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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Module 3 Unit 1The world of our senses词汇翻译1. 符号,标志;迹象_2. 坚定地;牢牢地_3. (公交车)售票员;(乐队)指挥_4. 狭窄的;勉强的_5. (吸着气)嗅,闻 _6. 分析(v.)_7. 闪电_8. 吸引(v.)_9. 有希望的_10. 士兵_11. 有意义;有道理,讲得通_12. 扫视_13. 减轻某人的痛苦_14. 做志愿者工作_15. 天气预报 _16. 向某人挥手道别 _17. 被附在上;喜爱_18. 毫不犹豫_19. 在远处 _20. 因感激某人_21. 在惊慌中_22. 正相反_23. 处在(人生)重大

2、的转折点_24. 实际情况是雾太大了,公交车去不了那么远。The truth is that the fog is_25. 不要惧怕鲨鱼,因为人类被闪电击中的几率要比被鲨鱼攻击的几率大30倍。Don't be frightened by sharks as _ being hit by lightning than being attacked by a shark.答案 1. sign2. firmly3. conduct4. narrow5. sniff6. analyse7. lightning8. attract9. hopeful10. soldier11. make sen

3、se12. glance at13. relieve one's suffering14. do voluntary work15. a weather forecast16. wave sb. goodbye17. be attached to18. without hesitation19. in the distance20. be grateful to sb. for sth.21. in a panic22. on the contrary23. stand at the crossroads24. too thick for the bus to run that far

4、25. there is 30 times greater chance of单词拼写1. To our r_,there happened to be no people in the building when the fire broke out.2. It is important to keep c_ in an emergency.3. We shouldn't look down upon people with d_. Instead,we should help them.4. The Beijing Olympic _(志愿者) offered excellent

5、service to athletes from all over the world.5. He _(忽视) all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette.答案 1. relief2. calm3. disabilities4. volunteers 5. ignored同义句转换1. If one grows in a large family,it is possible that he can get on well with others.One who grows in a large family is _ to get on

6、 well with others.2. They had no hope of making a living and were forced to beg.They had no hope of making a living and were _ to beggars.3. The old woman waved until her son's car was out of sight.The old woman waved until her son's car _4. The little girl told me in a low voice that she go

7、t the lowest mark in the maths exam.The little girl _ to me that she got the lowest mark in the maths exam.5. Scientists in the United States have discovered a new way to deal with cancer.Scientists in the United States have discovered a new _ to dealing with cancer.答案 1. likely2. reduced3. disappea

8、red4. whispered5. approach单项选择1. (2013·江西卷)She _ the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour.A. connected B. fitted C. equipped D. matched2. (2012·江苏卷)Don't worry,Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu._! I'll tell Dad there's nothing serious.A. What a relief B. Congrat

9、ulationsC. How surprising D. I'm so sorry3. (2012·四川卷)I make $2,000 a week,60 surely won't make _ difference to me.A. that a big B. a that big C. big a that D. that big a4. In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained _ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.A. sticking B. stuck C. to be

10、stuck D. to have stuck5. Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problem if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.A. likely B. possible C. probable D. sure6. Is everyone here? Not yet.Look,there _ the rest of our guests!A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are coming7. I

11、n our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a _ for everyone to stand up.A. signal B. chance C. mark D. measure8. Peter's jacket looked just the same as Jack's,but it cost _ his.A. as much twice as B. twice as much as C. much as twice as D. as twice much as9. Sleepi

12、ng in bed,I could hear the rain _ against the windows.A. hitting B. striking C. beating D. dropping10. Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still _ the traditional customs.A. perform B. possess C. observe D. support答案 1. D2. A3. D4. B5. A6. A7. A8. B 9. C10. CModule 3 Unit 2Language词汇翻译

13、1. 大陆_2. 图案,花纹;模式,方式_3. 官方的,正式的_4. 击败,战胜_5. (使劲地)拖,拉_6. 过程,加工_7. 口音_8. 种族的_9. 插嘴_10. 缺点,短处_11. 遵循习俗_12. 以命名_13. 为作出贡献_14. 母语_15. 得出结论_16. 以貌取人_17. 控制,取得对的控制_18. 如果你方便的话_19. 区别A和B _20. 寻找工作_21. 简化字_22. 作为整体_23. 视力差_24. 这些形状或图画就是最初的汉字。These shapes or pictures were _25. 还有很多其他能够反映汉字演变过程的例子。There are ma

14、ny other examples_ of Chinese writing.答案 1. mainland2. pattern3. official4. defeat 5. drag6. process7. accent8. racial9. interrupt 10. shortcoming11. follow the customs12. name.after13. make contributions to14. mother tongue15. draw/make/arrive at/come to a conclusion16. judge a person by one's

15、appearance17. take control of18. if it is convenient for/to you19. distinguish A from B20. hunt for a job 21. simplified characters22. as a whole23. have poor eyesight24. the very first Chinese characters25. reflecting the development单词拼写1. If you want to improve your English reading skills,you shou

16、ld enlarge your v_2. O_ in writing his novel,he can't afford a holiday with his family.3. Many foreigners think Chinese c_ are difficult to write.4. Your plan sounds reasonable,but I wonder whether it is _(切实可行)5. The government is considering _(禁止) smoking on public transport.答案 1. vocabulary2.

17、 Occupied3. characters 4. practical5. banning同义句转换1. Eating too much fat can result in heart disease and high blood pressure.Eating too much fat can _ to heart disease and high blood pressure.2. The new software is not only powerful but also flexible.The new software _ power with flexibility.3. The

18、research team is made up of two Chinese scientists and three American experts.The research team _ of two Chinese scientists and three American experts.4. The computer will never take the place of teachers in class.Teachers will never be _ by the computer in class.5. American English is different fro

19、m British English in pronunciation and spelling.American English _ from British English in pronunciation and spelling.答案 1. lead/contribute2. combines3. consists 4. replaced5. differs单项选择1. (2013·湖北卷)While intelligent people can often _ the complex,a fool is more likely to complicate the simple

20、.A. sacrifice B. substitute C. simplify D. survive2. (2012·天津卷)The secretary arranged a(n)_ time and place for the applicants to have an interview.A. important B. spare C. public D. convenient3. (2012·湖南卷)Care of the soul is a gradual process _ even the small details of life should be cons

21、idered.A. what B. in what C. which D. in which4. I would like you to meet the fellow who is _ for being the worst boy in this country.A. distinguished B. favoured C. mistaken D. rewarded5. In this day and age,women can have children and jobs as well.I can't agree more. It's great to have the

22、 two_A. linked B. related C. connected D. combined6. Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house_ his personality.A. resembles B. strengthens C. reflects D. shapes7. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the d

23、igital resources of the library.A. access B. passage C. way D. approach8. Animal suffered at the hands of Man _they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people.A. in which B. for which C. so that D. in that9. Progress so far has been very good. _,we are

24、 sure that the project will be completed on time.A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides10. _ that she might lose her job,she has decided to go for further study to keep up.A. Concerned B. Having concerned C. To concern D. Concerning答案 1. C2. D3. D4. A5. D6. C7. A8. D 9. C10. AModule 3 Unit

25、3Back to the past词汇翻译1. 文明_2. 观众,听众_3. 沙尘暴_4. 教育(v.)_5. 轰炸,炸弹_6. 使腐化,使堕落;贪污的,腐败的_7. 文献;文件_8. 毒药,下毒_9. 爆炸(v.) _10. 极度的,极端的_11. 夺取;接管_12. 在此基础上_13. 被烧成灰烬_14. 阅读材料_15. 中华人民共和国_16. 以纪念_17. 通过不断摸索_18. 起义_19. 处在废墟中_20. 装饰着_21. 自由女神像_22. 英雄纪念馆_23. 把某人告上法庭_24. 人们开始在这个地区挖掘金银财宝,这造成了很大的破坏。People started to dig

26、 in the area for treasure,_25. 许多人相信楼兰古城在公元200年至公元500年之间被风沙渐渐覆盖了。Loulan _ over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 500.答案 1. civilization2. audience3. sandstorm4. educate 5. bomb6. corrupt7. document8. poison9. explode10. extreme11. take over12. on that basis13. be burnt to ashes14. reading materials15.

27、 the People's Republic of China16. in memory of/in honour of17. by trial and error 18. rise up against19. in ruins20. be decorated with 21. the Statue of Liberty22. a memorial to heroes23. take sb. to court24. which caused much damage25. is believed by many people to have been gradually covered单

28、词拼写1. It is reported that the driver has f_ the scene of the accident.2. The volcano e_ suddenly,so the town at its base was destroyed.3. Forests have been d_ in large numbers to give way to farmland.4. _(不幸的是),the man was drowned.5. The book is based on _(历史) events.答案 1. fled2. erupted3. destroyed

29、4. Unfortunately5. historical同义句转换1. Nobody likes a person who complains frequently.Nobody likes a person who makes too many _2. The college was set up in 1895.The college was _ in 1895.3. We decide to go for an outing if it is fine tomorrow.We decide to go for an outing on _ that it is fine tomorro

30、w.4. You can find many ways to solve the problem.There are many _ you can find to the problem.5. He helped me and I invited him to see a film.I invited him to see a film in _ for his help.答案 1. complaints2. founded/established3. condition4. solutions5. return单项选择1. (2012·浙江卷)No matter how brigh

31、t a talker you are,there are times when it's better _ silent.A. remain B. be remaining C. having remained D. to remain2. (2011·陕西卷)As is known to all,_ People's Republic of China is _ biggest developing country in the world.A. the;/ B. /;the C. the;the D. /;/3. Sean has formed the habit

32、 of jogging _ the treelined avenue for two hours every day.A. between B. along C. below D. with4. We give dogs time,space and love we can spare,and _,dogs give us their all.A. in all B. in fact C. in short D. in return5. I agree to his suggestion _ condition that he drops all charges.A. by B. in C.

33、on D. to6. In the good care of the nurses,the boy is _ recovering from his heart operation.A. quietly B. actually C. practically D. gradually7. From their _ on the top of the TV Tower,visitors can have a better view of the city.A. stage B. position C. condition D. situation8. _ a certain doubt among

34、 the people as to the practical value of the project.A. It has B. They have C. It remains D. There remains9. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and this _ creates further problems.A. in short B. in case C. in doubt D. in turn10. The flu is believed _ by viruses

35、that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A. being caused B. to be caused C. having caused D. to have caused答案 1. D2. C3. B4. D5. C6. D7. B8. D 9. D10. BModule 4 Unit 1Advertising词汇翻译1. 清白的_2. 理解力;理解练习_3. 治愈,治疗_4. 意外收获;奖金;额外津贴_5. 更新_6. 设计,图案_7. 最新的_8. 购买(v. & n)_9. 论说文

36、,小品文;文章,短文_10. 广告(v.)_11. 词汇翻译个有毅力的人 _12. 身心健康_13. 对作出评论_14. 吸毒_15. 迎合,对有吸引力_16. 上的当;对信以为真_17. 涉及,处理,应付_18. 屏住气息_19. 在各个方面_20. 把传达清楚_21. 对满意_22. 在方面熟练_23. 骗某人做某事_24. 公益广告旨在教育我们,帮助我们过更好的生活。PSAs _ teach us and help us lead better lives.25. 然而,并非所有的广告都给我们设陷阱。_ play tricks on us _答案 1. innocent2. compre

37、hension3. cure4. bonus 5. update6. design7. latest8. purchase9. essay 10. advertise11. a determined man/a man of determination 12. physical and mental health13. make comments on/about 14. take drugs15. appeal to16. fall for17. deal with 18. hold one's breath19. in all aspects20. get sth. across2

38、1. be pleased/satisfied/content with22. be skillful in/at23. trick/cheat/fool/trap sb. into doing sth.24. are meant to 25. Not all ads;though单词拼写1. This medicine is m_ for adults in small amount.2. He wrote a letter in r_ to the advertisement.3. Through great efforts,they finally p_ the millionaire

39、to invest in the project.4. Jack took a deep _(呼吸) and then dived into the water.5. He works hard and has been _ (升职)to general manager.答案 1. meant2. response3. persuaded4. breath 5. promoted同义句转换1. Domestic violence experts from across the country gathered last week in Washington DC.Domestic violen

40、ce experts _ gathered last week in Washington DC.2. The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.The new regulations will be _ to everyone concerned.3. After he came out of prison,he made up his mind to mend his ways.After he came out of prison,he was _ to mend his ways.4. Find some

41、information before you talk to career advisers.Find some information before _ career advisers.5. On a personal note,it is a waste of money to buy such an expensive car._,it is a waste of money to buy such an expensive car.答案 1. nationwide2. beneficial3. determined 4. consulting5. Personally单项选择1. (2

42、013·浙江卷)Eye doctor recommend that a child's first eye exam _ at the age of six months old.A. was B. be C. were D. is2. (2013·安徽卷)It's much easier to make friends _ you have similar interests.A. unless B. when C. even though D. so that3. (2012·全国卷)If she doesn't want to go,

43、nothing you can say will _ her.A. persuade B. promise C. invite D. support4. (2011·广东卷)In the special class,they showed little ability to use their own judgment,relying _ on their teachers' directions.A. specially B. slightly C. wrongly D. heavily5. Teachers recommend parents_ their childre

44、n under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.A. not allow B. do not allow C. mustn't allow D. couldn't allow6. Tim is in good shape physically _ he doesn't get much exercise.A. if B. even though C. unless D. as long as7. How did you like Nick's performance last night?To be honest

45、,his singing didn't _ to me much.A. appeal B. belong C. refer D. occur8. The news shocked the public,_ to great concern about students' safety at school.A. having led B. led C. leading D. to lead9. In many people's opinion,that company,though,relatively small,is pleasant _A. to deal with

46、 B. dealing with C. to be dealt with D. dealt with10. There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.A. present B. available C. precious D. convenient答案 1. B2. B3. A4. D5. A6. B7. A8. C 9. A10. BModule 4 Unit 2Sports events词汇翻译1. 光荣的,高尚的_2. 委员会_3. 协会_4. 传统_5. 锦标赛;冠军地位 _6. 体操_7. 体育场,运动

47、场_8. 公民,居民_9. 起源,起因;出身_10. 特别的,不寻常的;与众不同的_11. 参加开幕式_12. 参与竞争_13. 超出预算 _14. 获得 词汇翻译枚金牌_15. 在当代_16. 以为乐_17. 点燃奥运火焰_18. 领先_19. (在逆境中)坚持;紧紧抓住;不挂断(电话)_20. 频繁光顾_21. 以平局结束_22. 进 词汇翻译球 _23. 对某人不公平_24. 为了纪念希腊天神宙斯的妻子,未婚女性可以在另 词汇翻译个节日里参加她们自己的比赛。Single women_ their own competition at a separate festival_ the wi

48、fe of the Greek god Zeus.25. 要增加 词汇翻译个新的运动项目,就得去掉现有的 词汇翻译个项目。_ a current sport must be dropped.答案 1. honourable2. committee3. association 4. tradition5. championship6. gymnastics7. stadium8. citizen9. origin10. unusual11. attend an opening ceremony12. compete in.13. beyond budget14. win a gold medal

49、15. in contemporary society16. take pleasure in 17. light the Olympic flame18. lead the way19. hang on20. visit.frequently21. end in a tie/end in a draw 22. score a goal23. be unfair to sb.24. were allowed to take part in;in honour of25. In order for a new sport to be added单词拼写1. Bob spent fifteen m

50、onths abroad. Ann,m_,took care of the child on her own.2. My morning r_ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast.3. All her fans were d_ that she won the game.4. The decision we made at yesterday's meeting is of major political _(意义)5. The farmer _(吹口哨) to the dog to come out.答案 1. meantime/meanw


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