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1、山东省临沂市21年中考英语试题第I卷(选择题共55分)、听力测试(共1小题,计15分)()听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。1. 2. 3. 4. 5 (二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。. . Be. B.Blck C. rown.7.A. In a resauran B. In a bank. C. In a police statio.A Aout thr hndre komters. . Aouttw hdred kilometer.C. Abou onehndre kilmetrs. Th dictonr B. h uitar. Te

2、 camer.10. It musteg o Aan. B. It mst blog toAlans lteistr.C. Itmut blon to Alas itle oe.(三)听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的川“B”表示。 短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。11. Tom moheorked in a hspital12. Tom et to shool b bike every dy13.O his way o chool, Tompssed y a plygud. It was ery wet ater it raid.14

3、. The first dy nd the t day Tms cothes wrewet and his mother gangry5.The hrd dayTm dnt lay inthe wat, because he was arad that his father wold puni him.请考生们翻到第7页,先找到第四大题。你们将有5秒钟的准备时间。二、单项填空(共1小题,计5分)选择最佳答案。16 hisafernoo y grndfather bught a mazn ad a newpaper The magazin i i hisbag,the at reee we e

4、put espaper.A.B.anC. he D. /. Paul nt th bookstore t soe frindsf A heB imC. hmsef D.h18A cop from Austraia weomefiv hlhy baies Janary. at . iC.fr D. o9. o you pla towtha talent sow r a sportshow toniht? I cat san temI pan to tcha sitcom.A. NeirB. BhC NneD. itr2 The ltleboy hs just duch.He e ungyalre

5、ady.A. st B mustntC. ca D. cant1. My arms still aifu, m going tosee adoctr.A. so.frC.but o22. octori the townaresingthbooks, their studiesand tat patiets.A.continu B.t cotiueC. continig D. continues3 hn Pesdt Xi Jnin has spareime, he ejy, and spots.A. reaB. readsCto rad . readn. hy havollectoretan 1

6、,00books sic thebra, lat mnthA. bitB.wasbuilC bilds D.is built Ina astrn uopa ounries, yo are suposd to, our lves befre hkin hnds.A. tak offB htofC. cut of . pt f6 nd's gradmteris lernng, thew mobile phoe.A use B.uses.udD. to use27. amazing conrt Li uni a ninyi!A. Ho an How Wat a D. What28. oald

7、 Dahls a great hdrenswriter. Mis dar pashephimpint a picture was differntto os othr witrs.A. th . whC. / D. w29. Doyou know, t ou shool? Netterm.A.wenth exchang students amB. henid echange udents comC whn theechang sudens il cmeD. hnwll t exchangesden coe30. Cold you plase ae ut t rubbish? .Bu wat o

8、drinka up f wer first. Thank ou B.Sre,no prbemC. ourewcome D. No, nt三、阅读理解(共2小题,计5分)AStuden a tot tst. Smetims, robots dtoo. Torobofo apan is one ofthserobo Torbo s arbot rainwth twoas. t is parof projctcalled“C RoboGet iothe Uniersit fToky?” Agroup of apanese cietit started it i2011.To o toth vrsit

9、 of Tokyo, Trobo as totae Jpnsainalcolege entranc am (高考) So in 013,he obot stared totakte est it apase ents Sdly, Tor hafailed thetest evry ear t coulne a goenog scorefor th irsity o Tkyo. This year itwa the sameTrbo ha ig datse(数据库)So it isgood at knowledge and alcultis(计算)Thatswy got hig soes hys

10、is,istory d mth But Toobo s not goodat thkinbitself. o it got ow scores inlanguge and writin.Scinists tred th Trobproje o earn bot the intelctual ailiti(智能) fachine.Now afterTorobos four yers of dwrk,they yhae earne a lo.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。31 Torobo is aobtoJapaand it has o tkean na

11、tional cllege etrance exam.32. A grop of pne sientitstartd a projet cled “Can aRot et in the nivrsity f Tkyo?” in 201.33.Torobopassd aans natiaolege ntrance exm ad ot ito h Univesity fokyo in 013.34. Torbo sgod a phyc, history,math, lgage ad witi.35. intists anttolear abutth intllectal abiliis ofmhi

12、sby srtig thToboprojct.BAcog to thWod Happss Reprt,pple hliveiDnmark(丹麦) are tehapiest in h rld hy? Baseheynowth ecre to iess “ygge”.Bu what is “hyge”?Th nish (丹麦的)ord “hyge” (ponounce “hoo ga”)isotn trslated n Englishas “cozis”. Bt czies ais only part ofthe cr.Is ao aout sening pacefiin a quieenvio

13、nmntith no calendar. Its bu spedngtime alne or spendtim wamilnish eople are eygood at“hygg”. Fr examp,hey create a “ygge” evronment b burningcndles inclasros, kices, drooms, etc. Accoding o om reor, Daish pople m ecndles ev ear han peoleromanoher Euroean utry.Howver, “hyge” isntust abot crati ni an

14、warm envione; t is et enoyd with family ember and frinds.it to 1 hous ofarknss very y in winter, Danishpeople spend ore iminoors s result, d theyoftn ge ogeter fora mal hot rnk, itu the dstrctin (使人分心的事物)of echnoogy o he stess o allifeSl ant nderstndwhat“yge” is? Ifyour eadnth n omrtable hai, with a

15、 feanlsround ou, hat nsofcziess youre feing gt ju be “hygge”.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。6 People wo liv n are he hpiest inhe wod.A.Arica B. Denmrk. SwitzrladD. re37.ow do aish pple cree a “hygg” nvirnment?A. By pinting theihoss. B.B clenng up bedromsC. Bburingandes D. y oping onlin.3. Wih t 1hours f darkes every

16、 day inwinte, Dnih eole_ pl omuter gams till mdnight spend oreime idor as a reult tay up lat t work in th own rooms ot get togeher oraeal orot drinksA B.C. D. 9.I he las prraph, he word“coziness” me“ ”inese.A舒适 B友善C.奢侈D.密切40Thearticl minly tels us .Awen Danih peoleke sy t omeB why Daish people burna

17、ny andeC. hw Danish peopespnd hir winteD. whattheDanish ecet to hppines is根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语窓通顺完整。第一个方框供 41-45小题选用,第二个方框供46-50小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余A. remindig B. UnlessC.nver D.Altoh E. pe .rasAbraha incoln wa oee reatet rede n Aricanistory. Whenh was aout akea4 hepesidnial elction (总统选举)i

18、n a hll, matid o akehim 4by sayig that hs fatherwa por somaerEvyone in the hll laued out loudy.“Tha youor 43 m fm father,” said Lincoln. “44 he hsbeen gne for a long tie,for me,heaslays anexcellet shemakIca 45dobetein politics (政治)thnm fthe di i hoeakn.”A. eatest B.trs CanonD. r E. eeryhn F let yudo

19、wnwever, the mn didt sop auhing atLincon.So Lincol cntinud, “sar as know, m ather rpairedshoesfor you aily.Now catake ovr (接手) m 46 ob. my nt bsood smy fathr, bt I wido myb o make your hoscmftab.”hen he turned to lte people n tehal ad said,“f 7 here hs problem with your shos,lease cmeto me andI wil

20、ot . An th lst hng I wt to say s thatmy fatheristhe 49 shoer evr”This time, pope n the lladed Lincon 5 his tlernc (宽容) and isdo. He ot nly poeted hs fhes nty (尊严), buwlots o supporers s el.答案:41_ 2._4. _4 _5. _4 _4. _4 _49._5. _DDo oulik drning cofee?If youac polte whe orderng in a afe (咖啡馆)inAmrica

21、, yu my get a rewr (奖励).1The shop ffers rewardsto he who ind their mners Ter is a sgn ouside th shop.Itsaysifferen prcs r cup o cofee depenng o hpoite te custer .2They incue: “m cofee”a dollar,“Sa cofee, pleas” t3 dollrsnd “Hello, one sall offee, pleas” a 1.75 dollars.A caf aled Pte Sra nFrane also

22、encoages cuomr to have oodmannes withdierent prics. 5T mane of etite Syrahaid ofhe rason, “55” n e ad, “Iknow peoplysa haouservce can e imole,but it i s u tha cusmer can beimplite hen heyar us”he mercn caf is copngth nhcafe becau i a een asucces cangin cstomrs behvor (行为)The mangr ofPeite Syah sasta

23、t hhasen a geat diference nhis ustmrs behavior sinceth gn asput p.根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整。. Ti sn he first timethat coffehoatrid t teacstor a less.B. At luchtim popleould com uner great stres ad werometime impolite to us hen theyrdere aco.C. hecae n America has tried to eorage cutomestbem

24、roitinanew wyThe rench cafe iscpyingthe erica ae so thtit can change utomers behaiorE. The prie are listed wihetyica expesioncoersmt uswhn yre rderigF. stomers ned to pa 9 pouso “A cfee”, ut 36 pus for “Acofe, es”.答案:51. _2 _53. _4. _55._第II卷(非选择题共分)四、听写(共5小题,计5分)听对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子,每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前,你

25、们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。6Hw old isu?Se is yearsold.57.When di Jud have her ithdyarty?She hadh brthy rty last afenon.58Whydidn'tNck ateJudys bthay prty?Becuse hd les.5.Hw wa thweath hen Judyhad her irtdat?It was .60. Whatarcin, J and ik gi t doths Suday mong?he eon t vistthe Chidns Hopial o oe sic kids五、

26、词形较换(共8小题,计8分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。61. Plase pass e ictinarrm te et inthe bokcs. (six)62. Weca read but vything i boks Ty provid hoeto (e)63. ow odo t taeou t ge scoo? About 20 bsbway. (minute)6. Theword' fr compteswee han cars. (bi)Wow! hey use to e s lae.65. hererws to stahelhwen sesos cnge

27、.Yushouwashur has, eercse,eatand le wel. (ceful)66. r.Sith, do yu thn teenagermutbe et awa rom the Iternet?No,I wththis. TIntet an elp lern moreabut orld. (gree)67.Mar and Tn are pi of p pig. he two hverecntly gota scial licees that their cn them oraalk (own)68.Mrs. Dn was to he olicemenwho had help

28、dhe id rrive safel. (tan)六、动词应用(共小题,计7分) 根椐短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Oe f t world'so imporat ad lovl animals is quickly dipeaing.Can yoes which oe it s? It 6(have) teongest ck aong alanimals. Yes,t the gafen 185, ere ere ee52,00an63,000 iffe, an y 70 (e) in pli (平原)n rest f ria.“Te nmer

29、 of girafs7 (fll) byas muh s 40 percnt sne h 1980,” sa n epor on endanered wi animals ad pants.Why aetre ew nd frgiaes? ecase huans 72 (ct)down many trees t buil more hue. hare lso killing th imals (eat) theirma A repot fromth Internatonal nion for Conservation ofNture (自然保护间际联盟) sas,“Giaffes 4(dsap

30、par) sileny in hnea ftre.An it s metht we dosmethingfo the iraffe before it is to ate.”Pole tink girafs e verhere. Kis' book re ful of girafe, dthe 75(b) always giaffin zoos Btiffe arc ingret anger nw Humns shold stop killin off certaindanered wil animls ad ryhard tohel sve thm.答案:9 7. 71. 7 73

31、7. 75. 七、阅读表达(共5小题,计10分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。nupon tme ther livd ig aledMios.eruldthe island of Crete. And h alsohd arrbl moe(怪兽)clld nota.The Miotar lved at the cente of vey large mae(迷宫)It hthe bdyof a man bu te had of a bullinos was cel kg. Whenevehe was bred, hold atack(进攻)a nerby san cale Aten. I rdr

32、toget peae, King egeusofAthen made a deal wth Kin Minos.If Minos idnt tk Aens, e old send sen boysand even girs toCret evry ne yes t e eae b te MinotaurIt was me aganto snd hlre o re Thseus, te so ofin egeu,oud no stadthis stutio, and ecided o g ase eventhboy andkilth Mnotau Hepromised s fatherthat

33、f e wa uccessfu, he would use whit sals(船帆)intead f the black one to show hs alive.he arring in te,heseus m King Minos daht ale Aride. Sh fll n love wthim and atedto help hm. So hnhe cildrewere sent to teMinotaur,Ariadne gave Theeusa ball of strng(细绳)ad aknfe.Theu eft le of sngehinhm whene ntere th

34、a Aftre lledte monster, he fllowede string an gou hemaze Aradne was witinoutsde.They qucky rn aayogther beore Minos old catch temHoer, n ejuneyhme, Theseus a fu of j that hfogottochngetheolor f the il.As oon a KAegeus saw heac sail, he as so uptnd jumedinto th seSincethen, esahas en called thAeganS

35、inmeoy of KingAegues.7. Who had the Mino, King Ags r King Mns?_77. Were d e inotaur lve?_78. How oftn wodKi eeus sen svebysnd evn girls t Cee accordng to theal?_79.How i Tessge out ofthema aft e killd te mnster?_80. h d Kng euupset and jmp nto the saas soon asswthblacail?_八、书面表达(计15分)请以“Mytrip to ”为

36、题,根据以下要求与提示,用英语写一篇短文,记叙你的一次旅行。要求:1 请在题目空格处填入你的旅行地点,如:Beijig、Jinn或ingdao等;2. 短文中不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分;3.不少于60词。提示:1 here did you o?2.hatdid youdo thee?3Hwdidyo feel about terp?My rip o 参考答案及评分标准至三大题(155小题)(一)答案:1CFBDA60BACC 1115ABAB6 0 CDAD 125ABDBA 630 DCCB3135AABBA 6 40 BCBAD 414 EFADC4650 BC

37、FAD 515 CEAF(二)评分说明:1.155小题共5分,每小题1分。.凡与答案不符者不得分。四、听写(56 0小题)(一)答案: 4/ fourtee 57 Saturdaat.8. violin 5. unny 0. er up(二)评分说明:1.本大题共5分,每小题分。2.每小题只能写一个答案,如果写了两个或两个以上答案,即使其中一个是对的,也不得分;有大小写错误、拼写错误或语法错误,该小题不得分;有与答案不符者,只要符合本题要求,句意和语法正确,也可得分。五、词形转换(6168小题)(一)答案:6. sixth/t62. 3. miutes 64. biggr6. crefly6 dsgr 67. owne /owrs 68.anul(二)评分说明:1.本大题共8分,每小题1分。2每小题只能写一个答案,如果写了两个或两个以上答案,即使其中一个是对的,也不得分;有大小写错误、拼写错误或语法错误,该小题不得分。六、动词应用(75小题)(一)答案:6. has 70.ied 71. has flln 72. are cuting3oat 74.ill diappea 75. are(二)评分说明:.本大题共7分,每小


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