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1、第三章第三章名词和名词词组(名词和名词词组(1)名词和名词的数主要内容主要内容数单位名词n名词分类数(数(Number)n规则n不规则只用作单数只用作复数单复同形复数形式不规则只用作单数的名词只用作单数的名词nSingular invariables: Singular invariables refer to proper nouns and mass nouns. The former ones, because of their unique reference, are normally invariable singulars even when some of these noun

2、s appear in the “plural form”. The latter, mass noun, whether abstract or concrete is generally singular, including certain nouns ending in-s. n分类分类专有名词专有名词物质名词物质名词专有名词专有名词nProper nouns :Proper nouns denote unique persons, places, etc. A proper noun normally begins with a capital letter, has no plur

3、al form and can not occur after an article, with only a few exceptions. 国名 The United States is a country of people with varied origins 美国是由不同渊源的人种构成的国家。 In early January 1976 the Netherlands was hit by its worst storm since 1953 1976年1月初,荷兰遭受自1953年以来最大的风暴袭击。群岛,山脉,海峡,高地,瀑布等群岛,山脉,海峡,高地,瀑布等The West In

4、dies,apart from the Bahamas,are commonly divided into two parts与巴哈马群岛隔海相望的西印度群岛西印度群岛通常分为两个部分。The Himalayas have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life喜马拉雅山脉喜马拉雅山脉有着品种繁多的动植物。The Straits of Gibraltar have not lost their strategic importance直布罗陀海峡直布罗陀海峡尚未失去它在战略上的重要性。The Niagara Falls are perhap

5、s the most famous waterfall in the world尼亚加拉大瀑布尼亚加拉大瀑布也许是全世界最著名的瀑布。带带-s的人名的人名 Mr. Smith hates to get up early in the morning史密斯先生不喜欢早起。 The Smiths leave for Europe tomorrow史密斯一家明天动身赴欧洲。物质名词物质名词nMass nouns :refer to the nouns that can not take plural forms as countable nouns do. 物质名词的数物质名词的数n以-ics结尾的

6、学科名称n以-s结尾的疾病名称n以-s结尾的游戏名称n带文学色彩的物质名词以以-ics结尾的学科名称结尾的学科名称n physics(物理学)、mathematics (数学)、mechanics(机械学)、optics(光学)、acoustics(声学)、politics (政治学)、statistics(统计学)、economics(经济学)、linguistics(语言学)、athletics(体育学)、tactics(兵法) Physics is an important subject these days现今物理学是一门重要学科。Athletics is an important

7、part of our curriculum体育课在我们的课程中占重要的地位。Acoustics is the science of sound声学就是关于声音的科学。Mathematics is the study of numbers数学是研究数的科学。Tactics is an important study for the soldier对于军人来说,兵法是一门重要的学科。Note若这类词表示若这类词表示“学科学科”以外的其以外的其他意义,便可作复数:他意义,便可作复数:My mathematics are rather shaky.我的运算能力运算能力很不牢靠。Athletics h

8、ave been greatly promoted at this institute体育运动体育运动在这所学校大受提倡。The acoustics in the new concert hall are faultless新音乐厅的音响效果音响效果是完美无缺的。The tactics employed in his campaign were above reproach他在那次战役中运用的战术行动战术行动是无可指责的。 以以-s结尾的疾病名称结尾的疾病名称narthritis(关节炎),bronchitis(支气管炎),mumps(腮腺炎),diabetes (糖尿病)等 Mumps is

9、 a kind of infectious disease腮腺炎是一种传染病。 Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas in which sugar and starchy foods cannot be properly absorbed 糖尿病是胰腺不能正常吸收糖和淀粉食物的疾病。Note少数这类的疾病名称既可作单数,少数这类的疾病名称既可作单数,也可作复数:也可作复数: Rickets isare caused by malnutrition软骨病是营养不良引起的。Generally,measles occurs in children麻疹通常发生于儿

10、童身上。Measles are sometimes caused by a tapeworm麻疹有时是由绦虫引起的。以以-s结尾的游戏名称结尾的游戏名称Draughts is a game commonly played by two people跳棋通常是由两个人玩的游戏。In some parts of the British Isles dominoes is the principal game多米诺骨牌戏在不列颠岛的某些地方非常盛行。Notecards(作(作“牌戏牌戏”解)通常作复数:解)通常作复数: Cards are not allowed here这里不许打牌。带文学色彩的物

11、质名词带文学色彩的物质名词n有些物质名词以复数形式出现,具有一种文学色彩,表示“强度,大量”。the snows of Himalayas.积雪the sands of Sahara.沙sailings on the great waters.大洋只用作复数的名词只用作复数的名词n定义n分类nPlural invariables: Plural invariables suggest that some nouns normally represent as invariable plural forms. The nouns include the names of tools and ar

12、ticles of dress consisting of two equal parts, some collective nouns, geographical names of mountain ranges, water falls, groups of islands and other nouns ending in-s. n一些由两部分构成的物体名称n集体名词n地理名称n以-ings结尾的名词n其他以-s结尾的名词集体名词集体名词nCollective nouns: It means groups of people, animals and things. It belongs

13、 to a small group of common nouns. They are generally countable nouns, but even when they take the singular form, they must keep in concord with a plural verb. 集体名词的数集体名词的数n只作复数: police,people,cattle,militia(民兵),poultry(家禽),vermin(害虫)n只作单数: foliage, machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandisen既可作单数

14、,也可作复数: audience, committee, class, crew, family, government, public只作复数的集体名词只作复数的集体名词The British police have only very limited powers英国警察权力范围极其有限。Domestic cattle provide us with milk,beef and hide畜牛为我们提供牛奶、牛肉和皮革。The militia were called out to guard the borderland召集民兵保卫边疆。Such vermin as bugs and rat

15、s are hard to get rid of臭虫和老鼠那样的害虫难以灭绝。 这类名词在遵循主谓一致的原则时都要一分为二地看:谓语的数要根据主语的意思来决定;如动词用复数形式时,意为这个集体中的各个成员,用单数时表示该个集体。 His family isnt very large. 他家不是一个大家庭。His family are music lovers. 他的家人都是音乐爱好者。 以以-ings结尾的名词结尾的名词nbelongings(所有物),earnings(挣得的钱财),savings(存款),clippings(剪下物),diggings(掘出物),earnings(收入,收益

16、),filings(锉屑),lodgings(租住的房间),surroundings(环境),sweepings(扫拢的垃圾) The clippings of the hedges are usually burnt由篱笆上剪下的枝叶通常烧掉。 The sweepings of the storehouse have been disposed of仓库垃圾已经清除。NotenTidings(消息)既可作复数,也可作单数:既可作复数,也可作单数:Good tidings have cheered them up好消息使他们兴高采烈。The tidings has come a little

17、late消息来晚了一些。其他以其他以-s结尾的名词结尾的名词archives(档案),arms(武器),clothes(衣服),contents(内容),congratulations, customs(海关),dregs(残渣), eaves(屋檐), fireworks(烟火), funds(资金),greens(青菜),goods(货物), looks(外表), morals(道德,品行), minutes(会议记录), oats(燕麦),outskirts(郊区),pains(辛苦),premises(上述各点), remains(遗体), spirits(烈酒,情绪), stairs

18、(楼梯),suburbs(郊区), tropics(热带地区), thanks(谢意),wages(工资) The archives of this society are kept in the basement这个团体的档案保存在地下室里。The contents of this book are most fascinating本书的内容非常吸引人。Fireworks were postponed because of bad weather因为天气不好推迟了放烟火。High wages result in high prices高工资会导致高物价。His thanks were most profuse他满口道谢。Noten但也有少数这类名词作单、复数均可单、复数均可: His whereabouts waswere known only to his personal staff只有他个人的工作班子才知道他的行踪。The dramatics(舞台艺术)of the performance waswere marvelous这次上演在舞台艺术上真是好极了。复数不规则形式复数不规则形式n不规则的拼写和读音n外来词n复合词n字母,数字,缩略词外来词复数外来词复数n Foreign plurals: Words are borrow


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