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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上社会类话题2014年7月12日 (社会话题)年轻人是否适合政府岗位题目:Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government,while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.   There is a

2、 debate about whether young generation is qualified for important positions in the government. In this essay, I will discuss the viewpoints of both supporters and opponents and give my own opinion.It is generally believed that young people are immature and inexperienced. They tend to make decisions

3、without enough consideration, which may lead to serious consequences if they are in charge of important department of the government. Many young people are spoilt by their parents in their childhood and adolescence. This young generation is less considerate and responsiblethan their parents and gran

4、dparents. As government positions concern the welfare of citizens and require serious commitment, young people seem to be unsuitable for these positions.On the other hand, some people argue that young people should be given more opportunities to do government work. They have more energy and enthusia

5、sm for their jobs than the older generation. What is more important is that young people are receptive to new ideas and technology. They are expected to bring innovative style to the government work, which is considered as rigid and conservative. For example, in some cities, young officials of the g

6、overnment use online social networking to interact with local residents and enhance the ties of the government and the public.In my view, young people should be encouraged to take more responsibilities for government work. This is a good way to change the stereotype (老套的,一成不变的)of the government and

7、improve its service. Considering their lack of experience, job training may be needed before people take on their positions. They are likely to make mistakes, but this is how they grow and become competent for their jobs.  反对方的理由:年轻人不成熟(immature),缺乏经验(inexperienced),还可以写年轻一代被父母宠爱,变得不够周到(in

8、considerate)和不负责任(irresponsible),这些都是教育话题里面反复使用的素材和词汇。最后提到政府的工作关系到人们的福利,需要认真的承诺(concern the welfare of citizens and require serious commitment),所以年轻人不适合支持方的写法:年轻人有活力,有热情(have energy and enthusiasm),易于接受新思想和新技术(are receptive to new ideas and new technology)。他们善于创新(innovative)能够改变政府的刻板和保守(rigid and co

9、nservative)。用到了一个举例论证,比如一些年轻的政府官员使用社交网和民众交流,增进政府和人民的关系,这样就用到科技话题里面的一些例子了。  结论段,仍然是折中式的写法,支持年轻人做政府的工作,但是需要给他们一些job training,允许他们犯错误,并且在错误中成长2013年11月16日雅思写作范文 语言减少的利弊 题目:Across the world today, the use of many languages has been declining. Only a few languages have been increasingly use

10、d. Is this a positive or negative development? It is reported that every year several languages die out and only a few languages are expected to become dominant across the world in the future. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.Undoubtedly, with the decreasing numb

11、er of languages, communications between nations would become easier, which would promote the development of various sectors, such as tourism, trade, education, etc. Language barriers have long impeded international exchange and cooperation, causing a lot of inconveniences and frustrations. If people

12、 from different countries use the same language, they do not need to worry about communication problem when travelling, studying and doing business in another country. Another advantage of popularizing some universal languages is enormous. In many cases, incorrect translation leads to misunderstandi

13、ng and embarrassment. With fewer languages spoken, these problems can be effectively solved.On the other hand, the extinction of languages also causes wide concerns. As language is the carrier of culture, the disappearance of the language spoken by a community often means the loss of some forms of c

14、ulture, including songs, literature and local traditions.For example, among some minority groups in China, people do not want to learn their local languages. As a result, the younger generations know little about the history and customs of their communities. Their lives are not different from those

15、who live in big cities. This is a pity, as culture diversity is regarded as valuable assets of human beings. Overall, it is true that fewer languages would make life easier. However, from the perspective of preserving cultures, we should make an effort to save some languages from dying out. 

16、60;这个题大家可能觉得也不是很难,因为语言减少带来了方便、效率,能够促进国际交流、商务、旅游的发展,减少误解。还有一个,能够减少翻译费用,全世界每年由于语言不通而花费在翻译上的费用也是惊人的。弊端怎么写?语言减少会导致少数民族文化的消失,这一点估计大家都想到了,但是写来写去好像也就那么几个词。这时候你可以举例子。比如大家去外地旅游,发现每个地方都一样。问问那些少数民族地区的年轻人,很多都已经不会说当地的语言。这无疑是文化的损失。其实语言学习是很功利的,你为什么学英语,而不去学拉丁语、希腊语,不去学满文、蒙古文?所以文章结尾我们还是号召政府采取行动吧。健康类2014年7月19日 So

17、me people think that the government has the duty to ensure that its citizens have a healthy diet, while others believe this is individuals' responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.                从政府

18、角度来说,确保人们吃得健康可以增强人们的身体素质和减少社会的医疗成本(enhance peoples physical quality and reduce the medical cost of the society)。我举了两个例子,一个是刚才讲的肥胖税,还一个就是学校的营养餐(nutritional food),这些都可以看作是政府干预的例子。对于这样一个题目,不举例是不好写的。        另一方面,人们的饮食习惯(eating habit)其实是很难被政府改变的。又是大量的举例论证:比如有些人买垃圾食

19、品主要是因为工作太忙,没时间做饭,所以政府的措施可能是无效的(futile)。如果政府强制实施某些法律法规(enforce some laws and regulations),那么人们可能会抱怨政府干涉了他们的生活(interfere in their lives)。        结论段,其实吃什么还是由每个人自己决定的,只不过政府应该采取一些措施去提倡健康饮食。比如做一些公益广告(public service advertisements),提高人们的意识(raise the awareness of the

20、 importance of healthy eating)。这些都是雅思写作里常用的一些素材和词汇。Overweight had become a widespread problem in many countries and whether the government has the obligation to improve peoples dietary habit is a controversial issue.Eating is the most important part of peoples daily lives and it is directly related

21、to their health. Unhealthy eating may lead to a series of health problems such as obesity, diabetes (dabi:ti:z), etc. As the administrator of the society, the government should take actions to promote the healthy diet. This would enhance peoples physical quality and reduce the medical cost of the so

22、ciety. For instance, some countries levy fat tax to discourage people from eating food with high oil and calories. Another example is some programs of providing nutritional food for student, which are funded by the government.However, some people argue that health is an issue of individuals and the

23、governments effort is futile (fju:tal) and unjustified. People have their own lifestyles and these would not be easily changed by the governments campaigns. For example, some people choose to eat junk food because they are too busy with their work and have no time to cook. If the government enforces

24、 some laws or regulations to promote the healthy diet, people may complain that the government is interfereing in their lives.In my opinion, what to eat is a personal choice and it is decided by the individual rather than the government. However, governments measures are needed to promote healthy ea

25、ting. A good way is for the government to produce some public service advisements to raise peoples awareness of the importance of healthy eating.  2013年2月2日题目:Some people think watching TV is bad for children, while others think that watching TV has more beneficial effects on children. Discuss

26、both views and give your own opinion.  Watching TV is a common way for many people to spend their leisure time. However, there is a debate about whether children should be allowed to watch TV or not.Those who advocate watching TV may give reasons as follow. To begin with, children can broa

27、den their horizons by watching various programs, particularly those informative and educational ones. They can view the magnificentscenery of grassland of Africa and explore the mysterious outer space on the screen. It is an effective and affordable way to know the nature and the world. Moreover, wa

28、tching TV is beneficial for childrens relief of the stress arising from study. When they get tired of the complicated formulas and equations( kwen), they can take a break by watching interesting TV programs. On the other hand, there are many people who are opposed to childrens watching TV, arguing t

29、hat it has many negative effects. The first one is that children tend get addicted to TV plays, which waste their precious time and distract them from study. Another drawback comes from some programs containing violence elements. As children lack self control and have difficulty in judging what is r

30、ight and wrong, they are likely to imitate those heroes in the programs and display some improper behavior. For example, some children learn to smoke and drink after they watch action programs.In my point of view, TV is a double-edged sword for children. It is not wise to ban them from watching TV,

31、which is an important source of information for them. Meanwhile, teachers and parents should play an active role in this aspect, such as controlling the amount of time and giving them guidance in selecting suitable programs.2014年6月7日(犯罪类话题) 题目:Some people believe that if the police force carrie

32、s guns, it would encourage a higher level of violence in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?       2014-06-07警察带枪会增加暴力犯罪是否同意(犯罪话题)In some countries, policemen can carry guns when patrolling on thestreet, but in some other countries, this is not al

33、lowed. Whether the police should be armed has long been a controversial issue.On the other hand, there is no doubt that armed police would have a deterrent (dternt制止的) effect on those who intend to commit crimes. Guns are powerful weapons in cracking down on crimes. When confronted with ruthless cri

34、minals, guns enable the policemen to better protect civilians and defend themselves. For example, in many large cities of China, policemen are required to carry guns to patrol on places with defense crowds. This has proved to be effective in curbing violent crimes.On the other hand, the police armed

35、 with weapons may have a negative impact on public security. The first concern is the abuse of weapons and the loopholes of gun control. If the policemen are encouraged to use guns, it is possible that they may become reckless and misuse their guns. Every year, we hear news that innocentcitizens are

36、 shot by the police by mistake. Moreover, in some countries where people can possess guns according the law, armed police may reinforce their gunculture. The gunfight between the police and criminals would become common on the street and people would lack the sense of security.All in all, it is diff

37、icult to judge whether it is right or wrong for policemen to carry guns in their routine task. This depends on the specific situation of a city or a country. The best way is to take comprehensive measures to improve the public security and using guns is just an optionwhen necessary.   

38、;     如果要在40分钟之内写完一个不太熟悉的话题,我们应该尽量利用课上讲过的一些核心词汇。按照写作的惯例,可以从两方面来分析。一方面,警察带枪的好处是震慑潜在的犯罪分子(have a deterrent effect on those who intend to commit crimes),打击犯罪(crack down on crimes),保护人民也保护自己(protect civilians and defend themselves),然后我举了个中国的例子,为了打击恐怖分子,咱们的大城市现在都派了武装警察巡逻(armed po

39、lice patrols on the street),尤其是在人群密集的地方(in places with dense crowds)。好像现在还有一个词叫反恐大妈,大妈当志愿者,在小区里防范恐怖分子,当然这个和警察带枪没有什么联系了,大妈戴的都是红袖标。        另一方面,警察带枪也会有一些负面影响。首先是枪支的滥用和管理的漏洞(the abuse of weapons and the loopholes of gun control)。警察容易玩枪走火的,所以我们国家对于警察拿枪也管理得非常严格。在国外

40、,经常会有无辜群众被警察误伤的(innocent citizens are shot by the police by mistake)。有一次是在2005年,伦敦地铁爆炸案之后,伦敦草木皆兵,导致一名赶地铁的巴西工人被警察当成恐怖分子击毙了。还有,去了美国之后,如果警察让你站住,一定不要乱跑,否则他们真的会开枪的。回到题目,还有一个弊端写的是在某些允许持枪的国家(in some countries where people can possess guns according to the law),如果警察也带枪,罪犯也带枪,老百姓也带枪,那就热闹了,你说是不是?所以在警察带枪的城市,人们

41、往往不是觉得更安全,反而会缺乏安全感的(people would lack the sense of security)。   2014年5月15日雅思写作范文(工作类) 题目:Employers should give its staff at least four weeks of holidays a year to make employees do better in their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?    2014-05-15 员工

42、是否应该每年享受4周休假(工作话题)The lengths of annual holidays vary in different companies and different countries. Some people think that all employees are entitled to have at least 4 weeks of holidays every year. I believe this practice would enhance the satisfaction of employees and promote the long-term devel

43、opment of the company.Most employees would welcome the four-week long vacation, which means they would have more time to travel and stay with their family members. It is common for people to suffer from high stress in their work and taking more time off is an effective way to relieve this pressure.

44、Those busy parents can take this vacation together with their children, which would increase their communication and enhance family cohesion. Some employees may take advantage of the holidays to attend training courses and improve their professional skills.From the perspective of the company, some p

45、eople may argue that long vacation would increase the labor cost and affect the normal operation. However, once the employees welfare is improved, they are expected to have more motivationto serve the company better. The company may need to hire more people and spend more money on human resources, b

46、ut it will be rewarded in the long term if employees are happy with how they are treated in the company.To summarize, I believe that 4-week holidays would be popular with people in workplaces as this policy can improve the quality of their lives and motivate them to make more contribution to the com

47、pany. Therefore, it is also beneficial for the companys long-term development.   休假的好处是什么?就是不用上班。休多长的假期最合适?当然是越多越好。这也许是所有人的想法。各个国家的休假规定都不一样,据说最长的是巴西,每年休假天数能够达到40天以上,包括年假和法定假。在这方面,我们严重地落后于世界平均水平。中国每年的法定假一共11天,也就是五一国庆春节等等,看看那几天举国欢腾的气氛,就知道我们有多么缺乏带薪假期了。      

48、  这个题目出得有点太技术性了,是否应该休4周的假期?这个是不算法定节日和周末的。这个长度应该不短了。其实就是问你,给员工多放点假好不好?如果从个人角度来说,那当然是相当好了,包括放松身心、缓解压力、多陪家人、增强家庭凝聚力,还有参加培训班给自己充电等等。(have more time to travel,spend more time with their families,relieve pressure,enhance family cohesion,attend training courses)      

49、;  光这一个好处估计字数会不够,所以写到了对于公司的长远发展也有好处(long-term development)。文章第三段主要使用的是让步反驳的论证方法。有人认为多休假会增加用人成本(increase labor cost,spend more money on human resources)、影响正常运营(affect normal operation),反驳的理由是员工的福利改善之后(improve their welfare),他们的满意度提高了(enhance their satisfaction),他们会更加积极主动地为公司服务(have more mot

50、ivation to serve the company better)。在雅思的作文里,我们总是把人想得非常善良和美好2014年5月10日雅思写作范文(两性平等话题) 题目:In many countries today, both men and women need to work full time. Therefore, some people think men and women should share household tasks equally (e g. cleaning and looking after children). To what ex

51、tent do you agree or disagree?  2014-05-10男女是否应该平摊家务(两性平等话题)It is common these days for women in many countries to engage in full-time jobs, but it seems they still need to be responsible for most of housework at home. Some people consider it unfair and believe the household tasks should b

52、e shared equally by men and women. This argument may be true.For many full-time female employees, household chores(t:(r) 家常杂物) take up most of their spare time and sometimes affect their work, which put them in a disadvantageous position in the workplace. This problem could be solved if men can get

53、more involved in housework at home, giving more time to women to pursue their careers.Moreover, by taking care of children, men can bring new perspectives and approaches to childrens education. Traditionally, it is the duty of women to attend children because mother is thought to be gentle and consi

54、derate. But children may have deficiency in their personalities if they lack love and care from their father. Raising a child requires the effort of both father and mother. For instance, if a father spends more time with his children, he can teach them some important qualities such as courage and de

55、termination.However, it is difficult to quantify the housework that husband and wife should undertake. Men and women have different strengths and families vary in terms of their situations. We should encourage men to take more responsibilities for household tasks, but it does not mean that housework

56、 should be split in half and assigned to husband and wife alike.Overall, to promote gender equality and provide better family education for children, men and women should share housework and shoulder the familys responsibilities equally. 解析:         

57、      我们来分析一下这篇文章的具体写法。总论点:男人应该更多地参与家务,但也不是简单地平分家务。如何论述男人参与家庭事务的合理性?本文列举了两个理由:1.有利于消除就业性别歧视eliminate gender discrimination in the workplace. 女人在找工作时经常处于不利地位,Be in a disadvantageous position,为什么很多公司不愿意招收女员工?因为女员工事情多,主要一点就是被家务所累,洗衣做饭带孩子,容易影响工作。如果全社会都形成男女分摊家务的良好风气,那么一定能够促进

58、工作中的男女平等promote gender equality ;2. 男人做家务有利于孩子教育。这里的家务指的是照顾孩子这件事。传统观点认为带孩子理所当然是妈妈的责任,因为她们温柔体贴gender and considerate,但是研究表明并非这么简单。如果孩子缺乏父爱,可能会导致性格缺陷lead to deficiency in their personalities。如果父亲多陪孩子,能够教会孩子一些重要的品格teach them some important qualities such as courage and determination,想想电视和电影里的那些 “爸爸去哪了”

59、,你就知道爸爸的教育对于孩子有多么不可或缺了。      本文的让步段写的是不必男女平摊家务。我们鼓励男人做家务,主要是希望男人承担起更多家庭的事务,但并一定要平均分摊。每个家庭情况不同,也许有的女人就愿意老公什么都不干呢,或者反过来,有的老公就愿意把家务活全包了呢。所以没有必要把家务平均分配be split in half and assigned to husband and wife alike。 2011年9月15日雅思写作范文(教育类和广告类的结合)题目:Nowadays a large amount of adv

60、ertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Whether we like it or not, advertising has penetrated into every aspect of our lives and brought about advantages as well as disadvantages. Among all these sales promotion activities, the advertising directed at children is widely criticized.The detrimental (detrmentl有害的) impacts of advertising on children are obvious. To begin with, children are cur


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