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1、2018-2019学年秦淮区初三年级第二次模拟考试英语试卷第一卷 选择题(共40分)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最住选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Millie drew a chart below to introduce a website. The missing word might be _.A. giftsB. placesC. hotelsD. weather2. Mothers Day was _ the same day as International Nurses Day this year.A.

2、inB. onC. atD. for3. There will be a great _ for the 70th birthday of China in October.A. conditionB. locationC. instructionD. celebration4. - Are people in Internet companies complaining about long working hours?- Yes. They make great contributions to IT industry, _ they cant achieve a balance betw

3、een life and work.A. orB. ifC. butD. since5. A survey was _ to see how many students would like to move away from the Earth.A. put outB. carried outC. broke outD. came out6. - _ do you go to Jinling Library?- We borrow books twice a month. You can find books for all ages there.A. How soonB. How ofte

4、nC. How longD. How far7. The ground floor of Beijing Daxing Airport covers an area as _ as 35 football fields.A. bigB. biggerC. biggestD. the biggest8. Some people can succeed _ because they dont give up easily.A. heavilyB. mainlyC. hardlyD. closely9. Yuan Longping has developed better rice plants _

5、 the problem of hunger.A. solveB. solvedC. to solveD. to solving10. A meeting on 5G technology _ in Jiangbei New District last month.A. heldB. was heldC. will holdD. will be held11. - What a heavy rain! When did it start?- It started at about seven this morning. I _ the newspaper at home then.A. rea

6、dB. will readC. have readD. was reading12. - Why dont we go to see Tea House at Poly Theatre tonight?- Good idea. Let me check _.A. when will the play startB. where is the Poly TheatreC. how much does a ticket costD. whether there are tickets or not13. - Shall we go to see the works by Picasso in Na

7、njing Museum?- _. We will go if we still have time after visiting the Presidential Palace.A. It dependsB. My pleasureC. Never mindD. Dont mention it14. Which of the following sentences has a different sentence structure from the other three?A. We have four seasons.B. Ice cream tastes nice.C. Spring

8、is warm and sunny.D. Autumn leaves turn brown.15. Which of the following books might be put in a different area in a library?A. Treasure IslandB. Gullivers TravelsC. Alice in WonderlandD. Oxford English Dictionary二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Rece

9、ntly, great scientists around the world were able to create a real picture of a black hole. The black hole named Powehi is about 55 million light years from Earth. This means light travelling from that point takes 55 million years to be _16_ on Earth. When we look at the picture of Powehi, its like

10、we are looking into the past. Light started a journey from Powehi to planet earth millions of years ago, _17_ light from the sun takes only about 8 minutes and 20 seconds.Black holes have always attracted scientists because a black hole isnt a hole. _18_, it is a place in space with a lot of matter

11、(物质) inside. It has so much gravity that our sun can be pulled into it _19_. Even light cant avoid it. As a result, its always black.It was an amazing discovery. It _20_ many ideas about black holes. It also proved Albert Einstein was _21_ about his Theory of General Relativity (相对论) which explains

12、the relationship between space and time.This discovery is more than a story about the development of technology that _22_ humans to see a black hole for the first time. Its also a story of how these scientists from all over the world worked together for many years to have this great _23_.Scientists

13、also point out that the first picture of Powehi is the _24_ of many more discoveries. One of the important lessons we learn from this picture is to keep learning. Aristotle once said, “The more you know, the more you _25_ you dont know,” You never know what amazing discovery you will find.16.A. seen

14、B. touchedC. coveredD. used17.A. afterB. untilC. whileD. because18.A. In allB. In factC. In placeD. In order19. A. freelyB. easilyC. clearlyD. exactly20.A. forgotB. choseC. doubtedD. confirmed21.A. rightB. sorryC. worriedD. crazy22.A. allowedB. forcedC. advisedD. invited23.A. attractionB. applicatio

15、nC. achievementD. agreement24.A. chanceB. challengeC. beginningD. boundary25.A. realizeB. reportC. refuseD. repeat三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A26. The beginning of a plastic bottles life cycle is _.A. oilB. waterC. coalD. pellets27. How many of the waste p

16、lastic bottles are recycledA. Almost all.B. More than half.C. Less than a quarter.D. Less than one third28. The picture can be used to advise people to _.A. extract more oilB. reuse extracted oilC. recycle plastic bottlesD. reduce water pollutionBThornton, Pete and Hans, with Buck and six other dogs

17、, started going to the east. When spring came, they found a lake in a wide valley. Through the water the gold showed like yellow butter, and here their search ended. They worked every day, filling bag after bag with gold.Buck spent many evenings sitting by the fire. He always heard something calling

18、 him into the forest. The call of the wild reminded him of the wolf who had run beside him.“Hes the finest dog that Ive ever seen,” said Thornton to his friends one day as they watched Buck walking out of camp.“Therell never be another dog like him,” said Pete.In autumn, Buck started to see moose (麋

19、鹿) in the forest. One day he met a group of about twenty. The largest was two meters tall. When the moose saw Buck, it got very angry. For hours Buck followed the moose; he wanted the big one, but he wanted it alone. By the evening Buck had driven the big old moose away from the others, and then he

20、began his attack. The animal weighed six hundred and fifty kilos - it was big enough and strong enough to kill Buck in seconds. Buck followed it for four days, attacking and then jumping away. He gave it no peace, no time to eat or drink or rest, and slowly the moose became weaker. At the end of the

21、 fourth day. Buck pulled the moose down and killed it. He stayed by the dead animal for a day and a half, eating and then turned towards camp and Thornton.29. Thornton and his friends stopped searching because they _.A. felt tired of workB. found gold in a lakeC. met a wolf on the wayD. heard the ca

22、ll of the wild30. The underlined “him” in Paragraph 4 refers to (指的是) _.A. PeteB. HansC. BuckD. Thornton31. What was Buck like while hunting the big moose? clever patient brave angryA. B. C. D. CYou are sitting in the cinema with popcorn in mouth when a scene flashes on the screen - the moment when

23、the hero fights against the villain (反弹) - and you doubt whether success is possible. Then, the hero wins and you realize youve been holding your breath all the time. Superhero movies come out every year. Avengers: Endgame was so popular that tickets for the first week were sold out quickly. Why do

24、we never get tired of watching these movies?Superhuman abilities, alien worlds, and strange situations are features of our favorite superhero (超级英雄) movies. Yet these characteristics are absent from our real life. The great difference between these movies and our daily life allows us to separate one

25、 from the other. When our real life becomes too hard for us to face, we can get away into the world of superheroes.Superheroes are those who have super powers and are brave enough to sacrifice (牺牲) themselves. This kind of courage is often translated on screen as superheroes using their abilities to

26、 protect humans. This is another reason why we love them. We are born to be attracted to people who protect weaker ones.In recent movies, superheroes with amazing abilities also experience very human moments like losing loved ones. As a result, we see part of ourselves in these characters and they h

27、elp us face challenges like them.The last reason why superhero movies are so popular today is money. These movies make a great deal of money. This win-win situation drives a lot of filmmakers to keep making the films.Over the past few years, superheroes have turned from comic-book characters to movi

28、e stars. They have become such a common part of popular culture that it seems we cant live without them. You might eat your popcorn while watching the breath-stealing scenes again soon.32. In Paragraph 1, people hold their breath because they _.A. have popcorn in mouthB. expect to see the villainC.

29、worry the hero may failD. feel excited to get a ticket33. In Paragraph 2, we want to enter the world of superheroes when we _.A. can protect the weaker onesB. cannot separate it from real lifeC. want to get away from real lifeD. find strange situations in real life34. How many reasons are there for

30、people to love superhero moviesA. ThreeB. FourC. FiveD. Six35. What does the writer think of the future of superhero movies?A. People will get tired of the superhero movies soon.B. Filmmakers may not make money from the movies.C. Superhero movies will have to face new challenges.D. Superhero movies

31、will still be popular for some time.DThere are about 7,000 languages spoken around the world. All the languages are different from one another in sounds, vocabularies and also structures. That leads to an ancient question: Does the language we speak shape the way we think Charlemagne, Holy Roman emp

32、eror, said, “To have a second language is to have a second mind.” However, Shakespeare once had Juliet say, “Whats in a name A rose by any other name would smell just sweet.”Recently, researches have been done to answer this question. Kuuk Thaayoorre people in Australia dont use words like “left” an

33、d “right”. Instead, everything is in directions: north, south, east and west. They would say, “Oh, theres an ant on your southwest leg.” The way they say “hello” is “Which way are you going?” The answer would be “North-northeast in the far distance. How about you?” People speaking languages like thi

34、s can always tell directions correctly.Language makes a difference in how people think about time. In a research, people speaking different languages are asked to organize pictures of a man in time order. An English speaker may organize pictures from left to right. But speakers of Hebrew (希伯来语) may

35、do it in the opposite direction. This has something to do with writing direction. How would the Kuuk Thaayoorre people organize these pictures For them, the order of pictures changes every time they face different directions.Languages also influence how people describe events. If a man broke a plate

36、 by accident, English speakers may say, “He broke the plate.” People speaking Spanish (西班牙语) are more likely to say, “The plate broke itself.” This difference has a consequence that makes people speaking different languages pay attention to different things. In this example, English speakers will re

37、member who did it, but Spanish speakers are more likely to remember it was an accident. Two people see the same event but end up remembering different details about the scene.Speakers of different languages think differently. You could ask yourself, “Why do I think the way I do” or “How could I thin

38、k differently”36. In Paragraph 1, Juliets words are mentioned to _.A. give a different answerB. describe the smell of a roseC. support Charlemagnes ideaD. introduce works by Shakespeare37. The purpose of using Kuuk Thaayoorre people as an example is to prove _.A. Hebrew speakers write from right to

39、leftB. words like “left” and “right” are necessaryC. English speakers have a poor sense of directionD. language influences ideas of direction and time38. The underlined word “consequence” means _.A. factB. purposeC. resultD. advantage39. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 4?A. Eng

40、lish speakers are good at remembering accidents.B. The language of English has more details than Spanish.C. Spanish speakers can always tell who caused accidents.D. Details from two witnesses at one scene may be different.40. The article is mainly about how language _.A. helps us find directionsB. a

41、ttracts human attentionC. changes in different areasD. shapes the way we think第二卷 非选择题(共50分)四、填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41-45的相应位置上。41. They love ballet and dream of becoming successful _ (舞蹈者).42. Xuanwu Lake Park is a good place to _ (放松) after a hard days work.

42、43. We should realize that any job were given is a chance to prove _ (我们自己).44. - David, whatever you do, do it a hundred percent. Then you will have nothing to _ (遗憾).- OK, Dad. I will try my best to do so.45. The sweet memories of summer days are about walking _ (沿着) Boai Road with trees and shade

43、 to feel cool.B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为46-50的相应位置上。46. We can never learn to fly without _ (crash) a few times.47. - Have you heard that Judy is going to work as a volunteer in a mountain area?- What an _ (usual) experience! She will remember it forever.48. The Three-Body Problem is so

44、 popular that millions of _ (copy) have been sold out.49. Mr. I.M. Pei who never _ (fail) to make people amazed at his works died a few days ago.50. - What do you think of the weather in Nanjing recently- Its like magic. Every time the temperature rises above 30 degrees, it drops _ (rapid) soon afte

45、r that.C) 根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为51-55的相应位置上。great; wisdom; discover; something; your own way“Its time,” Papa said. “I think it is,” Mama agreed. “Time for what?” Adri asked. Papas voice softened, “To share some (51) _.”Always be on the lookout for a new friend. Look for be

46、auty wherever you are, and keep the memory of it with you. Find (52) _. You dont have to follow the crowd. Know when to speak; know when to listen. No matter how you look at it, there is so much to (53) _. if you make a wrong turn, circle back. If (54) _ is on your way, move around it.Mama kissed Ad

47、ri on the top of his head. “Theres only one you in this (55) _ world,” she said. “Make it a better place.”51. _ 52. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第56-65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56-65的相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。No other place represents France quite like Notre Dame.It

48、s main rival (对手) as a national symbol, the Eiffel Tower, is a little more than a century old. Notre Dame has stood tall above Paris since the 1200s.It has given its dame to one of the countrys greatest works of literature. Victor Hugos novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame is known to the French simply

49、 as Notre Dame de Paris.It is impossible to describe how shocking (令人震惊的) it is to watch such a symbol of a country burn.Local people are not famous for their sunny disposition (性情), but few can take a walk by the River Seine in the central part of the capital without feeling their spirits rise when

50、 seeing Notre Dame.It is one of the few sights sure to make a Parisian feel good about living there.Like all popular places everywhere, it is not one that local people visit very often. In the thirty years I spent in this city, I havent been inside Notre Dame more than three or four times - and then

51、 only with foreign visitors.There are many of those. But Notre Dame is much more than a popular tourist attraction in Western Europe. President Emmanuel Macron has expressed the shock of a “whole nation” at the fire. As Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said, Notre Dame is “part of our common heritage (遗产)”.

52、What Notre Dame (56) _ to the FrenchIts (57) _ to describe how shocking it is to watch Notre Dame burn, because it represents France quite well.As a national symbol(58) _It has stood tall above Paris for centuries, and it is much (59) _ than the Eiffel Tower.LiteratureThe great novel The Hunchback o

53、f Notre Dame is (60) _ after it.As one of the main (61) _ of the cityLocal peopleWhen seeing Notre Dame, they always feel their spirits (62) _, and are sure to have a feeling that it is good to live in Paris.Visitors from (63) _Although local people (64) _ visit it, it is popular among foreign visit

54、ors.As our common heritageThe leaders of France have (65) _ their sadness of losing Notre Dame because of its great value.56. _ 57. _ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66-75的相应位置上。Chinese net users have found a new way to fight desertification (沙漠化) in the country by playing virtual (虚拟的) planting games.Ant Forest, which is under Ant Financial of the Alibaba Group, has planted 55,520,000 trees covering about 507 square kilometers (66) a_ Chin


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