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1、New Concept English(Book 1)(新概念英语新概念英语)(第一册)(第一册) -by StellalSeptember the tenth is Teachers Day.九月十日是教师节。 语音语音-8个双元音个双元音lei ai li lu ilau u3个集中双元音个集中双元音 u il air air chair fair pair affairl hair repair airportl are share dare square compare care rare careful prepare stare declare warel ear bear tea

2、r (v.) wear pearl ere there therefore wherel ar vary scarce variousl ware制品 -hardware硬件- software 软件l 朗读下面的短语朗读下面的短语l a fair in the squarel share the pearl their affairl compare their spare repair their chairsl rare bearl careful hare l fair and squarel广场上的商品展销会l分梨吃l他们的事务l比较他们的备用轮胎l 修理椅子l稀有熊l小心翼翼的野兔

3、l 光明正大朗读下面的句子朗读下面的句子lMary is upstairs, airing the room and dusting the chairs.lPeter likes to wear long hair.lWhere there is a will, there is a way.lWhere bees are, there is honey.l(哪里有蜜蜂,哪里就有蜂蜜。)(勤劳创造财富。)lThere is a witness everywhere.l(要想人不知,除非己莫为。)ul oor poor moorl our tour touristl ur jury fury

4、curiousl ure cure pure sure ua February Januaryl ue fluency influencel ewe jewel dul jeweler朗读下列短语朗读下列短语l a pure jewell a poor touristl the tour in Januaryl一件纯正的珠宝l一位穷旅客l一月的旅行朗读下列句子朗读下列句子lThe doctor wasnt sure that he could cure the jeweler.lPoor but honest.l(人穷志不短。)il ea idea real realize theatrel

5、ear ear year appear fear near clear hear l beard tearl ere sincere herel eer deer cheer engineer career pioneer beer朗读下面的句子朗读下面的句子lDear, beer is really near.lThe audience cheered and cried, “here, here!”lDear is cheap and cheap is dear.l(好货不便宜,便宜货不好。)朗读下列单词,注意朗读下列单词,注意i u 的发音的发音l peer同龄人lsheer完全lmer

6、el tear (n.)ldeerlbeerlherel clearl pairl sharel mare 母马l tear (v.)l darel bearl hairl declarel poorl surel moor荒野l tourl doer实干家l lure诱饵l pure l cruelLesson 23 Which glasses?lon prep. 在之上lshelf n. 架子,搁板 on prep. on在之上 be on 上映,播放上映,播放 l1)on在在之上之上 l a beautiful flower on the tablel a book on the des

7、k lThere are _(一些) cups on the table.lThere _ _(一些) water on the table.l-Are there _ boxes on the floor?l-Yes, _.2) be on 上映,播放上映,播放 l Whats on tonight? - Harry Potter 4 is on. l实意动词实意动词 + on: 连续不断 这时的on是一个副词,表示连续不断的持续一个动作。 lcome on 加油 go on 断续前进 talk on 接着说,别停lMy heart will go on and on. lmarch on

8、march on march on and on 前进前进前进进 march vi. 行军 March n. 三月lThe troops marched on. 部队继续前进。lThe soldiers are on the march. 那些士兵在行进中。land so on 如此这些,等等lbe on business 出差 My father is on business to Shanghai.lbe on time 准时的,按时到达的 shelf n. 架子,搁板 lshelf (shelves)lon the shelflbook shelf 书架lbookcase书橱, 书架,书

9、柜lbookmark (n.) 书签 lbookish 书呆子 lbookworm, 书虫,书呆子 l eg. There are a lot of books on the book shelf.l My/Your/Her/His/Our/Their book is on the shelf.lshelf life 保质期 (能放在货架上的商品自然在保质期当中) Question: Which glasses does the man want? me some glasses please ,Jane ?Give glasses?Which glasses? These?No ,not .

10、 thoseones on the shelf .TheThese ?Yes ,please.?Here you are !Thanks! TextvGive me some glasses please, Jane.Which glasses?These glasses.No, not those. The ones on the shelf.These?Yes, please.Here you are.Thanks. Translate the following into Chinese:丈夫:请拿给我几只玻璃杯,简。丈夫:请拿给我几只玻璃杯,简。妻子:哪几只?妻子:哪几只?妻子:这几只

11、吗?妻子:这几只吗?丈夫:不,不是那几只。是架子上的那几只。丈夫:不,不是那几只。是架子上的那几只。妻子:这几只?妻子:这几只?丈夫:是的,请拿给我。丈夫:是的,请拿给我。妻子:给你。妻子:给你。丈夫:谢谢。丈夫:谢谢。 Give me some glasses. Give me some glasses. some和any 一.Some 的用法1.some : adj.(多用于肯定句、希望得到对法肯定回答的疑问句中)1)修饰可数名词复数,指三个或三个以上,“一些、若干”eg. Some children like playing in the park. Would you like som

12、e apples?2)修饰不可数名词,“一些、若干”eg. There is some water in the bottle. Would you like some tea or coffee? 3)修饰可数名词单数,“未确指的人、事物或地点”eg. Some man at the door is asking to see you.2.some:pron. “一些人、一些物;有些人、有些物”eg. There are many people in the park. Some are walking. Some are talking.eg. Some of the dumplings

13、are made of shrimps( 虾, 小虾).二.Any 的用法1.any:adj.(多用于否定句、疑问句)1)修饰可数名词复数,“任何数目的人或物”eg. I didnt eat any apples.eg. Are there any stamps in the drawer?2)修饰不可数名词,“任何量的”eg. Can you speak any French?3)用于肯定句中修饰单数可数名词,“任何一个”eg. Give me a pen -any pen will be OK.2.any:pron. “任何一个人/物”eg. She didnt spend any of

14、the money.总结:总结:表示一些时,表示一些时,some用于肯定句和希望得到用于肯定句和希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中;肯定回答的疑问句中;any用于否定句和疑问句用于否定句和疑问句中中.some和any练习: 一、选择题: 1. I want _books to read. Do you have_? A. some; any B. any; some C. any; any D. some; some 二、填空题: A 1)Ann has_ candies.2) Bill doesnt have_ money.3) Sue will give us_ information.4) Th

15、ere is_ milk in the fridge.5) There isnt_ beer.6) There arent_ boys in my family.7) Bill wont give me_ help.8) Ann shouldnt smoke_ cigarettes.9) Sue must do_ homework tonight.10) My brother cant speak_ Chinese.11) My sister can speak_ Spanish. 12)would you like _ water to drink? someanysomesomeanyan

16、yanyanysomeanysomesome 13) I dont have _meat, but I have _ eggs and cakes. 14)Dont worry. There is _ milk in the glass. 15)What about _ fruit juice? 16)“Would you like something to drink?”“ Id like _ coke.” 17) Dont you know _ people here? spriteThe ones on the shelf.2. The ones on the shelf.本句是省略句,

17、句首省略了I want。句中的ones代表glasses。on the shelf是介词短语,作定语,修饰ones。 1) 表示位置: 在上 The book is on the desk. 2)表示时间:在天 Everyone eats mooncakes on Mid-Autumn day. I was born on October 14,1978. I was born on October 17,1998. These? 3.These?这几只? 是Do you want these?的省略形式。4.Yes, please.是的,请拿给我。 当别人问你要不要某物而你同意要时,就可用这

18、句话。假如你不同意要,则应说:No, thank you. 或者No, thanks. 不,谢谢。 -Would you like some coffee? -Yes, please. -No, thank you.Grammar: 介词短语做后置定语介词短语做后置定语常见方位介词:常见方位介词:in、on、over、underlon:在上面,接触物体表面on the table/desk/floor/walllover:越过,垂直上方,不接触表面lin:在里面,物体里面 in the box/office/baglto:往,向,表示去向方向linto:进入里面,从外到里进入的过程lout of:在外,从里面出来lacross:横穿在物体表面横穿,从平面穿过lthrough:从里面(中间)穿过lunder:在下面lbeside:在旁边lnear:在附近lbetween:在两者之间lamong 在中间(两者以上)love


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