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1、表示作者观点态度的词语表示作者观点态度的词语一一、 赞同赞同positiveadj.肯定的,favorableadj.approvaln.enthusiasmn.supportiveadj.defensiveadj.为而辩护的二二 、否定、否定 negativeadj.disapprovaladj.objection.n.异议opposition.n.反对criticaladj.批评的criticismadj.批评批判disgustvi.令人恶,反感warningadj.警告的contemptn.轻视,轻蔑,耻辱,不尊敬compromisingn.妥协,折衷v.妥协,折衷worriedadj.

2、闷闷不乐的,焦虑的三三 怀疑怀疑 skepticaladj.suspicionn.猜疑,怀疑suspiciousadj.(of)doubtfuladj.可疑的puzzlingadj.四四 客观客观 (即好的坏的都说,选的可能性极大)objectiveadj.客观的neutraladj.中立的impartialadj.公平的,不偏不倚的disinterestedadj.无私的imprejudicedadj.没有偏见的unprejudicedadj.公平的,无偏见的,没有成见的五五、 主观主观 subjectiveadj.indifferencen.不关心tolerancen.宽容,容忍,pess

3、imismn.悲观gloomyadj.黑暗的,optimisticadj.乐观的sensitive敏感锐的,易受伤害的scaredadj.恐惧的reservedadj.保留的,radicaladj.激进的moderateadj.适中的mildadj.温和的,温柔的,淡味的,轻微的,适度的ironicadj.说反话的,讽刺的confusedadj.困惑的,concernedadj.关心的,有关的apprehensiveadj.担心mixed喜忧参半六六 积极积极 objectiveadj.客观的concerned关注的confidentadj.自信的,确信的interestedadj.感兴趣的,

4、有成见的,有权益的optimisticadj.乐观的positive正面的impressiveadj.给人深刻印象的,感人的高考书面表达高考书面表达邀请信邀请信一、词汇一、词汇代表某人代表某人 做讲座做讲座某方面的专家某方面的专家感激感激话题话题on behalf of / in the name ofgive a lecture / make a speechan expert inbe gratefulsubject / topic期待期待从从. 中获益中获益look forward to benefit from二、常用短语复习二、常用短语复习1.很荣幸邀请某人做很荣幸邀请某人做2.希望

5、你能够希望你能够 3.准备好准备好4.更进一步了解更进一步了解5.趁机做某事趁机做某事6. 将在将在302房间举行房间举行7. 举行举行/组织英语演讲竞赛组织英语演讲竞赛8. 接受接受/拒绝某人的邀请拒绝某人的邀请9. 通知某人关于这个活动的通知某人关于这个活动的细节细节1. be honored to invite sb. to do 2. You are expected to do 3. get ready for make (good) preparations for 4. get a better understanding of 5. take the chance to do

6、6. will take place / be held in Room 302 / is scheduled to be held in 7. hold / organize an English speech contest8. accept / decline (reject) ones invitation 9. inform sb. of some details about the activity 10. 急切想听听你对急切想听听你对的的独特见解独特见解11. 办此次派对是为了纪办此次派对是为了纪念念 12. 和和一起做某事一起做某事13. 出席出席14. 百忙中抽出时间做百忙中

7、抽出时间做15. 提前提前16. 尽早尽早(回复回复)17. 确定能否参加确定能否参加18. 祝你一切都好!祝你一切都好!10. be eager to hear you talk about your unique views concerning / regarding 11. hold the party in honor of12. join sb. to do / in doing sth. 13. attend / be present at 14. take time out of your busy schedule (to do )/ I hope youre not too

8、 busy to (come). 15. in advance / ahead of schedule 16. at ones earliest convenience17. confirm your participation 18. Wish you all the best!Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 说明身份说明身份提出邀请提出邀请简述活动细节简述活动细节提出建议提出建议希望对方希望对方接受邀请接受邀请三、邀请信-谋篇布局Opening: (说明身份;提出邀请说明身份;提出邀请)l. 我写信是想邀请您我写信是想邀请您 I am writing to invite you

9、to . . .2. 我想知道您是否能来我想知道您是否能来 I wonder if you could come . .3. 非常荣幸地邀请您参加非常荣幸地邀请您参加 It is my pleasure/a great honor for me to invite you to / It is with great pleasure that I invite you to attend / I take great pleasure in inviting you to 4. 学生会将举行一个学生会将举行一个的比赛,我希望您能的比赛,我希望您能 The Students Union will

10、 hold a competition , and I hope you can 5. 我想知道我们是否能有幸邀请您作此次比赛的评委。我想知道我们是否能有幸邀请您作此次比赛的评委。 I wonder if we have the honor to have you come as a judge of the competition.Ending: (希望对方接受邀请希望对方接受邀请) )1. 如果您能来,我和我的家人将感到无比荣幸。如果您能来,我和我的家人将感到无比荣幸。 My family and I would feel honored if you could come.We woul

11、d be honored to have you there with us.2. 我们盼望着您参加晚会。我们盼望着您参加晚会。 We would be looking forward to your participation in the party.3. 我真心希望您方便的话能接受我们的邀请。我真心希望您方便的话能接受我们的邀请。 I really hope you will accept our invitation if it is convenient to you. 4. 请尽早回复我你是否能来,以便我早做安排。请尽早回复我你是否能来,以便我早做安排。 Please keep m

12、e informed as soon as possible of whether you are able to come or not, so that I can make early arrangements! / Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. / Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to?5. 请打电话来告诉我您能否来参加聚会,好吗?请打电话来告诉我您能否来参加聚会,好吗? Would you pl

13、ease ring me up to inform me if you can come to the party?6. 我们高兴地期待着您的到来。我们高兴地期待着您的到来。 We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure. 假设你是新华中学的高三假设你是新华中学的高三学生李华。你校打算邀请一位国际知名文化使者学生李华。你校打算邀请一位国际知名文化使者Dr. Smith来学校来学校做一次毕业典礼演讲,请你给他写一封邀请信。内容包括:做一次毕业典礼演讲,请你给他写一封邀请信。内容包括: 1. 目的;目的; 2. 安排安

14、排时间:时间:5月月30日;日;地点:学校操场;地点:学校操场;主题:怎样通过个人奋斗实现理想;主题:怎样通过个人奋斗实现理想; 3.表达感谢与祝福。表达感谢与祝福。 注意:注意:1.词数词数100左右;左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 信的开头已给出,不计人总词数。信的开头已给出,不计人总词数。 参考词汇:毕业典礼演讲参考词汇:毕业典礼演讲commencement speech Dear Dr. Smith, My name is Li Hua. Im a Senior 3 student from Xinhua Middle School.

15、四、优秀范文四、优秀范文Dear Dr. Smith, My name is Li Hua. Im a Senior 3 student from Xinhua Middle School. Im writing to ask you a favor. Would you please come to our school and give us a commencement speech? The speech is scheduled to be given on May 30th on the school playground, the theme of which will be h

16、ow to realize our dreams through personal efforts. Were eager to hear that you talk about your own experiences and unique views. I sincerely hope you can take time out of your busy schedule, and I would appreciate it very much if you could come. Thank you in advance and wish you ail the best! Im loo

17、king forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 你们班同学打算周六去爬香山。请给外教你们班同学打算周六去爬香山。请给外教Chris写一封英文信,邀请他参加此次活动。具体写一封英文信,邀请他参加此次活动。具体内容如下:内容如下:1. 时间:时间:8am5 pm;2. 集合地点:校门口;集合地点:校门口;3. 交通工具:公交车;交通工具:公交车;4. 携带物品:雨具,午餐,相机。携带物品:雨具,午餐,相机。注意:注意:1. 词数词数100词左右;词左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连

18、贯;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。五、仿真训练五、仿真训练Dear Chris, Im writing to tell you that we intend to climb the Fragrant Hill this Saturday and I sincerely invite you to go with us on behalf of our class. We are supposed to gather at the school gate and set out at 8:00 am by bus. We will climb to the top of the hill and enjoy our picnic lunch there, so please take some food with you as lunch. At about 2:00 pm, we will go down the hill along another path and return


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