




1、Implementation of operati on staffinduction gang system,14staffposts be pronThoefatchecidestarntetaemarly wadrenipnthg.a nd prevresponsi bility at thecore,tosafety culture ,acult ure oflearning,ethical culture,costcult ureculturesystemoug hvarious culturalintegration,has booste d businessswon the&qu
2、ot;Chinese cult uralmanagement ance d Unitint hebuilding ofenterprisecult ureofreform andofthecompany culture : solvi ng managem nt problems of corporate cultChi na'spower of innovation ma nagement,i nnovati on managementofelectric powere nterpriseinJiang suPr ovince.-Party acorr uption continue
3、st ostrengthe n.Wa s carrie d out to "maintainmarketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increaseomoted.Stre ngthe ning tofessi onalte chnicall eader s,sel ected coverage 913facompanywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangs
4、u provincialgover nment powerto266 million kWh.Throug hthe "small" and bilateraltrade, accesstoele ctricity 1.695 bi llion kWh,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50mill ion -kil owatt,116% marketshare in JiangsuProvilprofessionalandtechnical lea ders.Toenhance staffskillcians.Lab
5、orcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam-building to adva nce further.Esta blisha "hol ding system impleme ntation,and pr omotingt he w hole"teamnce ranked firstin thesamecapacit y,the same type units.Com panycl oselytrackedcoal li nkage policie sonJ uly 1 and Aug ust20re
6、spe ctive ly increase prices 2.08minutesand 2.5 poi nts,pr ofitability increase d signifi cantly.1 track, 4teamfourstarrate d five-star by Datang andthe team.Four, insi sts on"sixcultural constructionof" harmoniousnts int olong-termcontractw orkers compe nsationsystem,stimulatingtheenthusi
7、a sm ofthestaff. -Furt herstrengt hening ofhuman resourconstruction and thei ndepe nde ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengtcesmanageme nt.Full impleme ntation ofthe performanceappraisal regulations,incentiveeffect. Complete thereservecadreevaluati ona nd selection, produced10 primary reserve cadr
8、es and 11 se condaryreserveca dres.heni ng thehumanistic carea nd psychol ogical counseling,the enter prise cult ureconstr uctiontoa ne w level.-Buildi ng ofe nterpri seculturei sfruitful. Companiesadheretothe Shenhua lead ofcor porate culture,culture ofecurit y, pr ofit,maintainsta bility and pr om
9、oteharmonious development"asthe main contentofthe "threeguarantees"themepractice activitie s and"stressing partyspirit, t oconduct,forexample"campaig n,partyand further improvementofthelevelofw ork.Staffparticipatinginthe honest a ndcl ean culture construction semi nars,staf
10、f'ssenseofpr obitya ndenha nced.Founded by honest inspe ctors team compose dof 12empl oyees t o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establi sh "fourgood" lea dershipa ctivities, staff satisfaction rate of98%tothe team.-Groupworkdynami c. Pr omoting the openness offactoryAffa
11、irs, proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterest s ofthestaffTrade Uni ondelegationleader meetingofthe 26system todi scuss and safeg uard the irdemocratic right s.Improv e theorga nizationalstr ucture ofthemissi on,t he work of strengt heni ng. Or ganizemainte nance laboremulati on a nd"he
12、althCup" competiti on,e nha ncet heski lls ofstaff.Organized avarietyof cult uralactivities,physicala nd mental health carestaff, to createa harmoniousnd theoppltoimyeize.t,iotonloveof,otrog.unipzp.otirtthe on . nddmi.n.t.egre.mreent,.v.i.Tnpt.,ninycgroe.l.ei. .ren:vuen.tplm.ent innedno.ucti.ge
13、enc0eti.mned.teCclh.n.ologgtd::ni0sc.e.a. ndceeCuol.KaNOPeisj up"fcmX”f.":,;"尸3.,:"£ .“"euireo:por""""arncngc*rm"e”.-.1::"一-",";二;:”*«='QeH;.Ka fnpeekenb.",:-,-re-oflean ma nagement to realizelow con.umption, hig hef
14、ficiency, re ducepr oducti on co.t.误差理论与数据处理Accuracy Theory and Data Analyses)课程编号:(根据选课系统中编号填写)学分:3学时:45 (其中:讲课学时:39 实验学时:6 上机学时:先修课程:概率论与数理统计、测试技术、信号分析和处理适用专业:测控技术与仪器教 材: 误差理论与数据处理,费业泰,机械工业出版社,2010.5开课学院 : 机械工程学院一、课程的性质与任务二、课程对毕业要求及其指标点的支撑1. 本课程支撑专业培养计划中毕业要求2. 本课程支撑专业培养计划中毕业要求 行业的法律基础知识,占该指标点达成度的3
15、. 本课程支撑专业培养计划中毕业要求误差理论与数据处理是高等学校测控技术及仪器专业必修的专业基础课,也可 作为机械类专业、信息类专业和其它有关专业本科生、研究生的必修课或选修课。通过 本课程的学习,培养学生掌握测试与实验数据处理的基本理论与方法,正确估计被测量 的值,科学客观地评价测量结果,并根据测试对象的精度要求,对测试与实验方法进行 合理设计,为后续专业课程及实验环节奠定理论基础。5 和毕业要求6;5 中的指标点1: 了解与本专业相关职业和30%;5 中的指标点3: 能正确认识工程对于客观世界和社会的影响,把握国内外测量控制与仪器相关的标准、规范和技术变化,占该指标点达成度的20%;4.
16、本课程支撑专业培养计划中毕业要求6 中的指标点3: 能够对测控系统和仪器工程的实验结果进行数据分析,占该指标点达成度的30%。三、课程的内容及要求第一章 绪论1. 教学内容( 1)研究误差的意义Implementation of operati on staffinduction gang system,14staffposts be pr913faonThoefatchecidestarntetaemarly wadrenipnthg.a nd prevresponsi bility at thecore,tosafety culture ,acult ure oflearning,ethi
17、cal culture,costcult ureculturesystemoug hvarious culturalintegration,has boosted businessswon the"Chinese cult uralmanagement advancednced Unitin thebuilding ofenterprisecult ureofreform andofthecompany culture : solvi ng manageme nt problems of corporate cultpow er enterpri se culture a chiev
18、eme ntaward ofexcellence.Chi na'spower of innovation ma nagement,i nnovati on managementofelectric powere nterpriseinJiang suPr ovince.-Party acorr uption continuest ostrengthe n.Wa s carrie d out to "maintainmarketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance. -Incre
19、asing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increaseomoted.Stre ngthe ning tofessi onalte chnicalleader s,sel ected coverage_|. . I . I.companywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provincialgover nment powerto266 million kWh.Throug hthe "small" andbilateraltrade,accesst oele ctricity 1.695 bi l
20、lion kWh,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50mill ion -kil owatt,116% marketshare in JiangsuProvilprofessionalandtechnical lea ders.Toenhance staffskillstrainistafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam-building to adva nce further.Esta blisha "hol
21、 ding system impleme ntation,and pr omotingt he w hole"teamnce ranked firstin thesamecapacit y,the same type units.Com panycl oselytrackedcoal li nkage policie sonJ uly 1 and Aug ust20respe ctive ly increase prices 2.08minutesand 2.5 poi nts,pr ofitability increase d signifi cantly.eam buildi n
22、g into a performance revie w,pr omotingt heconstructi1 track, 4teamfourstarrate d five-star by Datang andthe team.Four, insi sts on"sixcultural constructionof" harmoniousnts int olong-termcontractw orkers compe nsationsystem,stimulatingtheenthusia sm ofthestaff. -Furt herstrengt hening ofh
23、uman resourofpartyconstruction and thei ndepe nde ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengtcesmanageme nt.Full impleme ntation ofthe performanceappraisal regulations,incentive effect. Complete thereservecadreevaluati ona nd selection, produced10 primary reserve cadres and 11 se condaryreserveca dres.h
24、eni ng thehumanistic carea nd psychol ogical counseling,theenter prise cult ureconstr uctiontoa ne w level.-Buildi ng ofe nterpri seculturei sfruitful. Companiesadheretothe Shenhua lead ofcor porate culture,culture ofecurit y, pr ofit,maintainsta bility and pr omoteharmonious development"asthe
25、main contentofthe "threeguarantees"themepractice activitie s and"stressing partyspirit, t oconduct,forexample"campaig n,partyand further improvementofthelevelofw ork.Staffparticipatinginthe honest a ndcl ean culture const ruction semi nars,staff'ssenseofprobitya nde nhanced.F
26、ounded by honest inspe ctors team compose dof 12empl oyees t o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establi sh "fourgood" lea dershipa ctivities, staff satisfaction rate of98%tothe team.-Groupworkdynami c. Pr omoting the openness offactoryAffairs, proposalfora loveletterbox,tot h
27、e vitalinterest s ofthest affTradeUni ondelegationleader meetingofthe 26system todi scuss and safeg uard the irdemocratic right s.Improv e theorga nizationalstr ucture ofthemissi on,t he work of strengt heni ng. Orga nizemainte nance laboremulati on a nd"he althCup" competiti on, nha ncet
28、heski lls ofstaff.Organized avarietyof cult uralactivities,physicala nd mental health carestaff, to createa harmoniousnd t heoppltoimyeize.t,iotonloveof,otrog.unipzp.otirtthe on . nddmi.n.t.egre.mreent,.v.i.Tnpt.,ninycgroe.l.ei. .ren:vuen.tplm.ent innedno.ucti.geenc0eti.mned.teCclh.n.ologgtd::ni0sc.
29、e.a. ndceeCuol. aeFesi" x"fcmx”f."5;"尸:.:.,:口.“"“".;0:"-yepo"na"anhancngco*rm"e”.一-.1::"一-",";:;:".='QeH;.Kaymnaken;=.ptic,e:7,-re-oflean ma nagement to realizelow con.umption, hig hefficiency, re ducepr oducti on co.t.( 2)误差的
30、基本概念A. 误差的定义及表示法B. 误差来源C. 误差分类( 3)精度A. 精度的基本概念B 量值的传递、标准与准确度等级( 4)有效数字与数据运算D. 有效数字E. 数字舍入规则F. 数据运算规则2. 知识、能力与素质等方面的基本要求( 1)了解并掌握误差的基本概念,包括误差的定义、来源及分类等;( 2)了解精度的基本概念及其不同的表示方法,了解量值传递、标准与准确度等级的概念及相关法规等方面的知识;( 3)掌握有效数字含义、数字的舍入准则与数据运算规则,能根据精度要求准确表达测量数据3. 重难点( 1)能正确分析误差来源;( 2)测量误差按误差性质的分类处理;( 3)能准确表示有效数字;
31、( 4)了解量值传递、标准与准确度等级的概念及相关法规第二章 误差的基本性质与处理4. 教学内容( 1)随机误差A 随机误差的产生原因B 正态分布C,算术平均值及测量标准差D 测量的极限误差E.不等精度测量F.随机误差的其他分布( 2)系统误差A 系统误差的产生原因B 系统误差的特征marketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increase ,electri citysupplyi sguarante ed.In
32、 2012,the companywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provincialgover nment powerto266 million kWh.Throug hthe "small" andbilateraltrade,access toele ctricity 1.695 bi llion kW h,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50mill ion-kil owatt,116% marketshare in JiangsuProvi nce r
33、anked firstin thesamecapacit y,the same type units.Com panycl oselytrackedcoal li nkage policie sonJ uly 1 and Aug ust20respe ctive ly increase prices 2.08minutesand 2.5 poi nts,pr ofitability increase d signifi cantly. 公 .Jobgrading, remunerationof labouragreements int olong-termcontractw orkers co
34、mpe nsationsystem,stimulatingtheenthusia sm ofthestaff. -Furt herstrengt hening ofhuman resourcesmanageme nt.Full impleme ntation ofthe performanceappraisal regulations,incentiveeffect. Complete thereservecadreevaluati ona nd selecti on, produced10 primary reserve cadres and11 se condaryreserveca dr
35、es.C.系统误差的发现D 系统误差的减小和消除 ( 3)粗大误差A 粗大误差的产生原因B 防止与消除粗大误差的方法C.判别粗大误差的准则( 4)测量结果的数据处理实例A 等精度直接测量列测量结果的数据处理实例B 不等精度直接测量列测量结果的数据处理实例5. 知识、能力与素质等方面的基本要求 ( 1)掌握随机误差、系统误差和粗大误差的基本概念及其产生原因;( 2)了解并掌握三种误差的性质及其处理方法;( 3)掌握测量结果的数据处理方法及结果的表达方法;( 4)具有根据相关标准合理地处理测量数据并正确地表达测量结果的能力6. 重难点( 1)三大类误差的特征、性质以及减小各类误差对测量精度影响的措
36、施;( 2)等精度与不等精度测量的数据处理方法;( 3)测量数据的处理与结果的正确表达第三章 误差的合成与分配1. 教学内容 ( 1)函数误差A 函数系统误差计算B 函数随机误差计算C.误差间的相关关系和相关系数 ( 2)随机误差的合成A 标准差的合成B 极限误差的合成( 3)系统误差的合成A 已定系统误差的合成B 未定系统误差的合成( 4)系统误差与随机误差的合成A 按极限误差合成B 按标准差合成 ( 5)误差分配ecurit y, pr ofit,maintainsta bility and pr omoteharmonious development"asthe main co
37、ntentofthe "threeguarantees"themepractice activitie s and"stressing partyspirit, t oconduct,forexample"campaig n,partyand further improvementofthelevelofw ork.Staffparticipatinginthe honest a ndcl ean culture construction semi nars,staff'ssenseofprobitya nde nhanced.Founded b
38、y honest inspe ctors team compose dof 12empl oyees t o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establi sh "fourgood" lea dershipa ctivities, staff satisfaction rate of98%tothe team.-Groupworkdynami c. Pr omoting the openness offactoryAffairs, proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitali
39、nterest s ofthe staffTrade Uni ondelegationleader meetingofthe 26system todi scuss and safeg uard the irdemocratic right s.Improv e theorga nizationalstr ucture ofthemissi on,t he work of strengt heni ng. Orga nizemainte nance laboremulati on a nd"he althCup" competiti on,e nhancet heski l
40、ls ofstaff.Organized avarietyof cult uralactivities,physicala nd mental health carestaff, to createa harmoniousfnineaarthquakncei,al, madtoerniaalt,eid allthencfoormmpaatnioyneam nd t heoppltoimyeizeast,ioton loveof,otrogsanuipzpaotirtthe on a nddmisaanstaegreamreent,saavsi.TnaWaTS.eWnnedraWa.dMAys&
41、#163;ngtde:;i0sc.:.atm.eFesi" x"fcmdwa:f".";"-、:.,:"口" “"“":.;pror.“.Kranr .“"/,:"”.“一-ci.::".":.fiii.s,se?aee"swstQeH;aKaymaaTFnxptw-,ectricityat thecore,enhancethe operationofl.an ma nag.m.nt to r.aliz.low con.umption,hig h .ffi
42、ci.ncy, r. duc. pr oducti on co.t.Implementation of operati on staffinduction gang system,14staffposts be pronThoefatchecidestarntetaemarly wadrenipnthg.a nd prevresponsi bility at thecore,tosafety culture ,acult ure oflearning,ethical culture,costcult ureculturesystemoug hvarious culturalintegratio
43、n,has booste d businessswon the"Chince d Unitint hebuilding ofenterprisecult ureofreform andofthecompany culture : solvi ng manageme nt problems of corporate cultChi na'spower of innovation ma nagement,i nnovati on managementofelectric powere nterpriseinJiang suPr ovince.-Party acorr uption
44、 continuest ostrengthe n.Wa s carrie d out to "maintainmarketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance. -Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increaseomoted.Stre ngthe ning tofessi onalte chnicalleader s,sel ected coverage_|. . I . I.companywith coal i nventor y,get r
45、ewards ofJiangsu provincialgover nment powerto266 million kWh.Throug hthe "small" andbilateraltrade,accesst oele ctricity 1.695 bi llion kWh,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50mill ion -kil owatt,116% marketshare in JiangsuProvilprofessionalandtechnical lea ders.Toenhance staff
46、skillstrainistafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam-building to adva nce further.Esta blisha "hol ding system impleme ntation,and pr omotingt he w hole"teamnce ranked firstin thesamecapacit y,the same type units.Com panycl oselytrackedcoal li nkage p
47、olicie sonJ uly 1 and Aug ust20respe ctive ly increase prices 2.08minutesand 2.5 poi nts,pr ofitability increase d signifi cantly.eam buildi ng into a performance revie w,pr omotingt heconstructi1 track, 4teamfourstarrate d five-star by Datang andthe team.Four, insi sts on"sixcultural construct
48、ionof" harmoniousnts int olong-termcontractw orkers compe nsationsystem,stimulatingtheenthusia sm ofthestaff. -Furt herstrengt hening ofhuman resourofpartyconstruction and thei ndepe nde ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengtcesmanageme nt.Full impleme ntation ofthe performanceappraisal regula
49、tions,incentive effect. Complete thereservecadreevaluati ona nd selection, produced10 primary reserve cadres and 11 se condaryreserveca dres.heni ng thehumanistic carea nd psychol ogical counseling,theenter prise cult ureconstr uctiontoa ne w level.-Buildi ng ofe nterpri seculturei sfruitful. Compan
50、iesadheretothe Shenhua lead ofcor porate culture,culture ofecurit y, pr ofit,maintainsta bility and pr omoteharmonious development"asthe main contentofthe "threeguarantees"themepractice activitie s and"stressing partyspirit, t oconduct,forexample"campaig n,partyand further i
51、mprovementofthelevelofw ork.Staffparticipatinginthe honest a ndcl ean culture construction semi nars,staff'ssenseofprobitya nde nhanced.Founded by honest inspe ctors team compose dof 12empl oyees t o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establi sh "fourgood" lea dershipa ctiv
52、ities, staff satisfaction rate of98%tothe team.-Groupworkdynami c. Pr omoting the openness offactoryAffairs, proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterest s ofthe staffTrade Uni ondelegationleader meetingofthe 26system todi scuss and safeg uard the irdemocratic right s.Improv e theorga nizationals
53、tr ucture ofthemissi on,t he work of strengt heni ng. Orga nizemainte nance laboremulati on a nd"he althCup" competiti on,e nhancet heski lls ofstaff.Organized avarietyof cult uralactivities,physicala nd mental health carestaff, to createa harmoniousfnineaarthquakncei,al, madtoerniaalt,eid
54、 allthencfoormmpaatnioyneam nd t heoppltoimyeizeast,ioton loveof,otrogsanuipzpaotirtthe on a nddmisaanstaegreamreent,saavsi.TnaWaTS.eWnnedraWa.dMAys£ngtde:;i0sc.:.atm.eFesi" x"fcmdwa:f".";"-、:.,:"口" “"“":.;pror.“.Kranr .“"/,:"”.“一-ci.::&quo
55、t;.":.fiii.s,se?aee"swstQeH;aKaymaaTFnxptw-,ectricityat thecore,enhancethe operationofl.an ma nag.m.nt to r.aliz.low con.umption,hig h .ffici.ncy, r. duc. pr oducti on co.t.A 按等作用原则分配误差B 按可能性调整误差C.验算调整后的总误差( 6)微小误差的取舍准则( 7)最佳测量方案的确定A 选择最佳函数误差公式B 使误差传递系数等于零或为最小2. 知识、能力与素质等方面的基本要求( 1)了解函数误差概
56、念及其计算方法;( 2)掌握误差合成的概念及方法,能正确分析测量结果中可能存在的误差并进行有效的合成,给出最终的测量总误差;( 3)掌握误差分配的原则及方法,能根据设计给定精度合理地分配各单项误差,保证整个测量仪器或系统达到设计所要求的精度;( 4)能合理地开展误差分析,据此选择最佳测量方案,并指导仪器的设计。3. 重难点( 1)函数系统误差、函数随机误差的计算( 2)未定系统误差、随机误差的合成及相关系数的计算;( 2)误差的合理分配;( 3)最佳测量方案的分析确定第四章 测量不确定度4. 教学内容( 1)测量不确定度的基本概念A 测量不确定度定义B 测量不确定度与误差C.测量不确定度的由来
57、、发展及相关法律法规 ( 2)标准不确定度的评定A 标准不确定度的A 类评定B 标准不确定度的B 类评定C.自由度及其确定( 3)测量不确定度的合成A 合成标准不确定度B 展伸不确定度C.不确定度的报告( 4)测量不确定度应用实例marketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increaseomoted.Stre ngthe ning tofessi onalte chnicall eader s,sel ected
58、 coverage 913facompanywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provincialgover nment powerto266 million kWh.Throug hthe "small" andbilateraltrade,access toele ctricity 1.695 bi llion kW h,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50mill ion-kil owatt,116% marketshare in JiangsuProvi
59、nce ranked firstin thesamecapacit y,the same type units.Com panycl oselytrackedcoal li nkage policie sonJ uly 1 and Aug ust20respe ctive ly increase prices 2.08minutesand 2.5 poi nts,pr ofitability increase d signifi cantly.lprofessionalandtechnical lea ders.Toenhance staffskilli nese cult uralmanagem entacians.Laborcontract la
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