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1、小升初英语词组汇总小升初英语考的重点就是英语词组,可是小升初的英语词组考的都是哪些呢?有没有一个范围呢?在这么多的英语词汇中考试的重点又是什么呢?这是被很多家长所关心的,下面是根据小学英语词组学到的一个汇总,不妨拿回家做个参考!get dressed 穿好衣服get on very well with 与 . 相处很好/ 进展顺利get on/off a bus./get on with sb.上 /下公共汽车get out of/into (a car/lift)上 / 下小汽车/ 电梯get ready for. /lost/warm.为 . 作好准备, 迷路 , 变暖get sb. so

2、me tea 为 . 备好茶get sth. back 讨回give a talk on 作 . 报告give one's best wishes to .向某人表示最良好的祝福give sb. a ring/=call 给某人打电话give sb. the message 给某人口信give sth. back 归还Glad to see/meet you(again)! ( 很 ) 高兴见到你go on doing sth. 接着做 .go skating/shopping 去滑冰 / 购物go to hospital/sleepgo to see a doctor去看病 / 入睡

3、grow rice 种稻米Hands up / down! 举起/ 放下手Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快乐! 也祝你新年快乐Happy Teachers' Day!教师节快乐hate travelling = hate travelling讨厌旅行have a big smile/a baby 开怀大笑, 生小孩 have a drink of orange 喝一些橙汁have a party/pinic/swim/test/wash举办晚会/ 野餐 / 游泳 /测试 / 洗澡have an accident 出事故have beautiful

4、 sunshine every day 每天阳光灿烂have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner/a meal吃早餐 / 午饭 /晚饭 /一顿饭have our big family get-together我们一家子大团圆Have you ever been to .?你去过 ?Have you got a moment? I'd like to.你有空吗? 我想 .hear from sb. 收到 . 的信help oneself to 请吃 .help sb. with the apple-picking /the washing帮 . 采摘苹果/洗涮He

5、lp! 救命给你让我们 ) 试一下此刻他外出. hold a sport meeting举办运动会Here it is! / Here you are! Here, (Let's) have a go. ( He's out at the moment.你通常是怎么学校的请稍等 ( 别挂电话)hold on (the line) (for a moment), pleasehome town 家乡How can I get there? 我该怎么去哪儿How do you spell it? 它怎么拼写How do you usually come to school?How

6、far is it? 它 ( 离这 ) 有多远How many floors does the building have? 这座建筑物有几层How time flies! 时间过得多快hundreds of 几百个hurry off 急着赶车hurry up 快点I am feeling thirsty 我感到渴I don't feel very well/terrible.我身体不舒服I don't think I will take it(= have it)我想我不会买I feel the same 我也有同感I had a quick breakfast 我很快吃完早

7、饭I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切顺利I like to keep busy. 我喜欢忙碌I told him the whole story 我告诉他事情的始末I'd like you to meet.我想你认识一下.if you wish. 如果你愿意ill in bed/hospital 生病卧床/住院I'm coming now. 我马上就要了I'm so glad 我非常高兴I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这我很抱歉I'm sorry to trouble you.很抱歉打扰你in a f

8、ew year's time 过了一年时间in front of / in the front of在 . 前面 /部in line/queue ( 排成 ) 一列 / 队in red hat (戴 ) 着红帽子in surprise惊讶地in the back/front row 在后 / 前排in the centre of the town 在市中心in the day-time 在白天in the end 最终in the middle of the day = at noon在中午in the open air / the old days在户外 / 在过去 in the p

9、icture 在画上in the tree (a kite.)在树上in time ( for.)正赶上in/around/all over the world在世界上/在全世界Is everyone here today? 每个人都了吗It comes and goes very quickly 它得急也去得快It feels strange to have a twin sister.有个孪生妹妹感觉怪怪的it is harvest time 这是收获季节It was a draw (=close game) 这是场拉据战It was only a joke. 这只是个玩笑It's

10、 . meters long / wide /deep /high.它是 米长/宽 /深 / 高It's a bad line. =I can't hear you clearly.这 ( 电话 ) 线路不好It's a fine day for a walk.这是个散步的好日子It's a pleasure. 这是我乐意做的事(不用谢 )It's about . minutes by bike / on foot.去 .骑车/步行. 分钟It's about 30 meters along on the left.它在前头30 米靠左的地方It

11、's better to give than to receive奉献比索取好It's getting late. 时候不早了It's going to be warmer later on晚些时候天气将会暖和些It's like new again!(=in perfect condition)它又象新的了It's nothing serious. 没什么大不了的事It's really nice of you!你真好心( 太感谢你了)It's time to go home 该回家了It's your turn now. 轮到

12、你了I've lived here all my life.我在此住了一辈了I've never heard of that before!我从未听到这件事I've no idea. 我不知道Jesus of Christ 耶稣基督jump into 跳入jump the queue 插队Just a moment, please./Just then 请稍等 /就在那时Just right.(= just suitable)正好 , 正合适keep healthy / fit 保持身体健康keep everything clean and tidy 保持一切干净整洁k

13、eep on doing.坚持做 .keep one's eyes open / closed 保持眼睛睁开/ 闭着keep one's eyes safe 保持眼睛安全kick a goal 踢进一个球knock at/.into. /down敲门 /撞上 / 撞倒laugh at one's mistake 嘲笑某人的错误League member/match 共青团员learn by oneself 自学leave a message 留个口信a bit expensive 有点贵a bottle/glass of 一瓶 / 杯a farm worker (=fa

14、rmer) 农民a line of mountains 一条山脉a moment later 过了片刻a piece of bread一块面包a quarter to/past six 六点差 /过一刻a red-letter day喜庆日子a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话above zero零度以上agree with同意某人all by oneself 全靠自己a bit expensive 有点贵a bottle/glass of 一瓶 / 杯a farm worker (=farmer) 农民a line of mountains 一条山脉a moment

15、later 过了片刻a piece of bread一块面包a quarter to/past six 六点差 /过一刻a red-letter day喜庆日子a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话above zero 零度以上agree with同意某人all by oneself 全靠自己all day 一整天all over the world全世界all the afternoon 整个下午all the same 同样地, 都一样all the time 一直almost the whole day几乎一整天answer the telephone接电话Are

16、we all here? 我们都到齐了吗as quickly as you can ( 你要 ) 尽可能快as soon as I can/as possible ( 我 ) 尽可早as usual 与往常一样at a bad time of year 在年景不好时at first 起先at last 最后at noon 在中午at once 立即at one's workplace 在工地at school 在学校at the (third) crossing 在第三个路口at the back/front of the classroom在教室的前/后头at the beginni

17、ng of 在 . 伊始at the cinema在电影院at the end of在 . 结束时at the foot of 在 .( 山 ) 脚下at the head of the queue(the first of queue)在队伍的前头at the moment 在此刻at the same time 与时同时at the side of road 在路旁at this time of year 在一年中的这时候at times 不时at work 在上班Bad Luck! 倒霉be (a little) weak in .在 . 差 / 弱be angry with对 . 生气

18、be badly hurt受重伤be covered by /with 由 . 覆盖be good at boating 擅长划船对 . 有利 /害be good or bad for (one's health)be in trouble 处在困境, 有麻烦be late for . 迟到be made of 由 . 制作be neck and neck 与 . 齐头并进be open/closed at this time of day一天中的这时候开/关着be terribly ill 生重病be the right size 尺寸合适be used for = used as

19、被用做be widely used 得到广泛运用be worn out 被穿破 , 累坏了be/feel worried about 对 . 担心become/be/feel interested in 对 . 感兴趣before the sun rose = before it was light在日出前Best wishes (for.)!谨祝 .Better late than never. 亡羊补牢( 犹未迟 )break down ( 机器 / 车 .) 出故障business hours 营业时间by the end of 到 . 结束时by the way 顺便说说by then

20、 到那时call me Jim for short 简称我为JimCan I take a message我可以捎个话吗Can you describe it?你能描绘一下吗Can you spell it? 你能拼写它吗Can you tell me the way to.?你能告诉我去 怎么走吗can't wait to do.迫不及待去做.catch a bus 赶公车catch a cough /headache 患感冒/头痛catch up with 赶上change one's mind 改变主意Chinese take-aways 中餐 /国外卖Christmas

21、 Day 圣诞日Classes are over at 5 课 5 点结束clothing shop 成衣店come / get back 回Come along = come on. 快点come and meet sb. 见某人come down/up the ladder 顺着楼梯下/上come round the corner 从 ( 街 ) 角拐了过come round to dinner 过 ( 我家) 吃饭come straight to . 径直 . 到跟前come with me = follow me 跟我Congratulations! (to sb. on sth.)祝

22、贺 ( 某人某事)copy one's example 模仿某人( 样子 )cry harder and harder 哭得越越凶cut down 砍倒Did you have a good journey? 你旅途愉快吗different kinds of 不同种类的do housework/homework 做家务do one's best尽某人所能do the washing/shopping 洗洗涮涮do well in .做得好Do you know the English for .?你知道 . 英语怎么说?Do you want a go? 你想试一试吗Don&#

23、39;t crowd around sb. 别围观某人Don't worry. 别担心draw some pictures 画些图画dress up (in a red coat) 打扮好drop maths 数学没学好(drop)early in the morning 大清早ever since 自从every five minutes每隔五分钟every time sb 每当某人 .eye exercises (c.f. Exercise is good for .)眼保健操fail (in) an exam 考试不及格fall asleep入睡fall behind落后fall

24、 off 从 . 掉下fall over / down. 倒下family name / full name given name=first name姓 / 全名 / 名family photo 全家福 ( 照片 ) far away/furthest from.远离 /离 . 更远Father Christmas 圣诞老人fell a little afraid of / tired感觉有点害怕/ 累fight about 为 . 而战fill . with.用 . 装 .find one's way to 找到 的去路find out 查明fish and chips 鱼条 (

25、店 )follow sb. to see sth. 跟着某人去做.for example 例如for long ( 持续 ) 很长时间from now on 从今以后gate keeper 门房get down (from a tree) 从 . ( 树上 ) 下Hands up / down! 举起/ 放下手Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快乐! 也祝你新年快乐Happy Teachers' Day!教师节快乐hate travelling = hate travelling讨厌旅行have a big smile/a baby 开怀大笑, 生小

26、孩 have a drink of orange 喝一些橙汁have a party/pinic/swim/test/washhave an accident 出事故举办晚会/ 野餐 / 游泳 / 测试 / 洗澡have beautiful sunshine every day 每天阳光灿烂have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner/a meal吃早餐 / 午饭 /晚饭 /一顿饭have our big family get-together我们一家子大团圆Have you ever been to .?你去过 ?Have you got a moment? I

27、9;d like to.你有空吗? 我想 .hear from sb. 收到 . 的信help oneself to 请吃 .help sb. with the apple-picking /the washing帮 . 采摘苹果/洗涮Help! 救命Here it is! / Here you are! Here, (Let's) have a go. ( He's out at the moment.给你让我们 ) 试一下此刻他外出. hold a sport meeting举办运动会hold on (the line) (for a moment), please hom

28、e town 家乡请稍等 ( 别挂电话)How can I get there? 我该怎么去哪儿How do you spell it? 它怎么拼写How do you usually come to school?How far is it? 它 ( 离这 ) 有多远How many floors does the building have?How time flies! 时间过得多快hundreds of 几百个hurry off 急着赶车你通常是怎么学校的这座建筑物有几层hurry up 快点I am feeling thirsty我感到渴don't feel very wel

29、l/terrible.don't think I will take it(= have it) feel the same 我也有同感我身体不舒服我想我不会买had a quick breakfast like to keep busy.told him the whole story 'd like you to meet.我很快吃完早饭I hope everything goes well.我喜欢忙碌我告诉他事情的始末我想你认识一下.我希望一切顺利f you wish. 如果你愿意ll in bed/hospital 生病卧床/住院'm coming now. 我

30、马上就要了'm so glad 我非常高兴'm sorry to hear that.'m sorry to trouble you.n a few year's timen front of / in the front of听到这我很抱歉很抱歉打扰你过了一年时间在 . 前面 / 部n line/queue ( 排成 ) 一列 / 队n red hat (戴 ) 着红帽子n surprise惊讶地n the back/front row在后 / 前排n the centre of the town在市中心in the day-time 在白天in the en

31、d 最终in the middle of the day = at noon在中午in the open air / the old days在户外 / 在过去 in the picture 在画上in the tree (a kite.)在树上in time ( for.)正赶上in/around/all over the world在世界上/在全世界Is everyone here today? 每个人都了吗It comes and goes very quickly 它得急也去得快It feels strange to have a twin sister.有个孪生妹妹感觉怪怪的it i

32、s harvest time 这是收获季节t was a draw (=close game) 这是场拉据战t was only a joke. 这只是个玩笑t's . meters long / wide /deep /high.它是 米长 /宽 /深 / 高t's a bad line. =I can't hear you clearly.这 ( 电话 ) 线路不好t's a fine day for a walk.这是个散步的好日子t's a pleasure. 这是我乐意做的事( 不用谢 )去 .它在前头30 米靠左的地方奉献比索取好晚些时候天气

33、将会暖和些它又象新的了It's about . minutes by bike / on foot.骑车 /步行 . 分钟It's about 30 meters along on the left.It's better to give than to receiveIt's getting late. 时候不早了It's going to be warmer later ont's nothing serious. t's really nice of you! t's time to go home t's your

34、 turn now.It's like new again!(=in perfect condition)没什么大不了的事你真好心( 太感谢你了)该回家了轮到你了我在此住了一辈了我从未听到这件事ve lived here all my life.ve never heard of that before!ve no idea. 我不知道Jesus of Christ 耶稣基督 jump into 跳入jump the queue 插队Just a moment, please./Just then 请稍等 /就在那时Just right.(= just suitable)正好 , 正合

35、适 keep healthy / fit 保持身体健康 keep everything clean and tidy 保持一切干净整洁keep on doing. 坚持做 .keep one's eyes open / closed 保持眼睛睁开/ 闭着keep one's eyes safe 保持眼睛安全kick a goal 踢进一个球knock at/.into. /down敲门 /撞上 / 撞倒laugh at one's mistake 嘲笑某人的错误League member/match 共青团员learn by oneself 自学leave a mess

36、age 留个口信a bit expensive 有点贵a bottle/glass of 一瓶 / 杯a farm worker (=farmer) 农民a line of mountains 一条山脉a moment later 过了片刻a piece of bread一块面包a quarter to/past six 六点差 /过一刻a red-letter day喜庆日子a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话above zero 零度以上agree with 同意某人all by oneself 全靠自己a bit expensive 有点贵a bottle/gla

37、ss of 一瓶 / 杯a farm worker (=farmer) 农民a line of mountains 一条山脉a moment later 过了片刻a piece of bread一块面包a quarter to/past six 六点差 /过一刻a red-letter day喜庆日子a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话above zero 零度以上agree with 同意某人all by oneself 全靠自己all day 一整天all over the world全世界all the afternoon 整个下午all the same 同样地

38、,都一样all the time 一直almost the whole day几乎一整天answer the telephone接电话Are we all here? 我们都到齐了吗as quickly as you can ( 你要 ) 尽可能快as soon as I can/as possible ( 我 ) 尽可早as usual 与往常一样at a bad time of year 在年景不好时at first 起先at last 最后at noon 在中午at once 立即at one's workplace 在工地at school 在学校at the (third)

39、crossing 在第三个路口at the back/front of the classroom在教室的前/后头at the beginning of 在 . 伊始at the cinema在电影院at the end of在 . 结束时at the foot of 在 .( 山 ) 脚下at the head of the queue(the first of queue)在队伍的前头at the moment 在此刻at the same time 与时同时at the side of road 在路旁at this time of year 在一年中的这时候at times 不时at

40、work 在上班Bad Luck! 倒霉be (a little) weak in .在 . 差 / 弱be angry with对 . 生气be badly hurt受重伤be covered by /with 由 . 覆盖be good at boating 擅长划船be good or bad for (one's health)对 . 有利 / 害be in trouble 处在困境, 有麻烦be late for . 迟到be made of 由 . 制作be neck and neck 与 . 齐头并进be open/closed at this time of day一天

41、中的这时候开/关着be terribly ill 生重病be the right size 尺寸合适be used for = used as 被用做be widely used 得到广泛运用be worn out 被穿破 , 累坏了be/feel worried about 对 . 担心become/be/feel interested in 对 . 感兴趣before the sun rose = before it was light在日出前Best wishes (for.)!谨祝 .Better late than never. 亡羊补牢( 犹未迟 )break down ( 机器

42、/ 车 .) 出故障business hours 营业时间by the end of 到 . 结束时by the way 顺便说说by then 到那时call me Jim for short 简称我为JimCan I take a message我可以捎个话吗Can you describe it?你能描绘一下吗Can you spell it? 你能拼写它吗Can you tell me the way to.?你能告诉我去 怎么走吗can't wait to do.迫不及待去做.catch a bus 赶公车catch a cough /headache 患感冒 /头痛catc

43、h up with 赶上change one's mind 改变主意Chinese take-aways 中餐 /国外卖Christmas Day 圣诞日Classes are over at 5 课 5 点结束clothing shop 成衣店come / get back 回Come along = come on. 快点come and meet sb. 见某人come down/up the ladder 顺着楼梯下/上come round the corner 从 ( 街 ) 角拐了过come round to dinner 过 ( 我家 ) 吃饭come straight

44、to . 径直 . 到跟前come with me = follow me 跟我Congratulations! (to sb. on sth.)祝贺 ( 某人某事)copy one's example 模仿某人( 样子)cry harder and harder 哭得越越凶cut down 砍倒Did you have a good journey? 你旅途愉快吗different kinds of 不同种类的do housework/homework 做家务do one's best 尽某人所能 do the washing/shopping 洗洗涮涮do well in

45、. 做得好Do you know the English for .?你知道 . 英语怎么说?Do you want a go? 你想试一试吗Don't crowd around sb. 别围观某人Don't worry. 别担心draw some pictures 画些图画dress up (in a red coat) 打扮好drop maths 数学没学好(drop)early in the morning 大清早ever since 自从every five minutes每隔五分钟every time sb 每当某人 .eye exercises (c.f. Exer

46、cise is good for .)眼保健操fail (in) an exam 考试不及格fall asleep入睡fall behind落后fall off 从 . 掉下fall over / down. 倒下family name / full name given name=first name姓 / 全名 / 名family photo 全家福 ( 照片) far away/furthest from.远离 /离 . 更远Father Christmas 圣诞老人fell a little afraid of / tired感觉有点害怕/ 累fight about 为 . 而战fil

47、l . with.用 . 装 .find one's way to 找到 的去路find out 查明fish and chips 鱼条 ( 店 )follow sb. to see sth. 跟着某人去做.for example 例如for long ( 持续 ) 很长时间from now on 从今以后gate keeper 门房get down (from a tree) 从 . ( 树上 ) 下leave sb. by himself 让某人独处, 不理会某人leave school (c.f. school-leavers)毕业Let me call your names.

48、让我点名Let me have a look? 让我看看Let me see. 让我想想country 住在乡下look after / for /out照顾 / 寻找 / 小心look around = round环顾左右look at oneself in a mirror照镜子look into the river往河里看look like 看起象look over (=inspect or examine) 仔细查看look the same 看起一样的make a mistake 犯错误make faces 做鬼脸make friends with 与 . 交友make proble

49、ms. 制造困难make sb. stop crying 使 . 不再哭make sure that you . 确信你make tea 泡茶make telephone calls 打电话man-made satellite 人造卫星map of China 中国地图May I see your ticket? 请出示你的( 车 ) 票好吗mend one's bike 修自行车Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐more or less /=or so 差不多move . away /on 搬走 / 继续搬迁Mr know-all 无所不知先生National Day 国庆节

50、neither. nor 既不 . 也不Never mind. 不要紧Nice talking to you = Nice to meet you.高兴见到你No hurry! Please take your time!不急 , 慢慢no longer 不再No news is good news. 没有新闻就是好消息No photos / No smoking /Exit /Entrance禁止拍照/ 吸烟 / 外出 / 进入No problem! 没问题not . until it was too late直到太迟了才要.nothing (much/seriously) wrong wi

51、th .没什么大的毛病Oh, dear! 天哪on (the) earth 究竟on a Tuesday morning 在一个星期二的早上on a visit to 在访问 . 当中on and on = continuously 连续不断on Christmas Eve 在圣诞夜on foot/duty/time 步行 /值日 /准时on one's way to 在去 . 的途中on show/=on exibition在展览中On the first lap 在第一棍( 棒 ) 时on the Mid-Autumn Day在中秋节on the playground 在操场上on

52、 the team 在 . 队中 , 是 . 队的成员on the/one's right/left (hand side)在左 / 右边on top of 在 . 的顶上one by one /step by step 一个接一个One player does not make a team. 一个好的选手不等于一支好的( 球队 ).one's work starts/finishes at 6 o'clock工作在 6 点时开始/结束open your book at page 2 打开书第二页operate on sb. 给某人动手术P.E. (physical

53、education) 体育课pass sth. on to sb. 把 . 继续传递给.pay for sth. 为 . 付款people in the boat 在小船中的人pick .up 拾起pick apples 摘苹果place(s) of interest 名胜play games/a trick on 玩游戏 /捉弄人play with 玩弄Please be careful. 请小心point at / to 指着 ( 向 )police station 警察局population problem 人口问题post office 邮局prefer. to.喜欢 . 胜过 .pu

54、ll.out of (up from).把 . 拉 / 抽出put on clothes 穿上衣服put sth. away 把 . 收好put sth. in the right place把 . 放在该放在地方queue jumper 插队的人rain heavily 下大雨right away 立即right now 就在现在ring sb. up 打电话给某人Say the numbers(count) 数数School ended a little ealier.放学 ( 比往常 ) 早些 .See you next term. 下学期再见sell out 售光了send sb. away 把某人送走sent up in space 把 . 送上太空Shake hands. 握手Shall I bring food for a picnic?野餐我要不要带食物shopping list 采购清单shout to 对 . 大声喊道Sitting room / waiting room 会客厅 / 候 . 室so far 到现在为止So it goes on, hour after hour.就这样一个个小时地进行着speak loudly 大声说话speak to


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