in a group.在典型的西部片中,土匪单独或成群结队骑着马且全副武装。105. commemorate
32、(vt.) 庆祝;纪念Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.圣诞节是庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。106. out and about 户外活动 Mr. Smith recovers quickly,and he'll be out and about very soon.史密斯先生复原得很好,很快他就能到户外活动了107. defile (vt.) 弄脏The children's muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel.孩子们泥泞的鞋子把旅馆的地毯全弄脏了。108 . de
33、viation (n.) 越轨;偏向Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed.在走廊上奔跑是违反校规且不被允许的。109. out and out完全地;彻底地What I said is an out and out truth.我说的全都是事实。 110. fortitude (n.) 坚忍;刚毅She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude.她能够毅然忍受他人带给她的
34、失望。111. inconsolable (a.) 极为伤心的The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.那个小女孩因失去她的小猫而伤心不已。112. deal with处理How can I deal with the problem?我要怎样处理这个问题呢?113. nibble (vt.) 一点点地咬(或吃)Arent you hungry? You are only nibbling your food.你不饿吗?你只是在轻咬你的食物。114. pageant (n.) 壮丽的场面The coronation o
35、f the new king was a splendid pageant.新国王的加冕典礼非常壮观。115. be attentive to留心;注意He's really attentive to his work.他做事真的很用心。116. scourge (n.) 引发灾害的人或事After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of disease.洪水之后往往有瘟疫发生。117. tumble (vi.) 跌倒;滚下;坠落The crippled child tumbled down the stairs and wa
36、s badly hurt.那个跛脚的小孩从楼梯上跌下来,伤得很重。118. with attention留心地;注意地He often works with undivided attention.他经常是一心一意的做事。119. afflict (vt.) 使痛苦,使苦恼,折磨There are many illnesses which afflict old people.老人受到许多病痛的折磨。120. censure (vt.) 责备;谴责His employer censured him for neglecting his work.他因忽视了工作而受到雇主的责备。121. thi
37、nk about觉得What do you think about those members of the motorcycle racing clan?你对那些飙车族成员有什么看法?122 . dissimulation(n.) 掩饰The thief intruded into the house with caution and dissimulation.窃贼小心掩饰地潜入室内。123. flog(vt.) 鞭打Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers of sailors.今天,鞭
38、笞抗命士兵或水手是不人道的惩罚。124. be tarred with the same brush一丘之貉Theyre all tarred with the same brush.他们是一丘之貉。125. inscription(n.) 铭刻;铭文;碑文According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919.根据基石上的碑铭,这栋建筑物建于1919年。126. lump(n.) 团,块On his desk, many articles and documents are alwa
39、ys piled in great lump.在他的桌上,许多物品和文件总是被堆成一大堆。127. leap to the eye一目了然A: What does this proverb mean?B: Gee, it leaps to the eye. Need I explain it for you?-这句格言是什么意思?-咦,那一目了然。需要我为你解释吗?128. posture(n.) 姿势,姿态He doesnt sit straight, his posture is very bad.他坐得不正,他的姿势很糟糕。129. rummage(vt.) 翻找,仔细搜查John ru
40、mmaged all the drawers to find his gloves.约翰为了寻找他的手套,翻遍了所有的抽屉。130. go off without a hitch一帆风顺A: How about your business?B: Thank you for your concern. It has gone off without a hitch so far.-你的事业如何?-感谢关心。到目前为止一帆风顺。131. wistful(a.) 渴望的;向往的;留恋的A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the
41、 shop window.小孩站在橱窗前渴望地看着那些玩具。132. amicable(a.) 友善的,友好的;温和的The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive.她友善地露齿一笑,给人很深刻的印象。133. Every minute counts一刻千金A: How come you make good of your time?B: Its quite obvious that every minute counts.-为何你如何善用时间?-很明显,一刻千金啊134. blizzard(n.) 大风雪,暴风雪The so
42、ldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard.士兵们精疲力竭,因为他们在暴风雪中没有休息地连续前进。135. cruise(vi.) 巡航;航游If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.假如我有钱的话,我要乘私人游艇在南太平洋上航行六个月。136. All have ended in smoke一事无成A: How abou
43、t his business, studies and marital status?B: Regretfully, all have ended in smoke.-他的事业、学业和婚姻如何?-说来遗憾,一事无成。137. eradicate(vt.) 根除;消灭Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but it still exists in some countries.黄热病在美国已经根除绝迹,但在一些国家却依然存在。138. glimmer(n.) 微光The doctor's report gave us
44、 only a glimmer of hope.医生的报告仅给我们一丝的希望。139. bite the dust一败涂地A: What was the outcome of the election about the candidate?B: It bit the dust.-该候选人的选举结果怎样?-一败涂地。140. ransack(vt.) 彻底搜索,仔细搜查The woman ransacked the house for her lost jewelry.那位女士仔细搜索房屋寻找遗失的珠宝。 141. slash(vt.) (用刀,剑等)砍;砍击He slashed a path
45、 through the high grass with a long knife.他用一把长刀在高高的草丛中开辟出一条小径。142. hit the right nail on the head一针见血A: What do you think about his comment on the current news?B: He hit the right nail on the head.-你觉得他对时事新闻的评论如何?-一针见血。 143. slump(vi.) 倒下,陷落Our feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice.经过融化的冰
46、时,我们的脚一再地陷了进去。144. vogue(n.) 流行;风行;时髦That pop song had a great vogue at one time.那首流行歌曲有一阵子非常流行。145. as clear as crystal一清二楚A: Something is wrong with the accounts.B: Nope. Theyre as clear as crystal.-这些账目有问题。-不,它们一清二楚。146. ascribe(vt.) 把归因(于)He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.他把他的成功归于技能
47、和努力的工作。147. bulwark(n.) 堡垒,壁垒The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark.士兵们低头隐蔽在堡垒的后面。148. go one's own way一意孤行A: The wayward girl is a great trouble to her parents.B: Absolutely. She is always going her own way.-那叛逆的女孩让她父母非常头痛。-对极了,她总是一意孤行。149. dubious(a.) 怀疑的,暧昧的,含糊的She looked aroun
48、d this way and that in a dubious manner.她以一种怀疑的态度看着四周。150. facet(n.) (问题等的)一个方面Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom saw before.我们以前很少看到他个性中自私的一面。151. go to pot一落千丈A: How about your son's schoolwork?B: It has gone to pot. He really lets me down.-你儿子的课业如何?-一落千丈。他实在令我失望。152. diss
49、imulation(n.) 掩饰The thief intruded into the house with caution and dissimulation.窃贼小心掩饰地潜入室内。153. flog(vt.) 鞭打Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers of sailors.今天,鞭笞抗命士兵或水手是不人道的惩罚。154. be tarred with the same brush一丘之貉Theyre all tarred with the same brush.他们是一丘之貉。155
50、. inscription(n.) 铭刻;铭文;碑文According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919.根据基石上的碑铭,这栋建筑物建于1919年。156. lump(n.) 团,块On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.在他的桌上,许多物品和文件总是被堆成一大堆。157. leap to the eye一目了然A: What does this proverb mean?B:
51、Gee, it leaps to the eye. Need I explain it for you?-这句格言是什么意思?-咦,那一目了然。需要我为你解释吗?158. posture(n.) 姿势,姿态He doesnt sit straight, his posture is very bad.他坐得不正,他的姿势很糟糕。159. rummage(vt.) 翻找,仔细搜查John rummaged all the drawers to find his gloves.约翰为了寻找他的手套,翻遍了所有的抽屉。160. go off without a hitch一帆风顺A: How abo
52、ut your business?B: Thank you for your concern. It has gone off without a hitch so far.-你的事业如何?-感谢关心。到目前为止一帆风顺。161. wistful (a.) 渴望的;向往的;留恋的A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.小孩站在橱窗前渴望地看着那些玩具。162. amicable (a.) 友善的,友好的;温和的The amicable flash of her white teeth was
53、very impressive.她友善地露齿一笑,给人很深刻的印象。163. Every minute counts一刻千金A: How come you make good of your time?B: Its quite obvious that every minute counts.-为何你如何善用时间?-很明显,一刻千金啊。164. blizzard (n.) 大风雪,暴风雪The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard.士兵们精疲力竭,因为他们在暴风雪中没有休息地连续前进。165. cruise (vi.) 巡航;航游If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.假如我有钱的话,我要乘私人游艇在南太平洋上航行六个月。166. All have ended in smoke一事无成A: How about his bus
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