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1、Unit 1Text AListeningFirst ListeningBefore listening to the tape, have a quick look at the following words.grade分数concentrate全神贯注schedule时间表pressure压力selectively有选择地relevant有关的skip over跳过;略过approach方法Second ListeningListen to the tape again. Then, choose the best answer to each of the following ques

2、tions.1. The purpose of this listening passage is _.A) to describe college lifeB) to give advice for college successC) to warn against being lazy at collegeD) to increase college enrollment入学人数2. According to the listening passage, the most important key to getting good grades at college is _.A) ask

3、ing questions in classB) doing assignments ahead of timeC) working as hard as you canD) learning how to study effectively3. Which of the following does the listening NOT say you should do?A) Organize your time and materials.B) Write down every word the professor says in class.C) Treat studying like

4、business.D) Study together.Pre-reading Questions1. Based on the title, guess what the text is about.2. Look at the subheadings, 1-8, in the text. Which of these activities do you already do? In which areas do you feel you need improvement?3. Are there any "secrets" to your own success as a

5、 student? In other words, do you have any special study techniques which have been very successful for you?Secrets of A StudentsEdwin Kiester & Sally Valentine KiesterAlex, now a first-year student in natural sciences at Cambridge, played football for his school in Manchester and directed the sc

6、hool production of a play but he left school with five A's. Amanda, studying English at Bristol University, acted in plays at her school and played tennis regularly. Yet she still managed to get four A's.How do A students like these do it? Brains aren't the only answer. The most gifted s

7、tudents do not necessarily perform best in exams. Knowing how to make the most of one's abilities counts for much more.Hard work isn't the whole story either. Some of these high-achieving students actually put in fewer hours than their lower-scoring classmates. The students at the top of the

8、 class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can easily learn. Here, according to education experts and students themselves, are the secrets of A students.1. Concentrate! Top students allow no interruptions of their study time. Once the books are open, phone calls go unanswered,

9、TV unwatched and newspapers unread. "This doesn't mean ignoring important things in your life," Amanda explains. "It means planning your study time so that you can concentrate. If I'm worried about a sick friend, I call her before I start my homework. Then when I sit down to s

10、tudy, I can really focus."2. Study anywhere or everywhere. A university professor in Arizona assigned to tutor underachieving college athletes, recalls a runner who exercised daily. He persuaded him to use the time to memorise biology terms. Another student stuck a vocabulary list on his bathro

11、om wall and learned a new word every day while brushing his teeth.3. Organize your materials. At school, Tom played basketball. "I was too busy to waste time looking for a pencil or a missing notebook. I kept everything just where I could get my hands on it," he says. Paul, a student in Ne

12、w Mexico, keeps two folders for each subject one for the day's assignments, the other for homework completed and ready to hand in. A drawer keeps essentials together and cuts down on time-wasting searches.4. Organize your time. When a teacher set a long essay, Alex would spend a couple of days r

13、eading round the subject and making notes, then he'd do a rough draft and write up the essay. He would aim to finish a couple of days before the assignment was due so that if it took longer than expected, he'd still meet the deadline. Amanda stuck to a study schedule that included breaks eve

14、ry two hours. "Trying to study when you're overtired isn't smart," she advises. "Even a short break to stretch or get some fresh air can work wonders."5. Learn how to read. "I used to spend hours going through irrelevant material," Amanda remembers. "But th

15、en I got used to reading quickly; if the first sentence of a paragraph wasn't relevant, I'd move on to the next paragraph." "The best course I ever took," says an Oklahoma student, "was speed-reading. I not only increased my words per minute but also learned to look at a

16、book's table of contents and pictures first. Then, when I began to read, I had a sense of the material and I retained a lot more." To such students, the secret of good reading is to be an active reader one who keeps asking questions that lead to a full understanding of the material being re

17、ad.6. Take good notes. "Before writing anything, I divide my page into two parts," says Amanda, "the left part is about a third of the page wide; the right, two-thirds. I write my notes in the wider part, and put down the main ideas on the left. During revision, this is very useful be

18、cause you can see immediately why the material is relevant, rather than being worried by a great mass of information." Just before the end of lesson bell rings, most students close their books, put away papers, talk to friends and get ready to leave. But a smart student uses those few minutes t

19、o write two or three sentences about the lesson's main points, which he scans before the next class.7. Ask questions. "If you ask questions, you know at once whether you have got the point or not," says Alex. Class participation is a matter of showing intellectual curiosity. In a lectu

20、re on economics, for example, curious students would ask how the Chinese economy could be both socialist and market-driven, thus interesting themselves not only in whats, but also in whys and hows.8. Study together. The value of working together was shown in an experiment at the University of Califo

21、rnia at Berkeley. A graduate student there who observed a first-year calculus course found that Asian-American students discussed homework, tried different approaches and explained their solutions to one another while the others studied alone, spent most of their time reading and rereading the text,

22、 and tried the same approach time after time even if it was unsuccessful.After all, the secrets of A students are not so secret. You can learn and master them and become an A student, too.(795 words)New Wordsperformvt. 执行, 完成; 演出, 表演vi. 演出, 表演; 工作, 表现; 执行, 完成high-achievinga. 得高分的lower-scoringa. 得分较低

23、的concentratevi. direct all one's attention, etc. towards sth. 全神贯注;集中思想;专注;专心interruptionn. 打搅; 干扰; 中止; 阻碍ignorevt. take no notice of; refuse to pay attention to! 不理;无视focusv. direct attention, etc. on sth. 集中注意力于某事情assignvt. appoint to a job or duty 委派; 指派underachievinga. doing less well than w

24、as expected, esp. in school work 未能充分发挥学习潜力的;学习成绩不良的athleten. a person who is good at or who often does spors 运发动recallvt. bring back to the mind; remember 回想起;记得memorise, -rizevt. learn and remember 记住;熟记missinga. 缺失的, 找不到的;失踪的,下落不明的notebookn. small book for writing notes in 笔记本;记事本foldern. 文件夹assi

25、gnmentn. a duty or piece of work that is given to someone 指定的作业;分派的任务drawern. 抽屉essentialn. (usu. pl.) sth. that is necessary or very important 常用复数 必需品a. (to, for) necessary; central 绝对必要的;非常重要的essayn. a short piece of writing giving sb. 's ideas about politics, society, etc. 论说文; 散文draftn. the

26、 first rough written form of anything or a rough plan 草稿;草案vt. make a draft of 起草;草拟duea. expected or supposed (to happen, arrive, etc.) 到期的;预定应到的*deadlinen. a date or time before which sth. mush be done or completed 最后期限schedulen. a timetable for things to be done 时间表;日程安排表overtireda. 过度疲劳的stretchv

27、i. 舒展身体,伸懒腰irrelevanta. (to) not having any real connection with or relation to sth. else 不相关的;不相干的relevanta. directly connected with the subject or problem being discussed or considered 相关的; 相干的speed-readingn. 快速阅读perprep.for each 每;每一contentn. 1.(pl.) a list in a book saying what the book contains

28、 复数 目录2.the subject matter, esp. the ideas, of a book, speech, etc. 内容retainvt. keep (possession of); avoid losing 保持;保存revisionn. 复习;修改scanvt. look at quickly without careful reading 浏览,扫视participationn. 参与;参加participatevi. (in) to take part or have a share in an activity or event 参与;参加intellectual

29、a. of intellect 知识的;智力的n. 知识分子curiosityn. the desire to know or learn 好奇心;求知欲economicsn. the scientific study of the way in which wealth is produced and used 经济学economyn. the system by which a country's wealth is produced and used 经济制度market-drivena. 市场驱动的graduatea. 研究生的vi. 毕业n. 有学位者,大学毕业生gradua

30、te student研究生calculusn. 微积分approachn. a manner or method of doing sth. or dealing with a problem 方式;方法v. come near or nearer to sb. or sth. 靠近;接近solutionn. an act or way of finding an answer to a difficulty or problem 解决方法Phrases and Expressionsmake the most ofget the best use or greatest gain from 充分利用count for much/littlebe of m


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