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1、北京市小学英语完形填空技巧练习专题练习(及答案)一、小学完形填空解题技巧1.部编2019-2020六年级英语完形填空100篇(含答案和讲解)TestPassage 1Passage 2Mike and Lucy 工 brother and sister. They live _2_ a big house. The house stands at the foot 3 a hill. Near the hill is a big lake.There 工 four people in their family. Mike, Lucy, their father and mother. Thei

2、r father is a farmer.5 mother is 6 home. Mike goes to school, 7 little Lucy does not. She is only five.Mike likes sports. He swims and skates 8 . But he likes football best. After school he often plays football 9 his friends.Lucy likes 10 , but he doesn ' t like sports.()1.A. amB.isC.areD.be()2.

3、A. atB.inC.onD.to()3.A. forB.onC.atD.of()4.A. haveB. hasC. isD. are()5.A. HisB.hisC. theirD. Their()6.A. byB.atC.onD.in()7.A. soB.butC. orD.and()8.A. fineB.goodC. niceD. well()9.A. toB.ofC.withD.at()10.A. singB. to singC. singingD. singsPassage 3What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to 1

4、at home, but others like to go 2 a walk or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the 3 . At the weekend, he always 4 the same thing. On Saturday he 5 his car and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn 1 one, but there &#

5、39; t a s awaysdo on a farm. The children help with the animals and give them their 9 .Jack and his wife help inthe fields . At the end of the day, they are all 10_ and Jack 's aunt gives them a big meal.()1.A. playB. stayC. liveD. enjoy()2.A. toB. inC. atDfor()3.A. dayB. timeC.autumnD. weekdays

6、()4.A. doesB. makeC.borrowsD. has()5.A. watchesB. washesC. drivingDsells()6.A. MondayB. SaturdayC.SundayD. Tuesday()7.A. bigB. smallC. hardD. short()8.A. littleB. muchC. fastD. far()9.A. clothesB. placesC. foodD. balls()10.A. cleanB. lateC. hungry D. friendlyPassage 4Mr Smith 1 from London. Now he i

7、s in China. He is 2 .He teaches 3 a middle school. He works very hard. His students like 4 very much. He can 5 a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese 6 Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football 7 his students.Mr Smith 8 a son. His name is Jack. He is stude

8、nt. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school 9 bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes 10 TV in the()1.A. comeB. comes()2.A. a teacherB. a worker()3.A. onB. infrom()4.A. heB. him()5.A. sayB.speak()6.A. atB. onD. in()7.A. forB. toat()8.A. hasB. have()9.A. onB. byof

9、()10.A. seeingB. lookingevening.C. areC. a driverD. comingD. a farmerD.C. atC. sheC. talkC. ofD. herD. tellC. withD.C. there isC. inD. there areD.C. watching D. looking atPassage 5Do you want to know my family? Let 1 tell you. My 2 is. in Huangshan. There 3 people in my family, 4 . My father ' s

10、 name Wang Dong. He is forty-five years old . He 6 young. He is 7 Chinese teacher, but he 8 English. 9 students think he is a good teacher. He loves me and I love him, 10 . I think he is a good 11 . My mother ' s name is Li Ying. She is a worker. She is a very good worker 12 mother. My name is W

11、ang Feng. I ' m thirteen. I 13' imaanboylle school. The school is 14 my home. Sometimes I go to school 15 . I study hard.()1.A. IB. weC. meD. us()2.A. houseB. home C. studyD. work()3.A. are threeB. is threeC. are twoD. is two()4.A. my father, I and my mother B. my father, my mother and IC. m

12、y mother, my father and me D. I, my father and my mother()5.A. is()6.A. look likesB. hasB. isC.areD. haveC. looksD.()7.A. theB. anC.不填D. a()8.A. knowB. knowsC. is knowingD. knowing()9.A. TheirB. HisC.MyD. He 's()10.A. tooB.toC. twoD. OK()11.A. studentB.workerC. teacherDboy()12.A. forB.andC. butD

13、. or()13.A. workB. livesC. studyD. teach()14.A. nearB. toC. onD. in()15.A. playB. by bikeC. on bikeD. bikesTest答案与提示:Passage 11. B句型teach sb sth意为"教某人"2. A此空填is补全现在进行时结构:主语 +be+动词ing的形式。3. A 说某种语言用speak.4. C talk with sb 表示“和某人交谈”。5. B 表示某人有某物,主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用has.6. A wear = be in 表示“穿着”、“

14、戴着”,强调状态。7. D Sometimes 意为“有时”,本句意思是贝蒂有时去胡先生的家。8. D此处see sb表示看望某人。9. D with 为介词后面要用代词的宾格形式。10. A 此处 call 表示“称呼、叫”答案与提示:Passage 21. C Mike和Lucy是联合主语,为复数,故be动词应用are,即C选项。2. B "live in”意为"住在”,是固定用法,故本题选择B选项。3. D "at the foot of a hill 意为“在山脚下”,为固定用法,故本题选择D选项。4. D 首先There的后面不能用 has和have ,

15、故A、B选项不对;又后面是 four people,为复 数,故应用are,即D选项。需要了解 There be句型强调所在位置,结构为: There be sth. /sb. +介词短语,意思为“在某处有”;而 have句型强调归属问题,结构为:主语 have /has宾语,意思是“某人(物)有:要注意这两个句型的区别用法。5. D 本题主要考查对上下文的理解和代词的选择问题。上文提到“他们爸爸是位农民”,这里说的应是他们的妈妈,故应用their,即D选项。6. B at home 是固定用法,意为“在家”,故本题选择 B 选项。7. B 本题主要考查对句意的理解和连词的用法。本句意为“ M

16、ike上学,而Lucy不上”,两句之间应是转折关系。在A、 B、 C、 D 四选项中,so 表因果关系,but 表转折关系,or表选择关系,and 表并列关系。故本题应选择but, 即 B 选项。8. D 本题主要考查形容词与副词的区别用法。本题四个选项意思均为“好”,但词性不同,A、B、C三选项均是形容词,D选项是副词。此处“好”是用来修饰动词“skates”和"swims”的副词,故本题选择D选项。与某人一起玩,为固定用法,故本题选。与某人一起玩,为固定用法,故本题选择C 选项。10.C like 一般有两种用法:like to do sth. 和 like doing sth.

17、 前者强调一次性动作,后者则强调习惯、兴趣。此处“Lucy 喜欢唱歌”应理解为兴趣、爱好,故属于后一种情况,应用singing,即 C选项。答案与提示:Passage 31. B 与下文 go for a walk or play football 相对应,此处应用stay at home 呆在家里,即B 选项。2. D go for a walk 意为“外出散步”,为常用法,故本题选择 D。3. D 此句意为:我的朋友 Jack在工作日努力在工厂工作。此处的 weekdays是相对于下文的 weekend 而判断出的,故本题应选择D 选项。4. A此句意为:他总是做同一件事。其英文表达应为&

18、quot; does the same thing",即A选项。5. B 此处应用谓语动词。C 选项不正确;在其余三选项中washes 符合句意“洗车,擦车”,故本题选 B 选项。6. C 此处这一日子应是周末,即 Saturday或Sunday,而Saturday前文已叙述过,故此处应 用Sunday,即C选项。7. A 本句意为:农场不大,但却有许多活要干。故此空应分别选择A 选项。8. B much 在本句中意为“许多”。9. C此处food符合题意,即“给动物喂食”,故本题应选择C选项。10.C由下文“ Jack的姑妈给他们准备了丰盛的晚餐”,可以判定此处应用hungry,即

19、C选项。答案与提示:Passage 41. B 本题主要考查动词短语“来自”的表达 come from 或 be from . 此句主语Mr Smith 是第三人称单数,故应表达为comes from 或 is from .B 选项符合语法要求,故本题选择B 选项。2. A 本题主要考查对Mr Smith 身份的理解。由下文可知Mr Smith 是位教师。故本题选择A选项。3. B “在一所中学”应表达为 in a middle school. 故本题选择B 选项。4. B Mr Smith是男性,like后应用宾格,故本题应选择him,即B选项。5. B say 强调说话内容,speak 强

20、调语种,talk 侧重“交谈”, talk with sb.。 tell 意为“告诉”, tell sb. sth. 。根据句意,本题应选B。6.B on Sundays在星期天,是固定用法,故本题选择B选项。另外,在星期的前面都用介词on,表示“在星期”7. C playwith sb.与某人玩,是固定用法。故本题选择 C选项。8. A There be 和 have 的区别用法。前者强调某物或某人所处的位置,而后者则强调归属问题。本题属于后者,又因Mr Smith 是第三人称单数,故应用have 的单数第三人称形式has,即A选项。9. B by bike 骑自行车,是固定用法,故本题选择

21、B 选项。 by 加交通工具表示方式,类似的用法如:by bus 乘公共汽车,by ship 乘船, by air 乘飞机。10. C see强调结果,意为“看见”,常见搭配有象,意为“看”, 如: look at the blackboard见搭配有 watch TV, watch a match等。本题应选择see a film看电影;100k at强调动作和对 看黑板。而 watch则强调注视、观察,常 C选项。、完形填空2.完形填空完形填空There are five people in Tom's family, his grandma, his father, his mo

22、ther, his twin sister, Mary and Tom. Grandma can do the 1 and she can make very nice cakes. She can't speak 2 But Tom's father can 3 Chinese well. He is now in Beijing. He can sing a 41. A. cookingB. washingC. swimming2. A. EnglishB.JapaneseC. Chinese3. A. sayB.speakC. talk4. A. littleB. few

23、C. some5. A. goodB. badC. well6. A. do【答案】(1) A;【考点】完型填空B. makeC. play(2) C;( 3) B; (4) B; (5) A; ( 6) B;【解析】【分析】(1)句意:奶奶会做蛋糕,她会做很好的蛋糕。 固定搭配,故答案为 A.do the cooking 做饭,(2)汉语,句意:她不会说话 故答案为C.6根据后句是转折,汤姆的爸爸会说汉语,本句指奶奶不会说(3)句意:但是汤姆的父亲中文得很好。讲speak+某种语言,故答案为 B.Chinese songs, too. Tom's mother is a nurse.

24、 She can do the washing and cleaning. Mary can sing very well. And she can draw very 5 pictures. But she can't make model planes. Tom can 6 model planes and ships and cars. And he had got many of them in his room. Let's count them, one, two, three, he has twenty-two model cars in his room.(4

25、)句意:他也会唱中国歌。a litle 一点,后面接不可数名词,a few一些,后面接名词复数,本句以有冠词,不用 some,根据songs是可数名词复数,故答案为 B.(5)句意:玛丽唱得很&根据前句句意,画画也很好, picture是名词复数,前面用形 容词,根据句意指非常好, A好的,形容词,符合题意, B坏的,不符,C好地,副词,故 答案为A.(6)句意:汤姆会模型飞机、轮船和汽车。make model planes制作模型飞机,固定搭配,故答案为B.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,选出恰当的单词填空, 使句意完整。3.完形填空阅读短文,选择最恰当的答

26、案。The Wangs are talking 1 their holiday.3 interestingThey are sure to have10_ good timeB.toC.aboutB.southC.westB.manyC.someB.seaC. pondB. pathC.beachB. go thereC. go to thereB.cheapC.niceB.haveC.takeB.worryC.excitedB.anC. /They want to visit Hainan Island. It is in the 2 of China. There areplaces on

27、 Hainan Island. They can see the blue 4. They can play on the 5, too.They are 6 by plane. It is 7 but fast to go by plane. It is their first time to 8 a plane. They are so 91. A. with2. A. north3. A. any4. A. first5. A. sea6. A. going there7. A. dear8. A. by9. A. sad10. A. aC; ( 6) A; (7) A; (8) C;

28、(9)【答案】(1)C;(2)B; (3)B;(4)B;( 5)C; (1。)A;【考点】完型填空【解析】【分析】(1)句意:王氏一家人正在谈论他们的假期。talk with sb和某人谈话,talk to sb对某人说,谈论某事 talk about sth ,根据holiday指事情,故答案为 C.(2)句意:他们想参观海南岛。它在中国的部。海南岛在中国的南部south ,故答案为B.(3)句意:海南岛上有有趣的地方。许多 many,故答案为B.(4)句意:他们可以看到蓝色的 ° the冠词,修饰名词,大海 sea,故答案为B.(5)句意:他们也可以在 土玩。海滩beach,故答

29、案为C.(6)句意:他们将乘飞机6本句是现在进行时,构成 be doing , going there去那里, 故答案为A.(7)句意:坐飞机很;但速度很快。根据常识,交通工具中乘飞机最贵,dear贵,故答案为A.(8)句意:这是他们第一次 飞机。it is first time to do sth第一时间做某事,to后面接动 词原形,take乘,是动词,by乘,是介词,故答案为 C.(9)句意:他们太了。根据前面的句意,乘飞机是件兴奋的事情,excited兴奋的,故答案为C.(10)句意:他们一定会玩得很开心。have a good time玩得很开心,固定搭配,故答案为A.【点评】本题考查

30、了完形填空,注意先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,选出恰当的选项填 空。4 .完形填空完形填空Tell me what you are going to do 1 Sunday morning, Mike. Mr Zhang asks, "I'm going to see 2 new film. It's an English film 3 the life of the students in America. Bill tells me it's 4 interesting.""After seeing the film, what are

31、 you going to do?" Mr Zhang wants 5 "I'm going to read Chinese." Mike says. "Do you like it?" asks Mr Zhang. "Chinese is not 6 for me, but I like it very much. I'm going 7 hard at it. After lunch I'm going to do my homework. I think I8 do it better than befo

32、re." "Then 9 about Sunday evening?" Mr. Zhang asks, "Aftersupper I'm going to help Han Mei 10 her English. She wants my help." Mike says."You are going to have a busy day, aren't you?"says Mr Zhang.1. A. atB. onC. inD./2. A. aB. anC. theD./3. A. ofB. withC.

33、 forD.about4. A. muchB. mostC. veryD.many5. A. knowB. knowingC. knowsD.to know6. A. easyB. difficultC.goodD.bad7. A. to workingB. workC. to worksD.to work8. A. amB. am goingC. canD.may9. A. whenB. whereC. whoD.what10. A. doesB. doingC. withD./【答案】(1) B;(2) A;(3) D; (4) C;(5) D; (6) A;(7) B;(8) C;(9)

34、D; (10) C;【考点】完型填空【解析】【分析】(1)句意:告诉我星期日早上你打算做什么,迈克。在具体的某天 用介词on,故选B.(2)句意:我要去看新电影。a 一个,用于修饰辅音音素开头的单数名词,an 一个,用于修饰元音音素开头的单数名词,new是以辅音音素开头的单词,故选 A.(3)句意:这是一部美国学生生活的英语电影。of的,with和,forw为都与题意不符,about关于,与题意相符,故选 D.(4)句意:比尔告诉我这有趣。interesting有趣的,是形容词, much/many修饰名词,most修饰形容词最高级,very非常,修饰形容词原级,故选 C.(5)句意:张老师想

35、 。want to do sth想做某事,want to know想知道,故选 D.(6)句意:中文对我来说并不容易,但我非常喜欢。根据前半句与后半句是转折关系,后半句非常喜欢中文,前半句表示不容易,故选 A.(7)句意:我将努力它。本句是一般将来时,be going to后面接动词原形,work hard努力学习,故选B.(8)句意:我想我比以前做得更好。情态动词后面接动词原形,can能,may可以,根据句意,可知can符合题意,故选 C.(9)句意:那么星期日晚上怎么样?what/how about+名词/动名词/代词,固定短语,表示怎么样? when何时,where在哪,who谁都不符,

36、故选 D.(10)句意:晚饭后,我要帮助Han Mei学英语。help with sth帮助某人做某事,故选 C.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译短文,然后根据句意选出恰当的单词填空,使短文完整。5 .完形填空完形填空Liu Tao's grandparents live on the 1. They have a big house 2 the house, there isa park.Today is 3 Liu Tao and his parents don't study or 4Now they are at Liu Tao's grandparents&

37、#39; house. All of them are 5 lunch around the table.There are some rice dumplings on the table. Liu Tao likes 6 the rice dumplings with meat and eggs. But his parents like the 7 with jujube (枣子).Grandpa is telling a8 about Quyuan.They are all listening to him. They are going to watch a dragon boat

38、race in the park in the9 It will be very exciting (令人激动的).Liu Tao likes the races. He can't 10 to see.1. A. zooB. farmC. park2. A. InB. UnderC. Near3. A. the Spring Festival4. A. workB. ChristmasC. the Dragon Boat FestivalB. playC. write5. A. haveB. havingC. has6. A. eating7. A. onesB. drinkingC

39、. cookingB. oneC. first8. A. songB. bookC. story9. A. morning10. A. wait【答案】(1 ) B; ( 2) C;A; (10) A;【考点】完型填空B. afternoonC. eveningB. stayC. go(3) C; (4) A; (5) B; (6) A; ( 7) A; ( 8) C; (9)【解析】【分析】大意:讲述刘涛一家人在端午节看望齐祖父母的故事。(1)句意是刘涛的祖父母居住在农场里。根据固定搭配 on the farm表达在农场里可知, 故选B。(2)句意是在他们的房子附近有一个花园。根据句意可知,

40、要使用介词near表达在附近。故选Co(3)句意是今天是端午节。根据句意可知,要表达端午节the dragon boat festivalo故选Cowork表达工作。故选(4)句意是今天是端午节。刘涛和他的父母既不上学也不用上班。A。have表达吃饭。(5)句意是他们所有人都坐在一桌吃午餐。根据句意可知,要使用动词 be动词后接动词ing形式having表达一家人正在吃。故选 B。(6)句意是刘涛喜欢吃粽子。根据句意可知,要使用 like后接动词ing形式eating表达喜 欢吃粽子。故选Ao(7)句意是但是他的父母喜欢吃枣子类的粽子。根据句意可知,要使用代词粽子复数。故选Ao(8)句意是爷爷

41、给他讲述关于屈原的故事。根据句意可知,要使用动词固定搭配 story表达将故事。故选 C。(9)句意是他们打算在上午在公园观看龙舟表演。根据句意可知,要表达上午 行龙舟表演才合理。故选 Ao(10)句意是刘涛喜欢龙舟表演,因此可以推测他迫不及待地看表演。动词词组to+动词原形表达迫不及待做某事。故选Ao【点评】考查完形填空。注意根据上下句句意来选择合适的单词填空。ones来代指tell amorning 进can't wait6.完形填空完形填空。Hello, I'm Yang Fan. I live in a small village. Five years ago my

42、school 1 small. There was 2 one building and a small playground. We couldn't play football. But now my school is3. There are five new buildings. And the playground is very big and beautiful. I often playgames with my friends on it. There is a big 4, too. We often read books in it. I can learn al

43、ot 5 the books. I have a good time in my new school.1. A. wasB. isC. were2. A. butB. stillC. only3. A. oldB. differentC. change4. A. zooB. libraryC.restaurant5. A. toB. ofC. from【答案】(1) A; (2) C; (3) B; (4) B; (5) C;【考点】完型填空【解析】【分析】(1)根据所给的短文,Five years ago my school五年前我的学校,本句 是一般过去时,主语是单数, be用was,故

44、答案为A.(2)根据所给的短文,本句中 one building 一栋楼,用only修饰,故答案为 C.(3)根据所给的短文,But now my school is.但现在我的学校.本句中dut但是是转折,与前面不同,different不同的,故答案为 B.(4)根据所给的短文,We often read books in it.我们经常在里面看书。可以在里面读书的地方是图书馆,library图书馆,故答案为 B.(5)根据所给的短文,I can learn a lotthe books.我可以学到很多东西从.learn.from.从.学.固定词组,故答案为 C.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,

45、注意先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容选项恰当的选项填 空。7 .完形填空完形填空。Li Yanhui and Wang Fang are in 1 same school. They are in the same 2, too,They are 3. After class, they 4 games. 5 friends play 6. Some playbasketball, some play football, some fly 7 and some ride 8. They 9 jump,swim and sing, too. They 10 all good students. Th

46、ey love their school.1. A. aB. anC. theD. /2. A. roomB. gradeC. schoolD. desk3. A. good studentB. goods studentC. goods studentsD. good students4. A. playB. getC. wantD. put5. A. TheyB. TheirC. ThemD. Theirs6. A. different gameB. different gamesC. same gameD. same games7. A. kitesB. bikesC. planesD.

47、 birds8. A. planesB. birdsC. kitesD. bikes9. A. likesB. areC. aren'tD. can10. A. isB. areC. haveD. like【答案】(1) C;(2) B; (3) D; (4) A;(5) B; (6) B;(7) A; (8) D;(9)D; (10) B;【考点】完型填空same相同的,是固定搭【解析】【分析】(1)句意:李艳辉和土片在的学校。in the配,故答案为C。(2)句意:他们也在相同的。根据选项知他们在同一个年级,故答案为B。(3)句意:他们是根据选项是好学生,they是复数形式,stu

48、dent用复数,good是形容词,故答案为Do(4)句意:他们游戏。play games是固定搭配,故答案为 A。(5)句意:朋友玩(5 friends是名词,前面用形容词性物主代词,故答案为B。(6)句意:朋友玩。根据下文可知朋友们玩不同的游戏,different games,故答案为B。(7)句意:一些放 根据选项是放风筝,(8)句意:一些骑根据选项骑自行车,(9)句意:他们也跳远、游泳和唱歌。接动词ing,排除,故答案为 Dofly kites ,故答案为 A。ride bikes,故答案为 D。jump, swim and sing 是动词原形,like 和 are 后(10)句意:他

49、们都是好学生。they是复数形式,后跟 are,故答案为B。【点评】考查完型填空,根据句意和选项选择答案,平时多识记固定搭配,注意句子人称 和时态。8 .完形填空完形填空Most(大多数的 )children like 1 TV on TV, they can learn a lot. They can see and know many things 2 their country and the world. Of course, they can also 3 over theradio(收音机),but they can learn better and more easily wit

50、h TV. Why? Because they can hearand watch at the 4 time. But they can't see anything over the radio.Many children often watch TV at the 5. They are very busy with their lessons onweekdays. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very 6. So, they can'thave a good rest. How abo

51、ut you, my friend?1. A. going to watch2. A. for3. A. write4. A. same5. A. weekdays6. A.late【答案】(1) B; (2)【考点】完型填空【解析】【分析】这是一B. watchingB. aboutB. studyB. differentB. FridayB. earlyB; (3) B;(4) A; (5)C;篇谈论孩子们看电视问题的短文。C. will watchesC. tooC.danceC. bothC. weekendC. busy(6) A;(1)句意:大多数孩子们喜欢 .电视,他们可以学到很

52、多东西。这里是短语 like doing sth (喜欢做某事),C选项是将来时,不合适, A选项 去电视上看电视”意思啰嗦,只有 B 选项是 观看电视”意思合适。故答案为: B.(2)句意:他们可以看到或了解到许多.他们国家和世界的事情。A选项是:为了, B选项是;关于,C选项是:太,是副词,不修(名词。根据句意,用about合适。故答案为:B.(3)句意:当然他们可以通过收音机.,通过电视他们学的更多更容易。根据后半句的 learn学'习”可知这里用study学习”。故答案为:B.(4)句意:因为他们可以 看和听。这里是短语 同时at the same time ".选项

53、正确。故答案为:A.(5)句意:许多孩子们经常在.看电视。根据下一句的weekdays可知这里是 weekend.故答案为:C.(6)句意:他们上床睡觉很.。根据下句 他们休息不好。”可知这里选择late晚"。故答 案为:A.【点评】这是考查完型天空的题目。要灵活运用所学的知识。9 .完形填空阅读短文,选择正确的答案填空。Jim has some rules at home. Here are the rules. He must remember them.Don't play with a sharp knife. You may 1 yourself.Don't

54、 eat2ice-cream. You may get3.Don't run4the hot water. You'll get hurt.Don't walk on the wet floor. You may 5.Don't touch the fan. You'll get hurt.Don't forget. Safety first.1. A. hurt2. A. too much3. A. hurt4. A. on5. A. fall down【答案】(1) B; (2) A;【考点】完型填空B. cut8. much tooB. playB. near9. get sick(3) C; (4) B;C. fallC. too manyC. sickC. nextC. dangerousA;【解析】【分析】(1)句意:不要玩锋利的刀。你可以割伤自己。根据 sharp knife ,可能 会切到自己,A伤害,B切,C跌倒,故答案为 B.(2)句意:不要吃冰淇淋。A太多,修饰不可数名词,B太多,修饰动词,C太多,修饰可数名词复数,ice-cream是不可数名词,故答案为 A.(3)句意:你可能会生病


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