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1、一 般 现 在 时 复 习 讲 义提示词: often usually always never sometimes every +时间 构 成: 当主语为单三时,动词变单三。(主语不是单三,动词就不变。) 单三:第三人称单数,不是“你”,不是“我”,是“他,她,它”,人名也是!动词单三变化的规则:1. 一般直接加 s 。 如:live-lives 2. 以s,x,sh,ch,o 结尾的,加es。 如:finish-finishes 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变i加es。 如:study-studies_ 现 在 进 行 时 复 习 讲 义提示词:now right now at the

2、 moment look listen构 成: be+Ving (be动词后面加动名词,二者缺一不可,be用什么看主语)动 名 词变化的规则:1. 一般直接加ing。 如:play-playing 2. 以不发音的e结尾的,去e,加ing。 如:make-making。 3. 以“辅元辅”结尾的,双写尾字母加上ing。 如:stop-stopping。 4. 特殊的词:tietying lielying diedying Listen-listening answer-answering Draw-drawing play-playing Stay-Staying water-watering

3、_ 一 般 过 去 时 复 习 讲 义提示词: yesterday in+年份 last+时间 just now ago 构 成: 句子中的动词变为过去式(不考虑主语单复数,是该时态直接把动词变过去式)动词的过去式变化规则:1. 一般直接加ed。 如:play-played 2. 以e结尾的直接加d。 如:live-lived 3. 以“辅元辅”结尾的,双写尾字母加ed。 如:stopstopped。 4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变i加ed。不规则变化的单词要重视:beginbegan bringbrought buildbuilt buyboughtCancould comecame d

4、odid drawdrew drinkdrank drivedrove eatate fallfell feelfelt fightfought findfound flyflew forgetforgotGetgot givegave gowent have,hashad hearheard holdheld knowknew learnlearnt leaveleft lielay loselost makemade meetmet putput readread riderode runran saysaid seesaw sellsold sendsent singsang sitsa

5、t speakspoke spendspent standstood sweepswept swimswam taketook teachtaught telltoldthinkthought throwthrew wearwore winwon writewrote _ 一 般 将 来 时 复 习 讲 义提示词: tomorrow next+时间 after+时间 in the future 构 成: will+动词原形 或者 be going to +动词原形 (will和be going to 相等)一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式: 1. wash_ match _guess_ st

6、udy_ finish_ go_ snow_ carry_ 2. stop_ see_ drive _let_ carry_ keep_ join_ find_ think_ teach_ catch_ 3.stay_ begin_ forget_ lie_ die _ run_ prefer_ give_ ring_ dance_ hope_ 二、写出下列动词的过去式:tell    break     build     catch    begin  

7、;  draw    eat come buy cut read put think go get give keep know 三、写出下列动词的现在分词形式:play_run_swim_make_go_like_write_ski_read_have_sing_dance_put_see_buy_love_live_take_come_get_stop_ sit _ begin_ shop_练习(一):一般现在时(关键词:always, often, sometimes, usually, every, twice a week, never从不)一

8、、单项选择:1、Tom is a worker. He _ in a factory. His sisters_ in a hospital. A:work, work B:works, work C:work, works2、Mrs. Read _ the window once a week.A:is cleaning B:clean C:cleans3、The twins usually _ milk and bread for breakfast, but Jim only_ some soup for it.A:have, have B:have, has C:has, have4、

9、We _ music and often _ to it.A:like, listen B:likes, listens C:like, are listening5、The twins _ milk and bread for breakfast every morning.A:have B:has C:had二、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。(关键词?)1. We_(be) students. We often_(play) in the playground.2. He _(be) a boss. He always_(get) up at 10:30.3. She_(brush) her

10、 teeth every morning.4. They sometimes_(stop) to have a rest.They usually_(do) the work after school.5. Danny_(study) English, Chinese ,Maths and Art an school.6. Mike sometimes_(go) to the park with his sister.7. She usually_(watch) TV with his parents on Sundays.8. Mike and Jerry_(read) English ev

11、ery morning. They_(be) good friends.9. My classmate_(have) English lessons on Mondays.10. His mother_(do)the housework every morning.三、把下面的句子变为其否定式,然后变成疑问句。(是否含be?)1、He is a super cook.否:_ 疑:_2、Tom has a good friend in Class One.否:_ 疑:_3、I like the big and beautiful garden very much!否:_ 疑:_4、He wash

12、es his clothes every Saturday.否:_ 疑:_5、Tack sometimes drinks tea after breakfast every day.否:_ 疑:_练习(二):一般过去时(关键词:yesterday, ago, last week, this morning, just now in the past )一、单项选择:1、The sick man stayed in bed, stared at the roof, _very terrible.A:felt B:feeling C:is feeling2、Mrs. Read _ the wind

13、ow yesterday.A:cleans B:cleaned C:is cleaning3、The twins _ milk and bread for breakfast this morning.A:have B:has C:had4、I didnt know who _ the basket just now?A:took B:taken C:takes5、We _ songs and _ beer two hours ago.A:sing, drink B:are singing, drank C:sang, drank二、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。(关键词?)1、Tom _ (w

14、atch) TV at home last night. He _ (go) nowhere.2、When I was young, I often _ (play) football with my best friends.3、He _ (be) not with me just now.4、She _ (give) Mary a present last Christmas.5、It _ (happen) ten minutes ago.6、What time _ you _ (get) up yesterday morning?7、Yesterday, I _ (be) a littl

15、e late and I _ (not get) to school on time.8、They _ (be) in Beijing in 1995.9、He _ (see) them off at the station last night.10、It stopped raining and the sun _ (begin) to shine.三、把下面的句子变为其否定式,然后变成疑问句。(是否含be?)1、I was late for school yesterday. 否:_ 疑:_2、They read English last night. 否:_ 疑:_  3、Th

16、ere were two cinemas in the town two years ago.否:_ 疑:_4、He washed his clothes and cleaned the floor last night.否:_ 疑:_5、Tack drank coffee after breakfast in the morning.否:_ 疑:_练习(三):现在进行时(关键词:now, right now, at present, at this moment, Look!, Listen! )一、单项选择:1、The children _ the flowers now. A:is wa

17、tering B:are watering C:water the 2、Lisa and Lucy_ piano on the stage at this moment. A:plays B:is playing the C:are playing the3、Listen! The girl _ in the classroom. A:sings B:is singing C:was singing 4、Look! The twins _ their mother do the housework. A:are helping B:were helping C: help 5、Be quiet

18、! The little boy _ with his toys in the bed. A:is sleeping B:was helping C:sleeps 二、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。(关键词?)1、_ your dog _ now?(sleep)Yes, it _ (be). 2、Tom and his sister _(wait)for you over there. 3、What _ you_ (do)? We _ (play) games now.4、_ you _ (fly) a kite? No, I _ (sing) an English song.5、His par

19、ents _ (watch) TV at this moment.6、Look. Three boys _ (mend) a car and Mr. Chen _ football.(play) 7、Listen, someone _(sing)and _ (dance) in the classroom. 8、What _ they _ now?      Look! Jim _(talk)with her teacher in the teachers office, Tom _(listen)to music, Jack _(sing)

20、a song, Lucy _ (dance), Tim _ (study), Jerry _ (have) lunch, Tack _ (swim), Amy _ (sit) on the wall, and Jacky _ (lie) on the ground.三、把下面的句子变为其否定式,然后变成疑问句。(是否含be?)1、I am doing my English homework now.否:_ 疑:_2、The boy is playing basketball at present.否:_ 疑:_3、They are singing in the classroom at thi

21、s moment.否:_ 疑:_4、She is playing the piano and singing sing a song.否:_ 疑:_5、The birds are singing in the tree right now.否:_ 疑:_练习(四):一般将来时一.用词的适当形式填空.(1).The library is too old.They_ (build) a new one.(2).It _ (be) 2009 next year.(3).-What_you_(be)when you grow up? -I'm going to be an actor.(4).

22、Teachers' Day is coming.I_(give) our teachers some flowers.(5).She _ (spend) her holiday in Beijing.(6).It_(rain) tomorrow.(7)."Are they going to have a welcome party?" "Yes, we _(be)"(8).The day after tomorrow it _ Teachers' Day.(be)二.句型转换:(1).The girls are going to take

23、 acting lessons.(改为否定句)The girls_ _ to take acting lessons.(2).The students have a school trip in spring.(用next week 改写)The students _ _ _ _ a school trip next week.(3).They are going to meet outside the school gate.(划线提问)_ _ they going to meet?三.用be going to,wants,或how填空.(1).Taku _ be an actor then he grows up.(2).What is Manuel _ be when he grows up?(3).He _ to be an engineer.(4)._ is he going to do that?(5).He's _ study maths really hard.(6).He _ to get good grades in maths.四.翻译句子:(1).明天我将要看望我的爷爷._.(2).后天李明将要去北京._.(3).下个星期天将要下雨._.(4).明天你将要做什么?_?(5).后天是教师节._.(6).下个月我将要举行一个生日晚会。_(


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