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1、03课后演练提能夯实基础知识I 句型转换1. As soon as Jane arrived at this laboratory, she got down to work f_at this laboratory, Jane got down to work 答案: On arriving2 While he was walking along the river, he sang a song in English f _ a l o n g the river, he sang a song in English 答案: While walking3 After he finished

2、 reading the letter, he went on to write a reply f_ rea d i n g the letter, he went on to write a reply f _ rea d i n g the letter, he went on to write a reply 答案: After finishing; Having finished4 That car was caught in a traffic jam; thus it caused the delay fThat car was caught in a traffic jam,

3、_ thedelay 答案: thus causing5 Because he didnt know what to do, he decided to ask the teacherfor advice f_what to do, he decided to ask the teacher foradvice 答案: Not knowing6 Though he knew the truth, he remained silent to stay out oftrouble f _ th e truth, he remained silent to stay out oftrouble.答案

4、: Though knowing7. Being poor, he was quite generous to his needy friends.f_, he was quite generous to his needy friends 答案: Although he was poor8 The three young girls stood under the tree, and they laughed andtalked merrily fThe three young girls stood under the tree; _ and_ merrily 答案: laughing;

5、talkingII 单句语法填空( (不多于 3 个单词) )1 2019 山东高考_ (eat) at the cafeteria before, Tinadidnt want to eat there again 答案: Having eaten 句意:因为以前曾经在这家自助餐厅吃过,Tina 再也不想在那儿吃了。 Tina 与 eat 之间为主谓关系,再根据句中 before可知 eat 这个动作发生在谓语所表示动作之前,故用现在分词的 完成式 havingeaten 表主动完成,作原因状语。2 The star walked out of the stage, _ (wave) her

6、 handselegantly to her crazy fans 答案: waving 考查非谓语动词。句意:那个明星走出舞台,优雅 地向她疯狂的粉丝挥手。the star 与 wave 之间是主动关系,故用动词 -ing 形式作伴随状语。3 2019 德州高二检测 Not _ (receive) a reply, he decided to writeagain 答案: having received 考查分词否定式在句中作状语的用法。receive 与其逻辑主语 he 是主动关系。题干中 again 一词表明,应该用现在分词的完成式形式,否定词 not 必须置于分词之前。4. The s

7、ecretary worked late into the night, _ (prepare) along speech for the president.答案:preparing 句意:秘书工作到深夜,为总统准备一篇长发言 稿。句中的现在分词作伴随状语。不能将其理解为目的状语,而填不 定式,因为不定式作目的状语置于句中通常不用逗号隔开。5. 2019 株洲高二检测My good friend Rose went to the partywith her husband, _ (expect) a happy evening of wine, food andsong.答案: expect

8、ing 由“去”和“期盼”两个动作之间无连接词出现 可知,此处应用非谓语动词,又因为两个动作同时发生,所以要用现 在分词作伴随状语。6. 2019 重庆高考When I was little, my mother used to sit by mybed, _ (tell) me stories till I fell asleep.答案: telling 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知, my mother 与 tell之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故用动词-ing 形式。7. _ (separate) for many years, the two old sisters stillrecog

9、nized each other at once.答案: Having been separated 句意:尽管分开了许多年,这一对老姐妹仍然立刻认出了彼此。separate 在 recognize 之前发生,the twoold sisters 被分开,所以用动词-ing 形式被动语态的完成式作状语8. _ (taste) good, the food was sold out soon 答案:Tasting taste 在此处作系动词,所以没有被动形式。9. 2019 陕西高三质检Tom got to the hospital in time that day,(catch) the fi

10、rst bus.答案:having caught 句意:汤姆那天赶上了第一班公交车,及时 到了医院。本空用非谓语动词作状语,表示先于谓语动词发生的动作, 因此用现在分词的完成式。10.“You cant catch me ” Janet shouted,_ (run) away.答案:running 句意:“你逮不着我! ” Janet 大喊着,跑远了。应该用现在分词 running 作伴随状语,与主语 Janet 是主谓关系。提升实战能力皿.阅读理解AOnce upon a time, a doting mother asked Albert Einstein what sheshould

11、read to her son to help him grow up as brilliant and intelligent asthe famous scientist.“ Fairy tales,” he said, wisely nodding his head.Why? Why would Albert Einstein the Nobel Prizewinningphysicist recommend reading fairy tales? Was he joking? All theevidence suggestedhe was deadly serious. He als

12、o said, “ WhenIexamine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusionthat the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract,positivethinking. ”Childhood is one of the factors that blur( 使 变 模 糊 ) thedistinctions between the self and other objects. Thus fantasy stories

13、appeal to children and appear to make sense to them.There are several commonly accepted genres 类型)of fantasy,“ AnimalFantasy ”which centers around the lives of lovable talkinganimals and “ModernFantasy”which focuses on adventures in otherworlds and magical events. I am inclined to add a third genre“

14、Humanand Animal Fantasy”, which mixes human and animal characters.Another genre of fantasy may be “High Fantasy ”which featuresheroes who combat evil and save the world from destruction.Fantasy feeds a childs imagination and encourages creativity. Theenjoyment that the genre engenders 产生)promotes re

15、ading andenhances literacy. Moreover, the fantasy genre may be used for teachingpurposes.For example: A story about cruelty to animals would limitappeal to a child; however a fantasy celebration of closeness betweenthe children and their pets may give an element of excitement as thechildren are able

16、 to save animals from someone with cruel intentions.Children love the Harry Potter series, and if they only see the moviesthey will miss a great opportunity to develop their reading skills byspending time with the lovable young wizards and witches 巫 婆)ofthe Hogwarts community.本文借助科学家爱因斯坦的观点来论述科幻小说在儿

17、童早期教育 中所起的作用。1. Albert Einstein recommended reading fairy tales becauseA. he was just joking with the motherB. he contributed his gift of fantasy to reading fairy talesC. he got some scientific ideas from fairy talesD. the gift of fantasy equals to the talent for abstract, positivethinking答案: B 细节理解

18、题。 由第三段中的 I come to the conclusion that the giftof fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positivethinking 可知。2. A student who likes reading about heroes will probably readaA. Animal FantasyB. Modern FantasyC. Human and Animal FantasyD. High Fantasy答案: D 推理判断题。可由倒数第三段的最后一句判断出。3.

19、Children are advised to read the Harry Potter series becauseA. they are better than the filmsB. they can help improve childrens reading abilityC. the films are not true to the original storiesD. children cant learn much from the films答案:B 细节理解题。从最后一段可以看出,如果孩子们只是看哈利波特电影,而不读书就会错失了提高阅读能力的机会。4. Which of

20、 the following best gives the main idea of the sixthparagraph?A. Fantasy can be educational to children B Fantasy can bring great joy to children C. Children should not read stories about animals D. Fantasy can teach children to be kind to animals.答案:A 主旨大意题。第六段主要讲述的是科幻故事在教育孩子方面所起的巨大作用。BTheodor Seus

21、s Geisel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts in1904. He was famous because of the books he wrote for children. Theycombine funny words, pictures and social opinions.Dr. Seuss wrote his first book for children in 1937.It is callecAnd toThink That I Saw It on Mulberry Street A number of publishers

22、refused topublish it. They said it was too different. A friend finally published it.Soon other successful books followed. Over the years, he wrote morethan forty childrens books. They were fun to read. Yet hisbooks sometimes dealt with serious subjects.By the middle 1940s, Dr. Seuss had become one o

23、f the bestlo- vedand most successful writers of childrens books. He had a strong desireto help children. In 1954, Life magazine published a report aboutschoolchildren who could not read. The report said many childrensbooks werent interesting. Dr. Seuss decided to write books that wereinteresting and

24、 easy to read.In 1957, Dr. Seuss wroteThe Cat in the Hat. He used less than 225words to write the book. This was about the number of words asix-year-old should be able to read.The story is about a cat that tries to entertain two children on a rainyday while their mother is away from home. The cat is

25、 not like normal cats.It talks. The book was an immediate success. It was an interesting storyand was easy to read. Children loved it. Their parents loved it, too. Todaymany adults say it is still one of the stories they like best.本文主要介绍美国的一位儿童图书作家Theodor Seuss Geisel5. Whats the best title of this

26、passage?A. Some of Dr. Seusss books for childrenB. What are Dr. Seusss books mainly aboutC. Dr. Seussa famous writer of childrens booksD. Why are Dr. Seusss books different答案: C 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍一位儿童图书作家。6. What do we know about Dr. Seusss first book for children?A. It was Dr. Seusss worst book.B. It dea

27、lt with a very serious subject.C. Neither children nor adults like it.D. Many publishers didnt take it seriously at first.答案:D 细节理解题。根据第二段第三、四句“大部分出版商拒 绝出版这部作品。因为他们认为他的作品太特别了。 ”可知答案为 D。7. How did Dr. Seuss help children according to Paragraph 3?A. By asking others to help them in magazines.B. By wri

28、ting interesting and simple books.C. By changing his old books into simpler ones.D. By giving them books for free.答案:B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,Seuss 博士通过写一些有趣且容易理解的书来帮助读书有困难的孩子们。8. Adults most probably think that Dr. SeusssThe Cat in the Hatis _ .A. interestingB. seriousC. difficultD. boring答案: A 推理判断题。根据

29、第四、五两段内容可知,这本书六岁的孩子都能读懂,并且很有趣,很多成年人也喜欢。9. We can most probably hear this passageon a radio programcalled “ _ _ ”A. Travel in AmericaB. This is AmericaC. People in AmericaD. American Stories答案: C 推理判断题。本文主要介绍美国的一位儿童图书作家。因此本文会出现在介绍美国人物的广播节目中。IV 语法填空Do you know about firefighters? One of the greatest h

30、eartbreaks forfirefighters occurs when they fail to rescue a child from a burningbuilding _1_ the child, frightened by the smoke and noise, hides under a bed orin a closet, and is later found _2_(die). Saddest of all is when children catch_3_glimpse of the masked firefighter but hide because they th

31、ink they have seena monster. To prevent such tragedies, firefighter Eric Velez gives talks to childrenin his community, _4_(explain) that they should never hide during a fire Hedisplays firefighters equipment, including the oxygen mask, _5_ he encourageshis listeners to play with and put on. “If you see us,” Velez tells them,“ dont hide! Weve come to rescue you.” Velez givhis presentations _6_ English and Spanish. Velez and _7_ firefightersthroughout North America, who give similar presentations will never know howmany


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