1、广告英语的翻译英语广告的语言特点及汉译 一、用词和语法特点及汉译处理 1 言简意赅,句式简洁 为了节省篇幅,降低费用,英语广告中大量使用缩略语和简短通俗的各式动词,多用省略句、祈使句、破折句和独词句,不用或少用冗长的复合句。 Roommates Wanted Grad/ Prof share very nice 2 bdroom house nr St. Paul cmpus. U bus. Nsmkr $ 275. Call John 4-6239 or 639-4549 ev 翻译此类广告,应弄清文中的缩略语、独词句和省略句的实际含义,应了解有关地区的习俗与背景,并参照汉语同类广告的表达习
2、惯。 根据上下文的意思,可识别该广告中的缩略语: Grad=Graduate Prof=Professor 2bdrm=two-bedroomnr=near Cmpus=campusU=University Nsmkr=Nonsmokerev=evening 合租启事 欲寻一位不抽烟的研究生或教授共租一套两卧室住房,月租275美元。位置在圣保罗校园附近。交通便利,可乘校车。有意者,请与约翰联系。 联系电话:4-6239 或636-4549 (晚间) 2 使用大众化口语体 现代英语广告通常使用“大众化口语体”撰写,语句通顺、流畅。这主要表现在大量使用口语词、俚语和人称代词,尤其是第二人称代词,以
3、增加语言的可读性和亲切感。翻译时,应注意选用节凑性强、条理切适的汉语词句组织译文,力求使其在语气上与原文保持一致。 New York Institute of Technology Invites You to Your Future And that future is now. Were in the count-down to a new and exciting century. Let NYIT respond to all your needs for a college education that culminates in the career of your choice.
4、 With affordable tuition plus generous financial aid/scholarship packages, sports programs, and over 50 majors, NYIT can put you on the road to success. 纽约理工学院造就你的未来 未来就在眼前。我们即将步入一个令人神往的崭新世纪。让纽约理工学院满足你们对大学教育的一切需求!大学教育最终会使你们在自己选择的事业上出人头地。该院的学费一般人都可以承受,此外还有慷慨的经济资助或奖学金,再加上各种体育培训方案和50多个专业,定会使你们走上成功之路。 3
5、 大量使用褒扬溢美之词 广告,特别是情感诉求广告,都大量使用表示“独一无二”、“完美无缺”等概念的词语,堆砌描绘性形容词及形容词、副词的比较级和最高级。此类广告语语言生动,文笔从容,具有很强的感召力。 THE SING SING RESTAURANT Finest French Food Cozy Atmosphere & Soft Music If you were looking for the more delicious French Cuisine in town, why not rendezvous at this delightful spot where appeti
6、zing dishes are always served? 1104-1108, Kings Road, Hong Kong 星星大酒店 精美法国菜系 音乐柔和,气氛舒畅 你想品尝精制法式大菜吗?请到星星大酒店来,此处美味佳肴常备。 香港英皇道1104号至1108号 二、修辞特点及翻译要求 广告英语在辞格的运用方面颇为讲究和大胆,常用对句、对偶、比喻、双关和排比等修辞手法。翻译时,应该根据广告的内容和汉语的修辞特点,选用适当的汉语表达方法,使译文在传出原文全部信息的基础上,充分体现原文风格和表现形式,再现原文风貌。 When your taste grows up, Winston out-
7、tastes them all. 当你的鉴赏能力提高以后,你会发现温斯顿牌香烟味道最佳。 模拟生造词语 Small deposit, Big return. (银行广告) 小额存款, 巨额收益。 Street smart, Country casual (汽车广告) 城市大街上行驶潇洒, 乡间小道上奔驰自如。 对句 Moisture It keeps a flower fresh and beautiful all day. Moisture Wear Powder, It keeps your skin fresh and beautiful all day 雨露-保持鲜花艳美, 雨露护肤粉
8、-保持肌肤艳美。 对偶 We take a load off your mind.(航空公司广告) 本公司货运质量可靠,客户无须烦恼。 双关语 If your walls are in bad shape, if the idea of a careless, durable wall covering tempts you, if you want to up-to-date a room fast, plywood paneling is for you. 如果您的墙壁式样不佳,如果您想一劳永逸地装饰您的墙壁,如果您想在较短时间内把墙壁装饰得时髦,请使用墙壁装饰板。 排比 Where th
9、ere is a way for car there is a Toyota. 车到山前必有车,有路必有丰田车。 (仿照where there is a way there is a will.) 借用谚语 此外,现代英语广告采用押韵、重复等其他修辞手法。下面是一则文字处理机广告,注意修辞手法,将其译成汉语。 The Arrival of the AES Word ProcessorTo all those lucky people who work for you, it means the usual pile-up of typing will now be eaten up by th
10、e AES.Letters or documents can be amended when necessary without complete re-typing or re-checking. This cuts out a lot of donkey-work.And, without the risk of braying, does it cost effectively?The AES prints, edits, files and even calculates. Its so advanced that new programs can simply be added to
11、 existing machines making them even more useful.The uncomplicated bit is the way it works. Like a typewriter, with some extra function keys. It doesnt take us very long to train your existing staff to use it. And AES after-sales staff see your people get the most out of their machine once its instal
12、led.Its only human for your staff to make the odd mistake, or create a backlog. The AES correct typing errors before your very eyes, retrieves and updates documents, and gives you as many word-perfect originals as you need.Brilliant but uncomplicated, inhuman but positively human. AES文字处理机问世对于那些为您工作
14、、修订,如数提供您所需的完美原件。AES处理机,简单却精明,无七情六欲,却颇通人性。把下列广告译成汉语 TO LET OR FOR SALE Furnished-Edinburgh Court, 426 Argyle St., 2nd floor, 1,650 sq.ft. 4bdrms with dining and living room, private garage. Sale at $130,000. Rent $1.400. Tel. 389540 (office time) or 821948. 房屋租售 亚皆街426号爱丁堡花园三楼,面积1650平方英尺,四居室,餐厅和客厅各一
15、间,备有家具,配有车库。售价13万美元;月租1400美元。请拨电话389540(办公时间)或821948接洽。 TRANSLATION SERVICE CENTER A working team of well-experienced and professional translators together with a unique advisory board formed by noted professors and experts ensures the superb quality of our service. We provide the following services
16、: Multilingual translation of technical and non-technical literature. Publishing, printing and advertising. Chief Characteristics: Superb quality Accurate proofreading Prompt delivery High confidentiality Reasonable prices Address:_ Tel:_ 翻译服务社 本社由经验丰富的专业翻译人员组成,聘有著名教授和专家担任顾问,保证译品质量。 服务项目: (1)科技及其他方面
17、的多种文字的翻译。 (2)出版、印刷、广告。 主要特点:质量优良,校对准确,交件迅速,高度保密,收费合理。 地址: 电话: Man cook wanted. Must be thoroughly experienced and English-speaking, Apply to Box 425, China Mail, Hong Kong. 诚聘男厨师一名,经验丰富,能说英语为佳。函寄香港中国邮政信箱425号。 Office-boy Wanted in an engineering office; middle school boy preferred; state age, educati
18、on, and experience. 某工程公司聘男勤杂员一名,中学毕业优先,请详告年龄、学历及经历。将下列广告词译成英语一切皆有可能。(李宁服饰) Anything is possible.海尔,真诚到永远 Haier is sincere forever.要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。 Keep your fine skin, use Dabao Face Cream then!康师傅方便面,好吃看得见。 Eating is believing.英语广告的文体特点及翻译要求 一、普通广告文体 普通广告按其激发消费者购物的手段可分为理性诉求(即说明类)和感情诉求两大类:按其文字表达方式可分为陈述
19、体、独白体、书信体、幽默体及问答体和诗歌体等。 1 陈述体 陈述体广告讲求用事实说话,开门见山地介绍商品名称、用途、功效等情况,语言质朴、行文端庄。翻译时应选用平实的汉语,以严肃客观的语气组织译文。 “Lucky” Brand Chocolates are made of choice materials by up-to-date scientific method. The product is allowed to leave the factory only after strict examination of its quality. Owing to the influence
20、of tropical climate on raw materials used, white spots may occasionally appear on the surface of the product, but the quality remains unchanged in that event. Please send particulars to our distributors concerned. “幸运”牌朱古力系用上等原料以最新科学方法配置而成。其质量经过严格检查,始行出厂。由于热带气候对原料的影响,朱古力表面会偶尔出现白色斑点,但品质未变。若有发现,请将详情告知
21、有关经销商。 2 独白体 独白体广告采用戏剧、电影中个人独白的方式微妙地把商品介绍给顾客。翻译这类广告,要吃透原文,把握原文语气。 “The perfect pie,” I murmured. It was a melt-in-your-mouth Chocolate chiffon and I had to have the recipe. But my sister-in-law shook her head. “We all have our little secrets,” she cooed. So I helped with the dishes and the recipe ac
22、cidentally fell out of her pile. I spied her secret right away Carnation Evaporated Milk. She is still miffed, but now I can make the perfect pie. And I know the reason why. “味美可口的馅饼”我自言自语地说。那是一种到口即化的巧克力博饼,可我不知道制作的方法。我嫂嫂摇摇了头。“我们每个人都有自己的小秘密,”她压低声音说。在我帮着上菜时,那张制作馅饼的配料单碰巧从她的文件夹中滑落下来。我不失时机地窥探了她的秘密-“康乃馨”牌
23、炼乳。她至今仍然有些懊恼,可我已经会做这种味美可口的馅饼了。我知道这其中的奥秘了。 3 书信体 书信体广告是以用户的口气,以向亲友写推荐信或向厂家写感谢信的形式,向顾客介绍商品的广告。翻译这类广告时应注意书信的程式。 Dear Sir, I have suffered from cramp since childhood, and was always told it was growing pains. When I was 33, I finally began using Paroven capsules. In the eight years since then I have bee
24、n able to do a mile run every day, and I just want to say that without the Paroven capsules that could have been impossible. They have saved me from having cramped legs, so it is nice to be able to let you know that I really appreciate Paroven. Its made my life a lot easier and less painful. Thank y
25、ou! 尊敬的先生: 从还提时代起,我的两腿就经受着痛性痉挛的折磨,而且有人常告诫我,我的病痛会逐渐加重。 在我33岁那年,我开始服用Paroven胶囊。8年过去了,现在我每天可以跑1英里。我现在只想说一句:如果没有Paroven胶囊,这是根本不可能的事。 Paroven胶囊使我的两腿摆脱了痛性痉挛的折磨。因此我高兴地告诉你们,我非常感谢Paroven胶囊。是Paroven胶囊减轻了我生活中的痛苦,使我的生活变得轻松自如。 诺拉.哈彭 4 幽默体 这种体式活泼、诙谐、充满幽默感。翻译此类广告,应选用轻松诙谐的汉语词句组织译文。 Why Some Kids Cant Stand the Smal
26、l Wonder? Bad News for camera-shy kids, the New Small Wonder VHS Camcorder is so small, so simple, so fully automatic, it follows kids everywhere. Captures everything. Turns their life into an open book. The key is RCAs technology. It puts the features of larger camcorders into a compact, light weig
27、ht unit that fits easily into one hand. 有的孩子为什么不喜欢小型“奇迹”摄像机? 对不喜欢上镜头的孩子来说,这真是一条坏消息。新式小型“奇迹”牌VHS全自动摄像机小巧玲珑,结构简单。哪里有孩子,哪里就有小型“奇迹”牌摄像机,小型“奇迹”牌摄像机可拍摄任何东西,它使孩子们的生活变得丰富多彩,RCA技术是生产该摄像机的关键。小型“奇迹”牌摄像机具有大型摄像机的优点,而且体积小,重量轻,完全可以放在手掌里。 二、招聘、招标类广告的特点及汉译处理 招聘、招标类广告纪实性强,通常使用正式的书面英语,其文体近似公文体。招标类广告通常多用专业词汇和术语(包括标准代号等
28、),语言颇似科技英语。翻译此类广告,应选用庄重平实的汉语词句,严谨的行文方式 WANTED Someone to look after a small group of children (1.5 to 2years), in my flat, approximately 5 days a week, from 9 to 12 a.m. ,_Street 1-2-22. Tel: 523924 聘请保姆 我处有几个孩子(一岁半至两岁)需人照顾。每周约工作5天,每天上午9点至12点。如有愿者,请与_大街1号楼2单元22号联系。电话: 523924. SMITH INTERNALTIOANL CO
29、MPANY, LTD. Call For BidTenders are hereby invited by the Chairman, Tender Board, Smith International Company, Ltd., from builders of all the eligible source countries or well reputable and experienced manufactures or trading companies organized and registered in and controlled by the eligible sourc
30、e countries to participate in the Bid for the supply of the two Nos. Deep Hold Cargo Ships (DHCS) to the Smith International Co., Ltd.All those who are interested in participating in the Bid for supply of the above mentioned DHCS are subject to a Prequalification Document upon presentation of an off
31、icial letter of reference from January 15 to February 15, 1992. Each set of the said Documents costs USD 100.Upon receipt of the Invitation Letter the qualified manufactures or trading companies are requested to buy the Bidding Documents as per the time and the address indicated therein.Tender Forms
32、 will be available up to 4 p. M. On 15 February. 1992.Specifications of the DHCS required are indicated in the Tender Forms. Liaison Office:_Telex: Ns 22215Telephone: 5-23567Cable Address: S. I. C. -115Zip Code:110012 史史密斯国际有限公司招标通知密斯国际有限公司招标通知 史密斯国际有限公司招标委员会主席决定采用国际公开招标方式采购两艘深舱货轮,并邀请各合格货源国的造船者或在合格货
33、源国组成和注册并受该国控制的有良好声誉和丰富经验的造船厂或贸易公司参加投标。 凡参加两艘深舱货轮的投标者,务必于1992年1月15日至2月15日期间持公函向史密斯国际有限公司购买“投标资格预审”文件,每份100美元。 预审合格的制造商或贸易公司,在收到邀请函信后,按邀请信上所规定的时间、地点前来购买投标文件。 投标书的发放日期于1992年15日至16日截止。 深舱货轮的性能规格附于投标书。 联系单位:XXXX 电传:NS 22215电话:523567 电挂:SIC-115邮政编码:110012把下列广告译成汉语 CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH Conversational Eng
34、lish is chiefly meant for intermediate level students. It aims at cultivating the students ability to hear and speak English. The book consists of two volumes, each of which is made up of 16 lessons. Your orders are welcome. HK $ 80 per copy For further information and other services, please contact
35、: _ Press. Address: _ Tel:_ 回话英语回话英语 本书主要适合中等水平的学生,目的在于培养学生的听说能力。全书分两册,每册16课。欢迎订购。 每册80港元。 欲知详情或需其他服务,请与XXX出版社联系。 地址: 电话: China National Technical Import Corporation Invitation to Bid No. TCB 827008In accordance with Loan Agreement concluded between the Foreign Investment Commission of China and the
36、 Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund of Japan for three construction projects of Yan-Shi Railway, Jing-Qin Railway and Qinhuangdao Port and Shijiusuo Port Expansion, China National Technical Import Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “CNTIC”) is authorized to purchase equipment and materials (det
37、ails as per attached lists) needed by the above-mentioned projects by way of international competition.We hereby invite manufacturers and/or trading companies organized and registered in and controlled by the eligible source countries to participate in the supply of the above-mentioned equipment and
38、 materials. Interested manufacturers and/or trading companies are requested to inform us by letter of the items they are to supply and submit us relevant documents for prequalification not later than June 30, 1982. The contents of documents shall be made in English Language in triplicate.After compl
39、etion of evaluation of the Prequalification Documents, CNTIC will dispatch inquiries to the qualified manufacturers and/or trading companies. The 7th DepartmentChina National Technical Import CorporationAddress: _, Beijing, ChinaTelex: 222244 CNTIC CNCable Address: TECHIMPORT BEIJINGTelephone: 89093
40、1-242 中国技术进口公司招标通知中国技术进口公司招标通知 编号:编号:TCB827008 中国技术进口总公司(以下简称“中技”)根据原中国外资管理委员会与日本海外经济协力基金会签订的兖石铁路、京秦铁路和秦皇岛港三项建设工程以及石臼所港扩建贷款协议,授权采用国际竞争方式对上述项目所需的设备和材料进行采购(详见附录)。 欢迎在合格货源国组成或注册并受该国控制的有丰富经验和良好信誉的制造厂或贸易公司参加供货。请于今年6月30日以前函告拟供货项目并向我公司提交资格预审材料。全部材料请以英文书写,一式三份。 我公司将于资格预审完毕后向合格制造厂家或贸易公司发出询价。 中国技术进口总公司第七业务部 地
41、址:中国北京XXX 电传:22244 CNTIC CN 电报挂号:TECHIMPORT BEIJING 电话:890931242The road to becoming a Volkswagen is a rough one. The obstacles are many.Some make it.Some crack.Those who make it are scrutinized by 8,397 inspectors. (807 of whom are finicky women)Theyre subjected to 16,000 different inspections.They
42、re driven the equivalent of 3 miles on a special test stand.Every engine to be tested.Every transmission.Many bugs are then plucked from the production lines. Their sole function in life is to be tested and not to be sold.We put them through water to make sure they dont leak.We put them through mud and salt to make sure they wont rust.They climb hills to test handbrakes and clutches.Then comes the dre
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