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1、Magic GlassesUnit 2 Unit Review五年级绘本一、教材分析本单元主要谈论了季节的话题,学习了如何询问他人喜欢的季节以及如何表达自己喜欢的季节和喜欢的理由。本课以绘本Magic glasses为载体,对本单元的功能和话题进行综合复习,旨在进一步巩固拓展学生的综合语言运用能力。二、学情分析本课教学对象为5 年级学生,本单元的新课已经结束,学生已经比较系统的学习了本单元的知识,基本掌握了本单元表示季节及活动的单词,询问他人喜好季节及陈述理由的句型。三、教学目标知识与能力目标:1. 进一步巩固五个关于季节的单词:spring,summer,autumn,winter,seas

2、on, 以及四季里典型活动的词组:go on a picnic,go swimming,pick apples,make a snowman. 进一步巩固句型Which seasondo you like best?Why?Because2. 进一步提高综合娱语言运用能力:Which season do you like best?Why?Because 在情景中的综合运用,询问并回答对季节的喜好,并简单陈述喜好某个季节的理由。3. 进一步能在图片的帮助下理解描写四季的短文,并运用句型I like.best because书 面表达自己最喜好的季节及原因。情感态度目标:通过本节课的复习,进一步

3、让学生有兴趣用英语表达自己所喜爱的季节,并陈述理由。进一步培养学生热爱自然,积极乐观的生活态度。了解生活中有四季,人生中也有四季。文化意识目标:能让学生了解有关季节的常识。学习策略目标:能引导学生注重小组合作学习,培养沟通和交流的能力。通过本课学习,让学生学会运用略读,跳读,精读等技巧,培养学生获取信息,运用信息的能力。教学过程课前播放歌曲活跃课堂气氛,使学生题前感知本节课相关内容。Step I. PreparationFree talk:s begin, stand up, please.T: Hello,boys and girls. LetT: Good morning,boys and

4、 girls.SS: Good morning,Alice.T: Sit down, please.55: Thank you.T:You re welcome.T:boys and girls,look outside. What' s the weathediketOday?可用Is it?引出天气单词 )51: It s warm/ sunny/.T: Yes, it s warm and windy. Which season is it now?52: It s spring.T: How many seasons are there in a year?S3: Four.T

5、: What are they?S4: They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. ( 根据学生回答,示图画贴四季词卡,生读 词)Step II. PresentationT: We know there are four seasons in a year.Which season do you like best ?(问两生后示句 型)S1: I like . best.T: Why (贴)?51: Because .T: What s your favourite season?52: My favourite season is .(如果学生

6、只用一个单词回答,则引导学生说完整的句子,要求 他再说一遍。)T: Why do you like.?53: Because .T: What's the weather like in spring?SS:It '踣养学生说整句。)T: I like warm spring, I like all seasons, and I can see four seasons in this class. Because I havemagic glasses. ft PPT出示会动的魔法眼镜 )师领读 magic, magic, magic glasses.T:Magic glas

7、ses can be magic. Let' ssayc-缶初期匕“together.SS: Magic-magic-magic!T:Wow! a green magic glasses.(点 PP1 师领读 Put on a pair of green magic glasses 并找生读句 子)T: And my friend have magic glasses,too. what colour are their glasses?read and circle ( 提出问 题,学生整体读文本后回答)T: What colour of Mike ' s?SS:Green.

8、T: What colour of Sarah ' s?SS:Red.T: What colour of John ' s?SS:Orange.T: What colour of Amy ' s?SS:White.T:You ' re clever.more questions for you,which season does he like best? Why? Read and find.(PPT出示问题,学生带问题看屏幕)生读后给出答案。T:Well done , which season does Mike like best?SS:He likes

9、spring.T:Why does he like spring?SS:Because he can plant trees.生答出后贝占词条T:How do you know that?SS:This sentence.T: Excellent .We can get the information from the words and the pictures.T:Mike can plant trees.What can you do in spring?SS:.引出go on a picnic,go for a walk随机贴词卡。(学生说不出时,可用 Can you.进行提问)T:W

10、hen you go on a picnic,what ' s the wtesafherSS:It ' s warm.T: The weather is warm an windy 弓 | 出 warm/windy. 总结:Spring is warm and windy.we can plant trees.T:There are many flowers in spring.when you go outside please love the flowers ,the trees,protect our environment .OK ?T:We know Mike s

11、 likes spring.Because he can plant trees,How about Sarah,John and Amyread ,discuss and fill in the blanks,one write ,the others discuss.( 教师拿四支笔发给四个组长)Whenyour group finish, stand up,please!( 出示表格)T: Oh,you stand as a pine tree.( 找到第一个起来的组)T:Group 1 is the winner,You,please.You Sarahreow.Let 'as

12、k Sarah together.(PPT示问题)SS:Sarah,Sarah,Which season do you like best?S1:I like summer best.( 另一生贴词卡)SS:Why?S1: Because I can swim.SS: What s the weather like in summer?S1: It s hot.T: Thank you .(2 生下台 )What can you do in summer? (根据学生回答学生贴词卡,当有学生说eat ice cream 时,教师问全体学生)do you like to eat ice crea

13、m ?(点 PPT渗透。)SS: .T:Don t eat so much,or your stomach will hurt.In the hot summer,Sarah likes swim,How about John?Group 2,please.( 教师做举手状,找两名生上台)其他组同学提问John, John,Which season do you like best?Why?(上台的同学回答并贴词卡。教师点PPT核对答案)过程中教读take a trip,SS:What can you do in autumn?S1:I can.(教师可适时用Can you pick appl

14、es/pears. in autumn?)SS:What s the weather like in autumn?S1:It s cool.T:.John likes autumn best.How about Amy?Together.(Amy likes winter,because she can skate,itcold and snowy 师随手贴词卡)4.We can do many things in 4 seasons.I have another magic glasses.Do you want to try?SS:Yes.T:(找生上台试戴,What can you s

15、ee)SS:nothing .(多找几个生)T:In our life, there are special people.They can see nothing,but they didn't give up,they love thelife.After while let' s be their magic glasses.You' r(eo Warm heart.(PPTStep III Practice1 . How many magic glasses in the book ,let s read the bfaovookuirniteyowuary.2 .T:Super,so a game for you.(教师与学生示范剪子包袱锤 )Step IV ProductionT:We can see the beautiful seasons,But they can t,They can feel,they can hear.so let spoem for them Spring in my eyesIn my eyes,Spring is active.The wind blows.The rain falls down.In my eyes.Spring is happ


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