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1、Unit 1 A Survey of Burnout Among Internal Medicine Physicians在内科医生中的一项关于倦怠的调查Welcome to insidermedcine in Depth. I'm Dr.Susan Sharma.欢迎来到insidermedcine in Depth。Focusing time and energy on the most personally meaningful aspects of their work may help physicians avoid burnout, according to a surv

2、ey published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.根据一项发表在内科医学档案»调查显示。时间和精力关注最个人有意义的方面的工作可能会帮助医生避免过度疲劳,Here are some consequences of physician burnout, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine:这里有一些医生职业倦怠的后果,发表在内科医学年鉴上:1. increased risk for substance abuse,1.药物滥用的风险增加,2. damage to personal r

3、elationships,2.破坏人际关系,3.and increased risk for developing inappropriate patterns.3.增加发展中不恰当的模式的风险。Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester surveyed over 556 physicians in the department of internal medicine at a large academic medical center. The survey included questions about job satisfaction

4、, emotional well-being , and the aspects of the jobs that were most meaningful.罗切斯特的梅奥诊所的研究人员调查了超过556名医生在一个大型学术医学中心内科。调查问题包括工作满意度、情绪健康,最有意义的方面的工作。As many as 34% of respondents met the criteria for burnout , including emotional exhaustion, depersonalizations, and a low sense of personal accomplishmen

5、t.The 88% who said they spent at least 20% of their working time on activities they found to be the most meaningful had about half the burnout rate of those who did not.多达34%的受访者符合倦怠的标准,包括情绪衰竭、人格解体和个人accomplishment.The低的88%的人说他们花费至少20%的工作时间在他们发现的最有意义的活动有那些不倦怠率的一半。Today's research highlights the

6、need to optimize career fit among physicians in order to reduce burnout rates.今天的研究强调了需要优化职业健康医生为了减少倦怠率。For Insidermedcine in Depth,I'm Dr. Susan Sharma.Unit 2 Resurgent and Emergent DiseaseEmerging economies such as China, India and South Africa, are discovering there is a downside to prosperit

7、y. As incomes arise, health can decline. On Monday, the U.N. opens an high-level meeting on non-communicable Diseases, that usually has been associated with Western nations. In recent years, India and China have seen a growing middle class. But with greater affluence has come a surge in diabetes, ob

8、esity, cardiovascular disease and cancer. South Africa in on the similar path. The United Nations will debate what can be done about these illnesses.中国、印度以及南非等新型的经济体发现了繁荣背后的不利。随着收入的增长,健康问题日益严重。周一,联合国就不可传播疾病进行了高端会晤,而这些问题一向被认作和西方世界有关。近些年来,印度和中国都面临着增长着的中级阶级。伴随生活的富裕而来的,还有一波糖尿病、肥胖、心血管病和癌症的到来。南非也正在经历着相同的事

9、情。联合国将就如何处理相关问题进行讨论。Project Hope is calling on the U.N. to take strong actions-not only on treatment-but prevention. The health-based NGO has programs in 35 countries on 5 continents, many of them dealing with Non-communicable Diseases or NCDs. One of them, the Hope center, is located in Johannesbur

10、g, South Africa. Stefan Lawson, country director for Project Hope, welcomes the UN meeting. “Its the first time weve had the non-communicable diseases put on such a high level forum. The last time a specific disease was done at this sort of level was HIV and AIDS. And so being able to push for non-c

11、ommunicable diseases up at that ministerial I think will do a lot of good. ” Lawson says that a majority of South African men and women are now overweight. “One of the result of prosperity is the change in lifestyle, which include the change in diet, so we see here in South Africa the shift to more

12、western diet-MacDonald, KFC, fast food, more processed meet, things like that will definitely have an impact on the persons lifestyle.” 联合国正在呼吁希望工程项目的落实,借此对于治疗和预防实施有效的措施。基于健康的NGO在全世界5个大洲中的35个国家都有处理应对不可传播疾病问题的相关项目。希望工程的其中之一坐落于南非的约翰内斯堡。项目负责人Stefan Lawson做了大会致辞。“这是第一次我们把NCD提到如此高的地位。上一次我们一这么高的地位对待的疾病时艾滋

13、病。我认为将NCD推及至如此之高的地位是很好的。”Lawson提到南非大量的男男女女都是超重的。“随着繁荣富强而来的一个结果是生活方式的改变,其中包括饮食方式的改变。所以我们在南非看到向着西方饮食的一些转变,比如麦当劳,肯德基,快餐以及一些精制肉品。诸如此类的食物必定在影响人们生活方式上起了重要的作用。”Food prices have risen sharply in recent years, giving a major blow to the poor. Then this has a direct effect on diet and health. “Healthy food-fr

14、uit and vegetables, etc.-now become more difficult to purchase for someone who live in the poor township environment.So, that forced them to buy cheaper, less healthy food.”Lawson says as diets change, whether or not by choice, the overall health of the country can decline. That, he says, can place

15、a great burden on budgets.”“South Africa had a well documented problem with HIV and TD. And that really put a strain on the public health system. And (it) has caused the real strain in just the volume of people that going into the clinic now. If you add on top of that, now more people going into the

16、 clinics with things like diabetes and hypertension related issues. Its just gonna increase the burden even more on already over strained public health system.”He says higher health care cost can be a drag on South Africas economic growth. The Hope center project on the outskirts of Johannesburg pro

17、vides services to those with non-communicable diseases. Its a partnership, with local community, the South Africa government, and donor Eli Lily&company. The services include a diabetes clinic with the latest diagnostic and options. The center also has created peer support groups to help people

18、manage their diseases and make healthier lifestyle changes. Government health workers are also being trained about NCDs to help raise general awareness.近几年,食物的夹克也有突飞猛进的增长,这对于贫穷的人民更是打击。食物价格的改变也直接影响了人们的饮食和健康。“如水果蔬菜等健康的食物在一些住在偏远贫穷的县城里的人们来说,很难买到。他们不的不选择更便宜和不健康的食物。”Lawson还说饮食的改变引起了整个国家健康水平的下降。这就对国家经济预算造成

19、了巨大的负担。“南非的艾滋病和结核的问题已经给公共健康系统造成很大的负担。这已经让和多人走进了诊所。而现在,负之其上的NCD更是让很多人因为糖尿病高血压的健康问题走近医院。这对于公共健康系统更是增加了不少的负担和压力。”他还提到,健康问题的支出影响到了南非经济的发展。位于约翰内斯堡的希望工程项目为很多患有NCD的病人提供了服务。它是当地社区、南非政府以及他的投资人Eli Lily以及公司之间的共同合作。这些服务提供早期诊断和选择的糖尿病诊所,也有提供支持小组以帮助人们治疗疾病并改变生活方式。政府的一些工作人员也接受了关于NCD的培训以提升整体的健康观念。 “Teaching people ab

20、out health meal options, teaching people about portion sizes, teaching people about how to cook their food in a healthier way, then I think also, the second part that is being able to help people purchase the healthier food option because a lot of times from people know that an apple is healthier th

21、an a bag of crisps, and a bag of crisps costs a lot less than apple”. Lawson hopes the U.N. high-level meeting will issue a strong statement that non-communicable diseases are an emerging threat in the developing world. In other countries, Project Hope says China has more 300 million smokers and 30%

22、 of the population is overweight, with 12% considered obese. In India, it says 50 million people have diabetes, it has clinics in both countries to help deal with the NCDs. “教导人们如何选择健康的食物,如何进行食物的分配,以及怎么样以一种健康的方式烹饪。其次就是尽可能的是人们能够购买到健康的食物。毕竟尽管大家都知道一个苹果比一带油炸马铃薯健康,但是一袋油炸马铃薯却比一个苹果便宜的多。”Lawson希望联合国的这个高端会议可

23、以向人们声明在如今的发展中世界NCD是一个十分严重的威胁。希望工程说,在一些其他的国家,如中国有超过3亿的吸烟人口,30%的超重人口和12%的肥胖人口。在印度,有5000万的糖尿病人口,他们在各个国家都有着治疗NCD的诊所和医院。Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of DiseasesIm Richard Wolitski and Im the Acting Director of the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention in NCHHSTP at CDC. Id like to welcome you to this podcas

24、t addressing what CDC has been, and will be doing in response to the new 2006 estimates of HIV incidence in the United States. CDCs 2006 incidence estimates reveal that epidemic is, and has been for some time, worse than previously estimated.我是Richard Wolitski,是疾控中心NCHHSTP 艾滋病领域的代理主任。很高兴你来此播客收听,关于疾控

25、中心已经或将要做些什么,来应对美国艾滋病发病率2006年的新估计。疾控中心2006年新的评估显示,流行已经持续了一段时间,并正在进行,比之前预估的还要糟糕。Approximately 56,300 new HIV infections occurred in the United States in 2006, which is 40% higher than the previous estimate of 40,000 infections annually. These findings underscore the necessity of allocating resources w

26、here the need is greatest and the need for prevention resources that match the scale of the epidemic. In respond to the new estimates, CDC has been and will continue to critically assess and expand its efforts to prevent the spread of this disease. CDC is working in a number of different ways to red

27、uce the number of infected Americans who do not know their HIV status. We recommended in 2006 that all Americans between the ages of 13 and 64 receive voluntary screening for HIV and are working with key stakeholders to increase the implementation of these recommendations.2006年,美国艾滋病新增病例接近56300人,比之前

28、预估的年40000人的发病高出了40%。这些发现强调了分配资源到最需要的地方的重要性,以及预防资源与流行规模相匹配的重要性。为了回应这一新的估计,疾控中心已经并且将会继续尽其最大的努力来阻止艾滋病的蔓延。疾控中心通过多种不同的途径来减少美国艾滋病感染数量,这些感染者可能也不知道自己已处于艾滋病感染状态。2006年,我们建议年龄在13到64岁的所有美国人都接受免费的艾滋病筛查,而且我们还做了利益相关者的工作,以提高这些建议的执行情况。In addition, CDC has also provided 82 million dollars in additional resources to i

29、ncrease testing in the 22 areas with the highest rates of HIV/AIDS among Africa Americans. CDC is also working to increase the number of intervention with proven effectiveness. We are conducting research to develop new interventions for communities hardest hit by the epidemic and expand training and

30、 technical assistance on effective interventions. Later this year, CDC will begin dissemination of “D-UP!”, a community-level intervention for black gay and bisexual men, and will be rolling out even more effective interventions later this year and in 2009.除此之外,疾控中心还提供了8200万美元的资金,用于非洲22个艾滋病高发病率地区的艾滋

31、病检测。疾控中心也在增加有用的干预措施的数量。我们正在进行研究,为遭受流行病袭击最为严重的社区提供新的干预措施,在有效干预措施上扩展训练和技术支持。今年晚些时候,疾控中心将推行“D-UP”,一项社区水平的干预措施,主要针对同性恋以及双性恋。更多的有效干预措施将在今年晚些时候以及2009年陆续推出。Furthermore, CDC is working to develop and widely implement social marketing campaigns that are designed to increase knowledge of HIV status and promot

32、e HIV risk reduction. One of the campaigns -Takes Charge, Take the Test, is for Africa American women and has been shown to increase HIV testing and identification of new cases of HIV infection. Additionally, a multi-million dollar social marketing campaign aimed at gay and bisexual men is being dev

33、eloped and planning for other campaigns is currently underway.此外,疾病预防控制中心正在努力开发并广泛实施社会营销运动,旨在增加艾滋病状况的知识,推动艾滋病风险降低。其中一项运动负责,进行测试,是一项针对非洲裔妇女,并已被证明能增加艾滋病检出和以及鉴定艾滋病新感染病例。此外,一项针对同性恋和双性恋的数百万美元的社会营销活动已经实施,其他运动的计划最近也在筹谋中。CDC is working to improve our ability to monitor HIV prevention programs and their impa

34、ct, and to increase accountability for ensuring that scarce prevention resources are being directed to those who are most in need of prevention interventions and services.CDC will continue to work with state and local health departments to ensure that the allocation of resources matches the local ep

35、idemic and provide health departments with more than 4 million dollars in new money this year to reassess and strengthen prevention efforts for gay and bisexual men.疾控中心的工作是提高我们对艾滋病预防项目及其影响的监控能力,提高对确保稀缺预防资金已发放到最需要预防干预措施及服务的地方的能力。疾控中心将继续与国家和地方卫生部门合作,以确保资源的分配与当地疫情相匹配,并提供给卫生部门超过400万美元的新资金,用于今年重新评估和加强对同

36、性恋和双性恋男子的预防工作。We also recognize the need for a bold and innovative plan for the future. CDC supports calls for the development of a comprehension of HIV prevention plan for the United States. With regard to CDCs own plans, we are planning a external review of CDCs HIV surveillance, research, and pre

37、vention efforts that will provide the foundation for the development of clear and specific road map for HIV prevention, with measurable objectives, that will take us through the year 2020.我们也认识到未来对大胆和创新性计划的需求。 疾控中心支持美国对综合性艾滋病预防计划发展的要求。结合CDC自己的计划,我们正在计划一项外部审查,关于疾控中心对艾滋病的监测,研究和预防工作,这将为艾滋病预防的明确和具体的路线图打

38、下基础,使其具有可衡量的目标,这也将带领我们通过2020年。In conclusion, the new incidence estimates underscore the need to expand assess to HIV prevention and for prevention resources that match the scale of the epidemic. In respond to the new estimates, CDC has been and will continue to critically assess and expand its effor

39、ts to prevent the spread of this disease. CDCs new and innovative HIV incidence surveillance system is a vital component of HIV prevention in the United States.总之,新发病率估计强调了扩大评估艾滋病预防和匹配预防资源与疫情的需求。为了回应这一新的估计,疾控中心已经并且将会继续尽其最大的努力来阻止艾滋病的蔓延。疾控中心的创新性的艾滋病发病率监控系统是美国艾滋病预防的一个重要组成部分。The use of this new system s

40、ignifies the major advancement in our nations ability to monitor and evaluate HIV prevention. Specifically, the new system makes the following possible: better targeting of prevention programs, more precision with which to measure progress, more compelling reasons for communities to mobilize against

41、 the spread of HIV and more specific information to inform resource allocation decisions.这种新系统的使用,标志着我们国家监测和评价艾滋病预防能力的重大进步。具体而言,新系统有如下可能:预防方案更好的针对性,衡量进展更精确,社区对抗艾滋病传播更令人信服,以及更专业的信息以指导资源分配决策。Thank you for joining us today, and for you continued efforts to end this epidemic. For more information, pleas

42、e visit CDCs websites at /hiv. Thank you.感谢您今天的参与,愿与你不懈努力结束这一疾病的流行。欲了解更多信息,请访问疾控中心的网站:/hiv。谢谢。Unit 4 laughter therapyYou know that old adage that laughter is the best medicine. well, study have long shown that laughter can have a positive effect both physically and emotionally.

43、in south Korean , a nation more used to keeping its emotions in check ,at least one hospital is encouraging patient to let loose on their regular basis. here is our digital reporter Joohee cho.古语有云:笑是最好的治疗方法。研究显示:笑对人的身体及心理都有正面的影响。而在韩国,人们更习惯于抑制自己情绪。仅少数医院鼓励病人定期放松。我们的记者Joohee cho.报道。Laughter ,for those

44、 cancer patients and their families ,is a weekly exercise.it is something that does not come easy for them, but an hour of laughter is all it takes to fight depression that often follows chemotherapy .lim song li, a therapist at seoul national university hospital, was once a depression patient herse

45、lf .she now is a laughter therapist and says when you laugh ,blood vessels expand ,and sugar levels drop ,producing an abundance of hormones linked with happiness and pleasure. but in Korean culture, where Confucian tradition dominates social behavior ,laughing is not a nature thing .Korean men are

46、taught not to cry more than thrice in their lifetime. and the sound of a Korean women laughter should not be heard outside the fence of her home. But inside this hospital, they are letting it out .by the end of session, their make belief laughs somehow become their own对于癌症病人及其家庭,每周都需锻炼笑。这对他们来说并不容易,但

47、一个小时的笑声可以消除化疗带来的抑郁。lim song li是seoul国立大学医院的一名医生,她曾经是一名抑郁症,而现在是一名欢乐治疗师。她称:当你笑时,血管扩张,血糖下降,机体产生相关大量激素,使你感到幸福欢乐。但是韩国是以儒家传统文化为主导的国家,对他们来说,笑不是一件很自然的事情。韩国人从小接受的教育是一生当中最多只能哭三次,韩国女性的笑声不能传出门外。但在医院,他们可以放声大笑,当疗程结束时,他们相信笑是自己自然的反应。If laughing requires effort, more natural to Koreans, it is singing. the sing- song

48、 star guru, famous for her therapy sessions to fight housewife depression ,Jeong Ji Song says singing is an easier way to express inner feelings , especially for Korean women brought up in the conservative background. 对于韩国人来说,如果笑需要刻意努力,唱歌则更自然。歌星Guru,以她帮助家庭主妇克服抑郁的治疗方法出名。Jeong Ji Song称:唱歌可以表达内心的情感,尤其对

49、于在保守背景下的韩国女性。For some, these classes can be stress-management tool ,but for many more who suffer from depression ,learning to sing out their heart can be a healing process.It not only helped this women come out of severe depression ,but it also presented her with a new career .She swallowed 90 sleep

50、ing pills after her husband cheated on her ,she says.But after taking up singing therapy ,she found a talent in herself-cheer -leading. and now the new Ying Seung Woo is taking courses to become a certified therapist .and her dream to be up on that stage with her teacher, helping others once depress

51、ed like her, may not be too far away.Joohee Cho,abc news. 对某些人来说,这些可以是管理压力的工具,但对更多抑郁的人来说,学会唱出内心情感是一种治疗过程。他不仅帮助女性摆脱抑郁,而且可以给他们全新的生活状态。她说:当他丈夫欺骗她时,她服用了50片安眠药。但当他采用唱歌疗法时,他发现自己在带领欢乐很有天赋。现在Ying Seung Woo正在学习成为一名专业的治疗师。她和他的老师的梦想就是帮助曾像她一样抑郁的人,并且梦想马上就要实现了。Joohee Cho,abc news.Unit 5 healthy livingIm Jennifer

52、Morris. Wed all like to live a healthier lifestyle. right? Whether that means getting more exercise, or kicking a nasty habit, or losing weight. But how do you get started, you know, what do you do? Were back here with Trisha Calvo, executive editor of Shape Magazine with some more helpful hints. Hi

53、.Hi How are you ? GoodSo you have a half plate rule, can you tell me about what that is ?Yes, I think for health or weight loss one of the most important things you can do is fill half of your plate with fruits or vegetables at every meal. What that does is it helps keep your calories under control.

54、 And it also ensures that you are getting plenty of fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals in your diet, which helps control all your risk factors for diseases like heart disease, cancer, and it can even keep your skin looking wrinkle free and smooth and heathy, and glowing.So what about the

55、medical piece? A lot of people dont go to the doctor enough, or they make appointments and they break it. What do you think about that?林珍妮弗莫里斯:我们都希望生活更健康的生活方式。对吧?这是否意味着获得更多的锻炼,或改掉坏习惯,或减肥。但如何开始,你会怎么做?我们回到这里与特丽莎卡尔沃,shap杂志执行主编。让她给我们一些有用的提示。你好。 你好吗 ? 所以,你有一个半盘的规则,你可以告诉我那是什么?是的,我想对于健康或减肥的,最重要的事情是每餐保证一半水果

56、或蔬菜。它有助于保持控制你的卡路里。而且它还可以确保你得到你的饮食量,这有助于控制所有的风险因素,如心脏疾病,癌症等疾病,它富含大量纤维,植物化学物质,维生素和矿物质,而且它甚至可以让你的皮肤看上去无皱纹,光滑,发光。 那么,关于医疗呢?很多人不去看医生,做了预约但是又没有赴约。你怎么想的?I think that, you pick a day, you know, whether its your birthday, and I think thats a great day for people to sort of take stock of health now that youre

57、 older, and I think that what you can do is you can sit down and you can say, ok, this week Im going to make all of my doctors appointments. Im going to schedule a screening with the dermatologist for my skin cancer check-up. Im going to schedule a screening with the dermatologist for my skin cancer

58、 check-up. Im going to get a mammogram if Im a woman. Im going to schedule my gynecology appointment so I can get my pap smear and my check-up. Im gonna schedule my physical, now you obviously dont have to go to make all the appointments over the next couple of months, youll have it in your calendar

59、.And you will make sure that you are getting the preventative care that you need to catch a problem before it becomes a real problem.我认为,你挑一个日子,无论是你的生日,我认为这是一个伟大的日子,人们选择健康的做投股。现在你长大了,我觉得你可以做的就是你可以坐下来,你可以说,这周我打算让我去完成和所有的医生的预约。我将安排与皮肤科医生对我做皮肤癌体检筛查。如果我是一个女性,我要做一个乳房X光检查,我要安排我的妇科预约,完成我的子宫颈抹片检查。我要安排我的身体。现在你显然不具备去让所有的预约完成,在未来几个月内,你必须安排在你的体检日历。你可以确保在一个问题成了一个真正的问题之前做好预防保健。Uh. and


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