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1、Music李仕才* 阅读理解。If you want to slow aging, you might want to eat less. This finding is good news-if you were a mouse. The researchers studied mice, not people.John Price and other researchers studied two groups of mice. One group was able to eat as much as it wanted. The researchers limited what the

2、mice in the other group ate. Their diet had 35 percent fewer calories than the first group of mice.Price says the mice with the diet restrictions were “ more energetic and suffered fewer disease. ” They we re not just living longer but seemed to stay younger for a longer period of time.The researche

3、rs found that fewer calories slow down a natural mechanism in cells called ribosomes. Price explains that ribosomes are responsible for making important proteins in the cells. But with fewer calories, they slow down. This gives the cells more time to repair themselves.The researchers say ribosomes u

4、se from 10 to 20 percent of the cell s energy tomake those proteins. Price wrote that “because of this, it is impra ctical to destroy an entire ribosome ” when it starts to break down. However,“ repairing individualparts of the ribosome on a regular basis enables ribosomes to continue producing high

5、 quality proteins for longer than they would otherwise. This top quality production, in turn, keeps cells and the entire body functioning well.”Price said, “ ribosome is a very complex machine, like a car. ” They need “ maintenance to replace the parts that wear out the fastest. When tires wear out,

6、” he explained,“you don t thr ow the whole car away and buy a new one. It costs less to replace the old tires. ”“ Food, ” he said, “ isn t just material to be burned - it s a signal that tells our body and cells how to respond. ” Price said the findings help to explain how exactly our bodi es age. A

7、nd this may “help us make more educated decisions about what we eat. ” 1.What can we know about the mice with limited calories from the study?A. They can keep healthy easilyB. They need more energy to be activeC. They can look younger than they areD. They will live a longer life like humans2 .What w

8、ill happen to ribosomes if there are fewer calories?A. They will completely break downB. They make proteins in the cells slowlyC. They will produce high quality proteins moreD. They may need more time to repair themselves3 .Price explained the ribosomes ' role of repairing themselves by.A. telli

9、ng a storyB. listing basic dataC. making comparisonsD. experimenting on mice4 .What does the text mainly deal with?A. Food decides how long you liveB. Can you slow down your aging process?C. Eating less may help you live longerD. Should your diet be reduced for your health?【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。通过研究实验发现:吃的

10、少会使你长寿。1.A【解析】 细节理解题。根据第二段中 The researchers limited what the mice in the other group ate. Their diet had 35 percent fewer calories than the first group of mice. 的提示可知他们能够很容易保持健康,故选Ao2.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中 The researchers found that fewer calories slow down a natural mechanism in cells called ribosomes.

11、的提示可知它们会在细胞中缓慢地产生蛋白质,故选B。4.C【解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段首句If you want to slow aging, you might want toeat less. This finding is good news的提示可知这片名文章的主旨是吃的少会使你长寿,故选Co*语法填空。A recent survey shows that storytelling ranks before television or video games among pastimes ( 消遣)for kids. The survey was carried out among 5

12、00 children aged 34 in Britain, of _1 over three-quarters said they wished their parents couldread to them more often. Almost two-thirds of the kids said reading a story withtheir parents helped them sleep _2_(well)and more easily. According to the survey,there are two ways for parents _3_ (become)

13、good storytellers. They can use _4_ (fun) voices to show different characters in a story. They can also make their own special sounds to keep the story _5_(interest) and attractive. When Mom and Dad aren't at hand, over 30% of kids would like to hear _6_bedtime story from famous people like Harr

14、y Potter star Daniel Radcliffe. Other movie stars like Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson _7_(welcome) by children, too."_8_can be very difficult for parents to find the time to read with their children. But these moments can help build close relationship _9_parents and _ children, and also

15、 can play an important part in their child's 10 (develop),” said child psychologist Woolfson.1. ..10.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。一项调查显示,孩子对听故事的兴趣要大于看电视或者 玩视频游戏。文章通过一些数据告诉人们孩子喜欢听故事,同时,父母和孩子一起读故事也可以让他们之间建立更亲密的关系。1. whom考查定语从句的引导词。句意:这项调查是在英国500个3至4岁的孩子中间进行的,其中超过四分之三的孩子说,他们希望父母能经常给他们读故事。分析句子结构可知,逗号

16、后的句子是一个定语从句,解释说明先行词500 children ,引导词在从句中作介词of的宾语,且指代先行词,故用whom来引导。2. better考查副词的比较级。句意:差不多有三分之二的孩子说,跟父母一起读故事能帮助他们睡得更香、更易入睡。根据下文中的比较级more easily可以推断,设空处也用比较级。故填better 。3. to become考查非谓语动词。句意:根据这项调查,有两个让父母成为讲故事好手 的方法。“There be + n. +to do ”结构中,动词不定式作后置定语修饰名词,表示将要发 生的事。根据句意可知,此处填动词不定式to become。4. funny

17、考查词性转换。句意:他们可以用一些有趣的声音来表现故事中不同的角色。修饰名词用形容词形式。故填名词fun的形容词形式funny ,意为“有趣的”。5. interesting考查词性转换。句意:他们也可以用自己特有的声音使故事有趣,有吸引力。在"keep sth. + adj.”结构中,形容词作宾补;并列连词and连接两个相同词性的成分,故此处用形容词interesting“有趣的",修饰物。6. a 考查冠词。句意:当父母不在身边时,超过30%勺孩子喜欢从一些名人那里听到睡前故事,比如哈利波特的主角丹尼尔拉德克利夫。根据句意可知,这里泛指一个故事,故填不定冠词 a。7.

18、are welcomed考查动词的语态和主谓一致。句意:其他的电影明星像扎克埃弗龙、米利赛勒斯和埃玛沃森也深受孩子们喜欢。主语是复数名词stars ,且动词welcome与主语之间为被动关系,故填被动形式are welcomed 。8. It考查代词。句意:父母很难找到时间和孩子们一起读故事。“It is+adj.+forsb. to do sth.”结构中,it是形式主语,动词不定式短语是真正的主语。故填代词 It。9. between 考查介词。句意:但是这些时刻有助于父母与子女建立亲密的关系,同时对孩子的发展也很重要。between . and . 为固定搭配,意为“在和之间”。10.

19、development 考查词性转换。名词所有格后接名词形式。故填动词 develop的名 词形式development "发展"。*完形填空。When I was just out of college , I managed to get my dream job as a trader in New York City on the floor of the American Stock(证券)Exchange.Though it was a proud _1_ , the job was simply too physically _2_ I muststand i

20、n a crowd every day , which often _3_ me in a mindset(思维模式 )that heldme back.Manhattan is a walking town and it's difficult to _4_ when you have a disability.Taxies are expensive and riding the subway _5_ dozens of steep steps to get below the _6_.This left me only one _7_ the bus.One night , af

21、ter the 8 for myjob , I was aching with self-pity_9_ it startedto rain on mywalk to the bus stop.I became more and more 10 without an umbrella , thinking I'd never _11_ it_in this city and telling myself, “this city is justtoo hard " and "maybe it is just not possible for a guy like me

22、”.And then , I _12 the most beautiful , short moment.A couple came rolling by on roller skates , hand _13 hand as they skated what seemed like the tango.They were all wet but they saw the _14_ as an opportunity and romance.I suddenly became grateful for waiting in the rain because I 15 have missed,a

23、lthough _17 ,this beauty _16 if I had been in a taxi or on the subway.This was an important moment on my journey to discover the _18_ of achieving healthand happiness.When I change my mindset ,19 for a moment , to what is possible20 my daily actions , Iand work to get rid of the self-limiting belief

24、s that _,happier life.will be on the road to a healthier1. A.adjustment B.achievementC. agreement Dtreatment2 A.tiringB boringC relaxingD disappointing3 A.remindedB expectedC tookD left4 A.go upB get aroundC set offD show up5 A.requestsB supportsC requiresD surrounds6 A.groundB streetC townD city7 A

25、.changeB chanceC ideaD choice8 A.struggleB workC experience D influence9 A.beforeB whileC whenD after10 A.nervousB curiousC scaredD upset11 A.getB makeC putD watch12 A.recalledB observedC witnessed D realized13 A.onB byC toD in14 A.rainB treeC windD cloud15 A.shallB wouldC needD must16 A.exactlyB in

26、stantlyC entirelyD suddenly17 A.strangeB smallC normalD different18 A.humorB honestyC powerD principleyet19 A.stillC also D even20 A.affect B followC forbid D harm【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者工作很累,回家路上遇到下雨,心情沮丧。当看到一对夫妇在雨中溜冰的画面, 作者感觉到改变自己的思维模式会使自己走上一条更健康、更快乐的生活之路。文章告诉我们改变思维模式的重要性。【核心词汇】 go up 上升 get around 四处走

27、动set off 出发 show up 出现,到场1 B 根据第一段中的“ I managed to get my dream job ”可知,作者毕业后找到了自己理想的工作, 这份工作应是作者引以为傲的成就, 故选 B 项, achievement 意为“成就”。adjustment “调节”;agreement “同意,一致”;treatment “治疗,对待”。2 A 根据本句中的“ I must stand in a crowd every day ”可推知,这份工作是劳累的,故选 A 项, tiring 意为“累人的,令人疲倦的”。 relaxing “令人放松的”;disappoi

28、nting “令人失望的”。3 D 根据语境可知“我每天都必须站在人群中,这常常让我有想退缩的思维模式”。“leave + sh. +宾补”表示"让某人",故选D项。remind "提醒";expect "预期”。4 B 根据上文的“ Manhattan is a walking town ”可知,曼哈顿是一个步行商业区,所以你有残疾的话是很难四处走动(get around)的。go up "上升";set off "出发";showup "出现,至ij场”。5 C 根据语境可知, 出租车很贵,

29、 乘坐地铁需要(requires) 走下几十个陡峭的台阶才能到达地下。 request “请求”; support “支持”; surround “围绕”。6 A 根据本句中的“ the subway ”以及常识可知,人们在地面(ground) 下乘坐地铁,故选 A 项。7 D 句意: 这让我只有一种选择公共汽车。 根据上文提到的交通方式都不适合作者可知,此处表示作者唯一的选择(choice) 。8 A 句意:一天晚上,在为我的工作苦苦奋斗后,我一直自怨自艾,当我走向公共汽车站的时候又下起了雨。根据语境可推知,此处是指在为工作奋斗(struggle) 了一天之后。experience “经历”

30、; influence “影响”。9 C参见上题解析。when在此处表示“当的时候",符合语境。10 D 根据上文的“ it started to rain ”和空后的“ without an umbrella ”可知,下雨了,但是作者没有带伞,所以作者心情越来越沮丧 (upset) 。11 B 根据上文可知,没有雨伞,作者变得越来越沮丧,心想自己在这个城市里不会取得成功了。 make it 是固定短语,表示“达成目标,获得成功,做成某事”。12 C 句意:然后,我目睹了最美丽、最短暂的时刻。根据下文介绍的一对夫妇在雨中溜冰的画面可知,这是作者看到的。 recall “召回,回想起”

31、; observe “观察”; witness “目睹”; realize “认识到”。13 D 句意: 一对夫妇穿着溜冰鞋, 手拉着手, 他们溜冰的时候像是在跳探戈舞。 hand in hand “手拉手地”,是固定搭配,故选 D项。14 A 根据上文的“ it started to rain ”和“ They were all wet ”可知,虽然他们 身上都被淋湿了,但他们把雨(rain) 当成是一个机会和一种浪漫。15 B 句意:我突然对在雨中等待感到感激,因为如果我在出租车或地铁上,我会完全错过这美景。根据句子结构可知,此处是由 if 引导的对过去的虚拟句,结构为“ if 主 语+

32、had +过去分词,主语+ should/would/could +have +过去分词”,所以选 B项。16 C 根据语境可知,作者觉得如果乘坐其他交通工具就会完全错过这一幕,故选 C 项。 exactly “正是, 恰好”; instantly “立即, 马上”; entirely “完全地”; suddenly “突 然”。17 B 虽然这是生活中的一件小事,但却是作者在探索健康和幸福的旅途中的一个重要时刻。 strange “奇怪的, 陌生的”; small “小的”; normal “正常的”; different “不 同的”,故选 B 项。18 C根据语境可知,作者看到的这一幕给

33、了作者力量。humor"幽默";honesty “诚实,正直";power "力量";principle"原则”。19 D 句意:当我改变我的思维模式去做可能的事情,并努力摆脱那些影响我日常行为的自我限制的信念时, 即使是片刻,我都将会走上一条更健康、 更快乐的生活之路。 根据 句意可知, 此处表示“即使”。 still “仍然”; yet “还, 然而”; also “也, 而且”; even “即 使”。20 A 根据语境可知,此处表示“影响(affect) 我日常行为的自我限制的信念”。* 短文改错。Getting rid of

34、 the bad habit of procrastination ( 拖延症 ) is now my goal in life. Myfirst step was to set small targets what can be reached realistically. For example, I plan to set a timetable for mystudy. So after school, I will put finishing homework in the last place. Additionally, I will make a list of my important task


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