1、长 春 师 范 学 院教 案2011 -2012 学年度第二学期课程名称 英语阅读4 专业班级 2010级英本1-8班 授课教师 李东霞 本 课 程 教 学 总 体 安 排课程名称:英语阅读4课程性质与类型:专业必修课总学时学分: 36学时;2学分教学目的与要求:本课程旨在提高学生的英语阅读能力,扩大词汇量,并且掌握基本的阅读技巧。在此基础上,拓宽学生的视野,培养学生快速准确的获取信息,并且正确的辨别信息的能力;培养学生独立思考,总结文章的中心思想,重点训练学生见“树”亦见“林”的能力。教材及参考书目: 教材:虞苏美 黄源深英语泛读教程4(第二版) 高教版 参考书目:1. 朗文当代高级英语词典
2、 商务印书馆2. 金山词霸Internet3. Jean Zukowski/Faust Susan S.Johnston 字里行间语境阅读 外研社考核方式及成绩计算:考核方式: 平时成绩(课堂表现+作业+出勤)+闭卷书面考试成绩计算方法:平时成绩*20%+闭卷书面考试*80%课 程 教 学 日 历课程名称: 授课学期:周 次章 节 及 教 学 内 容累计学时 1Unit 1: Text Genius and the Craftsman Fast Reading &Home Reading 2 2Unit 2: Text The Population Surprise Fast Read
3、ing &Home Reading2 3Unit 3: Text Food Fight Fast Reading &Home Reading2 4Unit 4: Fast Reading 2 5Unit 5: Text Toy Story Fast Reading &Home Reading 2 6Unit 6: Text Revision Time Goes Online Fast Reading &Home Reading 2 7Unit 7: Text Postmortem with Strings Fast Reading &Home Readi
4、ng 2 8Unit 8 Text The Life of Samuel JohnsonFast Reading &Home Reading 2 9Unit 9 Text The Archaeologists Who Wouldnt Dig Fast Reading &Home Reading 10Unit 10 Text Is Weather Getting Worse? Fast Reading &Home Reading 11Unit 11 Text Personal Names Fast Reading &Home Reading 12Unit 12 T
5、ext Why People Work Fast Reading &Home Reading 13Unit 13 Text Happiness Fast Reading &Home Reading 14Unit 14 Text The American Scholar Fast Reading &Home Reading 15Unit 15 Text The Chrysanthemums Fast Reading &Home Reading第 1 章 教学安排的说明章节题目:Unit 1学时分配:共2学时Text Genius and the Craftsman
6、( 1.5 学时)Fast Reading( 0.5学时)本章教学目的和要求:To make the Students know the language of the text.1. To make the students know the content of the text.2. To let the students have a discussion on what the text is about.3. To remind the students of rhetoric knowledge and structure of the text.其它:根据学生的认知程度及时调整
7、教学进度课 程 教 学 方 案 课程名称、授课时数:Unit 1:Text & Fast Reading; 2 hours授课类型:理论课 和 习题课教学方法与手段:启发式讲授 和讨论指导教学目的和要求:1. To make the Students know the language of the text.2. To make the students know the content of the text.3. To let the students have a discussion on what the text is about.4. To remind the stu
8、dents of rhetoric knowledge and structure of the text.教学重点难点: 对Text的理解及对文章的结构教学内容及组织安排:Unit 1: Genius and the Craftsman ObjectiveÆ It is to know the process of conceiving a story and developing it into a perfect work of art. Time Arrangement » About two periods of class will be used for th
9、e analysis and discussion of the passage itself. Related InformationØ Many people admire writers for their exquisite stories, but few of them know with what painstaking efforts writers work to bring a story into the word. The following passage discusses the process of writing a story in terms o
10、f genius and craftsman. 1. Robert FrostRobert Frost was born on March 26, 1874 in San Francisco and died on January 29, 1963 in Boston. Frost was an American poet and poet-in- residence at a number of colleges and universities. He was best known for his use of colloquial language, familiar rhythms,
11、and symbols taken from common life to express the quiet values of New England life.His major works include the books of poems A Boy's Will (1913), North of Boston (1914), Mountain Interval (1916) New Hampshire (1923), Steeple Bush (1947), In the Clearing (1962), just mention a few. He also wrote
12、 verse Plays, such as A Masque of Reason (1945), and A Masque of Mercy (1947), etc.2. sputnika Russian word, man-made satellite launched by the former Soviet Union.Ø Preview Questions(1) What do you think the meaning of “genius” is?(2) What does a person do to be a genius?(3) Where does genius
13、come from?(4) What do you think the meaning of “craftsman” is?(5) What does a person do to be a craftsman?(6) What relation do you think it is between “genius” and “craftsman”? Emphasized Points Key Words(1) genius(2) craftsman and craftsmanship(3) the creative function(4) conception in the dark of
14、the mind(5) the lucid impression (6) a process of intelligent selection(7) to trust and write(8) rewriting Language Notes1. So it is with the reader who comes upon an outstanding story: spellbound, he takes it to his heart, no question asked. (当读者读到一部杰出的小说时,他也会这样如痴如狂,欲将小说字字句句刻骨铭心,绝不会提出任何问题。)so
15、it is with: the same is true withe.g. San Fransisco is a big city, so it is with Shanghai. 2. there is more to a story's life than the body of words which carries it into the world.(除那将小说带到世上的文字主体之外还有更多的因素才能构成小说的生命。)the body of words: the words that a story is composed of3. it d
16、oes not begin with writing, but with conception in the dark of the mind.(小说并不始于写作,而始于在隐密的内心深处的构思。)The secret construction of a story in the innermost part of one's mind, rather than the writing of it, is the very beginning of the whole creating process of a story. The pronoun it refers to a stor
17、y's life. in the dark: in secrecy.e.g. The transaction is made in the dark.4. genius is not the exclusive property of the master craftsman(天赋并非艺术家独有的特性)property: a characteristic trait or peculiarity.e.g. Cheerfulness is a property of her personality.5. Mastery is genius afoot.(高超的技艺是天赋的显现。
18、)afoot: in operation. e.g. There is a project afoot to improve the roads.6. While genius is a natural part of our mental equipment, like perception, memory, and imagination, craftsmanship is not.(天赋正如理解力、记忆力和想象力一样是我们的精神禀赋中天然的一部分,而技艺却不是。)equipment: the qualities or traits that make up the mental
19、 and emotional resources of an individuale.g. You have the necessary equipment for leadership.7. If the stories that rise within us are to emerge and flourish, each must be provided with a strong, handsome body of words, and only sound craftsmanship can provide this.(如果要使在我们内心深处浮现的故事跃然纸上,并光彩照人,那么,每个
20、故事都须有感染力极强的优雅文笔。只有功底深厚的技艺才能使我们做到这一点。)sound craftsmanship: highly trained skills.e.g. The work of art is a full representation of it's creator's genius and sound craftsmanship.8. it may depend on the individual, as so much does in writing.(这可能取决于个人,而写作中很多事都取决于个人。)The age one begins writing ma
21、y depend on the individual, and much in writing depends on the individual. The pronoun it refers to the age at which people are said to begin writing. 9. airy tracery of beauty given form (这种飘渺的美就交织成了典雅的形式)airy: ethereal.e.g. airy phantoms of the mindtracery: ornamental work of interlaced
22、and branching lines, especially the lacy openwork in a Gothic window.10. Thus variously laden, we move through life.(我们就这样背负着各种记忆渡过一生。)laden: oppressed, burdenede.g. laden with grief11. now and then an experience, often slight, prizes the memory and seizes upon one of those live, expectant impressio
23、ns of long age(时而,一个小小的体验撬开了记忆之门,抓住了这些虽已年代久远,却依然栩栩如生,呼之欲出的印象。) prize: opene.g. Only with a long iron bar did we prize the top off the box.12. letting it cool in between times(在将其搁置一旁冷一段时间)doing nothing about the story during the interval between two rewriting times in order to cultivate some ne
24、w ideas about the story or wait for some ideas to rise.13. No matter how far short of the mark you fall, it is never failure(不论你的工作成果如何不如人意, . 这绝不是失败。)fall short of: fail to reach an aime.g. I scheduled to work hard for two years to earn an MA degree, but my plan fell short of the mark.14. Things wh
25、ich slip past the eye in rereading leap at you and demand attention.(在反复阅读的过程中掠过眼前的事物向你跳跃着以求引起注意。)slip: to pass gradually, easily, or imperceptiblye.g. It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by.15. Such expert knowledge of this one story gives you control(对这部小说的彻底理解给你以控制力.)exp
26、ert: having or demonstrating great skill, dexterity, or knowledge as the result of experience or traininge.g. He had received expert academic advice. Text Comprehension& Structure AnalysisDivisionParagraphMain IdeaPart IThe first three paragraphsAn introduction to the topic. Part IIThe rest of p
27、assage(1) The necessity of understanding the creative function; (2) the process of conceiving a story; (3) the process of developing a story into a perfect work of art. & Comprehension Questions(1) Why does the writer think it necessary to the creative function? - The writer believes that unders
28、tanding of the creative function increases our wisdom in dealing with the emerging story by making us aware of two things: genius and craftsman or craftsmanship.(2) How is a story conceived?- A story is conceived when some experience of the present provokes the combination of ones early impressions.
29、 (3) What is the principle of a storys life? - Like any seed, the seed of a story has its own principle of growth: a) a process of intelligent selection, b) rarely presents itself as a whole.(4) What are the three functions of the craftsman? - Trust, write, and generating skill. & Topic for Disc
30、ussionu Is it possible for a writer to start writing on impulse and then catch some good ideas flashing into his mind during the process of writing? Cite examples to illustrate your point. The answer is yes. But the question is open to discussion. Impulse can not stay long without careful thinking.
31、Writing is also an art and art is cultivated. u Do you think it is true a good story is not written but rewritten? Why or why not? In most cases a good story is rewritten. But there are writers who think very carefully about the story to be written before they start writing. Careful thinking a
32、nd rewriting are of the same nature here. u How does a writer produce good stories? Do you believe that a genius is a person who is able to accomplish things without going through any hardship?A writer needs creative power in producing good stories. He has to make painstaking efforts in writin
33、g. Creative power needs cultivation and genius alone may not work in creating original stories. u Fast Reading Homework¥ Write a composition on the difference and relation of genius and craftsmanship.¥ Preview Unit 2 ¥ Home reading: Reading: Basic Principles第 2 章 教学安排的说明章节题目:Uni
34、t 2学时分配:共2学时Text The Population Surprise( 1.5 学时)Fast Reading( 0.5学时)本章教学目的和要求:1. To make the Students know the language of the text.2. To make the students know the content of the text.3. To let the students have a discussion on what the text is about.4. To remind the students of rhetoric knowledge
35、 and structure of the text.其它:根据学生的认知程度及时调整教学进度课 程 教 学 方 案 课程名称、授课时数:Unit 2:Text & Fast Reading; 2 hours授课类型:理论课 和 习题课教学方法与手段:启发式讲授 和讨论指导教学目的和要求:1. To make the Students know the language of the text.2. To make the students know the content of the text.3. To let the students have a discussion on
36、what the text is about.4. To remind the students of rhetoric knowledge and structure of the text.教学重点难点: 对Text的理解及对文章的结构教学内容及组织安排: The Population Surprise ObjectiveÆ It is to understand what factors account for the change in population, and how these factors influence the change in population.
37、Time Arrangement » About two periods of class will be used for the analysis and discussion of the passage itself. Related InformationØ Many people believe that the worlds population will keep increasing. But is it possible for it to decrease? The writer of this article thinks so. The write
38、r has analyzed some factors that account for the change in world population. 1. About the AuthorMax Singer is an author and policy analyst. Through his firm, The Potomac Organization, he consults and does public policy research for business, government, and non-governmental organizations. In 1961 he
39、 helped Herman Kahn establish Hudson Institute.Recently Singer has consulted and written on issues of the changing international order; economic development and long-term environmental protection; public policy questions related to the collapse of the Soviet Union; the uses of "informal" d
40、ata (or soft statistics); and other matters.His book, The REAL World Order: Zones of Peace/Zones of Turmoil (with Aaron Wildavsky), won the 1996 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order. His articles have appeared in publications such as: The Public Interest; Commentary; Reader's Digest;
41、 The National Interest; The New Republic; and The New York Times Sunday Magazine.Singer was educated at Colby and Columbia Colleges, and holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Harvard Law School. 2. The United Nations Population DivisionThe Population Division is responsible for monitoring and apprais
42、al of the broad range of areas in the field of population. To carry out this responsibility it:* provides support and servicing of such intergovernmental bodies as the Commission on Population and Development, as well as related work of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, throu
43、gh the preparation of high-quality documentation, analytical work and facilitation of consensus-building and policy development. * facilitates access by Governments to information on population trends and their interrelationships with social and economic development as an input to government policy
44、and programme formulation. *contributes to the capacity building of Member States to formulate national population and related policies and programmes for the effective implementation of the recommendations of the Programme of Action; and improves the institutional capabilities of Governments for th
45、e collection, analysis and distribution of national population information.* enhances coordination and cooperation among the organizations of the United Nations system through the Administrative Consultative Committee Subcommittee on Demographic Estimates and Projections and between the United Natio
46、ns system and other international, regional and national organizations active in the field of population.* distributes electronic population information in response to requests and to support coordination among the United Nations entities in the field of population.Ø Preview Questions Why do yo
47、u think the writer believes that population is a surprise? What kind of surprise do you think the writer believes population is? Emphasized Points Key Words(1) birth rate (2) fertility rate(3) death rate (4) replacement rate or replacement level (5) life expectancy(6) modernity(7) the values people
48、hold(8) the unfathomable variable(9) peaks and troughs1. The big surprise of the past twenty years is that in not one country did fertility stop falling when it reached the replacement rate 2.1 children per woman.(过去二十年最令人吃惊的事情是,没有一个国家当其出生率降到人口置换率水平时每个妇女生育2.1个子女就停止下降了。)Note the inversion in the sent
49、ence.Fertility here refers to fertility rate.2. World population was growing by two percent a year in the 1960s; the rate is now down to one percent a year, and if the patterns of the past century don't change radically, it will head into negative numbers.(在六十年代,世界人口每年只增长2%,现在这一比率已降到每年1%。而且要不是上个
50、世纪19世纪生育模式发生了根本性变化的话,这将会导致人口的负增长。)Head: move inevitably toward something. e.g. The economy is heading for recession.3. As long ago as September of 1974 Scientific American published a special issue on population that described what demographers had begun calling the "demograph
51、ic transition" from traditional high rates of birth and death to the low ones of modern society.(早在1974年9月,美国科学杂志发行了一份人口研究专号,描述了人口学家所称的"人口过渡期"的情况,即从传统的高出生率和死亡率转到现代社会的低出生率和死亡率。)Demographic: pertaining to the statistical data of a population. esp.those showing average age, income, educa
52、tion, etc.4. The experts' assumption that population would stabilize because birth rates would stop falling once they matched the new low death rates has not been borne out by experience.(专家们推测出生率一旦同新的低死亡率达到平衡后就会停止衰减,所以人口能够保持稳定,这种推测没有得到经验的证实。)Bear something out: support or confirm something.e.g.
53、 This assumption is not borne out by any evidence.5. In the United States fertility has been falling for 200 years (except for the blip of the Baby Boom3), but partly because of immigration it has stayed only slightly below replacement level for twenty-five years.(美国二百多年来生育率一直在下降除了二战过后出现的短暂的生育高峰期,但是
54、在某种程度上受移民的影响,在25年里它只略低于人口置换率。)Blip: an unexpected, minor, and typically temporary deviation form a general trend. e.g. The Chancellor dismissed the rising inflation as a temporary blip.6. World population can be stable only if fertility rates around the world average out to 2.1 chi
55、ldren per woman.(只有世界范围内的出生率能达到平均每位妇女生育2.1个子女,世界人口才可能稳定。)Average our at/to: result in an average figure at. e.g. The cost should average out at 6 pounds per page.7. Much bigger changes in share are possible for smaller groups if they can maintain their difference from the average f
56、or a long period of time.(对于一些较小的人口群体来说,如果他们长时间内与平均出生率保持差距,那么他们所占世界人口的份额可能会产生更大的变化。)Share: a part or portion in a large amounte.g. We gave them all the chance to have a share in the profits.8. If they do, and fertility rates start to climb, fertility is no more likely to stop climbing at an average rate of 2.1 children per woman than it was to stop falling at 2.1 on the way down.(如果是这样,那么出生率就会攀升。而且在达到每位女性生育2.1个子女这样一个平均水平后会停止上升的可能性并不比降到2.1后会停止下降的可能性大多少。)Note the structure "no more . than". Text Comprehension& Structure AnalysisDivisionParagraphMain IdeaPart IThe f
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